Vtcdnesday, Decern k er J, iíMív came mere, d u i Bne rauea to men­ pects about thirty-two to be In the tion the thousands of desirable peo­ glee club. Established 1876 ple who live there, and other thous­ Twenty-seven health posters were Published Every Evening Except ands of desirable people who come handed to Miss Reid yesterday fore­ Sunday there yearly. Christ’s mission on noon. She expects more, as there TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. earth Was to SEEK and save that was ninety-five sheets of paper dis­ O FFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY ' which was io?t, and he roiagied. with tributed. All posters are to be in PAPER the publican and sinner. Then shall Tuesday nlghk TELEPHONE 39 his disciples build a wall around The Misses Allen, Beaver, Rejd. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon.. themselves and hold aloof from the Spencer and Blume have been ap­ Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ sinner? Alas! that is the trouble ter____________________________ _ pointed a s a committee to arrange - 5B ........... S !T-"" ■ ■■ i f e g with gome’ of the churches today. ~ for the Christmas program. Evangeline Booth has stated that * «> TH E P E O P L E ’S FORUM. ♦ a large per cent of the unfortunates brought to the “Rescue Home” in High School News New York City were girls reared in the small towns. Perhaps the rea­ To the editor of the Tidings: * I have lived in Ashland nearly fif­ son for this is that every small town teen years and have heard all kinds invariably has its quota of “village The girls of the freshman cooking of knocking against the improve­ gossips” and many an innocent girl class are now studying eggs: ments being made in our city, from is branded by their fiery tongues The delinquent slips for this week the extension of the sewerage sys­ and started on the downward path. have just been posted. These slips tem out the Boulevard (which some “God made the country; man made are to show the students if their people said would ruin the town) the city and the devil has the small work is below 76 per cent. down to the last improvements that town.” The junior English classes will Then let Ashland awake from her have been made; but the argument have a test Thursday. This test will put forth in an article appearing in Rip Van Winkle sleep, and grow cover the lives and writings of Poe, the columns of your paper, that a and grow until the beautiful hills Emerson, and Whitman. “tourists’ hotel” would endanger and valley are dotted with homes "of Every noon when the weather will the morals of the young peopl^ of happy . contented people. Let Ash­ permit, students play baseball. Some land have a “tourist hotel.” not for Ashland, caps the climax. About two centuries after the the dollars and cents It will bring, days they have quite exciting games The afternoon junior English writing of “Esop's Fables,” lived a but for the benefit her people will class will be given a test December great,an d good philosopher, Socra­ receive from coming In contact with Part of the class,are reading tes. His special work was to break people who will broaden their vision down prejudices, to show people and enlarge their ideas. Although “The Making of an American” by their ignorance, to expose fallacies. a few undesirables may come, there Jacob Rlls. The rest are reading He believed in the good, the beauti­ will be thousands of the desirable«. “The Promised Land” by Mary An- tin. AN ASHLAND MOTHER. ful, and the true. His writings con­ There are three pianos at the high (Mrs. James H. Doran.) tain food for thought at the present school. One of these Is in the as­ time; but he was given the fatal cup sembly, one In the gymnasium, and o i hemlock because his teaching's the third Is used In the music room. were thought by the people in those days to corrupt the youth. Then shall Ashland commercialize her mineral waters, exploit the beau­ tiful scenery and luscious fruit? By FLORENCE WILSON Shall the Civic Improvement club Frank Bently, while going home I continue to try and make Ashland Monday noon, was injured and h»d the best home town in Southern his bicycle broken. Hie was holding Oregon? Or shall her people be so on to a truck going down North afraid of coming into contact with Main street. The truck turned down some one not morally as good as Water street, but Frank thought It » we profess to be? (Ashland does not was going on to the Plaza. He rode have monopoly of all the morality in the world.) Crawl into our shell in front of the ti*uck and was thrown off on the sidewalk. Both GOLD HILL, Or.,. Dec. 7.— There and give Ashland the fatal cup of wheels of his bicycle were broken. is a movement on. foot to re-water hemlock? He was not seriously injured, but Sardine Creek valley on an exten­ We have had the tourists here for might have been. sive scale and bring a larger acre­ the past few years, and I know the A new rule has been made by sev­ age under irrigation. The present young people have not suffered mor­ eral of the teachers, that If a pupil system diverted from this stream is ally for having come in contact with talks to the teacher without permis­ inadequate to supply the growing people from the outside world. sion, he will be sent out of the room demand. This area is the richest in A few years ago the representa­ and will receive zero for the recita­ natural resources of any. part o f the tives of a canning company came to Sardine creek Ashland for the purpose of estab­ tion. Some pupils have already suf­ Gold Hill district. has it confluence with. Rogue river lishing a cannery; but some of our fered from this penalty. Miss Marsters has organized a Just a mile below Gold HilL citizens said, “O, no, we have a can­ glee club for the Junior high school. The plana uhder survey are t o ' nery (which was a small affair). She has tried out several voices from construct djvertipg works on Rogue This company established a cannery elsewhere. Today Ashland has no the Sixth A, Seventh B and Eighth river, several miles «hove Gold Hill, cannery, and one has only to take A music classes. Miss Marsters ax- and pump the water into a high-line a stroll through the fruit districts to see the thousands of dollars worth of fruit going to waste on the ground. I am the wife of an or- chardist and would like to see a cannery or dehydrating plant estab­ EL JL. lished, but I would not knock any move being made for a “Greater Ashland.” THRILLING — - BEAUTIFUL This lady mentions several health resorts where she has been and speaks o f ’the few undesirables who Ashland Tiding.«; Junior High Notes MORE n IN DEMANDAT HUH canal on the plan of the Grants Pass Irrigation district recently complet­ ed. This would effect a gravity ditch to corver the lowlands below Gold Hill on the north side of the river. It also would be practical to extend these two systems into the Evans and Ward creek districts be­ low Gold HUI. If the project is consummated the right of way cleared and graded for the old Gold Hill high line ditch twenty years ago will be part of the new system. The old construction work is about 300 feet above the river bed at Gold Hill. AN UNUSUAL GIFT What if you could give a High School boy or girl a Christmas present that through a little effort on the part of its possessor would grow increas­ ingly valuable! A “Nationalized” Savings Account fits that cbscription. What young person wouldn’t like a pass-book with a deposit of five or ten dollars? And it’s very probable that such a start would encourage them to keep on. Mr. Roselle, the tailor at Orres, is an artist as a tailor. He recently came here from Minneapolis. 69tf Exchange Department W hy not tr y it? tia l life lesson. T h rift is a n e sse n ­ If you have fu rn itu re th at doesn ’t F ir s t N a t i o n a l B a n k su it— w ant som eth in g m ore up to date and b etter— phone us and Oregon w e’ll sen d a com p etent m an to see it and arrange to tak e it us part p aym en t on th e k in d you w an t— the q u ality kind. W e’ll m ake you a liberal allow an ce for your goods and w e’ll s e ll you new fu rn itu re a t low prices. T he new fu rn itu re w ill be prom ptly d eliv ­ ered. Swenson, McRae Company S e e the «Splendid D isp la y of R E R R ’5 * C ute C o a ts fo r L ittle K id d ie s F lo u r a n d Cereal Products * * Don’t Cost Much Here Although from appearance and the quality of goods from which they are made you would expect to pay more than the coats are marked. JUST 50 CHILDREN’S COATS LEFT All going at 20 per cent off regular price *■' A t t h e W in te r F a ir In th e N atatoriu m EVERY WOMEN’S SILK AND WOOL DRESS AT REDUCED PRICES ‘ 20 per cent off on all wool dresses 10 per cent off on all silk dresses 20 per cent off on all wool skirts 20 per cent off on winter suits Women’s $40.00 coats, now. .$22.50 Women’s $60.00 coats, now. $32.50 'W e ste rn P r o d u c t s of W e s t e r n C e r e a ls fo r W e s te r n P e o p le w h o b u ild up W e ite r n ' I n d u s t r ie s Kerr-Gifford S Co. P o r t la n d ;; 1» M a n n ’s D e p a r tm e n t S to r e MEDFORD, OREGON O re g o n li ; wm Gratify; t ^ , (feesre now— SOME THINGS OF INTE6EST The Poultry Producers’ association of Medford ship ped 26,457 pounds of dressed turkeys for the Thanksgiv- jing market, this being the largest shipment ever made from this valley. The quality of these birds were so fine that on their arrival at San Francisco, the government took 15,000 pounds of this lot. i! FARMERSBENEFIT IN MARKETING Some time ago, the directors of the Poultry Producers’ Associa­ tion started working on a plan through which the growers of turkeys would, like the producers of eggs, receive all the profits de­ rived from their sale, with the exception of the actual cost of putting their product on the mar­ ket. Their plan was to guarantee the growers as much as any local dealer would pay and after the turkeys were sold and the cost of handling deducted, return all the excess profit to the growers. At this time, we are pleased to an­ nounce that we are returning to the growers 31190.56 excess pro­ fit on this shipment, which will tnake the turkeys sold through the Poultry Producers’ Associa­ tion net the growers, free of all charges, 38c per pound net. (Signed) E. C. LOCKWOOD, G. H. STOWELL, H. H. CLARKE. M EDFORD BuX tfiwos or an Edison, Victor’ FhoRtigriph. Let everyone iq your hoipe know the delight, comfort, and, satisfaction there is in Music. use Write and we will mall yon,Catalog MEDTORD „ . OREGON Fn THE MECCA OF EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS “ Gifts that last” is the slogan of the better jewelers of America—and for centuries the recipients of gifts of jewelry have experienced the truth of it! Fine jewelry is the gif t ideal because of its dis­ tinction, beauty, high intrinsic value and longevity. At Ashland Winter Fair GF THE FIRST TOURING CAR DESIGNED AND PRODUCED ENTIRELY BY THE NEW MAXWELL ORGANIZATION • Our Christmas selections have been chosen to meet the conditions of today—and they are priced at th.e values of today! No matter how limited your purse may be, or how ample, you’ll find some gift at Reddy’s that will meet your requirements. Here are diamonds that emphasis the pre-eminence of Reddy’s qualities -—the advantage of Reddy’s prices. Now is a propitious time for the pur­ chase of these fine gam«...................... M ail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention A car w hich reveals, a t a glance, such a w ealth of beauty and goodness th a t the price seems alm ost unbelievable. Gord tires, non-skid front and rear, 31x4 inch. D isc w h eels dem ountable a t hub and rim , or wood artillery w h eels, op tion al w ith ou t extra cost. U n usually lon g sprin gs prom ote com fort, tire eco­ nom y, roadability. A lem lte lubrication. Drum type head lam ps and cow l lam ps, nickel trim m ed. N on-glare len ses. B roadcloth u p h olstery; T urkish cushions. A dult-sized seats, deep and w ide and room y. New type w indshield, hinged at top and bottom . W indchield visor. W indshield wiped. R ear-vision m irror. B odies low er and larger, w ithout sacrificin g head room. W ool carpet on floor. New steerin g com fort. C lutch and brake action, steerin g and gea r-sh iftin g m ade rem arkably easy. H andsom e and accessible in stru m en t board. B est sw itch es. M otor driven electric horn. A. W . Walker Auto Co. MEDFORD OREGON Martin J. Reddy Southern Oregon’s Jeweler MEDTORD, OREGON OREGON First Showing MAXWELL