PAGh F o ra ARHLÁND DAILY W ftöiöS LOCAL AND PERSONAL MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK A dren reached, 165. 6? YEAR YOUNG HIKER STOPS HERE E astern Star meets Tuesday even­ ing. Initiations. M alta commandery, W ednesday evening. Ashland lodge No. 23, Thursday Men may come and men may go evening. Lunch at 6:30 followed by but somewhere in the soul of Jam es program . All of the foregoing orders elect Alby Hill, of Berkeley, Calif., sixty- seven year old seeker of health, is officers for 1922. the eternal fire of youth and the w anderlust call of the dusty, open G oing to H ild e b r a n d - road. Aided by a travel worn crutch Fred Beck, who has been visiting carrying a small suitcase and wear­ his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and ing a genial smile, the white-haired Mrs. A. E. Powell, at th eir home on patriarch of the highways slowly but A street, yeft this m orning for Hil­ cheerfully hobbled his way to the debrand, K lam ath county, to visit Plaza late yesterday afternoon and his son. Mr. Beck is a form er farm ­ pronounced it good a fte r the all-day er who has had very interesting ex­ hike from Medford. He spent the perience the past few years, work­ night at a local rooming house and ing on the highway and in the navy left this morning for California on yard at Vallejo, visiting the Yosem­ a trip th at will take him as far south ite, National park and San F ra n ­ as San Diego before makiug his way cisco— which he had not seen for east by Arizona as the prelim inary thirty-five years— seeing his child­ to a 4000 mile foot journey to East- ren at Salem and Ashland, after liv­ port, Maine. ing for a half life time on a fron­ Under doctor’s orders, Mr. Hill, tier farm . Mr. Beck has two bro th ­ who suffers from rheum atism , left ers in Stuttgart, Germany, who write San Francisco from the ocean surf th a t conditions are very hard in the near the Golden Gate July 26. He old country, where the government is Insistent with his explanations takes out ten per cent of even lab­ th a t his unique hike is for h e a lth ' o re r’s wages. only, asserting th at he pays his way independently and is neither ped­ Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, dling or alms begging. Since the 20 cents. Endters Confectionery. 62tf sta rt of his trip he has visited the governors a n d state executives of Jew eler HI— Nevada, Oregon and W ashington, O. H. Johnson, proprietor of a obtaining th eir autographs in a local jew eler shop, is ill at his home with 165 North Main street. Mr. Johnson name-scribbled book filled newspaper clippings and photo­ was suffering from a bad cold yes­ terday and is today confined to his graphs. Among the signatures list- el are Governors Louis F. H art, bed. Wash., E. D. Boyle, Nev., Ben W. Ol­ cott, Or., and W. D. Stephens, Calif. For pleating, see Or res. 69tf The book contains signatures of prom inent men, college presidents, Special E lection D ec. 14.__ A special election for the voting and city officials in various p arts of of bonds to improve the county fair the northw est. True to his creed of youth, the ground at Medford, will be held December 14. Numerous telephone aged hiker has a hobby. He has let­ inquiries were received a t the Tid­ ters from the m ayors of various cities to th e executives of eastern ings office this morning. cities bearing a like name. “W hen I P o rtraits th a t please. Darling get th ro u g h ,” smiled Mr. Hill, “ E ast Studio. 71-lm o will meet W est, and, I hope, never the tw ain shall p a rt.” He bears a letter from two year old Leeds Sulli­ R eturns from Canada— W. R. McGee returned last even­ van to the la tte r’s uncle, K enneth ing from British Columbia, where C. Beaton, known nationally to he has been visiting the McGee col­ newpaper readers as K. C. B. A fter leaving Arizona, Mr. H ill ony from Ashland, which consists of will make his way up a n d down the Mr. and Mrs. Allen McGee— form er­ ly Miss Lottie Crews— Mr. and Mrs. central states, visit his old home at J. J. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ Galion, O., and w inter a year from ard Hoover. The two ladies last now in Florida. In the sum m er he nam ed were form erly the Misses will hike to Maine, his objective. He Myrtle a n d Minnie Bell McGee, sis­ estim ates th a t the trip will take two ters of Allen McGee and daughters years. W hether or not he will re­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McGee, of turn to California b / train is as yet Ashland. They all live on adjoning problem atical, he said. farm s in the Thompson river valley, tw enty-four miles from Kamloops The Ashland W inter F a ir Decem­ and one hundred miles from Van­ ber 7-8-9-10. 60-eod couver. Their post office is Black Pines, B. C., and they are all pros­ Limit Truck Ixwids— pering, reports Mr. McGee. At a recent m eeting of the county court an order was issued lim iting W ith modern apparatus we can the loads of vehicles passing over all make your p o rtrait a t night as well dirt and macadam roads to two-ton as in day tim e Evening by ap­ loads. Over the Pacific highway, pointm ent. D arling Studio. 71-lm o which is paved, the loads were lim­ ited to five tons. Between Ashland Buys Union Street H om e— and Gold Hill and on all o th er paved L. A. Brush has purchased the roadte the loads were lim ited to three residence at 59 Union street from tons. The order is made to protect W. F. DeWitt. He expects to move the roads during the w inter months there immediately. The deal was and will be changed as soon as it is handled by E. E. Phipps. safe for heavier loads to pass over the roads w ithout much damage. N utrition C lasses N um ber of children, 39; age, 5 to 14 years; tim es met classes, 4; time covered, 2 m onths; average gain per child, 2 pounds. M ilk D e m o n stra tio n Number children drinking milk. 15; time covered, 4 to 6 weeks; num ­ ber of children who gained^ 8; av­ erage gain, 2.6 pounds. ATTENTION, FISH ERM EN Im portant m eeting of everyone who has or has not fished, to be th e re W ednesday evening, city hall. 7:30 o’clock. T ourist hotel project coming up later. This fish m eeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock is im portant and belongs to our project. We must furnish sport for our tourists. Come lend us your support. Other A ctivities W ritten articles for monthly issue Sum m ary of H om e C onveniences Bureau News, attend Home dem onstration agent helped of Farm n ontbly night meetings of Farm Bu­ women in purchasing: reau, Parent-Teacher circles,- and Cost Saving 7% doz. kettles . . $174.60 $ 87.30 community clubs. Worked on ex­ hibits at state fair an J Ashland mid­ 92 radiator stoues, helped women make 3.68 46 00 w inter fair. Helped In canning, dry­ 12 dish drainers . . 13.00 4.20) ing and jelly making and collecting 2 dish drainers . . . 4.00 2 .0 0 1 an exhibit of canned foods for the 7 dish drainers . . . 8.75 1.75 state fair. Gave dem onstrations In scoring and canning to boys’ and 12 10-piece sets k it­ chen knives . . . 54.60 27.30 girls’ clubs. Demonstration and talk 2 doz. paring knives 4.08 3.12 to teachers during institute; 1 doz. pear corfcrs. 3.00 1 dofc! peeling knives 3.00 1728 doz. ja r rub­ bers ..................... 129.60 1 pressure c o o k e r.. 25.60 Can sealer and saver 18.75 J^JA R SH A L IM CH, the Allied Generalissimo now touring the South and W est as the guest of the American Legion, is on the second leg of a trium phal trip through the greatest series of ova­ tions ever tendered a visiting fo r­ eigner. When he arrived here he was seventy years old, his face •earned with the strain of four and a half years of the bitterest w arfare. During his travels he has dropped the burden of years so th at now he is traveling with »he buoyancy of a man of forty. “ Do you find American hospi­ tality more arduous than the Ger­ man offensive?” he was asked ju st hvloie startin g his new itinerary hy Alton T. Roberts, who as chair­ man of tho Legion’s Reception Coounitte* has the added duty of s-if'-guarding the marshal’s health. It is so exhilarating to find j ti. a wbolesomeness of spirit,” he answered, “that 1 believe I i.ave found here the fountain of youth. One has no time to grow old in your young country.” “ Will this tour fatigue you too severely?” solicitiously asked Franklin D*01ier, Past Commander of the American Legion, who is in the touring party. “A fter the strain of the war there can never again be any such thing as fatigue for me,” he re­ plied. Hanford MacNider, the Com­ mander of the American Legion, who has a statistical mind, has made a summary of the outstand­ ing features of the whole tour. Before the Marshal returns to France he will have covered an approximate mileage of 17,000 miles, which with the travel to and from Paris will bring the total to 25,000 miles— equal to the earth ’s circumference. His auto tours will comprise about 5,000 more miles. He will have participated in 150 banquets and have been a guest at 1,200 public meetings. F o u r m illions o f the A m erican MOTORCYCLE TAXIS FOR NEW YORK 6. If your stomach is out of order or distressed, no m atter from what cause, Mi-O-Na stom ach tablets will give instant relief in case of indiges­ Before many moons, unless all signs rail, New York will be indulging lu tion, acute or chronic, or money a new form of taxi riding. In Paris, Rome, and several other cities of Europe back. G uaranteed by McNair Bros Americans, the past summer, have enjoyed the novelty of the motorcycle taxis’ which are becoming common over there. The side cars in which the passengers ride are filled up with all the com­ A CARD OF THANKS forts of the most luxurious motor cars. There lx a new thrill to be had In rid­ ing in one of these taxis. Besides the fare Is much lower than in the motor Mr. L arder and family desire to car affairs acknowledge their appreciation of neighbors and friends during t,V Lady M accabees A tten tion — ■ ASHLAND STUDENTS ARE illness- and death of their beloved The election of officers will be PROMINENT, O.A.O. ACTIVITIES wife and m other. - held W ednesday evening, December W. Larder, George Lardter, Orpha (Continued from Page 1) Larder, Mrs. Mary Leach, Grover 7. A full attendance is requested. 80-1 Leach, Loyal Leach, Mary Larder. the college in the annual trian g u lar debate between Oregon A gricultural IN D IA N U C ö lU N O H O L L M IL V I RESULTS TELL colleg. University of Oregon, and indications Are That Sport Clothes Reed college of Portland. There Can B e No Doubt About the Will Copy Navajo Tribe and O ther students attending the col­ R esu lts in A shland the Scandinavians, lege from Ashland are Oliver Ander­ son, ju n io r mechanical engineering; Results tell the tale. If the sweaters which have been All doubt is removec*. Harold M. Bechtel, special in phar­ seen are an Indication of what the The testim ony of an Ashland cit­ coming season fashions are to be, the macy; E arl J. Biegel, ju n io r electri­ izen can be easily investigated. feminine world of sport clothes lov­ cal engineering; John M. Brady, W hat b etter proof can be had? ers will resemble the Navajo tribe and freshm an commerce; Ceclle B. Case, W. Hardy, retired, 586 E ast Main street, Ashland, says: “ I have used Scandinavian sportsmen. senior commerce; Rollie Freem an, Light backgrounds with Norwegian freshm an ag ricu tlu re; Ivern L. Kel­ Doan’s Kidney Pills and wouldn’t be w ithout them. I had attacks of kid­ and Swedish designs In all the pri­ ney complaint and lumbago and suf­ mary colors and darker backgrounds ler, sophomore in vocational educa­ fered with dull backaches and pains with Navajo patterns are the latest tion; C. C. MacCracken. junior through my kidneys. Mr. kidneys things In sweaters. As to colors, the chemical engineering; Cecile M. w eren’t acting right when I began fuchsia shades are In the lead, but Moore, freshm an home economics; using Doan’s Kidney Pills. They soon every color the rainbow has ever dis­ Mabel L. Moore, freshm an ^ t n e eco­ relieved these ailm ents and eased the aches and pains. I heartily en- played or suggested vies In popularity. nomics; Ira C. N eriiie, special In dorse Doan’s for they are a remedy pharm acy; Irving W. P orter, fresh­ Mending the Blouse. of m erit.” Sometimes, when a favorite salt man commerce; Jam es L. P orter, ju ­ Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— blouse goes to pieces under the arms, nior pharm acy; John F. Swigcut, get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same a new piece of material may be hem­ special In electrical engineering; th at Mr. H ardy had. Foster-M ilburn stitched to thé worn place most sa t and W. D. W hite, sophomore me­ Co., M frs., B u ffalo , N. Y, Isfactorily. chanical engineering. Above— Hanford MacNider, Com­ mander of the American Legion. Below— Alton T. Roberts, Chair. man of the American Legion Reception Committee. people will have seen him face to face and he will have shaken the hands of at least 50,000 of these. His right and left hands now are stiff and sore from these cordial contacts. Furtherm ore, h*> will have bestowed his kiss upon 2.0 JO children fo r the Marshal u overlooks the opportunity to y>eet the little ones. Up to the time he began hi> new swing he had received tour- teen degrees from various . •¡'»age« and universities so th a t before '>,* returns he will carry with him the honors of at least thirty edu­ cational institutions. More than 2,000 gifts *bava been presented to him. These range from the wildcat presented by the Montana members of the American Legion to the gold sword presented to him by the City of Philadelphia. Phone 478-J. 8 itf FOK SA L E — E d iso n p h o n o g ra p h , good as new . T h irty choice re c ­ o rd s, re a so n a b le . 99 G ra n ite St. 81-5* FOR SALE— Grain hay, near Talent, $7 per ton in the stack. Frank Perry, Medford Phone 220-R. 81-3 LOST— Small black bill folder, con­ taining pass to Portland and rate ticket to Seattle; also snapshot pictures. Findter return to Tid­ ings. Reward. 81-5 •Her Pop owns all Ike hams in U. S. A.; and she owns most of the beauty. She has everything except— “ THE WONDERFUL THING (Continued from Page 1) of FOK SA L E — J e rs e y h e ife r, fre sh 2 w eeks. Ed D avis, 4 23 Helman St. "The Wonderful Thing OF Y EA R ’S WORK num ber FOR SALE— Reed baby carriage. 520 Liberty St. 81-2* 129.601 6.50 WANTED TO KENT— Piano. No 6.50 children. P. O. Box 234. 81-2* .— --------- ------- ------ - , -In - AGENT’S REPORT 103; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY VINING Norma Tuesday Talmadge Wednesday DEMONSTRATION agent, 150. 3.00 3.00; T o t a l .....................$444.36 $320.02 Communities getting ja r rubbers, 18; women receiving same, 125. Communities making fireless cookers, 9; women receiving, 53. Communities making fireless rad-j iator stones, 9; women receiving same, 53. Communities getting dish drain­ ers, 15; women receiving same, 21. Communities getting knives, 15; women receiving same, 21. Communities getting kitchens re­ modeled, 2; women receiving, 3. Communities with testing circles, RECEIVING A COLLEGE DEGREE Thinks He Has Found Here the Fountain of Eternal Youth—Four Million Americans Have Seen Him. Form er As blander Speaks__ Dr. T. H. Boyd, of San Francisco, lectured last evening at the Temple of Truth. Dr. Boyd is rector of an Episcopal church in San F ran ­ cisco, but devotes much time to lec­ tu rin g for the National New Thought alliance. Thirty-five years ago he lived In this city and worked in the Ashland flour mill, afterw ards m ar­ rying a daughter of Mrs. A. H. R us­ sell. The Ashland New Thought as­ sociation expects to have monthly lectures sim ilar to the one delivered here last evening. They hold regular Sunday evening meetings, which con­ sist of singing and the study of some text book. They are led by Mrs. E. A. Rowland and have just finished studying “ The Power of Thought.” The building is rented during the day for school purposes, the second an d third grades of the Hawthorne school being taught here. Because spiritualist meetings were a t one tim e held in the Temple of ‘Truth, many people think th at the present m eetings are somewhat spiritualistic In nature, which is not true. 3; women receiving, 71. Communities with individual te st­ ing equipm ent, 5; women receiving, 5. Number of fireless cookers made, cost $44; estim ated saving, $220. Number of iceless refrigerators made, 6. Women helped to get account books, 10. I t’s One of Her Best children, THURSDAY ONLY— Schoo] Lunches Number of schools witb school lunch, due to efforts of home dem­ onstration, agent, 7; num ber of chll- VIOLA DANA in ‘The Matchmaker’ Four B a n n e r D a y s Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday A wonderful opportunity to save money at the final closing out sale of Dry Goods, Hosiery Underwear, Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings ?3oys’ Heavy Shirts and drawers, all sizes —now ..................19c Ladies’ Luxite Rib top Silk Hose, regu lar $1.50, now. .$1.19 Children ’s J e r s e y Bloomers, all sizes— now ......................19Ó All Children’s Velvet and Velvetine hats— Half Price A ll Children's Toys DOLLS, BOOKS, DISHES, BUGGIES. BALLS, CHAIRS, DOLL BEDS, AND OTHER CHRISTMAS GOODS Open now in the Balcony and on sale at Close-Out Prices. Don’t Delay! All Holiday Lines of Good quality dress ginghams, all desir­ able p a tte rn s ___lGc Best grade Bleached Muslin, soft finish— “ ow ..................... 17C Men’s Dress Shirts a dependable make— how ..................... 98C MEN’S AND LADIES’ HANDKER­ All I mhrellas a t CHIEFS, FANCY RIBBONS, PURSES, Closing-Out Prices— Ladies’ Heavy Union BOSTON BAGS, VANITY CASES, Big Values Suits, ribbed, now— — J S L I P P E R S , UMBRELLAS, SILK 59c Best Grade Oilcloth HOSE, GARTERS, SUSPENDERS, 48 in. wide, now 33c Ladies Silk Top E n­ NECKTIES AND GLOVES velope Chemise — are included in the Big Closing Out Sale Men’s extra heavy now ......................79c Wool boot Sox— Do your Shopping Now and Here! Our regular W arner now ......................33C Corsets, all qualities —now 15 per cent off Men ’s extra heavy W ool Mixed Union All Ladies Wool Je r The Bargain Store Suits—n o w $2.49 s e y s and Flannel Coats 25 per cent off E xtra large roll crepe I Men’s good weight All grades of Ladies’ J . P. Coates Cotton toilet paper, now per | Canvas Gloves, per Munsingwear— T hread, spool . . . ,4c roll ...................... 5c. p a i r .................... .,7 c 20 per cent off