PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, December fl, 1021 Men's University Glee Club to Appear at Armory December 21st The first big entertainm ent fea-1 was in town Friday, lining up ar- tu re to be staged by the Ashland rangem ents. He promises a live American Legion during the winter program , featuring harmony and months will be held in the Armory, novelty stunts. The Legion will co­ December 21, when the men’s glee operate with the alum ni of the uni­ club of the University of Oregon will versity and the students of the high appear. school in m aking the concert a suc­ A rth u r Ru Of joys departed, never to <§> cal when they attem p t to browbeat „ me, supported by you, into throw ing Gates, a special prohibition agent, return, How b itte r’s the remembrance. |^e Shears and Sawbucks catalogue and chief witness for the state in ❖ — Blair. < ~ » ' into the flre- They jam the 'Medford several of the bootlegging cases <$><§> <3> <3> <•> newspapers with advertising and i heard a t this term of th e circuit then holler for more. It gives me court, was arrested Friday by Sher- If congress only had acted upon a headache. Why can’t th a t money iff Terrill, upon w arrants sworn to the tax-revision m easure with some be used to buy eggs laid by my hens by Jam es (Shine) Edwards, him self of the celerity with which President instead of Medford» neckties? 'W hy a defendant in two bootlegging H arding signed it! should I be the hard-headed goat? trials, both resulting in a hung jury, I'm willing to give you credit for in which Gates was the sta r witness, It will be noted th a t the num ber putting out the best Christm as and charging possession and giving away of bandits braving sure death by at- fair edition th a t _ ------------—„ I have seen in the of liquor. The w arrants were sworn tacking mail trains guarded by ma- valley. But it doesn’t excuse your i out before Justice Smith of Gold Hill rines is decidedly small. ’ Trade at Home” propaganda. It and before whom the defendant was -------------------------- only shows w hat a fool you are. a rraig n ed Friday. Gates was released ♦ Your m erchants patronized it liber- on bis own recognizance and his pre- * THE PEO PLE’S FORUM. «» ally with advertising— showed they ! Hmlnary hearing set for next Satur-