Saturday, December 3, 1921 PAGE F I V » H a v i n g F u n I P it h O l d S a n t a C l a u s S Ù lì K j - - - - c^HS2Sa52SZS3 □ ^SBS2S?S2S2S2SZS?5Z52SiS2SaS2S2SZSH5?S2SHSZS2S2S2SHS25ZSZScScS=5’ SHSZ5isi É B u CYCOL 99 ubricating 0 IS M A N U F A C T U R E D B Y Associated Oil Co. For Sale By D ealers D isplaying “ C yeol” S igns A STRANGE STAR Birth of New Life Which Was to Shine Over the Earth, Conference of the Beast« of the Na­ tivity ae Portrayed by Imagi­ native W riter. 4 4 / < ^ AREFUL, Brother, thy ho^ns! € witT rïoT Tu“ ê ms st air TIT Tis.' '•ST ieTS gentle, this woman of mine, Her ! child, too, will love us.” But the ox had not drawn back. He knelt there, his broad forehead pressed against the bars, his wondering eyes fixed on the new life which was to shine over the whole broad earth with a brighter glory than that wondering star’s.—John Breck, in the Detroit & e r Welcome Qifts Medford Service Station N ew s SETTING UP THE TREE Keep thy head straight. Re­ member, tonight we share but the one stall between us. The man and his mate, there, have thine.” The I ALMOST every corner grocer's little tawny-hided ox of Palestine on stands can be purchased very the farther side leaned hard ugainst cheaply that will hold the Christ­ mas tree firmly in position. the stable wall. “ ’Tis a strange star that shines to­ The simplest of these consists of a night,” his yoke-fellow answered» crosspiece of wood raised a little from sighing restlessly as he turned back the floor by wooden supports and hav­ his gaze from the open door. Even ing a hole in the center to Insert the with care their horns clicked In the trunk of the tree. More elaborate ones take the form narrow space. “If men must take my bed, why did they not turn us out of a wooden square, painted a bright Into the free air? The grass would red and surrounded by a low wooden have dew on it tonight—and I could ■ railing. watch the star.” Country dwellers who cannot pur­ “Ho!” snorted the little gray ass chase these trees at the corner store, which had carried hither the woman but have to cut them in the nearest who lay stretched on the straw be­ wood lot, must devise some other way tween them. “What grass wouldst of holding the Christmas tree in posi- thou pluck from the cobblestones of : tion. the city?” The easiest way to do this, if the “Aye,” lowed the first ox. “There tree is not too large and heavy, is to Is hay here; eat and be still. The insert the trunk into the hole through the bottom of a wooden box, and star is no concern of thine.” “The star shineth on the whole either paint this box green or red or broad earth, Brother. He hath the cover it with green or red paper.- A starch box will hold up a small peaked hills to wander in, and the dark valleys, the fields and the towns tree perfectly, but a somewhat larger alike. I wish I were free like the box must be chosen for one of larger star.” i growth, if, in spite of all precautions, “Then, like him, thou wouldst come the tree seems too heavy and is in- I slipping in at our stable door again. dined to wobble, weight the box on Hey, come off thy knees! We must either side with heavy stones. Some­ sleep standing,” his mate grunied times the box is filled with sand, the warningly. trunk planted in that, and then the “Hush, Brother. There is something wooden cover nailed In place to make wondrous In my old stall 1 Something all very solid. if one has any talent for carpentry, very small and white! It gleameth as with hoarfrost in the star’s light. even of the roughest sort, an effective It hath the smell of lilies. It moveth. support can be made by nailing two The star can stroke it with its longi pieces of wood in the shape of a pale tongues.” He leaned longingly square cross, holding the tree upon «gainst the barrier which shut him this and nailing cleats to both tree and support until It stands firmly. away, until it creaked. A very pretty effect can be obtained The little ass slipped his soft ears between his own bars and sniffed in­ by covering the support of the tree quiringly. “Why, ’tis a child I” he and the floor directly around it with Whinnied with delight. “Children are white cotton batting on which silver lovely things. H is small fingers will tinsel, called “rain” In most shops, has play with my mane and he will sing been sprinkled. This makes the tree little songs to me as I bear him along. took as if It were growing in a bunch Look up, little Master. We will see of snow glittering in the sun. great days together.” "There, that serveth thee right I" reproved the far ox as the woman made a quick motloa toward the in­ quisitive nose. “Thy black muzzle belongeth In thine own manger, Broth­ er Ass." “She did but brush It aside,” the jlttis gray beast breathed contentedly. *She Is pleased that we knew her son. fear, Brother Ox. H er husband 2323480101024853234848232323232389234823482348485353485353232348530101025348 Gingsr Cookies. Cream together one capful of sugar and one cupful of shortening. Add two tablespoonfnls of molasses, one teaspoonful of ginger and a whole egg well beaten. Stir two teaspoonfnla of soda in half a cupful of boiling water. Sift In a teaspoonful of baking powdar with enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll out and bake far apart. If a Christmas were to come and go without leaving with us pincush­ ions, pin-holders, garters and other pretty furbelows made of ribbon, it would be remembered with something of disappointment. A heart-shaped pincushion, a small bag for holding pins and a pair of ribbon-covered garters represent a few of many rib­ bon novelties for the holidays. A ssociated Gas X G oodyear T ires For the Hostess G ifts that every woman who enter­ tains will delight in are pictured here and they will be all the more appreci­ ated because they are made by their donor. A set o f numbers for card tables is attractive and easy to mak^ They are cut from w hite cardboard and have gummed figures in black placed on one side. On this black and w hite background graceful sprays of gay flowers are painted and the cards are supported by sm all wire holders, United S tates T ires A V ulcanizing Solid Tire Press Equipment CORNER MAIN AND PACIFIC HIGHWAY PHONE 14 bdHb