»AGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, Decem ber 3, 1021 16825463 Gold Coin Placer Mine O f Canvas and gibbon The Empty, ¿Raggedy Stockings Music and Song Always Associ­ N e a r M e d fo rd , Oregon. a te d With the Yuletide. "Origin*! Sacred Character of Carols Was Almost Lost Sight of in Thirteenth Century. Y n u o f the empty, mggedy stockings That will hang by the chimney on Christmas eye. W ith their mute appeals from the poor little owners ' T o the deer old Santa tn whom they believe? Sta I For their share o f his presents they ask such a little, ‘‘Just a dolly to hold in my arms while I sleep, A little tin suto that runs when you wind it, A sounding red drum or a woolly white sheep.” j J < lf lTSIC and song have always been j l t l . associated w ith C hristinas. In Roman Catholic countries, a s early as the Third century, it be­ came the custom to usher in the Christmas festivities with musical masses. The practice of singing carols or canticles was supposed to recall the *In Excelsis Gloria” of the angels and the song of the shepherds on the first Christmas night. A very old carol, published in 1521. gives an amusing description of church revelries : A wooden child in clouts on the a lta r sat. A b o u t th e w hich both boys and girls do dance an d tim ely jet. A n d caro ls sing in praise of C hrist. T h e p rie sts do ro a r aloud! A nd round ab o u t th e p a re n ts gjand T o see th e sp o rt, and w ith th e ir voice D o help them , an d w ith hand. Bfe" » SSt«. '-¿¿■J K 0 W het beautiful dreams will come to them sleeping Under the coverlet shabby and worn ; Bin what o f the empty, raggedy stockings That will hang by the chimney on Christmas mom? M R b. H . C. SEA RCY , in the Chicago Trihune, IK I ta" •ÖS It go^s without saying that bags of all sorts are among those gifts that are always welcome. There are many new ones this year made of coarse canvas, or unbleached linen and trimmed with narrow satin ribbon and ribbon flowers. Baby ribbon may be drawn through the Interstices of the canvas. Drawing threads out of either the canvas or linen makes it possible to weave wider ribbons over and under the remaining threads, in borders or ornaments. Flowers cut from cotton or linen, in various col­ ors, are applied to the linen bags and buttonholed along their edges with cotton floss or yarn. A case for hold­ ing playing cards and a bag which may be put to various uses are shown above in gifis suited to either men or women. The only light in their dim, dark existence | I* 'hat wonderful day when old Santa will come , W ith his treasure filled pack that he brings on his back Ftom his fairyland, snowy land, toy land home. M - a" S ta ta i CHRISTMAS DOES NOT STAND ALONE - M fe » s T i F CHRISTMAS stood alone it would be au Idle mockery. But it does not stand alone. It is part of a year. Yet it is a peculiar part. It is that brief Iieriod in which die child rules the world. At first, carols were generally re­ ligious in character, au»T were written It marks nowadays the cul­ with Latin and English words in al­ mination of a civilization which ternate lines, or with a Latin refrain. lias had a leading principle. The well-knowu carol 1 he selfish, the hard, the grasp­ side of F orrest creek. This property Coin Quartz and Placer association is i? ing and the unsparing are out W h e n C h rist w as born of M ary free has a fine gold quartz ledge fifte e n , rapidly developing into the most a g - 1 and apart that one week from I n B ethlehem , th a t fa ir citie, A n g e ls sa n g w ith m irth an d glee to twenty feet in width, which is b e -! gressive organization within -the S the great flowing tide of the In E xcelsis Gloria, development of the world’s ing constantly developed with tun- J S o u th ern Oregon district, the prob- $ and another with a chorus, progress. The man or woman C h ristu s n a tu s hodie nels at various levels. There is ev -tab le results of whose present and who does not know this or see. T he babe, th e son, ery reason to expect this to make a future a c t i v i t y i- a 7I& it or feel It is alien to the Chris­ T h e holy one The Doctol. , |m# ,£ S ' ! O f M ary, «tM>ee*ee*e**eee.eey.e.e«e.e.,e.,9..9..g..9..e. tian sp irit and to all the prod­ I have a lw a r, been successful i n ' skeptics relative t0 ,„ l„ ing ¡ 1 " . . S ucts wrought by the Christ a re good examples of this class. Picking wmuere, and th at Is » h a t I fled the Go!d “ o"u L o c U d o n i! spirit in the twenty centuries When the tendency to ribaldry be­ last past. have done with this p r o p e r t y - ' are the well-known \ came marked, some of tlie carols got Christmas day, then, brings a picked it as a big w inner.” A n o th e r' consulting and minim? Pr° minent p to be very peculiar in subject and message. But it also sings a language. Joseph is treated with a of the is Gold Coin association's prop- Messrs Elm-r- A Ho * eagiueer3’ ta song of hope and calls aloud a erties the Alice Mine, about fif -! who e d i n Portland4 great want of respect, for one carol prophecy. The message is that runs: I teen miles out of G rants P i s s o n L ? m a r< ? largest 0 W n e rs V Joseph w as an old m an, ¡th e A pplegate'river. " ’ i 21, , “ “ 7 *“ the UnlUd State3- ■ C gentleness is stronger far than force and that the greatest pow­ An old m an w as he. I W ork has been steadily progress-! h ^ b ^ 1 and C er on earth is the compelling W hen he wedded M ary, ¡in « on this property, an d while this fort o ^ ^ T g ^ ^ f T he M aid of Galilee. The great m ineral region, a part power of tenderness. of which is embraced in Jackson Every Christmas tree is lit Another relates the story of the organization is not Chasing pockets, to bottom, which insures the m o s t ? bottom. Whirh Inanene ___, V with that light. The great flood county, has been prospected in part the indications at the Alice mine are Shepherds watching tlwir flocks by of presents bears this as its »■M M B ?z- conservative, intelligent aud practi- only. There has never been a boom th at In the course of ----- n ig h t: developing the - — V UV cal a p p lic a tio n 'o i e io T t' ¿ “e v e r y " ^ $ message. The cheer and 5 ou cannot think of anyone who here. True, men flocked to Rich , m other lode, th a t a pocket will be A sh e p a rd upon a hill he ¿satt. ciiarity of the whole season are will not be delighted to receive a gift Gulch, as they did to other camps, • encountered in the class of the Bos­ dertaking— the results of which can ' H « had on him h y s ta b a rd and h a tt, fed by this love. H y s larb o x , hys pipe and hys fla g a tt; be nothing hut success for the insti- it like that illustrated here. It Is a half- but they did not rem ain. Montana If the result of this process well. O ther propertied;, including H y s nam e w as called Jo ly -Jo ly W att. dozen glasses filled with jelly, pre­ drew its first influx of settlers as a are tution, its members, and particular- is only a century flower, how­ famous Bowden. Pears a n d h ta f “ ’ h rae^ Ders’ and Particular- serves and marmalade, very attrac­ Having been informed of the birth ever, or one that blooms even result of finding placer diggings. Mankin placer properties, consistine 6 6 SoutherQ Oregon J o f Christ, the shepherd sets off for tively arranged in a wicker basket. W ith the w orking out of these, the Mankin placer properties, consisting community. only once a year, then of what The tin covers of the glasses a re ‘lac­ in a combined acreage of 2100 acres, Bethlehem, and on arriving, say s: use Is this more than that, this quered with black lacquer and a white m iners gave th eir attention to are included in this organization’s grotesque fact than that J h e s u ! I off T hee m y pype. O-dest Inhabitants. , stranger plant? It Is a curious gummed letter is placed in the center quartz The result is the great cop­ active interests. M y sk y rte , my ta rb o x and my scrype. Fossil turtles ranging from 3,000 00(1 ? of each one. A spray of fruit or blos­ per, silver and gold mines of Butte. 'H o m e to my fellow s now will I skype, According to the evidence of their to 7,000.000 years in age, have been L phenomenon only, a hothouse soms painted on the lid with sealing Expert miners from the Butte dis­ ’A n d loke u n to m y shepe. spectacle and not an abiding intelligent up to th i D. .,6BUl activity w u „ v up tne e present found in San Juan county, northern wax, together with the letter, tells the trict and other mining camps say .u food product.—Rev. Dr. David In the Thirteenth century the sa­ kind of jelly or preserves the glass time, it is apparent th a t the Gold! New Mexico. M. Steele. Philadelphia. cred character of these Christmas contains, as apple, with a spray of th a t Southern Oregon’s mining re­ songs was almost entirely lost sight apple blossoms ar,d the letter “A,” or sources are unequalled anywhere. of. The Puritan parliament abolished currant with a cluster of currants and Tommy Cruse burrowed into the Christmas and carols altogether but foliage and the letter “C.” Sealing m ountains near Malrysville, Mont., feasting and revelry returned with the wax in several colors simulates shirred for years before he found the vein Restoration. ribbon on the center glass which con­ in the Drum Lummond mine which Carol singing, which had fallen Into tains marmalade. T H E B U S IN E S S O F madb him a m ulti-m illionaire and disuse, was revived by a collection of put his num erous friends in the pos­ •carols published by D. Gilbert, in 1822, ! b u t caroling, which was formerly | ition to count th eir fortunes in six ,ushered in by the chiming of church i and- seven figures. And yet this bells, and the sallying forth of choirs property sold to and worked by an ¡which chanted their way round vtl- ! English syndicate did not assay as lages until their throats were hoarse high as rock w ithin ten miles of the I ta and their noses red from cold and city lim its of Medford. •friendly Christmas potations, Is now h -almost a thing of the past.—Tit Bits. Mr. W. R. Davey, mining engi­ I neer and field agent of the United States general land office, made a CUSTOMS AND THEIR ORIGINS ' A*/ 1 S '* ! . V ’ , Visit of inspection to tn t m ineral merous Yuletide Idea« Are Relics districts of this secuibji. Speaking i\ s \ \ : H À i. Pagan Observance, Especially of what he saw, Mr. Davey said: Those of Druidism. “ If the surface showings of gold! in the Rogue River valley were A gfW ANY Christmas customs are il O ) H . * F found at the North Pole— or in some relics of pagan observances, I l Place equally difficult to reach__in especially those of Druidism, the religious system of the ancieut the deserts of Arizona, or in the d h i ■ / / íu s y Gauls and Britons. Groves of oaks cold, snowy hills of Colorado, there were their chosen retreat, and today would be an excited rush, and hun­ the acorn is found as a Christmas dreds of thousands of dollars would symbol on some Christmas greetings! O F M ED FO RD , OREGON lliis y ears candle shades made of although It Is not used as much as gaj silks or of crepe paper are shown be expended in development. This is a fact. I have seen profitable de­ "formerly. in such variety that every one may be is to Druidism considered mistletoe most pleased, Sparkling silver tinsel strays velopment work costing thousands sacred, and when growing on an oak over some of them, adding a holiday ebne with less favorable showing. tree, parasite as it is, it was cut with ! glitter to the pretty colors through It really seems th a t the very proxim­ a golden kuife by a priest clad in a ‘ which the light gleams. A shade dec­ ity of and com parative ease of access white robe and two white bulls were ' orated in this way is shown at the to the m ining countjjr here have «sacrificed on the spot. right of the two pictured. At the left The Yule log in England is a relic a foundation of plain paper is covered been elem ents in dilatory develop­ of Druidism. Its name is considered with ruffles of crepe paper in two al­ ment. The outlook in this district a corruption of “wheel log,” a wheel ternating colors, in this case white is most favorable both in the min­ In Druidical symbolism typifying the and green, and has daisies made of ing of gold and coal. The goods are m arch of the’ sun. The lighting of paper set about it. here. Medford would do well to the Yule log harks back to the sacred advertise more fully her "wonder­ fires kindled by the Druid» at mid­ ful m ineral resources. A true, un­ •■■■MB» w inter in the round towers which yet biased statem ent of facts would do rem ain in many parts of Great Brit­ much to allay public d istru st and ain, Ireland, France and Spain. The the suspicion th a t it is a gamble use of the Christmas tree has descend­ ed from the German Druids. The ra th e r th an an Industry. The m in­ dressftig of the tree with candles and ing industry offers g reater induce­ presents was a feature of their mid­ m ents for immense profits than any w inter festival. in th e s c ie n tific a n d in te llig e n t d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e w o n d e rfu l m in e ra l re s o u rc e s o f o th er.” Ivy is not used for Christmas* dec­ Dr. ic. M. Knapp, president and orations, as It was once sacred to th is d is tric t. t manager of the Gold Coin Quartz Bacchus and constituted almost the and Placer association, of Medford, sole leafy adornment at the Roman saturnalia. The early Christian clergy, Oregon, says that Mr. Davey is ab­ desiring to wean the people from their solutely correct in Jiis statement, W e p r e d ic t t h a t th is d is tr ic t w ill w ith in six m o n th s to one y e a r e x p e rie n c e a m in in g pagan practice as far as possible, for­ and predicts an unprecedented min­ bade the use of Ivy, and the precedent ing development and boom in this a c tiv ity to e c lip se a n y p re v io u s M IN IN G B O O M e v e r h e a r d o f in th is o r a n y o th e r still obtains. locality. He says that the Gold Coin In medieval Europe a peacock was association is doing • things differ­ c o u n try . O u r p o lic y is to d e v e lo p th e la rg e low g r a d e p ro p e rtie s . the favorite dish for Christmas din­ ently, that they are digging in the ner. After being skinned carefully No housewife will fail to enjoy the • th e bird wag cooked. Then the skin new table sets of oilcloth with their right places, and will continue to with the plumage Intact was replaced, cheerful borders of gay flowers and dig and develop their properties to and the bird served In a manner as fruits. They are much handsome* the point where the larger interests O ffice a t nearly as possible resembling paal than the stenciled pieces and many will take them over and spend a Rfe. women use them for the dinner as million or so to make a real mine R O O M 209, L IB E R T Y B L D G . Mince pies are first mentioned In well as the breakfast table. These out of a property, to employ about U 06 as in common use at Christmas sets consist of a centerpiece, plate M ED FO RD , OREGON a thousand men. This association tim es. Authorities in the matter then dollies and smaller dollies. The fruits Is now actually working upon sev­ Mid they might be eaten as early as and flowers In the set pictured are December 14. In their natural colors and the t>H- eral properties, among them being filffth in ft deep cream color, , the GOLD COIN MINE on the west Sweets for Christmas Christmas Candles Oil Cloth Table Sets XJ J Gold Coin Q uartz a n d P la c e r A ssociation Put Jackson County and Southern Oregon on the Map I