Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 03, 1921, CHRISTMAS EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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    Saturday, Decem ber 3, 1921
fie’ ¡taffy was. A s' fie saf agHn -fiy
G R A N TS PASS A N D J O S E P H IN E . times as much capital and resources
the firelight, but on a clear and moon­
lit night, he mused on things past with
as the F irst State Bank of Rogue
In an interview with Sam H. Ba­
a new tenderness in his heart and wel­
John Billings, proprietor of th©
River, was better prepared to take
comed a new thought that came warm­ ker, cashier of th e G rants Pass and
Billings Carriage and Auto W orks,
ly to him and brought a lovely pur­ Josephine Bank, he explained how care of the wants of th e custom ers
Riverside and Eighth streets,
pose with i t
He would play Santa th eir bank came to tran sact the in the Rogue River territory.
“Sing, little Jesus, sing for me.
conducts one of the largest
There's nothing on my Christmas tree.” Claus and give himself the surprise most Of the business in the town of
On January 1, 1921, the Josephine institutions of its kind in Jackson
of making others happy 1
So, the day before Christmas things ■ t
R° 8U® River , te rrito ry ’ Mr. Ba- County Bank an d the G rants Pass county. Mr. Billings has been in
You see, this little boy had a tree,
but there wasn’t a thing on it, not even liappened at the Bump house. As Mr. ker state ^ Uiat in December 1917 Banking company consolidated each
a leaf. So he planned how to get some­ Bump went to the wayside post box th a t Mr- Don Wilson, who was then having resources of over half m il­ the business for the past eleven,
years and he takes pride in saying
thing to grow upon it. Finally, he sang he found two letters. One of them made cashier of the F irst State Bank of
th a t his concern is one of the b e st
the song that Donald heard in his him sed, for it was from the man who 1 Rogue River, interview ed him and
equippel in his line between Eugene
dream, and the next time he looked held the mortgage, and it said that the stated they were not justified in
name the consolidated banks are and Chico. Here you find everything
out there was his ’tree, full of red and
,'" d TO“ e- “ mMn' continuing running the F irst State
gold apples, with leaves on all the to Mr. Bump, "your money or vour 1 ~
otaic known has resources of one million th a t’s to be had in repairing your
twigs and many pretty things among cows.” But the other letter’ was iron, Ba” k
Ro«” e R1’ “
« ‘he Jo- dollars and thus it is able to meet automobile. A-l mechanics are em­
them, and Donald saw it all in his Mr. Gimlet, and it made Mr. Bump sePh,ne County Bank would like to the requirem ents of any individual
ployed and no job is too small to re­
dream. So, when he awoke, Donald laugh until he cried, for it was a check take over th eir business the F irst or firm of Southern Oregon.
Mr. Billings’ personal a tte n -
thought he would sing the song too, for $300, with some kindly, friendly State Bank of Rogue River would
and see if Jesus couldn’t take the words and good wishes, enough to cure liquidate
now as follows: I. A Robie, presi­
shadow of that awful mortgage away,
“ 7 “ d a" .V” ' ““ ' ' i »«tubtes. i N egotiations were entered
dent; owner of the Pine Box fac­
and he sang:
tory; Sam H. Baker, cashier; Geo.
Sing, little Jesus, sing for me!
Edward C. Root, who has con­
LD Mr. Gimlet was There’s a mortgage on our Christmas from Uncle Gimlet, so that the Christ- j Bank being consolldated with the P. Jester, vice-president, and A. K. ducted a studio in Medford for the
sitting all alone by
mas tree was full of happy surprises j JosePhine County Bank,
Cass, assistant cashier.
past eleven years, and who is well
When Dorothy awoke she remem­ for the little folks and a gift or two
himself. The cold
Mr. Don Wilson, who was cashier,
O ther directors are Claus Schmitt, known to the people of Jackson
December w in d bered that she had dreamed about for the big ones. Mother made a big taking a place on the board of di­
was driving the writing a letter to Santa Claus, and pie in the dishpan and the children j rectors of the Josephine County grocery store; S. L. Loughridge, county, as a violinist and teacher
snow against the so she went and wrote i t This was nokP i »Uth J * 1®! WaSHin ? t' Dorolhy Bank. W ith the combined resources physician; J. L. Calvert, contractor; has opened up a music store at 105
John Hampshire, contractor; Chas. West Main street where he carries
f r o s t y windows, the letter:
poked a hole through the pasteboard
crust and pulled out a maple sugar ' ° f th 1
banks the Josephine B urkhalter, feed store; Clyde E. in stock a complete line of musical
and now and then Dear Santa Claus:
There’s something the matter with
it seemed to fairly
Mr. Root extends an
our cows. They’ve got a mortgage on heart. Donald got a red sugar heart. County Bank then had. resources of Niles, m anager of the Leonard Es­ instrum ents.
screech at him. 'em. Only money can cure 'em. Please Kenneth got a white sugar heart' a Qu a rte r of a million dollars. The ta te farm , all being representative
invitation to call and inspect his
Some of the snow come and cure ’em, bo ’ s we can have a Edith got a yellow sugar heart. Moth- Josephine County Bank having five
business men of Southern Oregon. stock.
Christmas tree. 1 will be good.
appeared to have
Your hopeful
er said it was Uncle Gimlet’s k i n d -------------------------------
got into his hair,
hefirt that had made them all
and some of the frost into his heart,
Then, when father went to town, happy.
for he looked old, and cold, and grim. with the little pony, Bigger, he put
Then Mr. Gimlet got another letter.
The firelight shadows that played on the letter into the post office, only he It was a round robin from all the
the wall were like the thoughts that directed it to Mrs. Bump’s brother, Mr. Bumps, with, the little Bump names and
went to and fro in his mind in the Ephraim Gimlet.
marks upon it, too. It made the old
light of the memories of the brighter
Mr. Gimlet was very much surprised man very happy.
He was sitting
days of the past. The empty chairs to hear from the Bumps. He had among a lot of pleasant things that
reminded him of his friendlessness, the
had been sent in for his Christmas
slow ticking of the old clock, ns it
tree, but he was not thinking very
tried to be a companion, only made
much of them. He sat with the let­
him feel how lonely he was. He felt
ter in his hand and a far-off look in
as much out of the world, as far awa>
his eyes as he thought of the sweet­
from its gladness as the picture of his
ness of love, and felt tliat the best
grandfather that hung over the shelf.
gift that he had received was the
Mr. Gimlet was wondering what he
happy surprise that he had given to
would get for Christmas.
lie had
the people on the prairie farm.
spent many years in wondering what
he would get, and had gotten a good
“ Divinity” Fudge.
many things. No one had a better
Boil together two cupfuls of granu­
house than he, few had as much money
lated sugar, one cupful of maple sirup,
as he had. There was a park, there
one cupful of water and a tablespoon­
was a garden; within and without and
ful of vinegar until a little of it hard­
all about him were the things that
Their location at 105 W est Main Street, MEDFORD, OREGON
ens when dropped in cold water, and
money can buy. Yes, Mr. Gimlet was as
then add a teaspoonful of vanilla and
rich as money and things can make a
take from the fire. While this mixture
man. And yet, although all these
has been cooking, a cupful of granu- '
A e v t,s s v K lE S .
things had not made him happy, he
lated sugRr should have been put over
was wishing for more. He did not
the fire In another saucepan, with a
know any better than to wish for more,
half-cupful of cold water, and boiled
and, though he could not think of any­
until the mixture spins a thread from
thing tliat he needed, he hoped that
the tip of a spoon. This should at this
someone would think of something or
stage be beaten up with the stiffly
other that he might want and that The Next Day the Carrier Brought a whipped whites of two eggs, and this
might give him a gleam of real Christ­
stirred into the first preparation, which
Promising Looking Box.
mas joy.
should by now have cooled slightly.
Away out on a prairie the Bump forgotten that he had a sister, and Beat the two hard until they begin to
EDWARD C. ROOT, Proprietor.
family were bolding a consultation, that there were a lot of little hope­ stiffen, when turn in two cupfuls of
after the children had gone to bed. ful Bumps. An old trouble had chopped nut kernels. Drop on paper
At that moment the father and mother made him bitter and forgetful, and he or pour into pans and cut in shapes
of the family were perplexed and had feltin o re alone in the world than desired.—Delineator.
even a good deal worried. The Bumps
bad been practicing farming for some
time, but without anticipated results.
The children didn’t see anything the
m atter with farming. The move out
of the smoky city had been an en­
trance into paradise for them. Don­
ald had ten hens and a rooster. Doro­
thy owned two Muscovy ducks, with
green feathers. Kenneth had a little
pony that they called “Bigger,” be­
cause they thought he would grow.
Small Edith kept a flower bed that
she called her “gardy.” There was a
pony cart. They had raised a 43-pound
Father had said that
the rest of the garden wouldn’t
amount to a hill of beans, but it had.
There was apt to be enough for yum
yum cake, with raisins in it, to go
around. Why, it was like a perpetual
picnic! And even now, with all
things under the snow blanket, and the
pony and the two cows safe in the
the blanket that does not keep things
warm, but makes them cold, and won­
dering what a mortgage could be, and
why no one could take it off without
money. In his dream Donald heard
a boy singing this song:
R oot M u s ic C om pany A nnounce
The Harmony Music Store
Spot Lights
Side Lights
D IE S ’, M ISSES,’ and CHILD­
barn, farmer Bump had laughed with
the happy, rosy children, as the dog
Jake toiled up the hill with the sled,
so that they all might go shouting
down again. “They’re a jolly bunch,”
said farmer Bump. But that night
the Bumps were holding a consulta­
tion. - Although the two cows in th$
barn were bare, yet ther^ was a
■blanket on them. The consultation
was about that blanket Farmer
Bump called it a mortgage and didn’t
know how he was going to pay it.
No wonder it was an anxious consulta­
tion. Short crops and a mortgage I
Enough to flatten out even.the Bumps 1
But while the Bumps were talking
things over, the cildren were having
dreams. They had laid awake for
a while, talking about the best place
to hang up Christmas stockings, and
a part of the conversation downstairs,
the mortgage part, had come up to
their ears. A little of the worry, too,
had come with it, so that they fell
•ateep with a little uneasiness about
Nut Brown Bread
Automobile Electricians
.Yes, Mr. Gimlet Was as Rich as Money
and Things Can Make a Man.
H ere’s ^ e w s That Is News!
Prices that beats them all.
Don’t wait, Get Your F irst
Electric Shop
104 South B artlett, Phone 22-J
Peerless Bakeiy
Medford, Oregon
- - - OREGON
The only Modern Bakery in Southern Oregon, always prepared to serve you.
Our password is—Service, Quality, and Quantity