W in te r F a ir a n d J a c k s o n C ounty C h ris tm a s Edition z= SECTION FOUR PAGES ONE TO EIGHT 'i A shland D aily T iding s ________ V OLLME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43) F SECTION ' FOUR PAGES ONE TO EIGHT & (International News Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921 No. 79 Medford, Oregon The city has a good w ater system, gas and electric lights, several’ two and four story concrete and brick office buildings, a public park, lib rary, hospital, natatorium , passenger depot, several hotels, i n d u i n g two five story hotels which rank with Estimated Population 6,756, is located near the cen- ? c d S 'V7 . V?,ley> on the Main Line of the □. r . Co. Medford is the largest city, most impor- rant financial, trade and shipping center of the county Is Your Name There? the best hotels In the state. Four banks, and an oper^ nouse. Med ford is headquarters for the C rater Lake N ational Forest Service, also chief outfitting point in the county for C rater Lake, autom obiles m ak­ ing regular trips during the season. Medford has good .fire departm ent, schools, business colrege, music con­ servatory, golf and country club, and an active W omen’s Civic Im ­ provement club, Federal building, Elks building, public m arket, good churches and large fruit packing plants. The key station of the Uni­ ted States W eather Bureau for Sou­ thern Oregon is also locate < here. 'A GREAT BUSINESS THAT PATRONIZED BY ALL CLASSES. quires stockholders to give w ritten notice to the association of the de­ sire to w ithdraw , an J associations have the right to take a reasonable time to do so. F ou rth , BECAUSE its board of directors is composed of nine well- known business and professional men of the highest integrity. THEY COURT INVESTIGATION. They’ll take pleasure in explain­ ing to you anything not clear about building and loan, w hether fo)* SAYING, INVESTING or BORROW’- ING. M EDFORD SERVICE STATION The Medford Service Station ‘ lo- cated on the Pacific highway’ at Main street, Medford, is the busiest I service station in Oregon, and is i the only independent station in this locality. They serve the public with the most popular gasoline and oils ¡on the m arket (A ssociated). Their tire business, in which they have been engaged for two years, has grown by leaps and bounds, selling , the tjvo most generally used brands — Goodyear and United States. Their vulcanizing shop is managed and operated by vulcanizers of many years experience. A nother big fea­ tu re of the Medford Service Station i is their solid tire departm ent, car­ rying on hand at all times a complete assortm ent of sizes in the follow­ ing m akes: Goodyear, United States. Goodrich, and Kelly-Springfield. They are equipped with a .200 h jd ia u lic press, and, consequently, are able to handle anything in this line IS That the people in general recog­ n i z e the necessity of fire insurance is evidenced by the fact th at the people of Oregon during the year 1920, bought an am ount totalling $686,737,935.00. The lossses sustained during the same period were somewhat in excess of three and a quarter million dol­ lars. and this in spite of the fact th a t all during the w ar period an active fire prevention cam-paign ha ) 'been conducted throughout the state. . Present reports indicate that the year 1921 will eclipse this am ount although the standard of values are tower this year than they were last. Through the efforts of the state -fire m arshall’s office the fire pre­ vention campaign is still being waged and should receive the hearty sup­ port of every loyal citizen. Our m ot­ to should be: ' ’Prevention, then protection." To secure the la tte r your business should be in the hands of an agent who thoroughly understands the insurance business and who is ever ready to give service meaning all that this much overworked word implies, and last, but not least, who represents companies th a t the above reproach. Upon these g conditions I respect­ fully solicit your business. C. L. Goff, Medford, Oregon. t h e n e w m o to r o il That B o o Not Break Dew» R apidly Under E ngine Heat For many years lubricating oil scientists have tried to economically remove destructive "sulpho” com­ p o u n d from motor oils. It is th ese im purities which cause m otor oils to rapidly break down under engine heat. This * problem was solved through th.e new Hexeon Process, which was developed and is used on­ ly by the Associated Oil company Cycol is a scientific creation— a new and different motor oil. Ia r V " t0 determ i" e which crud« 7 7 ^ 8UiUble f° F * * 7 a ® ° Ver 4°° tyP6S WeF® , Re8iearch lilb°™ torie8— physical, chemical and motor test- jng— and an an experim experim ental ental refinery were installed a t our main refinery. Cycol is Am erica’s latest contribu­ tion to the scientific lubrication w oriJ. The Cycol Lubrication chart shows with scientific accuracy the correct' grade of Cycol to use in internal combustion engines. The rem arkable service this new motor oil is giving on the Pacific Coast of the United States is th e final proof as to the big and prof- itable business it will build up for you in your country. We will gladly send you samples and details of our plan that will help you create a big and grow ing Cycol business. Associated O il Company. MEBFORB CANDY COMPANY The Medford Candy company is strictly a m anufacturing and job- BA RTLETT’S FU R STORE , bing concern and employes ten peo- P. W. B artlett, proprietor of Bail- Pie. Three salesmen are constantly 4 j «•. »re also ex- er may bo developed from the falls been organized kin» Mr. B artlett carries a elusive jobbers fo r th e fam ous of Butte creek. The elevation is IT IS THE SAFEST, YET MOST The land is suit- PROFITABLE PLACE TO IN V EST1 ^ 7 7 7 7 ° °.f aH klnds ° f new P o r R E E Chocolates. Two of th e ir about 25 00 feet and fruit fruit growing growing ' MONEY. MONEY . St° Ck and made to order taxl- 8PeciaRies are "Medford Maid" and able for farm ing and dermy in all branches. Purple and Gold. when cleared Butte Falls has a Its “A” or preferred stock is This company was organized and saw mill, city water system, good guaranteed to pay 7 per cent. opened up for business Jan u ary I, public schools, two stores, a hotel, Its “ B" or common stock has n e t- 1921, with the following officers bank, and om chujch. er paid less than 7 per cent and and owners: H. V. Beeney, m ana­ most of the time 8 per cent and ger; LeRoy Mershou, president; B. JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING more. F. Mershon, director; George A. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Beeney, vice president. Incorporat­ Its installm ent stock is credited l Everyone concedes th a t the Jack- with the same rate of interest as the ed under the name of the Medford i TER a. year of strife and cou-J Candy Company Inc. i son County Building & Loan associa-! "B ” or common stock. fusion the world Is about to de ! tion is one of the most succesuful I Those who do not come under the clare an armistice for the observ­ TH E PALM ER PIANO HOUSE. i institutions in Jack-son county, and, “ income tax list” are exempt in this P E E R L E SS BA K ERY ance of Christmas. It is curious how The Palm er Piano House of Med . from all indications, has a great fu- state from taxation on building and ! the essence of Christianity gets itself The Peerless Bakery of Medford ford.