ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAG B EIGHT Saturday, Decom ber 3, l # 2 t Ladies Free at Memorial Hall tonight. sim ilar institutions elsewhere. tra is also m aintained, one teacher Large cooking and sewing classes devoting her entire tim e to mugic. are tau g h t in both high schools, the, A thorough and practical course is Clothing prices th a t defy competi­ Local and Personal j plan being to supplem ent theory given in Spanish, the second lan- tion a t P aulserud’s. 7-itf i with practice and to learii to do by guage of the western hemisphere, --------------------- Side Lights---------------------- I doing. A Smith-Hughes practice supplanting iu large degree the ^e a J M arketing Hogs— ■ house gives girls an opportunity to languages so extensivly taught iu John Gore has commenced slaugh­ Jo h n so n 's Jew elry Store— the gift ; Cliff Payne makes ähaving stands. I learn the a rt of home m akiug b y , form er times. tering his fat hogs and hauling them « e n te r, Ashland. j doing all kinds of housekeeping work The latest cour8(? at Bonds bonds and occupying the lodge rooms, and the grades. An excellent student orches- mothers 7-8-9-10. 60-eod Income froin liberty ! ber F ir st Christina» Tree— other governm ent obligations by a ffa ir ended with a big dance, which The first Christm as tree to make V isit at T rail corporations are exempt from taxa- was p articip ateJ in by some 150 its appearance in Ashland graces one Mr. and Mrs. $ d Palm er of Lin- tion under the new revenue law, couples. Following are the new of­ of the windows of Holmes grocery coin street, have gone to Trail for senators and experts who framed ficers elected: store. The tiny fir stands among a illustrious potentate, E. J. New­ a few days visit with th eir grand­ the m easure state at W ashington, n u m b er of beautiful jardinieres and daughter, Mrs. Tracy Hayes. D. C. This is because of the repeal man, Medford; chief rabban, T. H. vases. The proprietor says th at of the excess profits tax, effective Simpson, Ashland; assistant raban, On and after December 5, 1921 vases are priced up to five dollars, DANCE as usual a t H elm 's club Jan u ary 1, 1922. In the past the P. B. Herman, G rants Pass; high b u t “ vahses” cost over five dollars house Saturday night, Dec. 3. 77-3 only levy applying to g o v ern m en t1 priest and prophet. Rev. P. K. Ham- HAIR CUTS ................... 35c each. bonds held in large quantities by rnond, Ashland; oriental guide, Emil SHAVES.......................... 20c B ritt, Jacksonville; treasurer, C. H. Mr. Roselle, the tailo r at Orres, corporations, was the profits tax. H itch up the Ford and drive over ' ---------- Vaupel, A shland; recorder, W. H. a.nd see “The Country G irl," Sunday is an artist as a tailor. He recently Regular Saturday night dance, at ’ ■ Day, A shland; representatives to the came here from Minneapolis. 69tf n ight, Armory, 15 and 50 cents. Memorial Hall tonight. 79-1 im perial council— which meets iu L e t’s go. 78-2 A shland W om an D ies— San Francisco in June, with a pros- 95 OAK ST. B ir th d a y Party— For pleating, see Orres. W ord was received in Ashland re- 69tf pective trip to the Hawaiian islands M aster Gillis Fleener celebrated 1 cently from the W. L. Melllnger — W. H. McNair, Ashland, and W .1 his eigth birthday Thursday after- family of Ogden, Utah, to the effect Buy a new suit for the Holidays. E. Newcomb, G rants Pass. noon with a happy little party of th at Mr. M ellinger’s • fath er died at P aulserud's 74tf The following fourteen candidates eight schoolmates. Childish games their home in Ogden. AV. L. Mellin- were initiated into the m ysteries and goodies helped to make a m erry ger was form erly pastor of the Chris- From Sunnyside, W ash.— _ of the order: Ashland — Louis h o u r for the small guests. tian church at Ashland, and has Charles Hodper and family from Schwein, R. E Detrick, F. G. Dean. --------- - | many friends here who were sad- Sunnyside, W ash., arrived in A sh--G lenn Simpson and A. F. Million; Hotel Ashland Grill caters to dened to hear of his bereavement, land Sunday. The Hooper fam il# Medford— G. W. Porter, R. G. Bard- home-folks as well ae to commercial ------i— have lived form erly in the v ic in ity ' well, R. R. Peter, P. B. McDonald, 61tf Cliff Payne makes library tables. of Ashland for a num ber of years and C. T. Sweeney; Roseburg— A. K. m en and tourists. land say they are back here now to ¡Gibbs; C entral Point— E. H. Hed- Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as­ In B u tte F a lls on Busine»»— Mr. Hooper’s son. Vernon | rick; K lam ath Falls— Hans Nyland- sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf stay. BICYCLES FOR SALE AND REPAIR Mr. Larson went to B utte Falls Hooper, motored in from Sunnyside er ainJ/T. A. Anderson; tra n fe rs—■ th is w£ek in charge of the work o f 1 3ome m onths ago and is located at H. O. Frobach. Medford; J. F. Chin- R ecovering from Illn ess— Rev. C. W. Hulet who was called to at the D. Wells, who has beer, at a local present in the Dead Indian country. nock and J. G. Bromley, G rants Pass. E ugene by the death of Mrs. H ulet’s The present m embership of Hiiiah hospital expect^ to retu rn to his a u n t, Mrs. C. G annett. We make our own candies, ice Temple is around 575. home in Douglas county the last of Enders Con­ The afternoon parade was dis­ this week. Mr. Wells will be ac­ cream and tam ales. Tho Ashland W inter F air Decem­ fectionery. 62tf pensed w ith because of the chilly companied by his son. Roy Wells, ber 7-8-9-19. 60-eod weather. A prelim inary business and family, who have been visiting Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, m eeting was held at the Armory at for some tim e with the C. B. Harney 343 East Main Street M issionai'y O ffering— 20 cents. E n te rs Confectionery.62tf 4 o’clock, and a t 6 o’clock a cafe­ The m embers of W estm inster ratni!y’ east ot town. teria, dinner was served there for G uild are to bring in their th a n k s' Im provem ents in H om e— Johnson’s Jew elry Store at Ash­ the men. The 'ladies held a recep­ o ffering for missions tomorrow ev­ land seems to be Xmas headquarters. . S. S. Stevens of North Talent, is tion and social session a e lodge ening a t regular meeting. “ The un­ having a new range a n d hot and rooms in the afternoon and evening, finished task in Cuba and P erto Ri­ Bubble Books for children at R o se iC° ld w ater installed In th e ir home with cards and music and a 6 o’clock co” will be the study. Mrs. Dora Bros. 70tr Mr. Stevens has been m aking many banquet, joining the men at the Ar­ L eslie is the leader. good and convenient improvements mory at 11 o’c lo ck for a big final in his home this fall, including a | dance Visits at Medford— Loveland’s X orchestra furn- Special sale H oefler’s Famous complete w ater system. C. B. Haney, from east of town, ished music for both the dance and Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a was a Medford visitor the first of the ladies' social session. The A r­ pound W atch our window. Rose Ladies Free at Memorial Hall the week. mory was beautifully decorated by tonight. Bros. 70tf and we think we can not only Thomas Swem, of Medford, who em­ Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, supply the kiud and quantity P o rtraits th a t please. Darling ployed colored electric lights to se- W . C. T. U. to Meet— LUMBER and hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf Studio. of lum ber you desire, but can 7 1 - lm o 'cure some w onderful effects. An­ The W. C. T. U. ladies will meet save you money on your lum ­ other Medford m em ber— a young Tuesday afternoon of next week in R etarns from East— ber needs. At least, give us the W ith m odern ap p aratu s we can professional m an— delighted th e library rest room at 2:30 o’clock. the opportunity of estim ating Jam es Yokum has returned fronv make your p o rtrait at night as well Shriners with stage dancing and i i R ecording Secretary W hite an the east where he has been taking as in day tim e with you and look over our ex­ Evening by ap­ oth er interesting stunts. nounces. All members are requested some o„_,- special lines of o study. . .« Mr. pointment. D arling Studio. 71-lm o tensive lum ber yards. We c ar­ to be present and visitors are wel- Yokum as form erly is at work for . ry everything in the Building conic ' HELEN FRASER Line. the Southern Pacific company and A nother S atisfied B uyer — s H em stitching, 8 cents per yard ’’uus between Ashland and Rose- J. B. Cochran is one of the recent Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod Ur®‘ buyers of K lam ath reclaim ed lands, having purchased forty acres and F in e Apple Specimens— Our clothes are correctly cut and being well satisfied with his p ur­ TRY OUR R E A V ER H ILL COAL D. A. Owens. 322 W imer street, skillfuI1y tailored. P au lseru d ’s. 74tf AT 9 1 3 .0 0 A TON. WE KNOW IT chase. Mr. Cochran a n d Mr. Sper­ WILL PLEASE YOU ow ner of the Wimer Cove orchard. A nother big“ ^ 7 e &t AppIegate ry, who also bought forty acres of /h a s placed an apple exhibit par ex- ~ „ , . . „ » , Saturday, December 3 Sunset Or- the Jacobs 'tra c t, are old successful cellence in the window of C. B, Lam- PHONE US— NO. 20 chestra. 3* W illam ette valley farm ers, who k in ’s real estate office, th ir te e n . __ know good soil when they see it, » Spitzenburg apples clustering on one Ashland Man III__ and were so well pleased with the sm all branch. Outside of the one J W. Guiley, of Eugene, who for- K lam ath land th at they felt simply branch the tree from which the ’ap­ merly lived here, is said to be q u ite ! forced to buy at least forty acres ples were taken did not show a good Ul at hi3 home in . Lane county. apiece- 79-1 yield, Mr. Owens says. j ______ _ ASHLAND OREGON « A new - «P-to-the-m inute stock— Special this week at Enders Con- 7° fiAQ Sh, and vV,1Ker P air Decem’ ’ the finest gdods, low prices and good fectionery— Fresh cream caram els, ber 7-8-9-10. 6°-eod service distinguishes Johnson’s Jew- regular price 60 cents; this week 40 cents. We make them 74-6 i elry Store at Ashland. R ally Girl Horn— Ashland News in Paragraphs N O T IC E The 0. K. Barber Shop U mbrella C overing Shop FIGURE W ITH U S ¡Si X'1 j Ashland Lumber Co. illaliilUi An eight and a half pound baby Swenson and McRae are prepar- Orres cleans clothes clean. 69tf Kiri was born November 30 to Mr. i ing to begin a big fu rn itu re sale and Mrs. W. E. Pulse, Scenic Drive V isitor at G rants P ass — Monday with reduced prices on all Mrs. Alta W einburger was a vis- goods. They have a most attract-1 This is Helen Fraser, former suf- The largest line of wrist watches itor in G rants Pass last Sunday. ive show window, showing a nicely i fragist, now candidate for the house in Southern Oregon. Beautiful, furnished room, with a stove and of commons on the Coalition ticket, d ain ty and real tim ekeepers. At Every one will see “The Country , other things needful for creature photographed on her arrival at New Joh n so n ’s Jew elry Store, Ashland. G irl,” Sunday, Mdnday and Tuesday j comfort 79-1 York. She is to lecture here on Brit­ nights, Armory. Popuiar Players ish politics. Painless Prices. T each er Is III— 78-2 Miss Alice W alker, who has been ASHLAND GAINS teaching at Yanlax, on the K lam ath M is. P aul G uiley III— RECOGNITION; SCHOOL Mrs. Paul Guiley, of H argadine Indian reservation, has returned to AND CHURCH WORK Ashland and is in a lo'fcal hospital Istre e t* lias been Quite 111 for several; preparatory to undergoing an opeva-!weeks> but ia reported to be im- (Continued from jPago 1) fion. Miss W alker is a daughter of l proving- and other states never fail to re­ ‘ 7r. and Mrs, B utte W alker, on E ast ' m ark upon the splendid work being vlain street. Sunday night, Armory, Popular ______ Players Co. presenting “ The Coun­ done by Ashland school, which indi­ try G irl.” Popular prices. 78-2 cates th eir pre-em inent place among Adams has all kinds of dry wood stored in a building. z Phone 460. All wool suits for $20 at Paulser- 77-3 ud’9- 63tf I Attends Dental Convention—*- Dr. F. H. Johnson is in Portland trending the tw enty-eighth annual onventlon of the Oregon Dental as- r e la tio n . Dr. Johnson, who left W ednesday of this week, will retu rn th e early part of next week. Clever suits P a u lseru d ’s. Farm in “ FniC B la st”— % W.H. Hodfeinson WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Dealer in the Leading Makes of Watches Clocks TOO LATE TO CLA3S11Y VISTA APARTMENTS— W o and three room furnished m o'C rn apartment's. Inquire 166 H arga­ dine, phone 122. 79tf W elborn Beeson, of Taleni was in Phoenix a few dayä &ir0 and DO YOU AVANT TO EXCHANGE a farm ing in fu l, blagt in hij loc litp e home in Ashland for TO east of Ashland acres of woodland on highway, or _ cheap for cash. See S. L. Allen, 63 N orth Main. - 79-2* D^NCE as usual a t H elm ’s club Wifey—The worst of a holiday is to hoivse Saturday night, Dec. 3. 77-3 S&ttle down when you get back. DAIRY RANCH— Equipped and pro- for cold snaps, at fitable, one of th e best in tlie Hubby—No worse than settling ui valley. F o r sale by H. C. Galey, 74-tf Orres remodels garm ents, 69tf before you get back. 570 Fairview St., phone 431-J. 79 I Diamonds Diamonds Silverware, Cut Glass and Hand Painted China R B gf E CITIZENS BANK BLDG. Ul.oi......... . ASHLAND .O il, I,.. I:.. JùJfftjilhlilhBMItBÎBMl