/ PAGE SIX ASHLAND daily tidings Saturday, December 3, 1921 i People have to purchase And the geezer was wise— I For he knew the way to get ’em i Was to advertise.— Exchange. ■i. in which Mr. Patterson has had charge of the local office of the bureau of entomology, he has di­ rected insect control w’ork in the ■ forests of northern California, the labor being perform ed by employes of the Weed Lum ber company. Mr. If you are partial to any particular kind of P atterson has been engaged in simi­ lar work in this vicinity for the past WOOD OR POSTS (ft seven years. His office is on Oak FS • W hat will be the biggest bug hunt stre e t> opposite Hotel Ashland, you’ll find j t at my yard, 240 Third Street, (C ontributed.) „ , , i where there are many interesting , . , , . .. Chopping Blocks and Pitch Kindling, in I Bv Shall Ireland become entirely in­ ever pulled off m this p art of the specimens By "WEBSTER W EBSTER K. NOLAN of bark beetles and wood sacks, at right prices. dependent or, if it rem ain within country aw aits word from Washing- whlch they have ruIned. (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) ton, where a bill to provide the ne- the British empire, shall there be WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 3.— two separate governm ents in Ii^e- cessary funds was recently submit- WO.MEN’S FE ET GETTING DRY WOOD IN STORAGE Japan takes the press seriously. Not land, one for U lster and one for to congress. It is known th at SMALLER EVERY YEAR? th a t other nations do not, but Japan the rest of the country? I tlie m easure passed the house and Furniture Stored Ten Days Free ta k e s it so seriously th a t it con- Prime M inister Lloyd George has w ithin a week its fate in the senate (By International News Service) A. G. ADAMS PHONE 460 duces to lack of sleep on the p art of refused to consider any proposal will likely be known here. The LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3.— Wom- | th e Japanese. This has become a p -: which would put Ireland outsidb the araount asked for was $150,000, en-s feet are getting sm aller every tttic'jiHiiUiiuaauiiitiiiUi&iitiCiiuiij’siiiiffliiiiiifliuinniiiiiitiiniiiiiSiiiQiiyiiiUiiiiifh.uiiii . »■ a i HUM p aren t following a study of the re-¡em pire. ; which sum is to be m atched by pri- year> according to Southern Cali- m arkable system prevailing in the) The Sinn Feiners refused to ad- vate owners of tim ber land ertend- fornia m erchants who sell shoes— Japanese embassy here for the d i s - 'm it th a t Ireland should be split in ing from tbe m ountains east of Ash- and t hey ought to know sem ination of news. The Japanese two parts. i Iand to Lakeview, and containing A Santa Barbara dealer sponsored a r e usually credited with having U lster refused to unite in one par- approx^m ate^v 1,200,000 acres The the first announcem ent of this in- conducted the most efficient press la m e n t with th e Sinn Feiners. It work wil1 begln about tb ® “ Wdle of teresting revelation. Los Angeles b u reau a t the Hotel Crillion daring | has organized a parliam ent of its j the w inter> if the appropriation 8hoe m erchants say he’s r i g h t / th e Paris conference. They have im- own under th e Government of Ire- \ passes. And the reason? Its the ubiqui- proved upon th a t system for t h e ' ]and act. ' L The above mentioned forest has tons automobile. As the p u rrin g cars • L ^handling of inform ation for the The Sinn Feiners refused to set u p : mapi/ d by / E ’ P atterso n , in multiply in num ber women take - t ¡Washington conference. a parliam ent for the South of I r e - / aFS! ° or®st insect investigation fewer and fewer steps. Their toot- The stress of this efficiency Is land, as proposed in th a t act. T h ey ' I’T i t o / Z f ? uieau of entomoIogy> sies no longer are subjected to the laid upon m aking news quickly and adhered to th eir own Irish parlia- „ * 63 apartm ent of agri- strain of pounding the gravel all easily accessible, not to the Ameri­ ment, called the Dail Eireann, which AFeaSf in Which tbere are ^ y long. c a n and other correspondents, but they hatJ set up independently as t h e ; d l(ngth of a woman’s foot is ( / ees per acre infect- “ The l(n to the Japanese correspondents? governing body of the Irish republic . , . S/ UC / e8’ Hre Co1" a m atter of heredity,” said one deal- TThere are more than a hundred spe­ That was the situation when th e ! ^ e c r c ia l Japanese newspaper men cover­ truce began las, July, a fte r King M le d each J " nP,°" “ e? ise' 11 » in g the W ashington parley. George had m ade a conciliatory beetles ot which tre re are er a , ° r€' thdt th6 tendency for Captain N am ura, chief adviser of speech a t the opening o t the new T ! ye3rS 1’“8 b' e” ' ° T WOme" 's Ja p a n , calls the little brown-faced parliam ent in U ls te r feet to get sm aner— th a t is, nar- D uring the two years and a half row er.” scribes into conference several times p ainam ent in Lister. The purpose of the negotiations — 1— " 11 — • ___________ a week to explain in detail to them jrh a t the Hughes proposals mean, now in progress, as defined by MMIUOHIimuinOiffiHliilffl wmhh » a n d what the aims of Japan are. In Lloyd George and accepted by the § th is way the cables crossing the P a­ Sinn Fein representatives is “ to j § cific hum with conference news, the ascertain how the association of Ire- H HE PROMISES ME A CAR FOR CHRISTMAS! tre n d of which is guided cautiously land with the community of nations WHICH SHALL IT BE? the Japanese delegates here, known as the British empire may be fl’hese correspondents’ conferences best reconciled with Irish national a r e held in the basem ent of the em­ aspirations.” bassy, where the quill quiverers The conferences began in July. I B f a th e r about kitchen tables to listen Both sides have a t times entertained j § •to the dictum of the chief advisers, higher hopes of q final and satisfac­ h i dipping “sake” the while. tory settlem ent probably than at any it- Treat A m ericans D ifferen t tim e since the Irish question be­ T The American and foreign corres­ came a thorn in the isde of the B rit­ SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE pondents, other than Japanese, are ish empire, but th ere have been sev­ received in a specially appointed eral crises when the negotiations I ’ll have to see which one I like best at Cham ber on the upper floors. For seemed doomd to failure. the CLASS A GARAGE. They will be th e m there is no consultation with The first of these occurred when glad to let me try them all, I know. t h e high advisers. They are perm it­ Lloyd George offered to de Valera g te d to ask questions and receive an ­ at consultation in Ireland a form of sw ers, if there are any. There sel­ self-governm ent in Ireland some-l d o m are. thing like th at prevailing in the For the benefit of Japanese w rit­ British dominions. The Dail Eireann e rs , white men in terpreters stationed utterly rejected this proposal on the tot the embassy daily tu rn out a neat ground th a t it did not afford even ASHLAND HOTEL BLDG. /o ld e r, num bering about a dozen genuine dominion rule F o r a time p ag es, in which is contained a revi<^v it seemed th a t a deadlock had been Phone 30 O f editorial comment in the Ameri­ reached. B ■ c a n press, and* a sum m ary of the a r­ '» j ¿ill'; « M W 1' I.WKit ticles of W ashington^new spaper cor­ Are you keeing up with youth? respondents. Ahe you as successful as you want 3 Conferences for all correspond­ to be? 1 e n ts are also given every afternoon Are you getting the most out of t o r a short period by one of the Jap- life? tonese delegates and are held in t h e |Come to th e New Thought Tempie JBew navy building down on the (on the Boulevard) Sunday night H a ll. Admiral Kato has been con­ (Dec. 4), and hear Thomas Parker d u c tin g these conferences. Admiral Boyd talk along these lines.— 79— It i JCato doesn’t speak English. On bulletin boards in the Jap an ­ We lik e to think of th is Institution as a business The best Christm as present is a j ese embassy there are posted every suit or overcoat tailored to m easure. ■«Say in Japanese script, Tokio for­ See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 service station — w here an yon e can com e for advice and eign office dispatches relating to the Profit Christm as Sale. 69tf tre n d of editorial comment in Japan assistan ce in order that his business may run just a n d there are also advices from the 343 East Main Street J a p a n e se embassy in London sum ­ sm oothly as possible. m arizing the trend of public opinion Phone 173 In England. These bulletins are for by ED. S TA PLES’ TH IN K E R th e Japanese correspondents only. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE MEATS, In this way the delegates of Japan HAMS, BACONS, ETC. m a n ag e to control indirectly the «Course of public opinion at home— Former Location Fourth Street to factor of the gravest im portance Here’s where you get your money’s worth t o the delegates— Kato, Tokugawa a n d Shidehara. J. M. GRIMSLEY, Prop. 8 BUGS IN FORESTS Britian Ireland Trouble Clarified Talk About Wood 8. . ... ..... /« • / T // X T ”' Width °' "" "M d<"’e"ds □ Ashland Fruit and Produce Association A Packard, Hudson or an Essex? Winter Fair Class A Garage CityMeatMa A Business Service Station The Citizens Bank ’•'Í?SOK’ HE KNEW HOW. ^There was an old geezer And he had a lot of sense, started up in business On a dollar eighty cents, ■yhe (J^lar for stock, And the eighty for an ad, .Brought him three lovely dollars In a day, by dad! JWell, he bought more goods And a little more space, A nd he played th a t system W ith a smile on his face. T h e custom ers flocked To his two-by four A nd soon be had to hustle F or a regular store, "* » P on the square W here the peole pass ’ H e gobbled up a corner T hat was all plate glass» H e fixed up the windows W ith the best that he had, 'And told them all about it In^a half page ad. H e soon had ’em cornin’ And he never, never quit, A nd he w ouldn’t cut down On his* ads, one jit. A n d he's kept things hum ping In the town ever since. A nd everybody calls him The M erchant Prince. Borne say it’s luck. But th a t’s all bunk— .Why, he was doing business .When tim es were pnak. •A? C5 & & Ashland, <& Haul It Rack when Y'ou R eally Need It Money invested in the right sort of property is tangible and negotiable at all times. If you want to know a lot th a t you can’t know about real estate investm ents, come and see me I have land to sell th a t I will gaurantee to bring you b etter than 10 per cent net on the investm ent from rental alone. If you farm it yourself, it will be even better. Reliable bankers and farm ­ e r s who have examined the land, predict th a t it will treble in value within less than five years. Can you db better? HAVE YOU INVESTIGATED THE LOW PRICES AT I A. M. BEAVER Tie a String to the Money You Spend So That You Can i = Beaver Realty Company Casebeer & Hubbard a CENTRAL POINT, OREGON 1 Our lines complete in Groceries, Furniture, Men’s Work J Clothes and Shoes ■ I Shoes & Overalls Reliable—Responsible SPECIAL PRICES ON S REAL ESTATE, LOANS INSURANCE THIS MONTH !■ References: R EA L ESTATE INSURANCE Oregon Citizens Bank of Ashland First National Bank State Bank of Ashland 15 First Street, = store. Telephone 68 ASHLAND, ORE. When we say SPECIAL that means something at this | o One trial will convince you. XMAS CANDIES IN BOXES AND BULK á