Kat urilay, D ecem ber 3 , 1921 PAGE FIVJ? even m aking experim ents to see if I .i-.x ,-. B U H , UU AU li J. McNulty, A rthur S. H ubbard. Wm i Dunbar, F. M. McMahon, L, A. Neil. A M ) ENGINES PLAN cannot burn the coal in th e mine EIG H TY-SEV EN PA ST G. Gowland, Henry J. Clark, Wm. , Joseph P. Hendricks, George N. OP INDUSTRIAL LEADER anil do entirely away with coal-burn- M EM BERS; MÉMORIAL S. Howerv, Ellis J. Neil, F red L. j Gray, Herman F. Pohland, A S Mar- --------- - i ing locomotives. That is Mr. Edi-. , TO W ER'S F IS H B R A N b , DoD.e. A. H. Conner, Em m ett Bee- ! tin, Bernard Dalv, John A Bailey (C ;ntinui J from Page 11 i sop’s idea. I cannot give him en­ (Continued from Page 1) son, Max Pracht, S. A. Carlton, Ray ' Chas. E. -Abbott, Geo. W. Owen. ough credit for w hat he has done for , j „ . r F. . oayie, Sayle, r F. . L. W. Coate3, John T. , F ran k E. Lichens, W. A. W ilshire, p ,-u\ocks reJiy dey gloom — for a go J deal of this slowness. The me. Coal contains Uvo. hundred an J mrd Grubb, Elmo Neil and H arveyj Kellv Then T «<< extfess? e weigh: c>f the freight trains eight ingredients. A ll# of these in- Clift will act as ushers. Mrs. C. C. Grath Ch°« V Be ’ tv V i S H>de, A rth u r S. Brown, d A À v V — irdo a cocked Kaf- them selves is responsible for some gredients ckn be obtained by burn- Robertson and Mrs. C. C. Jacobs will p a rit/n uLi«« w eX\e\ ’ ! t ? ! A‘ H ughes’ 'ba*. H. Veghte, A J TOWER C Q , more. The weight of the average ing the coal if one cares to go to be the accompanists. The memorial g H urt Ower^ T McK °d T - •’ ' ' er?’ V‘ L' ^nelling’ Geo freight car is almost equal to the the expense of saving them all. Down day committee in charge is composed r Beeson (in the" ‘ son, L. M. Hobson, Ernest load it carries. Oftentim es the at the tracto r plant at the Rogue we of E. C. Payne, O. W inter and A. J. ■ Red wine w - : " TT ' II '' J ‘ __________ freight in a car is much lighter than are burning about one thou&tnd and McCallen. L je p ow^rs iOn thè service'™ E ' C i !&B====HSB=!a!==^ = i= = ? i^ = = = = != th e car itself. Im agine w hat it naeans seven hundred tons of coal dailv. The E lks’ lodge has had fifteen ici«rht na«»«,- t • 5’ L ’ , to a locomotive to have to draw so simply to get what is in the coal. We Past exalted rulers since the tound- Moore ; E Graham 1 C Do- t ' much dead weight. are taking out only the benzol, gas ing of the lodge. They are: E. V. j \ M sllhern Irwin R edu ce W eight o f Cars coke, ammonia and- a few other in- C arter, C. H. Pierce, G. A. Knob- = = __ _ “ I am preparing to build freight gredients. Each ton of coal contains iauch, H. C. Sparr, A. G. Livingston, cars in which the weight will be re- a little more than two gallons of H. G. Swedenburg, E. T. Staples, W. duced tw o-thirds w ithout sacrificing benzol. There is no b etter fuel for E. Newcombe, J. M. W agner, D. A. anything in carrying capacity. This an internal combustion engine than Applegate, Geo. W. Owen, J. K can be done by using steel contain- benzol. Choate Jr., A. C. Nininger, D. Peroz- -------------------- --------- zi, P. K. Hammond. ing alloys. Cars of this kind can he built as cheaply as the present CENTRAL EU RO PE U. S. The present officers of the lodge IS PO SSIBILITY; B E L IE F are: H arry K. Tomlinson, exalted st^ ’e of cars. • It costs som ething to make a better quality of steel, but OF CZECHO-SLOVAKIA ru ler; G. H. Hedtierg, esteemed from o u f this is offset by the fact th a t, only ---------- leading knight; A. C. Briggs, es- one-third as much steel is used. I (Continued trom Page 1) teemed loyal knight, F. F. W hittle,: STATIONERY DEPARTM ENT am also ¿» signing new type of lo — „ a ------------------------ —----------------------------------------—— esteemed lecturing knight; J. Edw.i — Loose-leaf Memos comotive in w rhich the weight will ed to establish definitely the basis T hornton> secretary; P. Provost, — W riting Cases be reduced one-half, yet this loco- of a new order of things and to re- treasu rer; H ubert B. Bentley, es- Starring — Playing Cards motive will draw as many loaded constitute politically, economically Qu ire : E. E. Miller, tiler; Guy C. HELENE CHADWICK and RICHARD DIX — Cribbage Boards light freight cars as the present and socially the central Europe of Jacobs> chaplain; Elm er J. Smith, — Line-a-Day Books type of locomotive will draw of the future. x inner guard; Otto "Winter, organist, — Address Books Everybody—married, single or un­ heavy ones. ' N ot a M ilitary Body T rustees: H. H. Gillette, D. A. Ap- — Fancy Boxed ^Stationery “ I also expect to reduce by seventy . . “The little entente is n eith er a p,egate’ Erank Jordan. certain—should see this brWiant — Fountain Pens f:Vb per cent the am ount of coal m ilitary enterprise n o r a political The following past members will picture of married life as it really is — E versharp Pencils burned by locomotives. Simply by com b in ation .. It is th e expression o f be honored a t the memorial exer- A , — Framed) Mottoes going over one of our old locomo- the constructive forces which a re a t ; C^ses: Gbas- A. S. Vivian, founder It is a Performance that will always be Fresh in — Fram ed Pictures tives and m aking snen changes and work in c e n t a l Europe; it is the of the o rd e r: Chas. V. H erm ann, J.i — Narcissus Bulbs im provem ents as I could, short of backtm ne o f th e new political and A’ Str<>beck, Jos. S. Dewey, John H. Your Mind! — Xmas Cards rebuilding it, I have reduced by fif- economic systems in this region; it ^ ^ b r id g e , Wm. J. Virgin, Taylor J. — Greeting Cards ty per cent the am ount of coal it is the instrum ent of a collaboration M urphy> Theo. B. Kinsman, C. H. Leaving Tonight— • « burns. The locomotive now ,covers offered to a world which is recon- C apellar- H ardm an Horn, Jam es E. SHOP EARLY the distance betwen Springfield, O., structing itself. That is why t h < Pati ick- Henry D. Kubli, John M. CONSTANCE TALMADGE and^ Detroit on five tons of coal, presence of a H apsburg on the ^ oe^’ J- Darroch, Z. M. Gossett, w hereas it used to consume ten. throne of H ungary is absolutely in- E’ K L eavitt- Geo. W. Crowson, J. “ WEDDING BELLS ” Think what it would mean’ to compatible with the new order and Borman, C. B. Austin, J. N. W at- American railroads to cut their coal why the reappearance of a Haps- __ °uu’ W vv“ aller ,,e r E. Conner, A Jen E . ' hill one-half! A great part of the burg would signify disaster and in- Cox, C. W. Jacksoti, 6. Olds, H. i S tO T i traffic th a t each road carries is coal evitable war. ! ' Cross, Ralph , H. Burns, Wm. C. th at it burns itself. Reduce the coal - We have to struggle against B artlett a rtle tt Eugene A. Sherwin, J. M* bill one-half and the cost of railroad­ form idable elements. Sometimes they Engle’ c - B. Dilley, Alex McLeod, F, ing is not only made less, but equip­ appear in the guise of m onarchist ment is released th at may be used movements for the retu rn of the fo r^ c a rrjin g freight for the public. H apsburgs; sometimes under the Increase F reight Speed Bolshevist colors, and sometimes in ‘Can you begin to realize how in -| the form of reactionary, aristocratic efficiently our American railroads and m ilitarist movements, are run? Think what it would mean “ But each day we lay a new stone to increase the average speed a» on our edifice. Foot by foot we elab- which freight is moved from twenty- orate a new system^which rests upon Many a happy home has been broken to two hundred miles a day! That political, economic” and» commercial up because the husband never had means th a t the freight-carrying ca- treaties, which respect the full sov- learned to manage his income effic­ pacity of American railroads can be ereignty of the new states and rep- iently, and didn't know the word, m ultiplied by ten w ithout increasing resent th e expression of particular SAVING. equipm ent and w ithout additional conditions in each. On one side the Perhaps if some one had given him cost American farm ers and ship- feeling is growing th at no individual i in boyhood a “N ationalized” Savings pers generally are crying out against can exist by himself alone, and on Account for a Christm as present, and high freight rates. If freight is be- the. other the conviction th a t the re- helped him save, th at home would ing moved only tw enty miles, yet lations between civilized states are still be happy. tts ^ c h a r g e is approxim ately the assured by the principle of m utual. sa 'V it should be for moving it interdependence, a system which. 200 miles, is it any worn'« r that some day, will be logically crowned freight rates are regarded as high?” by the creation of a ‘United States “ Mr. F o rd ,” I said, “ suppose you of Central E urope.’ I do not doubt Ashland, :: •• •• Oregon »ere in charge of all the railroads in for a single instant th a t we shall :he United States, could you do with succeed in our task, for we are facet» hem what you have done and w hat by a law of historical evolution, rou propose to do with your own which is inevitable.” oad?” He winced at the question because >f its form. To have given an af- irm ative answ er m ight have seemed ike boasting. So I chanced the form >f the inquiry and put it this way: ‘CoulD any man of good adm inistra­ t e ability who understood your •ailway m ethods— could such a. man to for all American railways what tou have done and hope to do on 'our a own ro ad ?” “ Yes.” he replied. “ It would be to more difficult to apply my >rin- iples to all lines than it is to one. could run them all as easily as I un my own.’r “W hat would he the first th ’ng ou would do,” I asked, “ if all the lilroads In the-U nited States were md^r vonr control?” “ I would send word to U’. e D . T I. gsng to extend their principles As distributors, we want you to know that we se­ all other lines.” lected Mason Tires because they deliver the kind of M r.»Ford laughed s.s he said this, id then added: “ But I db not be- service you demand. ! eve the railroads of America can Car owners are turning to Masons by the thousands properly run except under gov- DISPLAYS OF OREGON PRODUCTS rnrnent ownership. Present wrongs because of astonishing durability. FRUIT EXHIBITS re to* deeply intrenched, and if it CORN AND GRAIN SHOW It «.1.» Mason Cords that drove forty-eight times ere possible to remove them — Iiich it is not— they would spring over three mountain ranges and twice across a burn­ again under private ownership, ing desert. It was Mason Cords that made the trans­ iere are too many parasites on continental pathfinder trip for the Chicago Motor lerican railroads— people who m stock and demand divid nils, Club hundreds of similar stunts. All Southern Oregon invited to send exhibits and t never do any work on the roads. And our Service — it includes free inspection and >bodv should get a cent of rail- participate in this gigantic fair. id income except those who work co-operation in maintenance of car and tires at low­ Two buildings—The Armory and Natatorium—devoted railroads and earn it. But I est possible cost. lieve th a t under private ownership to the show. lericSn railw ays W 1 soon follow ENTERTAINMENT EACH NIGHT example and cut down the weight th e ir cars tw o-thirds. I am not BIG SPEAKERS ing into the qar-huilding business cept for my own road, but there BAND 11 doubtless be other builders who 11 see the advantage of saving two ORCHESTRA AND VAUDEVILLE rds of th e ir steel. The railroads ?mselves will see it. » CARNIVAL THE LAST NIGHT BETTER Bl'ILT CARS C & eer Up! ’.¿FLEX SLICKER^] Bangereos Xmas Gift Suggestions Curve Ahead! Sunday Monday McNair Bros« exaXC The Great Lack National Bank Cock the Walk:’ at (he Ashland Winter You ’re Invited to Better Acquaintance ivith M ason T ires and Our Service December 7 - S-a 9 Domestic Art, Automobiles, and Big Poul­ try and Rabbit Show, also Livestock MASON T IR E S Leedom’s Tire Hospital T alks About. Coal ‘O ther railw ay m anagers, too, will the desirability of saving two- rds of the coal th a t they are now Qing* in th eir locomotives. I am Vulcanizing and Retreading 65 North Main St. Address Ashland Chamber of Commerce for Premium List and Entry Blanks. —Paid advertisement by ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS