PAGB FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS staying at his m other's home while in Jacksonville, took the stand as the first w itness for the prosecution and testified at length under bovh direct and cross examination. His testi­ mony for th e most p art was techni­ cal, dealing with the ledger sheets of the bank. He testified under cross examination th a t K ubli had no knowledge of the handling of the af­ fairs of the bank, nor of the fin a n ­ cial weakness of the bank, and that JACKSONVILLE, Or., Dec. 3.— at all times it had appeared th a t K u­ The selection of a jury to hear the bli had intentions of m aking up any tria l of Chester Kubli, Applegate ovedrafts. cattlem an, who is charged with aid­ E. JE. K ahler, the accountant who ing W. H. Johnson, form er cashier handled the affairs of the bank after ■of the Bank of Jacksonville to injure the failure of th a t institution, then and defraud th at bank, consumed all took the stand for the state and tes­ of the tim e in court W ednesday and tified th a t according to the books, took until about 10 o’clock T h u rs^ K ubli’s oved.afts had am ounted o a day morning. The jury list is as fol­ sum in the neighborhood of $42,000. lows: A. A. Schuchard, W. B. Bid­ At the completion of K ahler’s tes­ dle, W. H. Gore, W. A. Moffit, W el­ timony, Kubli testified th a t he de­ born Beeson, E. B. Shaw, L. Colver, posited and drew on the bank w ith­ George B. Dean, J. C. H erring, Jas. | out any knowledge of the condition B. Stew art, J. H. French, and G. H. of his account, relying solely on W. Yeo. H. Johnson to take care of the finan­ W. H. Johnson, form er cashier oh ces. T hat he deposited checks, th e Bank of Jacksonville, who is d rafts and cash w ithout receiving IS SELECTED JOHNSON CALLED Wolcott's Grocery HEADQUARTERS FOR STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Saturday, D ecem ber 3, 11021 receipts for them, and th a t he had December 29. It is hoped th a t Rev. absolutely no knowledge of any plot W. O. Forbes, D. D:, Sunday school to defraud the bank. superintendent 'Tor Oregon, W ash­ ington, and Idaho, and Rev. W. L. ENTERTAIN SUNDAY Van Nuys, educational field secre­ SCHOOL CLASSES OF tary of the Sunday school '’board, ASHLAND AT HOMES will be here to participate in these services." A strong “party sp irit” seemed to prevade the Sunday school class of M ethodist Epi*ri>pal Church the community last evening. Among C orner North Main and Laurel. the Presbyterians, the teachers’ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Dr. training class, tau g h t by s. D." Tay­ G. W. Gregg, superintendent. •— lor, gave a party at the home of Miss M orning service a t-1 1 . Subject, Pauline Plum m er, on W imer street. j “ W hat Must the Church Do to be Mrs. Riley, 241 High street, enter- Save I.” tained the Young W omen’s Bible Epw orth League at 6:15 p. m., Mr. class, where an old-fashioned rag I. c . Wilson, president, bee was the very practical entertain-! Evening services at 7:30. Sub- m ent, and as someone rem arked. I ject, “ The Price of Leadership.” thej had a tearing old time, while i A cordial welcome to strangers. Rev. K oehler was host to his class “ Come with us and we will do thee of sixteen at the manse. good, for the Lord hath spoken good V. O. N. Smith, of the Baptist concerning Israel.” Sunday school entertained his class Charles A. Edwards, Minister. of young people at his home on F irst C ongregational Church North Main, last evening. Progres­ Boulevard and Main streets. sive games were played at small ta ­ bles, each one being devoted to a Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. with different game. Mrs. Smith served classes for all grades and ages. Morning service, 11 a. m. ’ Sub­ dainty refreshm ents a t the" tables. Twenty-two people enjoyed the hos­ ject, “ The Believer’s Pride in Chris- pitality and good cheer of th e even- tian ity .” ing. 'f Ju n io r Endeavor, 3:30 p. m. Superintendent and Mrs. O. F .j C hristian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Carson also entertained all the Subject, “ Thy Will Be Done.” VI. teachers of th eir Sunday school T e -' W ith m>' plans. Matt. 6:7-15. (Con- cently. secration m eeting.) Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Sub­ ject, "Jesus Christ, th e G reat Teach­ er.” To all who are* friendless, and need a friend; to all who are weary and need rest; to all who sin and need a Savior, this church extends a hearty welcome in thè name of Jesus Trinity Episcopal Church Christ. “ Come with us and we will Sunday school a t 9:45 a. m. do theo good. No other service, but services as W. Judson Oldfield, Minister. usual Sunday, December 11, u Fourth St Market GOODLETT & HIBBS, Proprietors Dealers ’in CHOICE MEATS, HAMS, BACON, LARD, CANNED GOODS, EGGS, POULTRY GET OUR HOLIDAY PRICES 265 Fourth Street Phone 77 Darling Studio F irst C hristian Church ONCE YOU PATRONIZE US — ALWAYS WE AIM TO PLEASE YOU 214 Fourth Street Phone 17 OVERLAND-MARCY CO. CORNER THIRD AND MAIN Distributors for Standard Metal Products Co. Connecting Rod Bearings—Sizes for all cars If we haven’t your size, our mechanics can make them for you OUR SHOP IS W ELL EQUIPPED OUR MECHANICS EXPERTS We guarantee our labor See ns for accessories. We carry a complete line There are no better tires than GOODRICH and FISK Prices are greatly reduced. Our stock is CLEAN AND NEW SO N Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco Complete Line Fishing Tackle . Men’s Dress and Wofk Gloves Our Motto: “ Quality, Quantity, Service and Free Delivery” 215 Fourth Street F ir st B aptist Church. Sunday school, O. F. Carson, sup­ erintendent, 9:45. A happy surprise for the school at the opening. Let everybody be present or time. Morning worship an < sermon at 11:00 o’clock; subject: “ Our Med­ iating M inistry.” Young peoples m eeting at 6:30. Special program . All the young 'people invited. Evening preaching service at 7:30; subject: “ The Coming Sep­ aration and the P arting of the W ays.” A . cordial invitation is extended all who will worship with us. WALTER L. EVANS, Pastor. F irst Church o f Christ, S cien tist. LOOMIS ST3D— Shelf Hardware — Granite ware Corner of B and Second str Mrs. Josephine Champie, pastq^< no Bible school at 10 o’clock. Mr. F ran k Patterson, superintendent. Morning worship at 11. Sermon on “Am I My B rother’s K eeper.” This is a serm on in line with the annual observance of “ women’s day” in the m issionary work. A fter church is the fellowship luncheon followed by th e monthly business meeting. All church offi­ cers are requested to be present and all others are welcome. At 6:30 is the evening prayer ser­ vice. The interm ediates meet in the upper room under the supervision of Miss Abraham . All seniors are urged to avail themselves of this op­ portunity for a spiritual blessing by attending the m eeting of the senior society, in the main room. Evening worship at 7:30. Sermon topic is “ How Long Go Ye Limp­ ing Between the Two Sides?” Come to -church. Phone 23 Pioneer avenue south. Sunday services at 11:00 o’clock. Subject of lesson: “God the Only Cause and C reator.” Sunday school at 10 o'clock. W ednesday evening's m eet­ ings at 8:00 o’clock. Reading room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m., except S v s . . holidu- P resbyterian Church t C. F. Koehler, pastor. Subject for the m orning sermon, “ Stepping H eavenw ard.” Subject for the evening, “ The Living Hope.” Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Ju n io r Christian Endeavor, 4:30 p. m. Young People’s meeting, 6:30. W estm inster Guild, 6:30. P rayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Topic. "W hat is the victorious life, and how possess it.” Rom. 6:14, 8:12; 2 Cor. 12:9, etc. This coming week will see the completion of all the work on the building and for the following Sun­ day the class rooms will be avail­ able an d all things in convenient shape. The services for the dedication of the new building will occur about PORTRAITS THAT PLEASE “ First Aid” for you over the Holidays These are days th at are crowded* with duties. There is extra shop­ ping to be done. There is increased work aw aiting attention in the home and preparations m ust be made for guests coming for the holidays. Why not make this holiday rush less w earing by sending us y o u r . family washing? We can relieve yon of much hard work, and give you more tim e for the many other things th at now are bidding for your leisure Telephone and we will have our driver call for your bundle. We will cb your family washing in the ap­ proved way— the way th a t makes apparel daintily clean, and longer- lived. Our ironing, too, will m easure up to your most exacting standard. We give to everything a tru e “snowi­ ness”— a w hiteness and a ttWural color th at show linen and garm ents at their best. • Get in touch with us and we will instruct our driver to call for your family washing. Ycu will like our service. We Make Sittings at Night Make Your Appointment Now LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FRAMED PICTURES “ PATTERSON PICTURES” XMAS CARDS AND MOTTOES 167 East Main Street Phone 8 Ashland Laundry PHONE 165 N ew A r r iv a ls i Axminister and Brüssel! Rugs Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs IN ALL SIZES AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS We are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, all bought at the lowest market price and marked to sell at the very lowest price possible. We believe in getting back to normalcy at the very earliest date. When there is a decline in the price of anything we immediately mark down the price on goods in stock, always keeping in line with the market. All goods marked in plain figures. “ WE SELL FOR LESS” Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Housefurnishers