PAGB TURE» ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS A A AT MANN’ * PRETTY PETTICOAT Makes an ideal gift to any woman. Kinds and prices are so varied, that a selec­ tion resolves itself to a mat ter of choice. New All Silk Jersey NICE SWEATER It is bo easy to select something practical and useful, that it is not only a waste of money Not only a practical gift but a reflection upon the good taste and intelligence of the recipient when you give her . but is an * expression’ of some unuseful trinket, which is seldom used aud quickly discarded. warm friendship, which the giver holds for the recipient Give as you would like to receive New Styles In Children’s Sweaters, on sale from $2.00 to $5.00 A waist, a petticoat, a sweater, stockings, a kimona, a handbag, handkerchiefs, or a dainty piece of lingerie, which is always acceptable to any woman. Petticoats in beautiful styles Women’s Wool Sweaters up $2.48 to $15.00 each New Taffeta and Satin Petticoats “ F it-R ite” styles $5.00 to $10.00 each Such presents are easy to buy to $10.00 values. Sale price $4.98 each For these holiday stocks offer such a broad collection of PRACTICAL GIFTS that your entire list can anticipation as to whether each present Women’s All Wool Jersey or gifts. like Coats, very special, each $6.98 New Silk Bloomers DAYS BEFORE XMAS from $2.98 to $6.98 Women’s Tie-Back Sweat Near Silk Petticoats ers, in all colors. Very spe cial, $5.00 each PRETTY BLOUSES PUT UP IN in plain and fancy from $1.00 to $3.00 each INDIVIDUAL HOLIDAY BOXES HANDBAGS You could hardly select any­ thing more useful than one of these handsome Handbags in the new shaped style. New styles in Handbags for Children at 69c New Beaded Bags $10.00 to $25.00 To know whether or not a pretty blouse is an appropriate present, just reverse the prin­ ciples. Imagine how pleased you would be to open a box on Christmas mowing ami find one of these lovely and thoughtful presents. New Pongee Waists 100 New Georgette and Crepe de Chine Cheap at $5.00. Very special for Christmas, $5.00 each Beautiful new Beaded Waists, good as most $25.00 ones. Special, each $12.50 Some Exclusive New Styles in Blouses From $18.00 to $25.00 each Made of fine Chantilly Lace, worth $40.00. Special, each $25.00 Special Offer—Every Wool Dress at 20 New Mesh Bags $3.98 to $8.98 per cent off regular price Every Silk Dress at 10 per cent off regular price New Vanity Cases $1.00 A very complete line offers a . splbndid choice of beautiful kinionas, which in attrraetive- ness, cannot be equalled for price. Japanese Crepe Kimonas New House Aprons Sassy Jane styles—each from $1.75 to $5.00 new styles. Priced from $2.98 to $8.98 New Boudoir Caps from 50c to $2.50 each Special Offer—All Christmas Coats 20 per cent off regular price All Tailored Skirts 20 per cent off regular price New AH Silk Breakfast Coats New Party Dresses New Leather Bags $1.25 to $25.00 Very special, each $3.98 K IM 0 N A S and Kimonas, from $10.00 to $27.00 each New Bath Robes, in Corduroy and Wool $5.98 to $18.00 each CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS- —If in Doubt Danity ’kerchiefs for women, including exquisite things with hand embroider}7 and lace; also pretty colored novelties, as well as the plain, every-day kind. Women’s Plain W h ite Handkerchiefs, priced from 10c to 50c Women’s Fancy Handker­ chiefs made of fine* softspun 'materials, from 15c to 25c each Women’s Fancy Handker­ chiefs put up in Holiday Boxes, three in a box, from 50c to $1.75 box Women’s Plain Linen Hand­ kerchiefs. Special 39c each Women’s Hand Embroider­ ed Handkerchiefs, all linen from 48c to $2.50 each Women’s Fancy Colored Linen Handkerchiefs— . Special 59c to $1.75 . . . Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs . from $25c to 75c each W omen’s Initial Handker­ chiefs, each 25c Boys’ Handkerchiefs from 15c to 25c each Children’s Handkerchiefs at all prices HOSIERY m extra pair or two of good osiery can be used by every oman. Therefore, you will lake no mistake by includ ig many pairs of these gift osiery on your Christmas st. Each pair put up in a olidav box. Women’s Silk and Fiber Hose, in black and colors. Sold at $1.50. Christmas Sale—$1.00 pair. —A Gift of Thought A gift that shows care and thought and which only can be expected from a good woman friend. Therefore, you will find it a great pleasure to select your presents from such an excellent assortment of beautiful lingerie as you will find here Philippine Hand Made 1 n- derwear. R e g u l a r $4.00 $2.98 $3.98 La France S made. Spec $4.98 Kayser’s Silk Vests in flesh color $3.48 to $6.00 Kayser’s Silk Bloomers, in flesh color $3.48 to $6.00 $ Kayser Silk Hose at all prices Mann’s Department Store MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED LINGERIE— MEDFORD, OREGON >e de Chine Gowns from $6.98 to $12.00 Silk Camisoles, in light and dark colors, priced front* $2.25 to $4.00 each Women’s Muslin Gowns and Chemise, $5.00 values Special $2.75 Crepe de Chine and Jersey Silk Chemise, priced from $4.98 to $11.00 POSTAGE PAID ON MAIL ORDERS