■ ■ ■ -■ y - - '- 'i1 Furs of Utility and Economy The eliann of Electrical Gifts lies in this fact —they keep right on serving and pleasing year after year. Electrical Appliances are the “ little servants ol the Home” so much in de mand in modern housekeeping. Come in Today and take advantage of the big assortment of FURS and FUR Gar ments, now at its highest in our store. We ltave FURS for the Wo men and Children. -The most complete stock in Southern Oregon New Models and Skins, that have never been duplicated in this section. Bartlett’s Fur and Taxidermist Shop 115 West Main Street Phone 464 MEDFORD, OREGON Estimates Furnished Phone 595-V Could any gift be more a lasting regard ? there are so many things to choose from at this Electrical Shop — Percolators, Washing Machines, Electric Irons, Vacuum Sweepers. By all means give Electrical Gifts and every member of the household will bless you on Christmas and every day thereafter. Murphy Electrical Shop ON THE PLAZA TELEPHONE 82 * ASHLAND, OREGON 126 N. Front St MEDFORD, OREGON Painter WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINTS BRUSHES VARNISHES GLASS ENAMELS IT WOULD BE A LAMENTABLE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT CAN DY IN THE HOME, WOULD’T IT? STAINS WALL PAPER EVERYBODY EXPECTS CANDY CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES as We have made special preparations for t Sweet Tooth of Father and Mother, Sister ALL DEALERS HANDLE OUR GOODS D istributor W. P. FULLER & CO’S PURE PREPARED PAINTS AND PRO DUCTS Medford Candy Co Manufacturers and Jobbers Il il lll!llll!lllllllllli!llll!lllliailll!IMIIIII!IHIIIM 1111