Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 03, 1921, CHRISTMAS EDITION, Page 10, Image 10

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    S atu rd ay, Decem ber 3 , 1&21
Candles and
Yule Log
Hand-Made Toys
HRISTMAS gifts were common
In Medieval times. Accounts
tell of the chandlers’ guild send-
out gratis to everyone a special
lort of big, flat candles which were
Burned with the Yule log to light
ithe bouses for the coming of a super­
natural Christmas visitor. The bak-
also sent out “Yule cakes,’* or
"Yule babies,’’ which were little hn-
Agee of Christ. This custom, in fact,
Seems to be even older, It being re­
corded on -the old Roman calendars
that on the Vigil of the Nativity little
Images of the Christ Child were made
in great numbers and presented to
'the fathers In the Vatican.
Gradually the sentiment of “Peace
•'On earth, good will to men” and the
Here are two of many animals
ilebratlon of the spirit by general
' s seems to have spread through that are due to arrive on Christ­
other guilds, and finally to have mas morning. A black kitty that will
stand any amount of hard usage is
.become general.
easy to make, requiring only a
In England today there is a survival
¡•f the ancient custom practiced by pair of silk stocking tops th at have
landowners of setting big sacks of survived the worn-out fe e t Cut, off
ila or other products outside tbe the worn feet and trim out the ankles
te that whoever came might help in a curved line to form the ears.
It Is said that aa extra Sew a seam along this line, turn right
Christmas eve feed Is also still given side out and stuff with cotton to form
to the cattle.
the body. Wind the remainder of the
tops with small cord to form the tail
and tie a gay bow of ribbon at the
end. Two white bone buttons make
the eyes and heavy silk floss the
mouth and whiskers and Miss Kitty
is dressed up with a bow at the neck.
The elephant Is made of gray
duvetyn, plush or canton flannel and
cut by a paper pattern. His eyes are
shoe buttons, his tusks white cloth.
¿Pretty Home Gifts
Anyone who knows how to handle
a paint brush and oil colors or under­
stands. the. new art of p a inti nc with
coiorea sesumg wax can make the
book for telephone numbers pictured
here. It is merely a piece of black
oilcloth folded over leaves of white
paper. Small holes punched through
at each end allow a black silk cord to
bind the book and provide for hang­
ing it up at the same time.
A powder box and a rouge box
shown below It are covered with black
lacquer and decorated with colored
sealing wax that simulates ribbon and
EARS and years ago stock-
ings were not hung on
Christmas eve as we hang
them now. No one ever
heard of such a thing as
banging up a stocking for
Christmas gifts.
And if
children had thought of such a thing
they would have said, “What g foolish
idea! A stocking wouldn’t hold half
the things we want.” So the children
throughout the world placed crocks,
big brass basins, and copper kettles
on the hearth on Christmas eve and
left notes in them telling Santa to
fill them to the brim. Each year the
children left larger Vessels to be filled,
children left larger vessels to be filled.
Up in the great white north Santa’s
reindeer no longer pranced and pawed,
impatient to be off on Christmas eve,
as they once had done. They hung
their heads and a tired look came
into their big brown eyes, for they re­
membered how heavy the loads had
grown and how many more trips they
were forced to make year by year.
St. Nicholas no longer rested now
through the summer ,months, as he
once had done, but labored every
day throughout the year, and often he
built toys late into the night, for a
great many gifts had to be made to
fill the baskets that the greedy children
left. The twinkle left his merry eyes,
and he no longer sang about his work,
for he was sad and thought of the
time that would come when he could
no longer build enough presents to go
Late one December day St. Nicholas
stepped from his workshop into the
deep snow. Facing the south, he
stretched out his tired arms and
called: “Hear, oh hear, children of the
earth, my loved ones, can you not see
you are becoming selfish and that your
greedy demands are too great a task,
even for St. Nicholas, king of the
Christmas spirit? Can’t you see, my
children, that you are killing the spirit
Ostrich — N e w -fa n g le d breakfast
of Christmas?"
food, eh? W ell I swore off from th at
—His chin sank upon J iis . chest and •tu ff the first of last year]
To Our Patrons
! i
Looking for Santa Clans
E x c h a n g e T ire Co.
Racine Horseshoe and
• Goodrich Tires
Í 2Ì
Is the wish of the
■ =ac
G ra n ts P a s s an d
J o s e p h in e
The management of this company is desirous of supplying the
best possible electric service, in addition to establishing and
Total Resources in Dollars.
maintaining at all times the most cordial relations with its pat­
rons. We expect and require all employes of this company to
render every consumer efficient sendee in the most prompt‘and
courteous manner, and for the future improvement of the ser­
vice we request any patron who does not get the best possible
But Our Greatest Resource is the Good Will
service from an employe to mail a report of the circumstances
of Our Customres and Friends.
to the nearest Division Superintendent or General Officer of the
company, giving the date, place and hour, in order to enable us
to place the responsibility for any defective service.
The company further strives to give all presnt or prospec­
tive patrons the fullest information possible about rates, meters I g
and electrical equipment, so as to clear awav all mystery from
these seemingly complex, though, in fact, simple problems, and
lurther enable each customer to make his own estimates
Nearly every problem of lighting, heating or power has been
raneh’ orcha,d-
or factory, the
Holiday Greetings—Your Partners In Progress.
Xmas Suggestions
is a Business
The California Oregon Power Co.
Kerchiefs that are hand made.
Cunning Compacts of Powder Phone 168
and Rouge.
ROUGH DRY—Finished Fam
soft white snowflake fluttered down
Top«; knives, a dSg wftb shaggy paw a|
and nestled against his cheek, and a
A nd flying boats w ith wings t—
tiny voice whispered into his ear:
T h en 1 can give soma toys to Ned
“Santa, I will help you.”
W h o left our school last year ;
“Who are you?” asked St. Nicholas
H e works because bis father’s dead —
“I am a snow fairy,” answered the
T o help hit mother dear.
T ’M looking for dear Santa Claus ;
tiny voice. “As my sisters and I have
* I bop« be'U surely come,
watching fo r dear Sanu Claus i
danced about the air we have often
'With packs of gifts and
Ms« 'cat
I ’d Ilk . to get . look.
swirled about your sleigh on Christ­
I want a nica big d ru m ;
W hen from his pack he slyly draws
mas eve, -and have seen the great
A trum pet; and a train of carat
N e w skate«; a sled or b o o k ;
A horse that makaa a bow t
But mother aaya b a ll dash away
loads you have always carried and
I wonder if the blinking sura
If 1 should dara to peep t
how tired you have looked.”
Caa sea where be is aow .
And so I ’ll )ust kneel down and pray,
“What, O what, shall I do?” asked
A nd then go off to sleep.
!* ■ waiting tor dear Seats Claus
— Bj Leah M. Grim, ■ Uiaaas Ststa I
“Just go about your work as usual,”
I o bring a lot of thingsj
answered the fairy. “I and all my
sisters will help you.”
“Oh, thank you—thank you,” cried
St. Nicholas. And the fairy floated out
¡Í Phone 520
among the other snowflakes.
As the children went about the
snowflakes whirled around them, and
I it seemed as if they heard the chant­
ing of tiny voices, and as the snow­
flakes nestled against their ears they
seemed to sing: “Just a stocking^,
hang a stocking up on Christmas eve.”
“Just a stocking—Just a stocking,”
rang through the hearts of the children
on Christmas eve. And in place of
leaving the great vessels as they once
had done they Just hung up their
Some children were too selfish to
hear the song of the snowflakes and
left the great baskets as they always
had done. But when they saw the
great Joy the unselfish children had
in their gifts and how contented and
happy they were these selfish ones
were ashamed, and they, too, began
to hang up only their stockings when
Christmas eve came round.
When St. Nicholas found stockings
in place of the great baskets and
barrels the twinkle came again into
his laughing eyes, his cheeks grew
red, and he sang as he drove through
the merry sea of snowflakes.
With Just stockings to fill St.
Nicholas had time to rest, and he
grew strong and well, and the spirit
of Christmas lived. So this is why
28 North Riverside
nowadays we hang up our stockings
on Christmas eve. All this we are
iw w iv iiw iM
told by a writer, who learned it from
a Christmas fairy.
216 West Main Street, MEDFORD, OREGON
ily Wash and Economy Wash C ollars and Cuffs of real lace.
Flower Beads and Cut Beads. | Don’t forget to send that box to out-of-town folks without 1 1
The latter is especially design
■ I
When You Are Placing Additional Insurance After the
ed to meet the family needs. CHRISTMAS REDUCTIONS
I New Year’s Inventory the Followug American Companies
tWe accept any size of bundles
will Command the Respect of Your Business Judgment.
at 9 cents a pound. Our mod
Great American Insurance Company of New York
Equitable Fire & Marine Insurance Company of Provi­
’ern presses and improved
dence, R. I.
methods of washing give your
Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn.
things a lasting body which
Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville, Oregon.
resists soil and insures better
A Glance at the above list and you know immediately that i
they are leaders in their respective fields, and better still |
that all are our own American companies with all funds
invested in America and immediately available in case *of 1
Let us call for your bundle—
we serve the people of Med­
Are Made in Medford for Lovers of Good
Phone 166
Candy Everywhere.
’ *®au»
ninniti iiiiiiiilhiiiiiiiiinnnftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui
We specialize in packing and wrapping for mailing at the
Office with the Jackson County Abstract Company
Holiday Season. Just give us the address, we
will 8o the rest.
Tel. 41. 46 N. Central Ave.
C. L. G O FF
it The Vanity Shop
Cor E. Main and Bartlett Sts.
.................................................. OREGON I