P A G E FIG HT ASHLAND BAIL'S TIDINGS Friday, Decem ber a, 1031 Every one will see “ The C o u n try , W. H. Smith, J. A Souther, Alta G irl,” Sunday, Monday and T u esd ay ! Wenberger. I. Fridegar, A. Kopp, nights, Armory. Popuiar Players, 1 T. ~ m Painless Prices. 78-2 I Dan K a y . Mrs. V-. Hevener. T. Dun- --------- I can, Dr. Sawyer, Dr. Crandall. Local and Personal The best Christm as present is a Mrs. Bertha Denton, captain: Al- ----------------------- Side Lights----------------------- suit or overcoat tailored to m easu re.; hert Johnson, Mrs. A lbert Johnson, See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 T- K - Bolton. DANCE as usual a t Helm’s club Special this week at Enders Con- Profit Christm as Sale. 69tf Tke E lks’ lodge made a contribu- house Saturday night, Dec. 3. 77-3 fectionery— Fresh cream caram els. ______ _ tion of_$25 to the Red Cross. ______ _ regular price 60 cents, this week T aylor P layers D isband— . Mrs. *F. F. W hittle, captain: Mrs. 74-6 40 cents. We m ake them. A lb a n y V isitor— The Taylor Players, which have C. R. D Jones, Rev and Mrs. W. Jeff Coffman enjoyed a visit Wed- ------*— delighted Ashland theater-goers at Judson Oldfield. nesday night with a boyhood friend, Business Booths B uilt— ---------------------------------- the Armory the past ten days, d is - , At a meeting of the directors of tion believe th a t the Mora Pump J a k e Ritchie, of Albany, whom he A booth building bee was held at banded yesterday, part of the troupe used to know in Hume, 111., and the Armory last night, to prepare for ccompanymg n r , ±ayior lue the Ashland Iron works, which took company has a very bright future, accompanying R. F. Taylor, the whom he had not seen for many the thirty exhibits which the busi- manager> t0 Phoenix, Ariz., where the form of a luncheon at Hotel Ash­ because of the superior construction years. Mr. Ritchie was on his way ness men are expected to make at Mr T ajJas’s wife" bad previously land Tuesday noon, it w’as decided to of their pump, which is said to op­ to California. the W inter Fair. Ferns, fir boughs gone for her healtb Misg gcott thg erate with much less power tSan lend every assistance to T. R. Kelly ---------- and other greenery will be gathered leading lady, returned to her home ether types of irrigation and drain­ W ith modern apparatus we can Sunday for decorating the interior in prom oting the sale of $25,000 age pumps, and also because the in Bellingham, W ash., accompanied m ake your p o rtrait at night as well Of the Armory. worth of stock in the Mora Pump Ford people are extensively advertis­ by her tiny Mexican dog and two big as in day tim e Evening by ap- ______ Company. Of this am ount $16,000 ing the Mora pump, showing how braids of golden hair. R. D. Pell, pointm ent. D arling Studio. 71-lm o Cliff Payne makes shaving stands. is to be used, to buy the Ashland Iron the latter may easily be operated Zoe Bates, Lee Terrell and Owen works, and the balance utilized for with a Fordson tractor. * _______ __ Mr. Roselle, the tailo r at Orres, have been engaged by Mr. Memmin, V is its A shland _______ Student— working capital. There are several “The pay roll of the Ashland Iron On his retu rn trip from P o rtlan d ’s an a rtist as a tailor. He recently of Gold Hill, who is form ing a new pumps finished, or in the course of works am ounted to $36,000 a year 69tf C0I»P*«y, which will play an en- Tuesday, F. F. W hittle stopped at came here from Minneapolis. construction at the foundry, the to­ for tw enty-four years, am ounting to gagement here next week. Corvallis to visit his son David, who tal value of which, together with $864,000, nearly all of which was JACKSONVILLE, Or., Dec. 2.— is a sophomore on mechanical engi­ From W enatchee, W ash.— For the second tim e within a patters, etc., am ounts to approxi­ spent right here in Ashland. This Cliff Payne makes library tables. Rev. J. W. Tanner and wife, and neering, and is quartered at the Tau mately $6000. shows the value and im portance of m onth, a jury in the circuit? court D elta fraternity house with twenty- son Lloyd Tanner and wife, of Wen- j Bubble Booka for children a t Rose The directors of the iron works such industries to our city. If our disagreed in the trial of J a m e s ' ^Ot1 six other O. A. C. students. Mr. atchee, W ash., stopped In A shland| Br03 (Shine) Edw ards, charged with vio-| are very anxious to prevent the dis­ citizens would wake up to the im ­ last night on th eir wav to Southern 1 ______ W h ittle was very favorably im ­ lation of the prohibition law. The i m antling of the factory, but none portance of m anufacturing enter­ C alifornia for the winter. Rev. Tan-| c „ nHav nioht pressed with his son’s associates. l U" ^ ayn „ n,t hi „ t , ™ O^ ^ POi . U a. r «■>«« ™ »lx for conviction and s i, of them care to assum e its m anage­ prises of this kind, and lend to them ner and family are old friends of M r.' Players Co. presenting “ The Coun ment, operations having ceased on Greer, and th eir Ashland visit was try G irl.” Popular prices. 78-2 for acquittal. The deadlock lasted account of the death of the form er whatever financial assistance was Special this week a t Enders Con­ needed, the pay roll of Ashland for thirteen hours, a n d when it be-1 . resh cream caramels, a very enjoyable one for the editor, j fectionery— F m anager, George W. Dodson, who workmen might be doubled, with a All wool suits for $: 0 at P a u s e r ­ came apparent th a t no verdict could ■ re g u la r price 60 cents; this week 40 Tbcy will visit some time with the was also president of the company. corresponding increase in the popu­ e s ti be reached, they were discharged by cents. We m ake them 74-6 Greer family a t Burbank. ud s- The stockholders of this organiza-i lation and wealth of our city.” • the court. The result occassioned no “ The Country G irl,” some dandy surprise, and was freely predicted. Gone to Arizona— Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as- N. 23.61 of N7 of NW sec. As in the first trial, when the bal­ Divorce. H. W. McGlenn left yesterday sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf play. Popular Players, Armory, Sun- day-Monday-Tuesday nights. 78-2 loting stood eight for acquittal and 22, tp. 36, S. R. 4 W ___ m orning by auto for Phoenix, Ariz., Probate Court. four for conviction, unwillingness of in company with R. F. Taylor. Mr Oregon Apple P rices— We make our own candies, ice Est. Win. L. Childers. Report of McGlenn is making thle trip on ac- ^ t a recent New York auction sale cream and tam ales. Enders Con- the ju ro rs to accept the testim ony of sale. A. B. Gates, a special agent, was of 2350 boxes of Oregon NeXvtowns count of his health. fectionery. 62tf Est. A. Alford. Inventory and , given as one of the reasons for the the following prices were realized: appraisem ent. G enuine Mexican chicken tam ales, extra fancy> *1 9 0 to $2.60, accord- Hitch up the Ford &Qd drive Qver long deadlock. Gates' testim ony was Est. R. M. Erick. Inventory and 20 cents: E n te rs Confectionery.62tf in s to size. A car of Spitzenburgs and see “ The Country G irl.” Sunday riddled by. the defense in both trials. Ed.vards was charged with selling appraisem ent. —------- brought $1.80 to $2.85. The way night. Armory, 15 and 50 cents 78-2 Gates a bottle of liquor in Medford. Est. Squire S. Aiken. Petition, H er e for H ealth— • small* apples are selling is shown by L et’s go. . An analysis showed it to be 39 per order and final report. Miss H ariot Duncan, of San Diego, the fact th a t small medium grades THE POPULAR PLAYERS Est. Col. H. H. Sargent. Notice. Calif., arrived in Ashland W edbes brought only $1.80, while go o d -' : cent alcohol. Considerable interest HAVRE, France, Dec. 2.— Charle The Popular Players is the name was m anifested in the case. The two Ets. George W. Beale. Proof of day and is m aking her home at Ho sized th ird grades sold for $2.15 to W. Morse, of New York, financie of the new stock company th a t will disagreem ents cost Jackson county publication. te l Ashland, having come here in $2.40. and shipbuilder, was arrested upoi open an indefinite engagem ent at in the neighborhood of $5000, beside search of health. Est. Mary S. Clendeben. October his arrival here today a b o a rd ’ th Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, the Armory, startin g Sunday night, the original" cost of conducting the report. liner Paris, i O rres remodels garm ents. 69tf and hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf December 4, in th a t w onderful hu­ raids. It is understood th a t he is wantei man dram a in four acts, The Coun- Real E state Transfers. The trial of John Goodwflfi, taxi to testify before an American gram P o rtra its th a t please. Darling Our clothes are correctly cut and tr -v G irl- driver, charged with violation of the Dr. E. R. Seely et ux to T. E. , jury relative to the financial rela Studio. Daniels, 1-2 int, lot 21, N 71-lm o skillfully tailored. P au lseru d ’s. 74tf This is a comedy dram a of the liquor laws, in which Gates is th e ions he had with the United State first water, just loaded down with principal witness, is scheduled to* 1-2 lot 20, blk. 1, Siskiyou shipping board during the war. G irls H aul Wood— (»one to C alifornia— good, clean comedy of the best s o r t.' come up next week. H eights,A dd. to M en fo rd ..$ 10 The two pretty girls who have Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reed left last The Popular Players is a reorganiza-1 Cora L. K night et vir to Paul ARBUCKLE DEFENSE lately been hauling wood into Ash- night for Los Angeles and San Di­ tion of the Taylor Players, Mr. T a y -' H. McKee et ux, lot 10, S. BERATES BRADY’S land from W agner creek are Mrs. ego, Calif., on a combined business lor being forced to sell out on ac­ 25 ft. lot 9, and W. 50 ft. METHODS IN TRIA Jo h n B nner and Miss Briner, daugh- and pleasure trip. lot 11, blk. 1, Humphrey- count of his wife’s health, the com­ te r of G. A. Briner. Their home is ______ pany being taken over by Mr. Billy j K night Add. to M edford. . 10 SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2 — ju s t above the W agner Creek school A nother big dance at Applegate Memmen. A few changes have been George F. Clausing to Agnes scathing denunciation of District A house. Two cords a t a load w ere Saturday, December »3 Sunset Or- made in the personenel of the com­ Pinne, lots 7 and 8, blk 4, torney Brady’s method of handlin transported» on a Republic truck, the chestra. 77-3* pany, a new leading lady and man ■ Ross Add. to M e d f o r d .... 10 the witnesses in the Arbuckle cat wood being loaded and unloaded by - having been added. The policy of G. A. G ardner et ux to Charley featured the plea of Gavin McNal th e fair chauffeurs. i F ruitgrow ers P rotest— the company will be to put on three chief counsel for the screen comet! H artley et ux, lots 9 and 10, A mass m eeting of the fruitgrow - new plays each week, with refined blk. 2, McClouds Add. to ian, to th jury today to acquit h F o r pleating, see Orres. 69tf ers of Douglas county has been vaudeville between each act of t h e ' Talent ..................................... io client of the charge of m anslaughte called for Saturday afternoon, ac- plays. The case of Arbuckle, facing F rank H. Robinson et ux to Buy a new suit for the Holidays, cording to Roseburg advices, to pro- The prices of admission will re m anslaughter charge as the result < Barney A. Deyo et ux, blk Praise for this y ear’s hotel and Paulserud s 7 4tf test to the County court against the the death of Miss Virginia Rappi main the same, 15 and 50 cents^tax concessions m anagem ent of C rater “A” Grandview Add to Ash­ ---------- proposed consolidation of the offices included. The doors will open at national park, and the great increase land .......................................... io following a party at the St* Franc: S p ok an e T ourists— of the county horticultural agent hotel, is expected to go to the jur 7:30, overture 7:45, curtain a t 8:15 in attendance was uttered by A. B. W. S. Ball et ux to F rank H. J. W. Mckey and Miss Evely Kel- and county dgricuturist. The consoli- late today. o’clock sharp. Our policy will be Cemmerer, of W ashington, D. C , as- H. Robinson et ux to blk. logg, of Spokane, stopped a t Hotel dation of these offices is opposed» by good, clean plays, refined vaudeville sistan t director of national parks, •A " G rant!,iew Add to Ash­ Ashland W ednesday an d reported the leading orchardists and farm ers TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY and good music. ✓ i t and Horace M. A lbright, field direc­ land ........................................ 10 snow six feet deep at The Dalles dur- in the county, and it is expected con- j FOR SALE CHEAP— A light truck tor of the national park service and Queen Anne Inc., to City of in g ¿he recent storm. certed action will be taken against I good tires and equipment and i Medford, lots in Amended also superintendent of Yellowstone ---- — * it. ; good running order. 120 Gres P lat of Queen Anne Add. to national park, who, on a swing ham St. 78-2 •Special sale tlo efler’s Famous . ______ Medford ................................. 1 around the national park system, Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a 5 It is logical th a t pouring drugs < FOR SALE— Dry wood of all kind! arrived here from P ortland W ednes­ J. Co. B. & Ln. Assn., to Geo. pound. W atch ®ur window. Rose into the stomach will not cure Phone or w rite L. D. Dollarhyd« A. H unt et ux, N 1-2 of lots day m orning with Alex Sparrow. i Siskiyou, Oregon. 78-lm o Bros- 70tf catarrh in the head. Hyomei, medi­ 1 and 2, blk. 6, Ross Add They left in the afternoon to visit cated air, reaches the seat of the dis­ to Medford ........................... 1 FOR RENT— Two furnished ap art­ the California national parks. T u rk eys for Sliriners— ease. G uaranteed by McNair Bros ments. 137 F irst St. 7£-9*l Glass et ux, NW of SW 10 “ It certainly was a great pleasure The Nelda cafe is roasting and --------- • FOUND— Necklace. Owner mayl acres off S. side of SW of and very odd during the past sea­ s tu ffin g a sm all flock of big turkeys V isitors from Gerber— have same by identifying and pay-i NE sec. 23, tp. 35, R. 2 W 1 son not to hear any kicks about fo r the Shriners’ feast tonight, the Mrs. Myrtle Stith and daughter, ing for atS. 63 Helman. 78-21 C rater national park where in past G. W. Gordon et ux to J. G. aim being' to give the m erry Shriners Mrs. Pierre McDowell, of Gerber, FOR SALE— Fresh family cow,, Ca Ambrose et ux, lot 4, Wk. years the bulk of the com plaints re- a double dose of Thanksgiving. are visiting Mr. a n d Mrs. Henry Reid Ellis, Talent. Phone 373-J-3 7 8-3 Straggling reports from commit- ceived at headquarters were about 51, Summit Add. to Ashland 1200 o ’ Oak street. A. M. Beaver et al to W. W. FOR SALE— Two splendid heifers] tee captains who were active in the th a t P a rk /’^said Mr. Albright. DANCE as usual a t Helm’s club nearly two years old— a Holsteii Robinson, lots 23 and 24, house Saturday night, Dec. 3. 77-3 Let Friend Wife sleep in the Ashland Red Cross .roll call Novem- ’ “ C rater Lake national park re- and a Durham-Swiss. Both foi ... ------------ . . . «„ „ » „ a n a ‘,er 11 ,0 24‘ h a''e i>rou!;ht p . H- Crowson, Elm er Rora- Ing cities with large quantities of mal last named was for years the paugh- Mrs- M arshall, Miss Lucile first-class honey. coveted prize of local nimrods. M arshall, Miss Nellie Beaver. IN 5 Ashland News in Paragraphs Ashland Iron Works To Be Taken Over By M ora Pump Co. 6 Ï0 6 RESULT N. Y. Financier Is Arrested On Paris Arrivai PRAISES SERVICE AE CRATER TAKE LATE REPORTS ON TOTAL TO $1063 Saturday Constance Talmadge • "thing prices th a t defy competi- tion at Paulserud’s. 74tf * ' P rem ium List« Ready — Prem ium lists of the W inter F air c a n be had at the office of H. O. An- •derson, or of any other member of th e fair committee Clever suits P a u lse ru d ’s. for cold snaps, at 74-tf _ Returned from Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Julius Koch have ju st returned from a seven-weeks visit to Portland and Centralia, Wash., and are at home, 387 Laurel 8treet- Adams has all kinds of dry wood adored in a building. Phone 460. 77-3 “Wish you m ight have been with us Mrs- °- W inter, captain: Mrs. Jean today,” w rites Mr. Gearing, “ for we Hastings, Mrs. J P. Dodge, Mrs. T. had a ’bear of a tim e’ and didn’t j Franco> M rs- L. E. Pryor. kev. P. K. Hammond, captain: have to go out of our way to find it A sh o rt distance from here I dis- E. W Flackus, Mrs. E. W. Flackus, covered a m onster cinnamon he-bear Mrs. Lulu Van Wegan. and a t once opened fire w ith mv Mrs. R. W. Conover, captain: tru sty 30-30 W inchester. My Air- Mrs W. C. Blake, Mrs. S. McGilvray, dale dbg rendered valuable assist­ Mrs. Ella W ertz, Mrs. J. E. Thorn­ ance, but was soon put out of cofh- ton, Mrs. E tta K itts, Mrs. (X F. mission by the savage brute. The Tilton, Mrs. Ella G arrett, Mrs Ida la tte r was too fat and full of fight Taylor, H. E. Badger. to d im b a. tree, but Sam Kennedy Mrs. E. H. Bush, captain; Mrs and his two dogs appeared upon the L. Jacobs, Mrs. N. M Long, F ran k scene and turned the battle in our Jordan. favor. Old Bruin kent up a running Mrs. J. D. McRae, captain: Miss fight until we stopped him with V. A. Mannel, Louis Schwein, C. F. three shots apiece. Am sending you Shepherd a chunk of bear meat and hope you Mrs. J. M. W agner, captain: Mrs. will enjoy eatin~ it as much as jv e C. E. Hewitt, Mrs. F. J Shinn, Mrs. did killing the hear.” W. H. McNair, Mrs. M. E. Duty. Mrs. J. H. McGee, captain: Miss Orres cleans c’n»hes clean. g ftf Grace Ridley, Mrs. E A. Allen, Mrs. COURT NEWS M arriage License». Charles R. Boucher and Tombyln. John Culver W illiams and A. Lee, Echo 'Wedding Bells’ Kate HAVE YOU Circuit Court. R H. Leazer vs. J. W. H atcher et al. Stipulation. Harvey Bishop vs. Eva Bishop. Also • EVER “B r o w n ie ” SLIPPED ON Order. Mai*y Gomez vs. Edw ardb mez. Notice. » L eslie Cook vs. A delaide D ivorce. THE PEAL Go­ and OP Cook. First State Bank of Eagle Point vs. William Perry et ai. To reform contract j Wm. D. Hughes vs. Joe Hanna et tl. Summons. Pearl Smith vs. Arthur Smith. ' « Wedding Bells?” The Wonder Dog in a big 2-reel comedy «< AROUND CORNERS*’