ASHLAND DAILY' TIDINGS M L L t. OINCIDENTLY with the failure to reach an agreement for a miners’ wage scale to supplant the na­ tional agreement, which expires next March, two far-reaching bills con­ cerning the coal industry were Intro­ duced in the senate by Senator Ken­ yon of Iowa, chairman of the commit­ tee on education and labor, which has been investigating conditions in West Virginia. The failure was announced after a four-hour discussion at the White House, nt which were present the President, Secretaries Hoover and The President also is authorized Davis and President Lewis and other under such circumstances to deal in officials of the United Mine Workers coal and to control Its production and of America. distribution. *rhe President may go One of the Kenyon measures im­ so far as to take over the operation poses heavy penalties for profiteering of coal mines. In coal. The other is a revision of The companion bill provides a pen­ the original Calder bill, giving broad alty of not less than $100 nor more posters to the President, the federal than $10,000 for the first offense of a trade commission, the geological sur­ coal operator or dealer convicted of vey and the interstate commerce com­ violation of the law, and for each suc­ mission. ceeding offense a fine of not less than The Calder bill, as revised by Mr. $1,000 and imprisonment for not less Kenyon, provides that whenever the than 90 days nor more than five years. federal trade commission shall deter­ In defining what shall be considered mine that an emergency exists “which profiteering, the bill specifies margins seems likely to produce a shortage or of profit for coal operators and dealers bring about unusual, unwarranted or ranging from 10 to 40 cents per ton, unreasonable coal prices and be detri­ according to the amount of business mental to the public health,” the Pres­ dene. Margins are provided not only ident shall be empowered to fix maxi­ for individual sales, but also In the mum coal prices- and dealers’ commis­ case of aggregate sales covering a sions and margins. year’s period. e Real Rest Depends Largely Upon the Depth o f Your Sleep A warning to “light” or “poor” sleepers The deeper and sounder you sleep the better you feel. Five hours sound refreshing sleep does you more actual good than ten hours restless, disturbed sleep. This is because the final conversion of food into vital tissue and nerve cells goes on more rapidly when the physical and mental forces are at rest. You can’t get sound, refreshing sleep if your nerves are agitated with tea or coffee. Both these drinks contain caffeine, which is sometimes very irritating to the brain and nervous system. If you want to know the joy, vigor and stamina that comes to the person who gets sound, healthful sleep, why not stop taking tea or coffee for a while, and drink delicious, invigorating Postum instead. Thousands of people everywhere have found that this was the only thing they needed in order to bring about these very happy results. Order Postum from your grocer today. -Drink this delightful cereal beverage of coffee-like flavor, for a week. Perhaps, like thousands of others, you’ll never be willing to go back to tea or coffee. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instintly in the cup by the addition of boiling water.* Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health “There’s a Reason” COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS you can obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper conld d ea l« In pots, pans and preserving ket­ tles. A little journey through our establishment will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. SIM PSON’S H AR D W AR E ^èilQjììdQ Fi ¡day, Decent b« r 2, I »21 WALLtNÜERG Alaskan Tribes, Once Active, Fast Passing Away. A NUTRITIOUS FOOD is baked beans, when properly cooked and caifned as ours are. Many Hundreds of Them May Never Survive the Winter— Fishing Fails, Furs Are Cheap and Natives Gamble Proceeds. You will surely like the taste of our beans, as well as appre­ Seattle, Wash.—The native Indians of Alaska are doomed. Many hundreds of them may never survive the winter just setting in along the islands of the Aleutian group and Bering sea. The fishing season was a failure, furs are very cheap and the natives gambled away what they did receive. Once there was a time, many years ago, when the natives of Alaska were alone in the wilds of the north. They depended upon the fruits of the chase for sustenance and nature gave freely. Kingly moose, lithe, agile caribou, the great grizzly of the mountain slopes, black bear of the lowlunds, fox, wolf, mink, otter and beaver, sal­ mon and trout, all these fell to tlieir lot, providing food and clothes. They lived happy, healthful lives. But now ‘all is changed. The native Mile, tngegerd Wallenberg, daugh­ is an object to be pitied. Tlieir evolu­ ter of the minister from Sweden, who tion has been slow but sure. The ad­ vent of the white man brought a curse has arrived In Washington from Eu­ to the untutored man of the forests, rope. for the first traders taught them gambling, drink and the purchasing power of money. They were urged to barter their furs, fish and personal belongings for pieces of silver and cheap trinkets. The natives are migratory and little preparation is made for winter, as it was formerly the custom to follow the caribou up and down the rivers. Firearms have aided to reduce the number of wild animals once used for food and clothes. Besides, wild game is no longer tasteful. Canned meats, fruits, coffee, tea and sugar, candy and flour are now’ demanded by the rem­ SELF-MADE MAN nant of tribes remaining. Disease and that fa t fellow Juat cornlnp malnutrition are hurrying them to ex­ tinction. De Tubb who brags con- about being a aelf-made Missions and government schools in scattered regions have attempted a He looks more like rescue of small groups of natives and a construction con> have fairly succeeded. The reindeer stations have delivered other groups; but the majority of the Alaskan aborigines is rapidly decreasing. During the last ten years, according to the late census, more than 3,000 deaths were offset by 570 births. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL KIRBY & ELLIOTT Phone 188 395 E ast Mahj Serve with slices of bacon and pork, and tom ato or chili sauce 153 EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 5 9 r ,. QUALITY GROCERY CENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEMSERV 1CE GOLDEN ROD SPECIALS 10 lbs. R olled O ats . .............................. 10 lb. sack Steel Cut O ats ................................. Bulk Oats, 17 lb s................. ’ ’ ............. 10 lb. sack Pan Cake F lo u r . . . . . . . . . . . ’ ‘ * 10 lb. sack F arina ........................................... W hite or Y ellow C om Meal, i o lb sack *. è . SOAPS Fairy’ Soap, n o w ............................................................ 5 an Palm O live or Cream O i l .............................................. f<) Ivory Soap F lak es, 4 packages for .................. S w ift’s W hite Soap, 25 bars f o r ............. Lennox Soap, 2 5 bars f o r .......................**..** i i /. Coffee—20c per lb Cocoa—15c per lb Liberty B ell Syrup, g a l............ « 1 .3 0 H alf gal. Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats THE PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET W ith acknowledgments to K . C. B, Federal Bureau Perfects W ire to produce Sounds for Medical Clinics. Washington.—Perfection of a de­ vice which will record the sound of a human breath or a heart beat on a steel wire, from which they can be accurately reproduced at any time, is announced by the bureau of stand­ ards. The work was undertaken at the request of the army medical service, which explained that permanent rec­ ords of unusual conditions of heart and lungs were desired for clinical in­ struction. The device comprises use of an or­ dinary telephone transm itter and a stethoscope, it Is explained, the cur­ rent generated by the heat of the heart “amplified and connected with a steel wire telegraphone, which has the different sounds impressed upon its spool of wire in the form of varying degrees of magnetization.” AWAY BACK In. • • • “THEM GOOD old day a.” • » • THE STORY goes. • • • THAT AN elderly female. • • • WHO WAS violently. • • • OPPOSED TO the hootch. • • • ENTERED A street-car. • • • IN WHICH there s a t • • • A MAN evidently ossified. • • • SHE CALLED the conductor. • • • AND CRIED Indignantly. « • • “DO YOU allow. • • • DRUNKARDS IN this car?” PLANES TO FIND “ LOST' AND HE replied. • • • “JUST MOVE over, ma’am. • • • NEXT TO that other one. • • • AND NOBODY. Shoals of Herring Missing in No Sea; May Be Due to Explosions in Mine Fields. Washington.—Seaplanes are being used as a last measure in an attempt to find fish off the east coast of Eng­ land, the department of commerce is advised In a report from Trade Com­ missioner Butler at London. Absence of the usual shoals of her­ ring in the North sea, the report said, has caused much alarm in fishing towns along the coast, and many and diverse measures are being employed to find, the fish which furnish the pop­ ulations of the town a livelihood. Two reasons have been advanced for the disappearance of the herring, the report notes. One is that explosions In the mine fields in those waters de­ stroyed much of the spawn, and the other that the abnormally warm weath­ er of last winter and last summer kept the herring close to the sea’s bottom. WILL EVER notice you.” • • • NOW I suppose. • • • THERE ARE cigarettes. • • • • THAT KINDA g e t • • • LOST IN the shuffle. • • » AND NOBODY gives 'em. • * • ANY SPECIAL notice. « • • BUT NOT my brand. • • • NO, SIR. • • • FOR TASTE and aroma. • • • YOU CAN’T beat ’em. • • » AND THEY’RE mild—yes. • • • AND YOU’LL never. • • • MISTAKE THEM. • • • BECAUSE THE “Satisfy-blend • • • CAN’T BE copied. Congressman's Son, Wrecked in Boat, W ill Stick to Airplanes Hereafter. and every cut of meat we sell will be from PRIME BEEF—Tender, juicy and delicious wholesomenesr. DEVICE RECORDS HEART BEAT TOO RISKY FOR ‘TRAMP FLYER We have purchased the ciate . their Washington.—Merrill K. Riddick, son of Representative Riddick of Mon­ tana, known as the “tramp aviator of America,” to please his father gave up flying in his dilapidated machine. Then he decided to go to Alaska on a trapping expedition. He went to Seattle, bought a boat and set out for (he happy hunting grounds. His father had a letter from him saying that his boat was wrecked and he had to swim for his life. Here­ after he will live up to the slo^TITof “safety first” and do all of his travel­ ing by airplane. “ Booze” Causes Blindness; Man Sues. Portland, Ore.—H. Thurber became blind from drinking “moonshine.” He is suing for $3,000 from George Yrotrka, who, he said, sold him the liquoz. L ig g it t & M yers T obacco C o . ET’S make this perfectly clear. Chesterfield ciga­ L J rettes “Satisfy,” because they contain exceptionally fine Turk­ ish tobaccos, blended with Bur­ ley and other high-grade Do­ mestic tobaccos. They’re like no other cigarettes, because that blend can’t be copied. Chester­ fields do what no others can— and no cigarette could do more.