PAGE FOTTI ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS 'W arning to Public Debt Is Increased By 159 M illion In October WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 2.— The treasury departm ent announced today th a t the public debt had been in creased by more than $159.000,- 000 during the m onth of October. It was claimed in the report th a t the Increased indebtedness was due en­ tirely to. the issuance of treasury certificates. The public debt No­ vem ber 30 was more than $23,619,- 000,000, driver BY FLASH OF LIGHT Homemade and Effective Hot- Motor Alarm for Autos. Any Man With a Little Mechanical Ability Can Construct Device— Main Tube of Thermostat Is Made of Bakelite. Below is an illustration that shows a homemade and very effective hot- motor alarm. Any car owner with a little mechanical ability can easily build one. The sketch shows a sec­ tion of the radiator at the top of the water chamber. The main tube of the thermostat device is made of bakelite or one of the Impregnated bakelite , fibers that is water and steam proof. The top of this tube is threaded into i a bracket which is in turn soldered „ The ! into the neck of the radiator. lower end of the tube is also i threaded into the mercury chamber ■ which is made of fiber. This chamber is locked and made leak-proof with a ! nut. At the upper end of the tube is WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 2.— i the contact which is provided with an President H arding favors the modi­ I extension contact of brass raid which fied American valuation plan being is also led out through a brass ribbon m ade the basis for the tem porary and soldered to the supporting brack­ et, thus making a ground connection ta riff bill, it was learned today. The president will urge th a t con­ on the car. After the device is assembled the gress enact such a provision with all copper tube is soldered in place and possible speed, republican members a wire 'led out through it to a small o f the senate finance com m ittee lamp on the dash. The circuit is were officially informed. Harding Favos Valuation Plan For Tariff B ill TREM ENDOUS OVATION GIVEN FOUR BY ASHLAND THRONGS (Continued from Page 1) special train. Colonel MacNider has had a brilliant m ilitary record, be­ ginning in 1917, as a second lieu­ te n an t, and being promoted succes­ sively captain, m ajor and lieutenapt- colonel. He was wounded at St. Mi- hiel and was commended three tim es in general orders for conspic­ uous bravery. When MacNider was decorated with the distinguished service cross his superior officer re­ lated th a t “ Captain MacNider found th e line unable to advance and be­ in g disorganized by a heavy machine gnn fire. R unning forw ard in the face of fire, this officer captured a p erm an machine gun, drove off the crew, reorganized the line on th at flank and thereby enabled the ad­ vance to continue.” A great-great-grandson of Lafay­ ette, Comte Charles De Chambrun, spoke briefly in English, saying he w as glad th a t the day h a d come w hen France and the United States w ere sister republics, and the heroes o f one were the heroes of the other — Foch and Pershing today, W ash­ ington and Lafayette 150 years ago. niece. Miss Dorothy Hoag took her POSTMASTER KAISER inherited racial instinct, and, in an place as teacher. AGENT FOR SANTA interview with a Tidings reporter E dith Plum m er was in ju re d while CLAUS IN LOCAL P. O. this morning, expressed the idea th a t on her way to the public library it was fitting and proper for him Monday afternoon. Mrs. Plum m er The children of Ashland are send­ to read these Santa Claus letters, as drove up in her car and slowed down ing word to Santa Claus and Uncle i he had never heard of Santa being so E dith thought her m other was m arried or having even one wife. stopping for her. E dith jumped on Will H. Hays’s medium appears to Hence he was the proper figure to th erunning board, and Mrs. Plum ­ be increasing in popularity with the ‘ love them all w ithout partiality an d mer, not seeing her, started the car kiddies who betteve the patron saint I in a big broad way. As the local faster. Edith was throw n off and resides far away.. All letters so far agent of Santa Claus’ main line of her ankle run over. Several liga­ i have been addressed to the “ North communication, the postpaster there MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 1 — At the m ents were broken, and she w’as Pole.” Santa Claus letters are the fere feels himself fully equipped request of Governor Olcott for the badly b ru ise d She was only out of only letters th a t postm asters are for efficient service. recom m endation of someone from school on Tuesday, retu rn in g Wed: perm itted to read by the depart­ Jackson county who he map appoint m ent’s regulations, and they are in- nesday on crutches. Num erical. as a director in the proposed Scenic structed to place the same in the The pupils who had 100 per cent propei. hands M e used to a s k . “ H o w m any chil­ Preservation association of the state p ostm aster E. J. Kaiser, though a dren have they?” Now, to be correct, of Oregon, the Jackson county as­ for the first m onth in spelling, were ________, _________________ _____ promoted into a higher spelling bachelor himself, and not the father one says, “They haven't any children’ sociation at their m eeting at Talent elected H. O. Frobach, secretary o f 'c a s s ’ Louise Ruger and Mina Mil- of children of his own, loves the have they?" although “T h ere is one child. I believe.” is permissible.'_ the local cham ber of commerce, to ner were transferred Horn the sixth kiddies ju st the same as a m atter of From Life. A to seventh B; Donald Vestal, Vio- ___ ________ act in th a t capacity. let Smith and L ester Beck from the At the prelim inary m eeting held I , „ , ,. . . I seventh B to seventh A; Mary Galev .at Salem some tim e ago, a commit- ’ J * tee was appointed to d raft a c o n sti-iand Elizabeth Sterns from seventh A tution an d by-laws for the state as- i ,eiglRh. B’ and Wayne Bloomfield, sociation. As the Jackson county or- 1T0 Bristow and Aubrey Miles, . . . • ,, from eighth B to eighth A. ganization was the pioneer m the 6 ^Iiss scenic preservation movement, itsj W115S Davis JJavis the Oregon Agri­ constitution and by-laws was used cultural college, visited the cook- Our V ulcanizing P rocess is the as a model. ing class W ednesday m orning with guaran teed w ay. No m atter A meeting for th e form ation of ^ r ' Briscoe and stayed to luncheon if it is a spot on a tire or a the State Scenic Preservation a sso -! a ' the cafeteria. Miss Davis also a t i visited the sewing classes Thursday fu ll retread, our w ork is all elation will probably be called afternoon. back.xl by a m oney back gu ar­ Salem or Portland in January.- antee, Our cliargcw are th e Arva Morgan, who had his leg low est at w liich it is possible broken, has returned to school on to turn ou t first class work. crutches, after being absent only a few days. 10 ’REPRESENT ON SCENIC BOARD Thc Guaranteed Way News Notes A fter the Parent-T eachers meet- of the Junior ing last night, a reception was held in the domestic science room, in hon- H i Schoo) o t of the speakers, Miss Davis, sup- ’■_____ _ BATTERY -MERCURY -T O P O f RADIATOR TUCES ervisor of the vocational schools of , Oregon, and Mr. E lliott, head of the Miss Miller, the second grade departm ent of vocational education, teacher, was out of school for a few from Salem. The eighth B and eighth days on account of the death of her ¡A girls served cake a n d coffee. KRUGGEL brothers GUARANTEED YULCANIZ I N C TIRES TEL.125 ASHLAND.ORECON 91 OAK ST. When the Engine Becomes Overheat- ed, the Driver Is Warned by the -Flash of the Dashboard Lamp. made through the battery circuit on the car as shown. The mercury cham­ ber is threaded onto the thermostat tube so that the device ean be ad­ justed. This Is accomplished by submerging it In boiling water and then setting it Just a - trifle short of making the circuit. In other words, when the wa­ ter In the radiator reaches the boiling temperature, the motor is dangerous­ ly overheated and needs attention. At that point the mercury Is so expand­ ed that It rises in the tube and com­ pletes the circuit, thus lighting the lamp.—Popular Science Monthly. 01020201025348530002020200534823484848532323230002010100020223235301010200535348480002010200010000020231484853234848234800014853902353232348484823485353532301 AUTOMOBILE MINTS Automobiles in Wisconsin represent an Investment of $138,831,000. * * • ORB. EDUCATORS The American farmer Is considered PRAISE ASHLAND the keenest buyer of automobiles. • * • SCHOOL SYSTEM Gasoline costs 88 centavos (44 cents) a gallon in Mexico. (Continued rrom Page 1) ♦ * - • The membership of the Automobile home and are trained in all its num ­ association in London totals more than erous duties.” 1,600. • * * Mrs. Louis Dodge, president of the P arents-T eachers’ association, pre­ Automotive exports from the United sided a t the meeting, which was only States last year exceeded $330,000,000, fairly well attended on account of going to 114 countries. • • * th e inclemency of the weather. Mrs. A new steam automobile is to make W . G. Prescott, secretary, re a d an its appearance on the market In a encouraging report of the last m eet­ short time to sell at about $1,000. • • • ing, telling of the recent acquisition o f 121 new members. The Junior Ontario leads all other provinces in high school now has sevenfty-five Canada in the registration of automo­ m em bers, nearly equalling Haw­ biles; Saskatchewan ranks second. thorne. The officers a ttrib u te much ! o f the success of the) recent mem- herehip drive to the children’s solic­ itatio n of their parents to join the organization. The musical program consisted of tw o songs by eighteen of the larger girls of the Jun io r high school, led by Miss Leona M arsters. music sup­ erin ten d en t; violin solo by Charles T ilton, piano duet by Madge and M arie Mitchell. The la tte r num ber WHAT AILS JONES. w as enthusiastically encored, and “W hat is the m atter with Jones?” th e talented twins graciously re­ “If he takes a vacation, they won­ sponded with “The . Chariot Race,” der how he can afford to: and if he w hich w’on muph additional ap­ doesn't they wonder if his account! are straight.“ plause. Michray in the program the lights w ent out, causing consternation on th e part of both speakers and h e ar­ ers. Candles, flashlights and a lan­ te r n soon dispelled the darkness, how ever, and the program m errily proceeded, ending with a social hour, topped off with delicious frosted cup eakes and coffee served- by the dbm- eetic a rt class girls, under the di­ rection of their teacher, Miss Dor­ othy Abraham . ✓ Big Winter Fair and Jackson County Christmas Edition of the Daily Tidings will be issued Saturday, December 3. It will contain between thirty and forty pages, and carry a cover printed in three colors. It will be the largest Christmas edition ever printed in Ashland, both in point of number of pages, circulation and general appearance. It will be well printed and will be dis­ tributed over the entire county. We hope to have one or' two sections featuring the Winter Fair, and will devote much of the space to boosting that enterprise. Improvement In Photography. The business of making photo­ graphic enlargements has been greatly •impllfied by the construction nf a ver­ tical enlarging camera which Is sus­ pended overhead and projects its light 4own upon a sensitized sheet which Is placed on » table under It. The ar­ rangement and manipulation of the paper is much more conveniently done I d this position. ACCESSORIES First Club Member—If I could get ft wife like he’s got I would marry myself. Second Club Member—Then some women have good points? First Club Member—Yes; she let» him buy bis own cigars and neckties. \