Friday, Deifm tH'i 2, 1021 "■^ai-gsr j _____________ ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGH TO STUDY SOUTH SEA WINDS In d ia n a P rofessor W ill Spend Several M onths in Islands in Re- search W o rk. Something to Think A b o u t A MYSTERY Honolulu, Hawaii.—The effect of storms and other atmospheric disturb- ' ances upon the climate, the health, j minds and activities of the peoples • of tlie Pacific and upon agriculture ; and industry is being studied here by Dr. Stephen S. Visher, associate pro­ fessor of geography at the University of Indiana, who received the Bishop museum fellowship from Yale univers­ ity this year. The Kona winds, a mild form of hurricane, strike the southern part of the island of Oahu and, according to 1 Hawaiian tradition, bring sickness up­ on the inhabitants. Dr. Visher will spend several months in the Fiji islands studying the winds there and then will proceed to the Tougan and Samoan islands, return­ ing to Honolulu to assemble and com­ plete his data for publication. Bug—My, the tide goes down quickly in that lake. It was full a moment agol By F. A. WALKER « National Zoological Park Ac- • p .-^ T L f ouires Monster Python. M onster T h a t Once Roamed in the Ma­ la y Forests Measures 25 Feet F rom T ip of Its Head to Its T a il. H o w lo n g w ere you aw ay on y o u r w edding to u r? Too lo n g ; it developed in to a : le c tu re to u r. Choice Cuts —and Others A few months ago a newspaper man visited one of the wholesale mar­ kets of Swift & Company. He wanted to see a re­ tailer buy a short loin of beef and then watch the retailer sell the porter­ house and sirloin steaks from it over his counter. He thought this would make a good story. The head of the market took the reporter into the “cooler" where he showed him a high class side of beef. W ith a wooden skewer he marked off the short loin and said. “That is only 8 per cent of the weight of the whole side and it is selling for four times as much as this piece (and he marked off the “chuck,* which is about one-fourth of the side of beef)." ' tta yearsJrom a NOW § rpU «MtUru« a m ny e ch an i.n *. ed