a S hland daily tidings 4»AGB EIGHT MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL luvs væâe u \ m ' u iw o u r H A W v=> Gvmw' OLD— Vk\ GOMWA GRA& OFF TW ÛO& \ K M GW, AU' MOT BO DAÄUEO Thursday, Decem ber 1, 1921 By Charles Sughroe aAlias "Michael the Typographer's Apprentice? * W eitem Newspaper Union PöSVfVOXl IB \O O R S~ ( W * X iSVQUft HAWÆ.S O H , 'THAT V41LL NEVER DO V B H A U L C A LL VOO g l XAICHAFL AAKCHAEL*? '¡MICWAEL?* AMctae VEE.P NOUfc OLE ÔO5 '. Noo G omma call y 90 9 G> o 9 at- ¿^z^TV b in ^ £ É £ â fia Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal Side Lights ATTENTION, SH R IN E R S Orres cleans clothes clean. 69tf R iver Is R isin g— The river has felt the influence of the heavy rains of th e past few days, and shows a perceptible in­ crease in volume. It is running muddy, showing th a t th e sm aller stream s are running full. Not much d rift is coming down, however — Clever suits for cold snaps, at G rants Pass Courier. P au lseru d ’s. 74-tf Hotel Ashland Griil caters to H elp in g M edford— home-folks as well as to commercial A. G. Knapp, groceteria specialist, men and tourists. 61tf is spending a few days in Medford helping establish a sim ilar in stitu ­ G rants P ass P ioneer D ies— tion at th a t place. Henry B. Miller, pioneer resident On ther, th e ir F irst account of the inclem ent wea­ the Shriners will not have street parade December 2. section, Armory, 4 p. m. W. H. DAY, Recorder. and captain of industry in the build­ Wire sleep in the ing of G rants Pass, died at his home to the Hotel Ashland in P ortland Monday evening from one • of those fine the effects of long-standing illness. breakfasts. 61tf , He h ad been stricked several years ago with paralysis, from which he D alla s V i s i t o r - I Miss Evadne Smith, of Dallas, is had never ercovered. He was sixty- visiting her sister, Miss Leonilda i seven years and seven m onths of age.— G rants Pass Courier Smith. Let Friend m orning and go grill and get special 60 cent We make our own candies, Ice All wool suits for ?2b at P au lser­ cream and tam ales. Enders Con­ u d ’s. 63tf fectionery. 62tf F o reig n Mail L eaves— Egg M arket Changes— According to Portland news­ papers no price changes were an­ nounced for eith er b u tter or eggs in the retail shops in th at city for the week’s opening, but it begins to look as if fresh eggs have not only reach­ DANCE as usual a t H elm 's club ed the high point but are likely to house Saturday night, Dec. 3* 77-3 go lower w ithout much delay. While naturally w eather conditions for the immediate future will affect the F ish E g g s D am aged— The fall gathering of black-spot­ price th a t consum ers m ust pay for ted or cut-throat tro u t eggs by the fresh eggs, the supply is increasing state game commission will suffer J faster than the demand. greatly as a result of the recent A nother big dance at Applegate storm , according to A. E Burgh- Sunset Or­ duff, state game warden. He esti-j Saturday, December 3 chestra. 77-3* m ates th at at least 2,000,000 eggs of th is species have been lost in the Move) to P o r t la n d - various hatcheries of the commis­ F rank C. Bramwell, state super­ sion. Property damage sustained intendent of banks, has moved his by the game commission is, so far family from G rants Pass to P o rt­ as known, com paratively slight.— land, in which city they will make Portland Telegram. . the'.; home. - - The last dispatch of foreign mail th a t will reach China, Japan, Siberia a n d the Dutch East Indies before C hristm as, left Seattle yesterday. Any gifts sent on a later vessel will be tardy in reaching the recipient. W ith modern apparatus m ake your p ortrait at night as in day tim e Evening pointm ent. D arling Stud-i3. v ---------- - D eb aters’ L oving Cup__ we can as well by ap­ 71-lm o the direction of the county n u rs e ,; Tho Ashland W inter F a ir Decem­ HUSBAND’S STORY WILL C. F. Koehler. The body will be Miss Marie Falldine. A beautiful ber 7-8-9-10. 60-eod AMAZE ASHLAND shipped to Salem, where the de­ loving cup will be presented to the ceased’s husband is buried. room whose pupils sell the most H its B u ll’s E ye— He says: “Adler-i-ka helped my TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY seals. A fter the children have had John Quincy Adams, who appears wife for gas on the stomach and a few dhys in which to cover th e ! on dress parade with enough m arks­ sour stomach in TWENTY MIN- town, the A shland representatives m an’s medals to cover an extensive zUTES. It works beyond greatest’, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— One second hand disc gang plow and of the State Health association will breast, has the reputation, won in ex p ectatio n s” Adler-i-ka acts on one low wheeled iron wagon in place the seals on sale a t places a series of contests, of being one of BOTH upper and lower bowel re- ' good condition Carson-Fowlei 77-6 convenient for Christm as shoppers ' the best sharpshooters in Oregon. ! moving foul m atter which poisoned | Lumber Co. Mrs. Fred Engle, head of the local H itting a bull's eye a t 100 yards is stomach. Brings out all gasses and EXCELLENT' LOST— This morning, pocket boon Red Cross chapter, states th a t the no trick at all for Mr. Adams, who sour, decaying food containing watch and chain, als chronic constipation. Guards] money received from sales of C hrist­ explains th at the so-called eye is a for small change, silver pencil. Find against appendicitis. Adler-i-ka re- mas seals has enabled the State Tu­ considerably larger one than that ■ moves m atter you never thought was i er leave at Tidings office. Re 77 Making ! in your system and which may have ! ward. berculosis association to perform a carried by beef anim als wonderful work In com batting the m arksm anship records is mighty been poisoning you for m onths.— FOR SALE— Cedar posts, split or G reat W hite Plague, riot only fn ‘ hard work, according to Mr Adams, ] T. K. Bolton, Druggist. sawed, any size. Carson-Fowle Lum ber Co. 77. other parts of the state, but right who says th a t not only m ust “ wind­ R eturns to A p plegate— here in Jackson county. Mrs E n ­ age” be calculated, but vertical and i W. M. Carl re tu rn e d this morning gle and her associates sincerely hope horizontal mirages, sometimes called to his home in the Applegate coifh- FOR SALE— Tancred strain Whit Leghorn baby chicks iiom hem th a t Ashland people will purchase heat waves. with flock oxerage of 222, eg„ try, a fte r spending a few days in liberal^ quantities of these beautiful apiece, m -te l to pedigreed cockei Ashland. els. Order early it g tod dates ar< H ot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, ornam ents. desired. 20 per cent w .th order and hot chocolate at Rose Bro3. 70tf H em stitching, 8 cents per yard. Mrs. W. D. Booth, pnone 257 Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, 264 W eightman St. 77-2-th-mi Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Euders. 70eod 20 cents. Enders Confectionery.62tf P oultry Ju dge C om ing— FOR RENT— Furnished apartments B. F. Keeney, of Eugene, has been j Mayor B aker Invited— Allen Buildiug. 771 Orres remodels garm ents. 69tf engaged fo judge fhe poultry exhibit The W inter F air committee has — at the coming W inter Fair. invited Mayor Baker, of Portland, FOR SALE— W hite Leghorn her Bitkeiy Paints Up and pullets. Call 468 Oak St. 77- to speak a t the Armory the third The Lithia Bakery has- been ob- The best Christm as present is a evening of the exposition, December FOR RENT— House with rang« serying an extended “ paint-up week’’ suit or overcoat tailored to m easure. i 9. The Ladies’ Civic Improvement ideally located near Armory, for the past several days, intensive See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 ] club will put on an entertainm ent terior redecorated, adults d< sired. Inquire 136 B St. 77-21 activities in applying the brush be­ Profit Christm as Sale. 69tf j the evening of December 8, and the ing the order of the day. Mr and fair committee will hold a carnival FOR SALE— Singer machine, I| Mrs. H. L. Lockwood, who were for­ R eturns from McCloud— brary table, range and heatini the last evening, December 10. stove, rockers, bed Springs ai merly in th e bakery business in - Guy Ackley returned a few days m attress, real leather davenpor W ashington state, have shown an ago from McCloud, Calif., where he F un eral Today— new hose, m an’s large size bla< aptitude for applying m etropolitan has been working for tho McCloud 1 The funeral of Mrs. Annie Gash overcoat. 885 B St. 77-i ideas to th eir local business. Lum ber company, and will spend the ! was held this afternoon at 2 o’clock w inter with hi3 family on Scenic from the Stock undertaking parlors, FOR SALE— Pine and .fir wood, per tier Phone 426-Y, or P o rtra its th a t please. • Darling Drive. i the services being conducted by Rev. be seen a t 1068 E. Main St 77-1 Studio. 71-lm o For pleating, see Orres, 69tf R eturns to Portland— Mrs, L. Gorham, who has been visiting friends here for the past several days, has returned to her home in Portland. A unty claus writes TO MOTHERS Buy a new suit for the Holidays. P aulserud’s 74tf G rants P ass V isitor— irl‘ , Miss Heloise Opdykfe came up from G rants Pass to spend Thanks­ giving with A. G. Knapp and family and rem ained here tlF* balance of the week. Special sale H oefler’s Famous Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a pound W atch our window. Rose 7otf Bubble Books for children at Rose Bros. Bros. 70ti DANCE as usual at Helm's d u b Our clothes are correctly cut and house Saturday night, Dec. 3. 77-3 skillfully tailored. P auiserud’s. 74tf ’ iwr,. G oing to W a t s o n v ille - Through the generosity of the Im provem ents at R eaver Cem ent__ Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Sherman are F irst National and Citizens’ banks, The Beaver-Portland Cement | disposing of th eir household fu rn i­ of Ashland, the high school debat­ company is installing a fifteen ton! tu re and expect to leave in a few ing team will be presented with a Brown locomotive hoist near their days for W atsonville, Calif., where large and beautiful silver loving cup cement storage bins to handle a s to r - ! Mr. Sherman will continue in the with the names of the debaters en- age of lime rock which is being Southern Pacific y ard service. gravd thereon. The Oregon Debat­ Quarried out at Zacher and tra n s­ Clothing prices th at defy competi­ ing lague divides the state into th ir­ ported to the main plant by the S. P. tion a t P au lseru d ’s. 74tf teen districts. Medford and Grants! The prim ary object of the hoist is Pass high schools are the principal I to pile the rock in storage to eli­ The Ashland W inter F air Decem­ ones with which the Ashland team m inate delay at the main plant d u r­ 60-eod will have to compete. A num ber of ing the sum m er whenever anything ber 7-8-9-10. prelim inary contests will decide be­ goes wrong at the quarry Plans V isitin g at Fort J o n e s - fore March 1 who shall constitute to use the big crane when the plant Mrs. J. M. Poole left yesterday the debating team sent from each! is in operation for piling cement m o rn in g 'fo r F ort Jones, Calif., to school to Eugene for flie final state clinker in storage for ageing aud visit Mrs. John King. contest. for handling gypsum will probably be put into execution when rock Adams has all kinds of dry wood 5 Every sufferer from stomach storage will not be necessary. The stored in a building. Phone 460. trouble, gas, belching, sour stomach, Brown hoist was bought in Seattle 77-3 nervousneess. dizziness and bilious-; and is being equipped at the plant ness, should get a box of Mi-O-Na with a fifty foot crane and a clam ­ Mr. Roselle, the tailo r at Orres, stomach tablets today and s ta rt a shell bucket holding one yard. The is an a rtis t as a tailor. He recently treatm ent. Guaranteed by McNair hoist cost the company about $15,- came here from Minneapolis. 69tf Bros. 000.— Gold Hill News. w Short’s N ew W indow — ---------- \ W orking Tw o S h ifts— Special this week at Enders Con­ Columbia grafanolas have taken The Caves highway will be ready fectionery— Fresh cream caram els, the place of magazines in S. H. to tu rn over to the state soon, ac­ regular price 60 cents, this week Short’s corner window in the East cording to J. H. Leahy, contractor, 40 cents. We make them. 74-6 Side Pharm acy, the periodicals be­ who has been in the city from the ing relegated to a rack behind the ■construction camp on Sucker creek Cliff Payne makes shaving stands. window. d u rin g the week. Night and day Thomas P a rk e r Boyd, of San crew s are being worked on some of C hristm as Seals— Beginning December 7, the school Francisco, will lecture in the New th e road, and excellent progress i s ; being made.— G rants Pass Courier. children of Ashland will begin a Thought tem ple Sunday evening, De­ sale of Christm as seals for the State cember 4, a t 7:30 o’clock. No ad­ Special this week at Enders Con-i Tuberculosis association. Th'ree- mission fee, no- collection. 77-1 fectionery-—Fresh cream caramels, fourths of th e proceeds will go to Tegular price 60 cents; this week 40 the state work and one-fourth will Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as­ »- cents. We make them 74-6 be used in Jackson county, under sociation. Yeo, of coarse. 44-tf D E A R MOTHERS— Santy and I are g e t­ tin g pretty old now and, o f course, all th ese new fangled fash ions for the girls seem s a little fool­ ish to us— hut, after all, when I reflect on my girlhood days, I rem em ­ ber what my grand iiiqq triers tltought of me and I expect you better let them feel th at they are not out of style*, so long as it does not s|»oil them . It is m ighty depressing on a girl to f«*el she is not stylish ly clothed. That does not n ecessarily mean that site m ust be expen­ siv ely clothed, for S a n t# says he alw ays found goes] things reasonably priced at McGee’s. M aybe . th e y ’v e gut som e little inexpensive extravagance that sh e ’s w anting. Let her liave it for U hristm as. Yours truly, AUNTY CLAUS. CIRCLE BARGAINS LA D IES’ SUITS v alu es from $ 3 5 .0 0 to $ 4 5 .0 0 , now S24.85 CIRCLE BARGAINS L A D IE S’ SUITS This is the Store to tind Gilts tor Women L A D IE S’ SUITS — FURS valu es from $ 4 5 .0 0 to $ 0 5 00, now — GLOVES — HOSIERY — SILK UN DERW EAR — NECKW EAR — BAGS — UM BRELLAS — PETTICOATS — WAISTS — H ANDKERCHIEFS -—IN FA N TS W EA R No Toys— Only U seful Things CIRCLE BARGAINS $39.5 0 CIRCLE BARGAINS L A D IE S’ S U n S valu es from $ 3 7 .5 0 to $ 4 8 .0 0 , now valu es from $62 .5 0 to $ 8 2 5 0 , now S29.75 $ 4 9.7 5