PAGE SIS SEA CAPTAINS • ACT AS MATES ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS WOOLEN BRAID USED AS TRIM If you want to buy or sell anything In REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS G O O D T H IN G S F O R T H E Black and white braid it effectively used to trim thia otherwise severely simple frock. PROPER CARE FOR YOUR HATS Velvet Headgear Needs Especial At­ tention— Each H at Should Have Box of Its Own. It is not only the wear that a hat receives that makes it lose its fresh­ ness and shape. It is the way the hat Is treated when it is not in use that has a good deal to do with this. Velvet hats are so much In evidence this season that the chances are yon have one or will have before many weeks. These need particular care, and will repay you the care you give them. The old-fashioned way was to have a piece of heavy black mourn­ ing crepe with which to rub off the dust from velvet, but a velvet brush te easier to handle. A heavy, coarse brush should never be used on velvet. The best time to brush dust from velvet Is after you have worn the hat, unless it is damp or spotted with rain. Then you should not use a brush until tt lias been thoroughly dried. It is hard In limited quarters to give your hats the right place to repose when not in use, unless you are content to get along with but one or two hats a season. Ideally, each hat should ha\ e a box of its own, and even your ordinary hats should be boxed when not in use. Hats that have trimming of the down-drooping variety should not be laid flat in a box but should rest on a little hat block—anything, in fact, that will raise the brim some­ what from the bottom of the box. A piece of china silk—an old silk handkerchief Is good—is useful In caring for your hats. Quills should be carefully wiped off with it and ostrich feathers may be dusted gently. Any trimming with cire finish or let ornaments may be carefully dusted with this silk. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 7. — The atomic weights of nearly forty of the ninety or more chemical elements out of which everything in the universe is built have been definitely determined by Harvard chemists In the course of investigations begun thirty-five years ago and extending up to the present time. . Attention was called to this pro­ longed research today by the an­ nouncement that largely on account of his work in this field, Prof. Theo­ dore W. Richards, Nobel prize winner in 1914 and director of the Wolcott Gibbs Memorial laboratory at Har­ vard, had been appointed a member of the international committee of scientists on elements, while Prof Gregory P. Baxter, formerly a pupil of Prof. Richards and now an Inde­ pendent investigator at Harvard, had been chosen for the international com­ mittee on atomic weights. The Harvard research is said to have^thrown new light on the perplex­ ing problem of the nature of matter, while data obtained are being used daily by thousands of chemists throughout the world. Weights Found Constant. BEAVER REALTY CO. F A M IL Y . I Investigation Throws New Light on the Nature of Matter— Finding of Two Kinds of Lead Im­ portant Discovery. and Sailors. or W ant any kind of Notary work done it will be to your advantage to call on I t is not so m uch w h a t you say. As the m a n n e r in w hich you say it: I t is not so m uch th e lan g u ag e you use As th e form by which you convey it. RESULT OF 35 YEARS' WORK Four Skippers Serving on One Vessel Not Uncommon Occurrence— Of ficers Suffer With Firemen It is to the lasting credit of these American masters, shipowners say, that they accept reduced rank cheer­ fully and in their service they render a very high degree of allegiance and obedience to the officers temporarily above them. This applies not only to their periods of actual duty, but to the traditional sea discipline when off watch. The laying up of one ship a fte r an­ other until practically one-half of America's post-war fleet of commerce carriers has been relegated to a quiet anchorage, awaiting return of nor­ malcy in world commerce, has put thousands of good American seamen “on the beach,” as they term it. Officers suffer with the firemen and the sailors in the enforced idleness. Cluhrooms of associations of officers always are well filled now by licensed men awaiting a possible opening on some trip. When a call for an officer comes in it is tendered to the man understood to be most in need of the work, aud by him it is cheerfully ac­ cepted regardless of the rank it car­ ries. The records show that but compara­ tively few are in actual financial dis­ tress through enforced idleness. A man who has reached the bridge through long years of hard wbrk has generally learned to be thrifty, and I d the good years to lay aside some­ thing for the lean ones. the KITCHEN CABINET Harvard Professors Win World Recognition by Researches With Metals. HUNDREDS OF CAPTAINS IDLE Accept Reduced Rank. DR. J. MORTON HOWELL C o p y r ig h t, 1921, W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n Depression in Shipping Forces Officers to Take Reduced Rank to Get Work. New York.—Four captains on one ship, each of them qualified by experi­ ence and license to navigate unlimited tonnage in any waters, but three of them serving as mutes Is not an un­ common occurrence now, due to the low tide of world ocean commerce. On a ship which recently sailed from New York for a round-trip voyage to the West Indies the master thereof had under him as mates two men under whom he had formerly worked when conditions were reversed. His third mute, during the war commanded an American ship which made nu­ merous trips through the war zone carrying supplies for the American army in France. FINGS LEAD HAS TWiI WEIGHTS Thursday, D ecem ber 1, 1921 Dr. J. Morton Howell of Dayton, O., has been appointed special diplomatic agent and consul general at Cairo, Egypt. He is a personal friend of President Harding, Senator W illis and Attorney General Daugherty, a suc­ cessful physician and surgeon, and a traveler who has familiarized himself with conditions in Egypt. SURE-ACTING PRIMER SAVES AUTO BATTERY Device Causes Engine to S tart Firing a t Once. Means Found for Injecting Into Cyl­ inders Sufficient Amount of Gaso­ line to Vaporize and Mix With Air. A most delicious raisin pie which will taste different is made by using one-half cupful of grape Juice, one cupful of raisins, a tablespoonful of lemon juice and one table- spoonful each of butter and flour, well mixed to­ gether. Chop the raisins and cook all together with one-lialf cupful of sugar and a well beaten egg. Serve in a baked shell with a meringue or with whipped cream for a finish. Cranberry Conserve. — Cook one quart of cranberries in barely enough water to cover; when cooked add an equal measure of sugar, tlie pulp of three oranges, one cupful of raisins i and the grated peel of an orange. Sim­ mer until thick, then pour into glasses, I or if to be used at once, into a mold. Beet Salad.—Take cooked chopped ! beets, to two cupfuls add one finely ! minced green pepper and one chopped J onion. Mix with French dressing and ' serve on lettuce; Beet Relish.—To one quart of chopped cooked beets add one quart j of chopped cabbage, one cupful of j chopped celery, two cupfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of salt, one tea- | spoonful of pepper, one-half teaspoon­ ful of cayenne, one cupful of fresh grated horseradish and vinegar to ' make it of the consistency to use-AS a sauce. Can cold. This will keep all winter and Is very well liked. Baked Cranberries.—Choose a wide, flat earthen dish large enough to allow u ,in t of lierries to lie on the bottom. Pour over them a sirup made with two ' supar and a capful of wuter. Place in a slow oven and bat until the berries are done. If there are any Bargains in town they have them. We in v ite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative M aterial. V\ e w illingly give prices and figure am ounts needed. Dickerson & Son THE PAINT MAN The atomic weights of the elements are described as the relative weights in which these elements combine with Many automobiles require a sure- each other to form the countless sub­ on acting priming device to cause the en­ stances of which the universe is con­ structed. These weights have usually gine to start firing ut once, instead- of THERMOS AND been found to be amazingly constant. compelling the starting motor to whir Silver from all parts of the world and for long periods, which puts a heavy UNIVERSAL from many different ores has always drain on the storage battery. There­ Chicken Timbales.—M ix one pint of the same atomic weight. Copper from fore, some means must be found of in jecting into the cylinders a sufficient | 5hicken chopped. one cupful of stale VACUUM BOTTLES Europe is identical In this respect with bread crumbs, one-half teaspoonful of amount of gasoline so that enough will that mined under the bottom of Lake vaporize and mix with the air in the mixed herbs, a dash of pepper, one- Superior. hulf teaspoonful of salt, one cupful of P i n t s ............$1.50 to $3.75 Prof. Baxter’s work long since proved combustion chamber to form an ignita­ milk or stock, and two well beaten that iron and nickel which fall from ble mixture. The best of these is one eggs. Celery salt, cayenne, parsley, Quarts ..........$2.50 to $6.00 the sky In meteorites coming from the that can be operated, from the driver’s onion and lemon juice also may be seat. spaces far beyond the earth's orbit Obtain an ordinary sight-feed oil j used for seasoning. . Rack in small have exactly the same atomic weights molds well buttered, and steam 15 as Iron and nickel from the earth, a Cup, as shown in tlie illustration. At- ; minutes. Turn from the molds and LUNCH KITS fact cited as indicating in one respect, tach it to a suitable part of the car, serve with or without sauce. such as the dash, or mount it on the ! at least, the unity of the universe. $3.50 to $5.00 engine block, above the carburetor. B# The most important single result of the Harvard study of atomic weights the use of one-eighth-inch copper pipe, j Is said to be the discovery, first proved like that for the gasoline line, the J Back to Farms. definitely some years ago by Prof. cup should be connected with the in- ; Anticipate your Christmas Hundreds of American captains now Richards, and still holding good take manifold directly above the ver- j There are three things never hid are scattered all over the New Eng­ needs while our stock is through ’ recent careful tests, that tlcal tube to the carburetor. Then, by land and eastern states doing a period MANY SLEEVES TO ONE FROCK there exist at least two kinds of lead, the adjustment of the feed-valve on ! den—love, a mountain and one riding complete. on a camel. of shore duty on farms which they instead of one. It was found that lead the cup. the correct amount of gaso- I purchased as a safe harbor in which Generous Supply of Armcoverings from radium minerals, while it posses­ line is admitted to the manifold in the ! to weather the stormy seas of old age. W ill Permit of Change to Suit SAID BY A CYNIC ses properties exactly similar to those right place. In this way all cylinders ; Generous to the last degree, these men will receive tlie same mixture, and of i Almost Any Occasion. of ordinary lead, has a distinctly keep track of and aid their less for­ smaller atomic weight, 206.1 as against course will develop maximum power. ! The man who can fool a widow de tunate associates. Imagine traveling about with six 207.8. After the engine has started well, serves his fate. Sailors, deck hands, fireroom forces pairs of sleeves to one frock. Jm- Working on Lead. the feed-valve cup can be closed. This j and stewards to the numbtr of thou­ I aglne wearing your sleeve as a shoul- Modesty is almost as extinct as the method is far more reliable than priin- The lead from the radium minerals sands are sharing with the officers i der piece for warmth and protection red flannel petticoat. is supposed to come front the decom­ the effect of the shipping depression. and dropping it in the restaurant or Many of them have been forced to at the card table, leaving the arms position of radium. Why its atomic depend on their union and semichari- exposed as they have been fop a year. weight is different from that of ordi­ nary lead, whether ordinary lead may 1 table institutions for keep. Imagine appearing in an evening gown not itself prove to he a mixture of of capudne brocade one night with a lighter lead with a heavier variety, REVEALS ELIXIR OF LONGLIFE Greek bodice clasped on the.shoulders perhaps due to the disintegration of with Ivy leaves done in brilliants, and the element thorium, and whether Soured Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Miik appearing the next night in the same other elements, hitherto supposed to Cheese and White Bread Diet frock with Doge’s sleeves built of be final and indivisible, may not also Is the Secret. mt’tal net and embroidery, handed prove to be mixtures and thus open witli fur and touching the floor. up a whole series of new problems as Save your storage battery by equip­ Derbent, Caucasia.—The elixir of ping your car with this simple sure- One need not tax the imagination to the composition of matter, are ques­ The future of the young men and long life consists of soured cow’s milk, too much. These things are done. One tions to which the answers are being acting primer. cheese made from sheep’s milk and has a box of sleeves or a tiny trunk eagerly sought by scientists over the women now entering the business ing-cups on cylinders, for, when the white bread, according to Dr. Sado- of them as one lias a Hat or a shoe world today. world depends very largely upon wein. professor of physical chemistry trunk. You may travel with Awo their attitu d e toward thrift. Prof. \V. I). Harkins of Chicago has engine is primed through them, a at the University of Kiev. He has frocks and a full equipment of strong evidence that ordinary chlorine greater quantity is injected than is located a village in the mountains sleeves, borrowed from the ages and 1 Is a mixture, and F. W. Aston of Cam­ needed for one explosion, and for this pear Teroir Khan Shura, the new cap­ reeking with history. If they consider saving a bore— bridge, England, by an entirely differ­ reason there Is a certain amount of ital of the Daghestan republic, where It may come about, If the fashion ent method, indicates that many other vapor formed, regardless of low tem­ spend all they make— don’t keep a But the young people 38 men out of a total population of lasts long enough, that women will elements are probably likewise com­ perature, which then finds its way past good credit stand* ng— very probably who, with their first 320 are more than one hundred years boast of finding a pair of Fourteenth posed of atoms of different weights. the piston-rings Into tlie crankcase and they will be mediocre all their lives. jobs, open accounts at old. Investigation showed they ate century sleeves in Florence that once Harvard chemists are working at pres­ mixes with the o il—R. L. Prindle, In the F irst National, the above-named foods exclusively. belonged to a personage, and another ent to try to find out more about these Popular Science Monthly. gather a few hundreds Many persons transported here priceless pair which were worn by two kinds of lead, but they are ham­ and then invest them from the famine regions of central Catherine of Russia. These will be pered by the fact that, once mixed, the under our advice, will Bussiu are migrating into the moun­ added to the collection as one now two kinds cannot by any ordinary TRICK YOU MAY NOT KNOW rise head and shoul­ tains, where this food is to be had in adds pictures aud shoe buckles and chemical methods be separated. ders above the crowd. Simple Little Trick to Make the Hub abundance. snuff boxes. Cap Do Its Own Loosening Hatred of Banks Cost Him $29,000. When It Sticks. Offer Prize for Aero-Engine. THE NEWEST NOTES IN HATS Delta, ().—The fact that S. B. Finney Washington.—The French govern­ hated hanks made it easy for four un­ In case the ordinary method of ment has offered a prize of $200,000 Lace Still Much Used and Sometime* masked bandits to rob him of $29,000 placing a wrench on a sticking hub for the best aeronautical engine suit­ Seen in Streamers That Hang recently. The men entered his office, cap and then tapping the wrench with ed for commercial purposes. The en­ to the Waistline. bound him to a chair, then robbed him. a hammer, fails, try this: Place a gine must be ready for test by June, small box or horse of very nearly the 3923. The French government makes Late is a becoming aud decorative Man, 88 Years Old, Marries Woman, 36. height of the huh from the floor, along­ but one condition; that the winner, if nite which to still much used. It is The Office of the Laporte. In d —E. W. Davis, eiglitv- side the wheel, so that when the lat­ a foreigner, must permit the manufac­ sometiines seen in long streamers that j eight years old, has taken as his wife ter is turned the end of the wrench ture of the engine in France. fall from the brim across the back and ' Mrs. Clara Tennant, thirty-five. Davis’ will strike the box, the force of the hang to the waistline, or, again, It is first wife died soon after their sixty- blow loosening the cap. draped at one side. There are some sixth wedding anniversary. shadow designs, but the Spanish laces Threw Boy in Pig Sty; are particularly interesting and quite different from anything used during Hog Devoured Him t the summer, because of their definite­ t Arkansas Farm er Had ly heavy pattern and silky weave. Me­ t A terribie crime has been re­ t tallic laces in gold and silver are deco­ Pets Buried With Him ported from Charleroi, Belgium, t Tlie automobile siiow era is 22 years rative for evening hats. t where a farmer after capturing t old. Soft willow ostrich with long flues, The last request of Edward t a nine-year-old boy who was has been moved to • * • natural or glycerinized ostrich feath­ Seth, farmer, of Walnut Ridge, t stealing apples locked him in a t Canada has 42 automobile accessory ers, lacquered quills, and narrow rib­ Ark., was partly complied with pig sty with a sow and went manufacturing plants. t bons are used for trimming. Ve-y when lie asked that his dog, two away without heeding the young­ t * • • often, black feathers are tipped with chickens and a mule be burled i ster’s cries of alarm. silver.—Vogue. t London has 2,000 motor sightseeing with him, rather than have them On returning to the pig sty, i t busses and 5,000 passenger busses. ’ive to mourn his death. Ac­ » several hours later, he found tlie t * * * t t cordingly, a physician adminls- Clean Velours Hat sow tearing the last morsels of t t Where all business will be transacted and gas bill will A 120-horsepower passenger auto­ If the velours hat is shabby, put t ered anaesthetics to the dog and t flesh from the hoy’s hones. The be paid. some finely powdered salt in the ovtr.. » hickens and they were placed in tt mobile, made in Gewnariy, costs 380,- police succeeded in arresting the 000 marks. * plain wooden box with tlieir t » When it is quite hot, rub it into the farmer just as the neighbors • aster. The mule, however, »t hat with soft paper. Discard the soiled tt were preparing to lynch him. Mr. Provost has been appointed agent for the company. In Detroit. Mich., there are seven ves to mourn. I 'japer for new occasionally. Brush t t '1 different plants manufacturing en­ with a stiff brush. * gines for motor vehicles. Reduced Price M cNair Bros. Your Future F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK AUTOMOBILE G D S S iP jk Oregon Gas & Electric Co. Provost Bros. » * *