Thursday, Derenibe? 1, 1921 T H E A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S PAG E F IV E SHE WILL BE ACTIVE ■IN LEGION AFFAIRS ON THE WRONG SIDE. Mrs. Palmer Is Insanely jealous of her husband, and is talking of 0 / By DOUGLAS MALLOCH getting d i- 1 vorce. Why, poor old THE TWO CAPTAINS. Palmer n e v e r looks at a woman. NE captain went clear through I am not so j the war sure of that. I / understand he is /- And never struck a blow; continually talk­ He came home with a perfect score— ■ ing in his sleep A perfect letter O. of May Wheat. : Citations never mentioned Ll^n, For, neither good nor bad. He came home safe in life and limb— But that was all he had. LYRICS OF LIFE » O - Ä Miss Pauline C urnick'has been appointed as executive secretary In charge of the affairs of the w om ens Auxiliary of the Ameri­ can Legion. Miss Curnick. who lives in Indianapolis, national headquarters of the Legion, has been a leader in numerous wel­ fare activities for the benefit of service men duftng the war and has served as personnel and em­ ployment director for a large eastern industrial establishm ent. THE ROMANCE OF WORDS “TREACLE." HOSE who have stumbled across the reference in Waller’s ode to Charles II to "treacle yielded by your vipers” have naturally been puzzled to see the connection between a poisonous snuke and the English name for sirup or molasses, a connection which dates back to the days of legendary lore. “Treacle” was originally a Greek word and. wrapped up I d it, was the once popular belief that the best antidote for the sting of a snake was a concoc­ tion made from the tissues of the snake itself—a sort of “hair of the dog is good for the bite” idea. Milton speaks of the sov­ ereign “treacle of sound doc­ trine,” while “Venlce-treacle” or "viper wine" was a common name for a supposed antidote against all poison^ Treacle, meaning first this antidote, was first broadened in meaning to include any cure through rnedi- Cice; then coniraçtçy to mean only those fiji-u id nes: wiiicîi were of a sweet sirup natur ,T to t t tte and. finally, restricted particular sirup which is called by that name today—a sirup which, however, has no medici­ nal proj>erties whatever. T V «S g By O tto R. H a rtw ig President, Oregon State Federation ¿¿VX & sgSPÎ - « ass u n certain ties, it b e c o m e s -m o re th a n e v e r n ecessary for th e citizen s of O re g o n to p a tro n iz e th e in d u strie s o f O re g o n b y b u y in g such p r o d ­ u cts as a re m a d e hi this state. Ä t CJ In d u strie s o f O re g o n c a n n o t b e e x p e c te d to g ro w a n d furnish c o n tin u o u s satisfactory' e m ­ p lo y m e n t to th e w o rk e rs of O re g o n if w e sp e n d o u r m o n e y fo r p ro d u c ts m a n u fa c tu re d else­ w h ere. NO W O NDER “ What makes him so stuck up?” “Oh, he was hatched from an in­ cubator th at won first prize at the county fair.” It is a w ell k n o w n fa c t th a t o n th e w hole, O re ­ g o n w o rk e rs a re receiv in g b e tte r w ag es a n d w o rk in g u n d e r m o re sa tisfa c to ry c o n d itio n s th a n is tru e o f th e w o rk e rs in m a n y o f th e e a ste rn c e n te rs w h e re a g o o d d e a l o f th e p r o d ­ ucts th a t th e c arele ss p u rc h a se r ’b uys c o m es from . It is th e h e ig h t o f s tu p id ity a n d selfish­ ness to d e m a n d d e c e n t w o rk in g c o n d itio n s fro m th e O re g o n e m p lo y e rs a n d th e n tu rn a ro u n d a n d use th e m o n e y e a rn e d in O re g o n to b u y p ro d u c ts m a d e u n d e r sw eat-sh o p c o n d i­ tio n s th a t exist in m a n y o f th e e a ste rn a n d m id ­ d le states. SMART GIRL Wilder hired a girl to make a card index < 0 . for him. Well? Then he had ’■.II to hire the same girl at an increased sal­ ary to run It for him — and every time she takes a holi­ day the busi­ ness comes to a dead stop. The war is over, industry The soldier now demands; And yet the fate of nations we SfTll carry in our hands. O captains of the battle new, When business duty frets Are you a Captain Go-and-Do Or Captain Come-on-Letsi (Copyright.) -------- O-------- of Labor T O U R IN G th e se d a y s o f re c o n stru c tio n a n d o». U ncom m on S e n se L e t’s b u y O re g o n P ro d u c ts! JUST SO By JOHN BLAKE These dream­ ers are imprac­ tical. Eh? Why sigh for a bed of roses when you can buy a good mat­ tress at a very r e a s o n a b le price? E N E R G Y IS C A P IT A L . LAKE cannot turn a turbine, though it contains more water than a cataract. All ttie knowledge you can accumu­ late in a lifetime wilt do you no good ijnless tt cau be translated into en- A & :£y. "tv The difference between doers and wishers in this life Is a difference of energy? V ALR EA D Y j The* wishers want thtrigs. The doers > PICKED : get them. It Is hard work getting Lady: I could them, but energy is the force that can give you a pair | accomplish hard work. of my husband’s The reason you see so many men pants. succeed whom you know to be no bet- Tramp: Noth­ j ter fitted mentally than failures of (Copyright.) in ’ d o in ’ ! j your acquaintance Is because the suc- There’a never « i b'i ' cessful men are energetic. nothin’ In a 1111 O i i married man's Energy is the driving force behind Important Little Word. pockets. j everything that is done. Eugene Walter recently told the . All of us have some of it, or we story of an obstreperous actor whose I could not live. anxiety over his billing far overshad­ ' Those who have a great deal usually owed his histrionic talents in a forth­ ! get along, unless they constantly mis- coming production. ' direct it. “What s this?” the player demand­ There are, of course, energetic peo­ ed Just before the opening, bearding ple who never get very far. But even SHERLOCK the.producer in bis den and pointing they get farther than they would if BUG to a three-sheet being prepared to ad­ they were content to sit still. vertise the show. “What about ray If the maxim, “Everything comes to Ah ha! I have ndme?’’ him who waits,” were amended to found the mist­ f-H'? <’H there,” answered the man­ read, "Nothing comes to him to ing links at ager, wearily, displaying the hilt. waits,” it would be true. “Yes.” protested the actor, “only As it stands it is one of the most you Seem to hr. Ye forgotten T am to misleading and dangerous falsehoods he featured. This sheet must read in existence, ‘with’ aiid my t ame directly after the lo u r en ergy is your capital. Use it title of the play,” wisely and economically and it will “No,” the reponsp came. “I’ve de­ l ay you an almost usurious rate of in­ rided to change that word ‘with’ to terest. •but.’ ” Half use it, or waste it on things .. -------- o -------- & that are of no value and you will just about make a living, which is a tiling which no man of ambition wants to do. Education teaches us to use our en­ ergy profitably. An educated man can, or .should, get more out of the same amount of energy than ail uneducated man. exactly as a turbine gets more OYCt. out of a column of failing water than the old-fashioned overshot wheel. THERE’S A REASON Vet the energy must he there, or the “A paperhar.ger is never worried education must be useless. There must about his business.” he driving force which will apply what “ Why not?” A TIE GAME you have learned to your problems. Sir :r: What was the score? “ Because he is never afraid of its Nothing important was ever accom­ going to the wall.” B o tJ s : Two black eyes on each plished by education alone. line. If you haven’t got energy, cultivate j M iU K It SAYS it. Put your health in good condition : and your physical energy will im- i \F T A H A D A VOICE X T prove, and with physical energy you j will gain mental energy. COOUD BE H E A R D FO R TH F IL M Be careful how you use both. You M IL E S , WOULDMT IT HE LP NIX can’t settle a business tangle if you T E L L FO LKS MURAT T A G O T have been playing tennis all the morn- j T O SELL*? VJELLSIR..AM A D , THE H A R E A N D T H E T O R T O IS E ing. The exercise will use up the en- i IH O U R PAPER. W IL L G IV E ergy that ought to be expended on the , T A X 'F O R T T MILE VOICE' job. Your brains can’t use what your ! b muscles have used already. Energy is always capital, but h must be well and prudently invested. Tak^ care of yours. Add to it by care of your health and by’ abundant i mental exercise. Then expend It on ! important matters, and don’t be afraid to expend it liberally. It is one ' thing of which the more you spend the I more you will have, provided, of course, it is not foolishly wasted. a -J b le s • P*. SB Twas Captain Go-and-Do, the man Who served his flag in F i an ce; And well and wisely he could plan Just liow men should advance. As brave as any soldier true, No fight he ever won— He didn’t know that Go-and-Do Gets very little done. Another captain came back home With honors that they gave, Came proudly sailing o’er the foam, The idol of the brave. (No braver man than Go-and-Do) They hailed him Marne to Metz— The .other captain of the two Was Captain Come-o’n-Lets. To the Workers o f Oregon Stf- * A ll \p L . 12 ¡& b 1.' M l H l fit ASSOCIATED IN D U STRIES OF OREGON 702 OREGON BUILDING PORTLAND Itï s S-T’ k i Here’s How! F o lg ers Golden G ate Coffee—b etter th an cham pagne—costs no m o r e - different in ta ste from any other coffee. . , P h l 'S S w o e n FOLGER^ Golden 0 a {e The hare and tortoise ran a race; The hare set off at quite a pace Then, since he held the tortoise cheap Paused on the road and went to sleep. Tbe tortoise plodded on, and when he foolish bare woke up again e found it was too late to run The tortoise had already won. S The moral is—I’ll put you jerry. Don t underrate your adversary! * £wp,Jr, < i-,----- HIS ASfPIRA- TIONS. Mr. S n o b : And what are you going to be when you grow up? J o h n n ie : Oh, I guess I ’ll marry a W e a lth y lady and be a n o b o d y like you. o u ® 1 r a m (Copyright.) —• Moi Y ir S t e e l ettf OFFEL VACUUM PACKED L.