Thursday, Decem ber 1, 1921 Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and two sisters of Mrs. Mann. A most boun­ teous dinner was served. The Thanksgiving turkey was not omit­ ted, which I am toltf was n ear the ^tw en ty -p o u n d m ark. All enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs H ar­ rison until a very late hour. Fanrfly. Rcunioir— Mr. and Mrs. B. N. French of; North Talent had all their children and grand-children home for Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rapp and th eir two hoys, Mrs. Lawrence Crawford and -their three children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cole­ man, Ed and Lawrence French In all the guests num bered fifteen. V isit in A s h l a n d - Mr and Mrs. Shaw of North Tal­ ent spent Thanksgiving with Mr. j Shaw ’s parents in Asrffland. At Intervals aJong the prom inent boulevards In Chicago a re slim« autom obiles to observe the law. Since the M m V h X h l „ ? for violation of automobile laws have decrease? 20 per cent. UP S X T h a n k sg iv in g D anct— Talent ' had ’ a big dance Thanks­ giving night, which was largely a t­ tended from all parts of the valley. ASH LAND DELEGATION a mass m eeting in the evening com1 A uction S a le— plete the program . W. Stump of Talent had a big Through the FOCH; 2 0 M INUTE STOP . - courtesy of the «Mv-vivu itili idSt riaav. auction aaic, sale, in Talent last p Friday. Ce nresent h 810 hh ’ Wi" When they SOld off th eir household fand 1 t h T J : ° CaS6S ° f A5h- g° OdS and stock and machinery. (Continued from Page 1) TO RECEIVE MARSHAL. t school children of Ashland. If the w eather is very rainy the children will not be present. The city and school bands together will piay the M arseillaise, and the French and Pomnadn, m the pany A as follows: while playing football last wee*. V ning w “ Zr a h r ^ ^ m f C h T ’ GeDGral D esticker’ ThiS WiH cripple the Talent team of welcome , 3 2,°mte Ci arIes DeChambrun, aide de for some time as W ayne is consid- and th I • beha f of the city cam p’ Major DeMierry, Captain ered one of th e ir best men , 8 ’ a ' te r wl" cb H an- Re“ 6 Hoi>" al. L ieutenant Paul de ford McNider, national com m ander Soubeyran, Dr. Andre, Colonel of the American Legion, will be Frank P ark er, U. S. A , honorary mailed upon for a speech, followed American aide; Myles M^Cahill sec / M arshall Foch. The la tte r does ret service; three French orderlies- n o t speak English, but his rem arks «Hanford MacNider, A. T. Roberts’ 1 1 be tran slated into our language F ranklin D’Olier, Raymond O’Brack 1 r 8,P ¡6 tt’ C0l0nel Francis E. D rake Colo- Don U m pson’ comm ander, and nel Jam es A. Drain, D. John Markey of 3djU tant’ respectively. Van R. C. King, Leo A. Stafford, C Legion win °f An,erican E ‘ McCull<>Ufh, J. M. L ounsborough,! a . G rants "asT T nd'nu ,ra l” " W° ’ re“ ° S 'aPherS and ope ntessen- * k , “ d acc°m pany it to set. I A shland. M arshal Foch is spending — ________ welcomed K v ^ G o ^ r n o f ^ c o U Znd « a y o r Baker, and escorted f X h u - _______ XEWS Another Royal Suggestion Chocolate Layer and Maple Nut Cake F ro m th e N ew R oyal C ook B ook H E R E are thirty-two unusual cake recipes in the chapter on cakes in the New Royal Cook Book! H ere are two of them: T 2 eggs % cup m ilk 114 cups flour 14 teasp o o n s a lt 2 teasp o o n s R o y al B a k in g P o w d er 1 cu p chopped n u ts— p re fe ra b ly , p ecan s 1 te a sp o o n v a n illa e x tr a c t Chocolate Layer Cake M cup sh o rte n in g 1 cup s u g a r 1 egg 1 cup m ilk l i t cups flour 4 te a sp o o n s R o y al B a k in g Pow der i t te a sp o o n s a lt 1 te a sp o o n v a n illa e x tr a c t I Cream shortening; add sugar gradually, seating well; add beaten egg, the milk and mix well; add one-half the flour which has been sifted with salt and baking powder; add remainder of milk, then remainder of flour and flavor­ ing; beat after each addition. Bake in greased layer cake tins in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Put together with Chocolate Filling and Icing 3 cu p s c o n fe c tio n e r’s s u g a r bo ilin g w a te r 1 te a sp o o n v a n illa e x tr a c t 2 o u n c e s u n sw e e te n e d chocolate* (2 sq u a re s) % te a sp o o n g r a te d o ra n g e peel ROYAL BAKING POWDER A b s o lu te ly P u re Made from Cream of Tartar, denved from grape*. To sugar add boiling water very slowly to make a smooth paste; add vanilla, melted chocolate and orange peel. Spread between layers and on top of cake. Maple Nut Cake H c u p sh o rte n in g ZANE G R E Y ’S LEAH HENSON at the Big Organ THEATER BLALTIFU z Popular Story "The Man of the Foresi” I and Jackson County Christmas Edition One ol His Best Stories of the Daily Tidings will be issued Saturday, December 3. FRIDAY—SATURDAY It will contain between thirty and forty pages, and carry a cover printed in three colors. Constance Talmadge —m— It will be the largest Christmas, edition ever printed in Ashland, both in point of number of pages, circulation and ee Wedding Beils’ general appearance. It will be well printed and will be dis­ tributed over the entire county. We hope to have one or two sections featuring the GOLDEN ROD SPECIALS • IO lbs. R olled O ats .............................................................. JO lb. sack Steel Cut O ats .......................... .. 65c Bulk Oats, 17 lb s................. ’ .....................\ \ . . . . . . . . $ 1 .0 0 10 lb. sack Pan Cake H o u r - ................................... 7OP 10 lb. sack F a r i n a .................................................................... ( jqc W hite or Y ellow Corp M eal, 10 lb sack * . ,3 0 c , . SOAPS F a i.y Soap, n o w .......... ........................................ . . .5 and 10c ft aim Olive op Cream O i l ............................ / ............3 fo »< o^c Ivory Soap F lakes, 4 packages for ......................... IT. 2 5 c S w ift s \1 kite Soap, 25 bars for ..................................... $ ] (Ml Lennox Soap, 25 bars f o r ....................................... $LOO Coffee—20c p&r lb Cocoa—15c per lb. Liberty B ell Syrup, g a l............ $ 1 ,3 0 H alf gal. ..7 0 c Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats % THE PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 01 NORTH MAIN STREET Add butter to hot milk; add sugar slowly to make paste of the right consistency to spread; add flavoring and spread on top and sides of cake. SEND FOR IT Youi can u se one o r m o re i/ 4?° re c*PeB given in d ie N ew R o y al Cook R ook a t e v e ry hom e m eal d a y in th e w eek. W rite fo r y o u r copy to ­ d a y . A dd ress BOy XL BAKINO POWDER c o . 0201020209021100000200020102010202010102006601010000000102010102021102010100022401020200010200000200020200010109050910080608060508050001001001020100020104000201 Big Winter Fair LAST TIME TONIGHT _ tab lesp o o n s h o t m ilk cups c o n fectio n er s s u g a r % te asp o o n m ap le flav o rin g Bake with Royal and be Sure >9 R eim ers’ V isit Consims— Soi^hA^11^ 1*™' F ' Reim er of the i t ° regon Experim ental s t a - : tion at Talent, spent Thanksgiving Maple Icing Ms teaspoon butter 115 Fulton Street New York City 1 cup light brown sugar th’. ' “? 8 “ ba a banquet at 6:30 o’clock and ------ - 1 ° ? ock and Cream shortening, add sugar slowly and yolks of eggs and milk and beat well; sift flour, salt and baking powder to­ gether and add chopped nuts; fold in beaten whites of eggs; add flavoring. Bak ■ m well greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 utes. Cover top with mapie icing and sprinkle with chopped nuts while still soft. Winter Fair, and will devote much of the space to boosting that enterprise.