I f * G L TWO —- te»~ -»■». ■ EDITORIALS jutmana i wings Established 1876 ^Published Every Evening Sunday Except' ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS A shland Daily Tidings The Melancholy Days Have Come T H E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. . ’ O F F IC IA L CITY AND C o T n TY PA PE R TELEPHONE 39 FEATURES THE MAN AT THE DESK By PAULL HAYDEN ffeb scrip tion P rice D elivered in City: O n e month ............................... $ .65 T h r e e m o n th s........................... 1.9ff S ix months .................................. 3.75 One year .................................... 7.50 | There is no greater achievement , possible in anv^niau's life than the winning of the good opinions of i other men. You an accomplish ’ some things on the strength of your ■ own good opinion of yourself, but without a similar appreciation upon | the part of your fellow workers, you will not go the same distance as 1 with it. Mail and Rural R outes month ............................... $ .65 Three months ........................... 1.95 S ix months ............................... 3.50 O n e yqar ................................. 6.5€ O ne ADVERTISING RATES D isplay A dvertising Single insertion, each inch.......... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising O ne Thursday, D ecem ber I, 1921 time a week......................27 T w o times a week...................... 25 c, Xvery other day.........................20 c| Local R eaders An J remember this: The good opinion of the man above you may pay dividends at the moment, but the good opinion of the men below you will pay just as large dividends later. Xach line, each tim e...................10c, T o run every other dlay for one mouth, each line, each time. . 7c *Pb run every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month « r more, %c the word each time. Legal Rate Xirst time, per 8-point line........ 10c E ach subsequent time, per 8- point line ................................. 5c ■Card of th a n k s .......................... $1.00 'Obituaries, the line ....................2%c Have you had the experience of more than one man who has thought himself solid with the boss, but through the selfishness, sel(-seeking and jealousy of the fellows around the office, lost out? It happens ofteuer than you would expect F ratern al Orders and S ocieties Advertising for fraternal orders in parmanently eS- No one is stronger than the opin­ desired here. You «want wealthy in­ ate between them: “ALL future . . ion -others hold of him. «vents, where an admission charge tablishing its product iu Atlantic valids that spend a lot of money I s made or a collection is taken IS j Coast markets. but d jn 't give a hang for your town, You can often secure a job on the ADVERTISING. 'This applies to It ¡g hard to predict just what moving on after awhile to another organizations a td societies of every effect tfae strength of what you can do, but to resort and giving way to their same Aind as well as to individuals. kind. Well, we can always move too U°hl *t requires not onl> -ability to All reports of such activities after nounced November 20 by railroads they have occurred is news. to eastern points will have on the The railroad still runs north and it run ^°h’ hut the ability to “run All coming social or organization water shipments in harness” with others on the same runs south, and after all there are meetings of societies where no Trangcontinental lines have agked « job. other towns still left on the Pacific money contribution is solicited, initi­ ation charged, or collecton taken IS the Interstate Commerce commission • coast where we may find what we M EW S. for permission to publish the new Opt {grants want, a good home town. rates on short notice. Hasn’t this town had its lesson We make all quotations on Take all the time necessary to do The lumbermen manifest the most of how easy it is to sell its heritage your own work, but all the rest of JOB WORK frpm friendly spirit toward the railroads, and of how hard it is to get it the time help others to do their THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST knowing the handicaps under which back? I refer to permitting the sale ' work. There is wisdom in that bit Same prices—reasonable price— they have operated, due to their ar­ of Long’s Cabin to someone with! of adxice but even greater wisdom to all tificially increased cost of operation. wealt-k enough to make more or less would be found in following it. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon While the new rates will be a bene­ of a resort out of it. The owners The only fault we have to find in Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ fit to the lumber industry of the Pa­ speak truly when they say it has Hope is that it only exists in an in­ te r . cific Coast, the West Coast Lumber- been made as sanitary as possible, active state of mind. We hope while Marshal Foch is coming to Oregon.! men’s association feels that they are but visitors of note mean more visi­ we wait. When you are exerting ev­ tors out of idle curiosity and both ery effort to achieve your goal you And he will receive such a welcome not sufficiently low to divert business together mean a good deal of travel have no time for hope. No racer here as will make him intensely , from a water to rail routes- up the water-shed of Ashland. That has any conscious thought of ‘ hop­ jglud that he crossed the Great Di­ R epeal Tax on Gold M ining. is not a good thing, fpr travel up ing to win” the race. Every atom vide to the front door of the con­ the canyon means polluted water , of physical and mental energy is at Senator Nicholson of Colorado has tinent. sooner or later. Do you think it is work doing something to win. performed a very valuable service in a good advertisement to have it Looking for the news from con- securing the adoption of his amend- Hope is all right for dark days known that our much advertised and helpless people, but it is quite gress? Just glance on the market ment to the revenue bill which pro­ pure water needs chlorine treatment? needless to a man able to get out page where it says “irregular and vides for the exemption of gold mines And right here I can make another after what he wants. inactive,” and that applies as well ^rom the operations of the excess pro­ point where you are overlooking t o congress as it does to the stock tits tax. "Usually the greatest boosters are your substance for a shadow. Your the smallest workers. The deep riv­ Such a provision was made part .market on a dull thy. best asset along the water line of ers pay a larger tribute to the sea of the law if 1918 and it was evi­ argument is not your medicinal w a­ than shallow brooks, and yet empty Santa Claus is no “slacker.” He dently the intention to provide for ters, its your pure cold drinking wa­ themselves with less noise.” will be around on time with some­ this exemption in the laws of 1917 ter. Any thinking person who ex­ thing for all the kiddies—even the thru the depletion provision of that —Seeker amines the analysis of your lithia naughty ones, if they promise to be acL hut on account of the methods Loud mouthed and loud acting water knows you’d have to drink a people often make a large splash, j used in administering the law, it jgood. barrel of it before you’d get any I but they would never be used to has failed of its purpose. France has bared her soul to the Should Senator Nicholson’s am- ELCOME the good news! ltediu- navy-blue tricotine redingote, which-is medicinal effect from the lithia, any ! build a dam. gotes are in style again. Just pictured here, is worn over a beige- local doctor will bear out the state ! armsarms conference and the world. I endment be finally incorporated in what is a redingote? Ask colored charmeuse slip. Vision the ment as a fact if he tells the truth, some money, that thirty thousand dol- She is not without warm sympa- the revenue act, it will not only pro- grandma, she knows. It was a treas­ same with a petticoat and vestee of and as for the soda water, why, isn’t ; lars will make a cracking good bulld- thetic friends that appreciate her vide for the future, but will be ret- ured garment in the wardrobe of her oriental red with Persian designs em­ it common knowledge that the big ' ing of it, plenty good enough for the predicament. roactive so as to remedy the iniqui- youthful days. broidered iu Paisley colorings inter­ resort at Shasta Soda Springs is a ( average tourist The average tourist ______ ¡ties of the 1917 act. The dictionary defines the redingote spersed with antique gold threads. financial failure? 118 the substance, I tell you, the kind As to warfare in future, the pur-' To impose an excess profits tax oil as “A long coat—an open dress.’’ This A heavy black satin underslip would That’s within a hundred miles of! that pays three dollars a day for his jpose of this and other great nations, the production of gold is, on its face, is a very satisfactory word picture. not be amiss with such a redingote, iiere and the water is practically the ' room might stay and make a good For confirmation, behold the frock in for practical day-time wear. should be to have it all over but the an absurdity. Gold has but one mar- the accompanying illustration. Here Speaking in general of the latest same as here. Your sulphur water citizen, the kind that wants a fifty shonting, instead of being all over ket and that is the United States is a Twentieth century redingote in style tendencies, the frock of autumn, particularly the hot sulphur water— ¡dollar a day suite wouldn't make his but the shooting. The arms con- mint. Its price is fixed at $20.63 an all the glory of up-to-the-inoment in­ 1921, origination records sleeves which is your main medicinal water, home iu Ashland on a bet and be leav- ference should do something really ounce and no conditions can change terpretation of sleeve, cut-out embroid­ are nothing less than sensational in Commercialized in the form of hot es behind him a great many things, 4o end warfare. this price. ery and correct length. their remarkable lines and superlative baths, it will attract two classes of less desirable than his money. --------- The cost of producing gold can be The “open-dress” idea is having a embellishment. patients. So, mothers of Ashland, I ask you Belittling the work of the arms increased, as it was during the w»r, pronounced vogue this season. It Madame Fashion takes tlie liberty (1) Rheumatics. No one has any give my argument some consideration, of almost ignoring the rest of the brings with it an endless trend of conference and scorning its possi- hut the increased cost of production dress, as far as trimming is concerned, charming possibilities in the way of objection to that, everyone should Don’t boost to make Ashland a tour- bilities for achieving good for the cannot be added to the selling price while she lavishes all her gifts of “revealing yet concealing” adorable extend them a helping hand. ist center just because it might “in­ world, are reprehensible. The crit- Neither the discovery of new sources underslips which may be changed at wondrous embroidery and gorgeous (2) Skin diseases. Of the latter crease the value of real estate 10 Ics who have nothing good to say of of Production, nor the exhaustion of random suiting the color and amount coloring on the sleeve. the most prevalent form in Ameri­ per cent.” Our business deals with the conference and its work should °^d ones has any effect. Here is the of elaboration to the occasion. ca today is syphilis. Originally con- far more valuable stuff than real es- keep silent in every known lang- one Plac© where the law of supply and A one-piece frock a la redingote, is tracted by persons who do not hold , tate. The merchants are making t demand does not operate. recommended not only as an invest­ lag« the purity of their bodies sacred, it comfortable living, if they are anx ment in beauty, but of economy as manifests itself in ugly sores. Sul­ ious for riches let them speculate in well. For instance, the handsome Lum ber Moves By W ater. COPYRIGHT «Y VESTON NtVSPARtR UNlOH phur water is more or less antisep­ oil or any other thing except our boys THE PEOPLE’S FORUM. Steamships lines which, prior to ♦ siness whose volume they hope to definitely esta^’ished homes here, tic, and might benefit this condition and girls. th e rail rate increase a little over a increase, or they have a desirable and bought them on the strength of However, the excretions from these Every one of you has influence year handled less than 1,500,000 feet site to,sell for a hotel, sanitarium, sores easily infect innocent persons. this being “the best home town in along this line and I beg of you to use EDITOR’S NOTE: Owing to the o l lumber through Panama Canal in or they hope to get a commission Southern Oregon," to deliberately Public bathtubs are a well-known it. Don’t sell your substance of the length of the following communica­ •-«lx months’ time will wind up the tion from Mrs. Susan B. Smith, the out of it. try to change it all? Can it be that medium of infection, and should be “best home town in Southern Ore ‘current year with intercostal deli­ Tidings was unable to publish it All of which is legitimate busi­ me and mine are the only family avoided by intelligent people. Do I gon,” for the shadow of a “touris veries amounting to over 175,000,- complete in yesterday’s Issue. The ness. I will do these men the jus­ who looked this western coast over need to go into further detail? center.” The two are strangers an< B 0 0 feet, and by spring indications article is concluded today. tice to say they are probably sincere from Portland to Los Angeles and 'Commercialize your sulphur water ever will be. •“■.re that these steamship lines will in their views and may never have deliberately turned down the big j extensively and you might just as well, Jesus Christ may truly have said (Continued from yesterday.) have to add sufficient tonnage to take ftiot of this side of the matter—for: tourist centers for reasons that seem­ put a big sign on the S. P. depot in “One thing thou lackesi” but he did ware of 50,000.000 feet a month to Check over the list of those who nearly all of them have either no ! ed good and sufficient to ourselves, Ashland that readb: “Syphiletics wel­ not add “and that one thing is a big North Atlantic markets. have given large subscriptions to the children at all, or their children are ' and chose Ashland just because she come here”. hotel—sanitarium exploiting the wa- Water movements of lumber thru bonus, and you will notice that most grown. is what she is. We like Ashland, it What’s the matter with the hotel' ters of Ashland.” Panama Canal was somewhat han­ every one of them has his own axe And so do you really think It is. doesn’t seem old fashioned and slow we have? I know it serves good i Respectfully submitted, dicapp ed by lack of handling facilities to grind. Either they are in a bu- quite fair to us mothers who hare. to us. We like Ashland because it meals and if you are bound to spend MRS SUSAN SMITH. W