M alaria germa cannot i survive three months j in ths rich ozone at! Ashland. The pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings Ashland climate, with-1 out the aid of medi-f I cine, cures nine cases i out of ten of asthm a. | This is a proven fact. (International News Wire Service) VOLUM E 3 «Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1921 No. 4 4 6 KILLED IN OREGON TRAIN WRECK Ashland Delegation To Receive JURY EXPECTED, Marshal Foch; 20 Minute Stop OF 0,W. TRAINS Epy TWO JAILED FOR JACKSONVILLE, Or., Dec. 1.— I The jury in the trial of Jam es (Shine) Edw ards charged with vio­ lation of the prohibition law began its deliberations at 10:10 o’clock yesterday morning, and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon was still out. A jury in a previous trial disagreed. I t is the general opinion around the court house th a t no verdice MEDFORD, O r, Dec. 1.— On would be reached iu the present w arrants sworn out by Gus Larson, case. the forem an of the camp, Mose Hall, At the reconvening of the circuit aged about 42, ana Anton Olsen, court the afternoon previous, ^ rs' age J about 19, who were arrested on F rankie Edw ards took the witness guspicion of being the two bandits stand and corroborated the te^ti- who held up and robbed the poker mony of the dafendant, Edw ards, Pa rty Players at th e cement quarry at Gold Hill last Friday night, were and other defense witnesses regard ­ arraigned in Justice Taylor’s court ing the appearance of one Joe Kidd in this city Tuesday afternoon. in front of the house a t 129 North Hall is part owner and operator C entral street, Medford, with a of a placer claim near Gold Hill, and package which he handed Special Olsen is also from the Gold Hill Ambassador to 6000 Garment Austria Named; Workers Leave RenewRelations Chicago Shops WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 1.- The form al resum ption • of diplo- m atic relations w ith A ustria was announced by the state departm ent today, when A rth u r F razier was named as charge d’ affairs a t the American embassy a t Vienna. v* Ui CHIC4GO, Dec. 1.— Six thossand garm ent w orkers stru ck today H.n protest against the installation of the piece work system. The work- ers protest th a t the piece work sys- tem would mean partial idleness during slack times of business. S. WiU Aid Adjustment Of Money Exchange WASHINGTON, D. C«, Dec. 1.— I The United States has accepted the A gen t G ate,. From (h e tjm e o f the hold. invitation, extended by the repara- j S. Stevens, . up it was generally held th a t local', lions commission to attend the con- Goodwin were then called as ’ men were guilty of perpetrating th e 'fe re n c e to consider the stabilization nesses for the defense and gave tes­ robbery. The charge against Hall of the international money exchange timony contradictory to th at of the and Olsen is r o b b e r y while being in connection with the m a tte r of witnesses for the prosecution arm ed with a dangerous weapon. German rep aratio n ^p ay m en t, Secre­ The prosecution then called as Their hearing was set for Friday tary of the Treasury Mellon an­ witnesses Mrs. Boardman and herj afternoon at 2 o’clock, and the bail nounced today. daughter, who own the house on of cash was set at $2500. Hall fu r­ N orth C entral streret where K idd nished bail. A ttorney George Cod- STORM AGAIN HITS room s and who w'ere at home the NORTH; TELEGRAPH a , / d i n g acted as special sta te ’s attor- e n tire evening when Kh^d lis LINES AR E DOWN , '7, . ney at the arraignm ent, leged to have delivered the liquor, Í, _ . , * mu * J A Gus Larsen and several of the to Gates. They testified th a t Kidd Reports from the local telephone other men who were robbed posi- was not at home at the hour of the ; tively identify the two men under office and the W estern Union tele­ alleged delivery. arrest as the robbers, despite the graph office this afternoon indicate Several character witnesses w ere1 fact th a t the la tte r had th eir faces th at the northern part of the state called by the prosecution and testi- | is again gripped in the throes of a masked with handkerchiefs. fied unfavorably to the reputation The robbery is described as fol­ aw inter storm . Telephone cojnmuni-| for tru th and veracity of Billie D00-; cation from Ashland to points north ! lows: ley and F rankie Edwards. W itness-; Two masked and arm ed bandits of Albany has been cut off, it was es who were called by the prosecu­ Both th e Postal and Wes- entered Stagger Inn. boarding house stated tion to testify to the reputation of ern Union telegraph companies are I of the Portland Cement company’s the defendant were not allowed to quarry at Zacher Friday night and unable to give service beyond G rants testify by the court. According to inform ation broke up a poker game. W hile one Pass. from the Postal Telegraph company i bandit kept the men covered after wire trouble twelve miles beyond j NEW PLANET DISCOVERED they 'w ere ordered to take th eir stand along the walls, the other col- G rants Pass will be speedily rem e­ • BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 1.— The lected the money. Gus Larsen re ­ died, and service will be ‘ as usual” discovery of a new planet in the ported th a t $500 he had put out of by late this afternoon. The telephone group of asteroids which revolve be- sight was spared. The hold-up men company is encountering slight dif­ tween the orbits of Jupiter and Mars h u rried their operations, one leav- ficulties near G rants Pass Rain fell in Ashland most of the was announced by Dr. H artm ann, lug through a window with about forenoon, the total precipitation up director of the observatory of the $65, while the other backed out the U niversity of La Plata. door. Some shots were fired, but to noon being one-half inch, Accord­ The planet is of the fourteenth no trace of the robbers has been ing to Louis Dodge, local w eather observer. At noon the streets were m agnitude, and is seen at present found flooded, to rren ts of turbid water from this latitude in the constella- ------------------------ -------- pouring down th e gutters from the tion of Cetus, which lies south of One-half Inch Rain — the “ Great Square” of Pegasus, now One-half inch of rain fell today, hillsides and into the drains. The rain continued interm ittently until visible in the evening sky. up to noon 3 o’clock, considerably increasing the precipitation. More or less wind accompanied the rainstorm , but lit­ tle damage has been reported. Com­ paratively high tem peratures pre­ vailed, the result being to decrease the snow in the m ountains. H a z fÇitc z ; ■SL.Tiriz' ' 'T h ere Is no intention f t inter- FOCH TO SPEAK To double the m erchant’s ek- p^nse for advertising w ithout in­ creasing his business, in its ef­ fort to “ get back” at the Tidings, is the long suit of tlie Ashland Chamber of Commerce manage­ ment. As soon as it was known th at the Tidings would print a fine W inter F air edition of the daily, Fuller and his Chamber of Commerce backers at once got busy to get out whaV they called the “ official” W inter F a ir pub­ lication, in the hope of deflecting business from the Tidings. The “ secretary' quickly hiked out to Medford y id made arrangem ents there to Ijave his “ official” pub­ lication printed, and began to pound the Ashland m erchants on the back for advertisem ents to pay the expense. In the mean time, the m erchants wanted to patronize the Tidings big effort because such an issue would be a good advertisem ent for Ashland, a n d they felt th a t such “ home” efforts should be patronized. R esult: The m erchants paid twice as much for advertising as they would have done had the Cham ber of Commerce desired to patronize Ashland instead of Medford industries. Yet, they say “ By Ashland trade is A shland made ” Well, I ’ll be darned if th a t isn’t going some. W onder if Ashland m erchants won’t get sick ? In spite of the very light crop I association is handling about fifty- fering w ith private affairs ok to of th a t pretty soon. act as a collection agency. P ost­ of apples in the eastern and middle five car of apples this year, nearly HAZ KIK. all of which w'ere consigned to a m asters will scrutinize and investi­ western states, dealers have encoun­ New York dealer, who advanced $1 gate carefully each case reported to tered difficulty in moving the north­ per box on each car shipped. This them, and when convinced of its western apple crop, due to the de­ dealer has_handled Ashland apples genuineness will make such inquir­ G rants Pass, Ore., Dec. 1.— Al­ pressed prices of farm crops and for several years, paying last year ies of other postm asters as the cir­ bert Borde, 60, of Jacksonville, is unsatisfactory business conditions. | $2 a box for the bulk of the crop, cum stances may w arrant, and ad­ lying at the point of death as the re­ generally, according to A. C. Briggs,¡A ll these apples go out under a la- vise the interested relative or sult of his falling into a vat of boil­ m anager of the Ashland F ru it and bel on which “ A shland” is the mos> friend.” ing w ater Sunday—afternoon w’hile Produce association. This organiza-j prom inent w'ord, resulting in much helping a neighbor scald hogs. Mr. SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 1.— tion, which is composed of local j favorable advertising for this region, W INTER ROAD M AP P R E P A R E D Brode has a rope around the car- A. W. Thomas, whose ranch is SALEM, Or., Dec. 1.— A so-called cass of a hog and was dragging it to- Six arm ed men w ith, shojguns held growers, has given orchardists a; b etter deal than they have been able about eight miles east of Ashland w inter map of the Pacific highway ward the vat when the rope slipped I up the A rgonaut mine a t Jackson for the season 1921-1922 has been i causing him to topple over backward today, blew open the safe and es- to obtain elsewhere. A Medford on the highway, raised the largest caped in an automobile. Their loot dealer obtained on consignm ent, and finest crop of apples in this prepared by the state highway de- into the w ater, partm ent The maps will be dis- i ------------ consisted of gold bullion worth $65,- about fifteen cars of Ashland ap- district this year, in the opinion of 000, according to the- report re­ pies, for which a cash advance was I Mr. Briggs, who says th a t Mr. Thom- tributecJ throughout the en tire state. Parent-Teachers Meeting— y made only sufficient to cover pick- j as brought in over 6000 boxes, moat­ The map shows th e conditions of The Parent-T eachers’ association ceived here. ing and packing charges, according ly Newtowns, of most excellent ap- the roads from P ortland to the Cali­ will hold th eir reg u lar business to one of the growers whose apples pies This orchardist combines fornia line, together with many of m eeting a n d program this evening at I DEADLOCK OF IR ISH AND the highways connecting w ith the the Ju n io r high school a t 7:30 BRITISH PEACE CONFERENCE were handled by this dealer. An- • dairying with fruit growing and other Ashland orcharcKst consigned makes a success of both businesses, main tru n k route. Two editions of o’clock this evening. The principal th e map have been issued, one for speaker will be E. E E lliott, direc­ LONDON, Dec. 1.— E ither a dead­ two or three carloads of apples to Marsh W agner, whose orchard is in pocket reference, and the other for to r of the state vocational educa­ lock or th e complete suspension of a different Medford dealer, who ad­ the Valley View district, had about posting in offices. The approved tional system, who will talk on a the Irish peace conference now ap­ vanced 75 cents per box on the ship­ the same-sized crop of apples th is year, hut was not so successful in routes and th e ir condition are “ Man’s W ay of Looking a t Home- pears Inevitable, th e Standard An­ ment, The Ashland F ru it and Produce t com batting the codling moth. shown. m aking.” nounced today* I Postoffice Department to Aid National Searches for Missing Thousands Who Disappear The post office departm ent in ad-i dition to its other m ultifarious d u ­ ties, has now added a hum anitarian and sentim ental feature— th a t of having its many thousands of em­ ployes aid in locating missing peo­ ple. Postm aster K aiser has ju st re­ ceived the following order from W ill H. Hays, postm aster general, which has been sent to all post­ m asters: " It is my wish th a t the machinery of the postal service be placed at th e disposal of those searching for loved ones who have dropped from sight. Every year thousands in this country are reported missing; chil- dr en, young men, young women, husbands and wives, some never to be heard of again by th eir distressed fam ilies and friends. The post of­ fice departm ent w ith its organized facilities, reaching into every corner of the land may be of practical serv­ ice to the distressed. Therefore, they are willingly offered for this purpose. PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 1.— Six were killed and twenty-two injured, early this morning, when trains sev­ enteen and twelve, of the Oregon- W ashington main line, collided head on near Celilo, ninety-six miles east | of Portland. i The dead are: C. J. Y arbrough, ; porter, train seventeen; Mrs. J. W. ---------- ! Wallin, Amity, Or.; A. H McBride, M arshal Foch, commander of the m arine §uard on train twelve: Ja<* ... . . , , , . ‘ Cole, McMinnville, O r ; L. J. K irk, victorious allied arm ies in the world Joseph Qr . afld George Bristow> war, will pass through Ashland to- firemani train seventeen. morrow forenoon on hi3 special; Of the injured, R. J. Fry, Hepp­ ner, Or.; Firem an Thompson, train twelve; and Engineer G ardner, train seventeen, are the only ones seriously hurt. * The collision occurred at 12:30 o’clock this morning, two miles east of Celilo. Train twelve, due to a washed out bridge at Eagle creek on the Oregon side of the Columbia riv­ er, was routed over the Spokane, Portland and Seattle line, when it left P ortland at 7:30 o'clock last night. It crossed the Columbia riv­ er at Fallbridge and was proceeding eastw ard on its own tracks on th e Oregon side, when it rammed into seventeen, then nine hours late. It is believed th at the detouring of the X l Oregon-W ashington trains caused a V confusion of train orders and the collision. It was unofficial!^- re ­ ported th a t train twelve was not notified th a t the delayed seventeen was ahead of It. 1 S M ? « The trains collided with such force th at the locomotives were wedged together. Two coaches from MAESHAL FOCH each train were wrecked. Relief workers, including a score of nurses, train. Railroad officials report the; I were rushd on board a special train train will leave Portland tonight at from The Dalles. 11 o’clock a n d wrtl probably reach After doing all the work possible Ashland about noon tomorrow. The at the scene of the wreck, the work­ American Legion reports th a t the ers took the dead and injured to train will reach Medford at 8:50 The Dalles The injured were later o'clock tomorrow morning, and will brought to Portland. probably be at Ashland by 10 o’clock - The roundhouse and fire whistles KLAMATH CO. BUCKAROO will be blown when the train leaves BOUND OVER FOR T H E F T Medford, giving people ample tim e ______ to reach the railroad station. A | MEDFO r D, Or., Dec 1 .- L e s t e r I twenty m inute stop will be made in Hixon & buckar0Q we,j known ia this city. Jackson and K lam ath counties, was The special train, which consists bound over to the grand jury in of six cars and carries many noted ju stice Taylor’s court Tuesday in -persons, will be met at the South- $ jooo bond, which he furnished, on i ern Pacific company station by rep- tbe charge of the larceny of a horse resentatives of the American Legion, belonging to S. T. Howard J r , front the G. A. R., city officials and th e itb e Open range near Given’s ranch north of the city. (Continued on Page 4) Ashland Apples Hold Up Well In Eastern Markets; Ass’n Is Aid * I to Growers; Ship 55 Cars • Jacksonville Hog Tender Is Scalded At Point of Death Robbers Loot Mine of $65,000 Gold Bullion