r» • x'PAGE EIGHT ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Wednesday, November 30, 1021 known as the Dew Drop Inn, >will C L’ A nave its electrical and other cooking L d iy C J ll 101116111 equipm ent open for the inspection L o c a l a n d P e rs o n a l or jhe public. Space has beeR r e - ! served for a com fortable rest room -----------------------Side L ights--------------------— for tourists aud. local shoppers The •Dew 'D rop In n ” will open Decem­ A sh la n d D efeated — Candy Maker to M ove— ber 7 and will serve the public from Both Ashland team s were defeat­ Leslie Price, who conducts a can- 8:30 a. m to 8:30 p. nt. ed in the volley ball uau games p played iajeu dv avuio store auu and ice cream parlor in PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 30.— The a t the high school gymnasium last the Enders block, has rented the For pleating, see Orres. 69t£ largest shipm ent of apples by di- evening between Ashland and Med- room now occupied by the Beaver j rect w ater route this year is leaving ford business men, under the di- Realty company, F irst and Main From -D unsm uir__ Portland this week en route to Eng- Tection of Cash Woo J. ocunty Y. M. streets. He expects to move to the W alter Davis, Southern P acific! land laad oa ship Nebraska. Pacific oa the tbe steam 8teai»3hip Nebraska. Be- Be- C A secretary. Each team was to new location w ithin a few days. Mr. company engineer, was an Ish >• lan d , tW6en fifteea and twenty thousand tween fifteen and tw enty thousand play three games, but as the visit- Beaver will occupy rooms in the visitor yesterdav * boxes of apples assembled from The ors won the first two games played Beaver block opening on Second ______ . Dalles and points in the W illam ette b y each team, no more were played, street W ork on the four-room 4. You don’t have to risk a cent to aad UniPdua valle^ " M be i n d u e d E ric W eren took the place of Mr. Beaver annex is being pushed to be relieved of catarrh. Get a Hvo- in the shipment. D arling, who was Indisposed^ in the completion, the walls and roof being mei outfit from McNair Bros theF E n§land is offering one of the t , team, the other members of now in place ’ drueaist«« and if if ,*. - ^ firs h hich i.v druggists, and it does not sa ’ tisfy ,: best n market« iaraets fnr for a PPles this season w were Fred Engle. V. o. N .| — ----- they will reiund the purchase price. >nd due to the wide distribution Sm ith, and J, W. McCoy. The sec- » ; 01 Cleve. suits for cold snaps, at i they are receiving in th a t country, ond team was composed of Dr. W. E P au lseru d ’s. 7-f-tf R eturns from P o rtlan d__ Oregon apples are gaining a great Buchanan, A lbert W illiams, Homer ---------- Mrs. L. Gorham has returned from ° f ad rerti3 in & wfaich will be Billings, and Mr. Banks. Let Friend W ife sleeo in the Portland where she has been visir favorable tow ard trad e for another ______ • "£ --------- * n UCiC SUC nas hppn n ' ' year. m orning and go to the Hotel Ashland ing for the nast w rom i s Hot tamales, Mexican chili beans, ■ grill and get one of those fine day5‘ ____ I Tbe N ebraska "w ill carry 80,000 an d hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf special 60 cent breakfasts. 61tf We make our own candies ice ™ m ° f Z ^ ’163’ 30 am ° Unt th at cream and tam ales. Ende-s Con * 3 Wh° le tra,R load of The best Christm as present Is a H orse i Sell Cheap— fectionery. C2H‘ 100 CarS- Thls ’S ° ae of s u it or o.vercoat tailored to measure. At the Stoner public auction sale See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 in Sam’s Valley yesterday afternoon, „ * * P ro fit Christm as Sale. 69tf horses sold for ten to twenty-five ' ' * UI’ns from Medford— dollars, according -to reports re- Mr3‘ Ike Fric3dSa r returned Mon- ceived here. The farm , which was ™ T*™ 3 Medford m aternity home, More New Autos— Jesse Ferren, Southern Pacific en­ put on the block, did not sell at all, f 6 « 7 daughter has been named gineer, has purchased a new Nash no satisfactory bids being received. ’ 1 633 F n d e g a r• ______ to u rin g car and Mrs. M. McWilliams, All wool suits for $20 at Paulser- Orre3 cleans clothes clean. 69tf Pennsylvania avenue, is the happy ud’s. 63tf ---------- possessor of a new Veile touring ---------- . I r id a y A ftern oon Club to Meet__ m odel- I Buy a new suit for the Holidays.! The Friday Afternoon Em broidery P au lseru d ’s 7 4 tf* club will m eet this week a t the Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home of Mrs. G. H. H edberg on Sec- home-folk3 as well as^to commercial ond street. m en and tourists. 6K f R eturn from W ash in gton — Mr. and Mrs Charles Hooper, .who W ith modern apparatus we c a n ! , left L 1 B unsniui» left Ash,and Ashland five five years years ago. ago. have have re- re m ake your p ortrait at night as well turned from "Sunnyside, W ash., and W6Dt t0 Dunsm«ir, an are staying in the Campbell build- ‘ yes£erday on business, a s in day time Evening by ap­ ing. " pointm ent. D arling Studio. 71-lm o Vernon Hooper, son of Mr. and „ Mrs. Hooper, has been residing on i " a homestead near Ashland for the , r Monday evening meeting V isitors Pleased— i past several months. Mr. and Mrs 16 Ladle3 Art la b. - held at the the Mr. an d Mrs A. L. Shane, of Ida- past several mo»ths. Mr. and Mrs A ri c clut> held at B u s in e s s C a r s ho Falls, Ida., who were entertained i Hooper are welcomed to th e city by i 3 ¡°aeer buiLYng. it was a t Hotel Ashland last night on th eir , j many raany old o!d time friends fri*nds Mrs. H oop-! ir< f ™a ® an exteasive exhib- w ay to California, said th a t a t m a n y , er is a 3ister of H attie Abbott. conung fair. Prizes sister Mrs. Abbott, i , Wlnter ...................- _______ 1 1 1 be awarded on six classes .of ar- places north of here they had been Clothing prices th at defy com peti-: foI1<>ws: Pastel painting, advised to stop at Medford, because, 74tf e:noroider>'’ tattin g , crocheting, of the poor hotel accommodations at tion at P au lseru d ’s. uand painted chuia, and crochetted Ashland. They could not understand ! bedspread. O ther objects' of a rt Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, why such advice had been offered, may be included in the exhibit, but as they declared they could not, -■> cents. Endbrs Confectionery.62tf will not be aw arded prizes. The dis­ M E D F O R D , O REG ON have been treated better than they play will be in the center of the Parent-T eachers M eeting__ w ere during th eir short stay in o u r' E. E. Elliott, director of the state Armory and will be decorated with city. Many tourists have sim ilar ex­ periences and express their inten board of vocational education, will yellow and white colors. No one can ,e enter two ° articles, ' tion of stopping here on their wav" be th6 princ,paI speaker at the com- Ca“ ate r more niore than tw the principal home next spring. ' blaed business meeting and le c tu re ' ’ rh,ch must be the work of the ex- i program to hs ___ _ hibitor. The exhibit w ill h will be o in in con­ be hdin held hr- by the Parent- stan t charge of a lady. The com­ Let me take your m easure. I Teachers' association at the Junior guarantee to fit and satisfy you at high school tom orrow evening at m ittee is composed of Mesdames Miss Bertha Davis, Henry Provost, Hal McNair and th e lowest price. John Maly the 7:30 o’clock. state supervisor, who is inspecting Selma Gray. Tailor. the Smith-Hughes part-tim e sewing o ‘--------- also auuress address cue: the ! Return- 3 Tom orrow— Mr. Roselle, the tailor at Orres, classes ---- here, will mou „ Is an a rtist as a tailor. He recently m eet’RS- Following the program an , F. ’ F. W hittle, who went to Port- cam e here from Minneapolis. 6 69tf 9 0 ' inform al reception, a t which refresh- refresh-1 aad d Sunday- SundaY’ is expected home to- informaI ! ments will be served, will be h e ld ! morrow morning. B e a v e r ’I Slmrp Tee>th— for the purpose of allowing the state i ------ - Those who have known Av m . | ' — — wurners to oecon M. educational workers to become ac- “ MEANEST MAN” ROBS GIRL Beaver, the genial real estate dealer, nuainted with Ashland, people. a s a mild and peaceable gentlem an, I --------- - Takes Locket and 25 Cents From Child on Way to Store in New w ere surprised the other day to see Bubble Books for children at Rose ' York City. -in his window the gnawed-off sec- Br° 3- 70t 1 tions of two fir trees, each eight or New York.—Gotham’s “meanest nine inches in diam eter, and bear- Our clothes are correctly cut and man” man” stole stole a a locke locket and 25 cents from m g a card saying the cutting had sklHfuHy tailored. PaulserudV 74tf a five-year-old girl. been done by “a beaver ” Inquiry --------- Angelina Lempo had been intrusted develops the fact th at the trees were R eutnrs M ontague— with a quarter and sent to a nearby cut down by a four-footed beaver Mr> and Mrs- w - H - Smith, 166 «rocery to purchase some butter. A the stumps having been brought here ' E ast Main stre et’ returned Monday! man with a red niustache lured her to by H. C. Cham berlain from Okano- fr° m MoRtague. Calif., where th aRother 3treet; telling her he knew a L ano I hart Imnn „0,0.« , . * place where she could get he the butter gan. ^ ash., where l e a v e r s are a ! had been vi8itIng relatives for the for nothing. Meanwhile took the pest on Mr. C ham berlain’s b ro th er’s 1 Past two weeks- 25 cents from her, took off her tiny farm . . ---------- locket to have it “polished free of peciai this week at Enders Con- charge” and then gave her a paper to Phone fectioneiT — Fresh 3tionerv— Fr»ah cream caramels, --------- 1_ deliver to a mythical woman in a near­ Expert Piano Instruction i regular price 60 cents, this wreek by hallway. C. S. Mitchell. When she ------------ (returned after a vaift ------ — i 40 cents. We make them. 74-6 search for the woman, the man with Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as-!, the red bristles had disappeared. Cliff Payne makes shaving stands. Bociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf Ashland News in Paragraphs 2: ; cs \ r direct from a i n r i h Europe N»rtl>” « Of Apples Made From Portland . Special sale H oefler’s Famous a t one .°rSd ‘\ r7 ra ' ed Cl‘o'?'>l!“ es* »■»« value tor 60c a drive an i r t a l n ™ ^ n rSeP,” r9r "* poua'’- WatcU »Ur window. -Eoa. uuve an aeiial propeller on the Bros i v ic " not ste r- ° i * bM t- * *• ’ » ‘» ’ d m a d . it tow to u r other boat, car- PO'ht to eying twenty passenger,. d OUR HOM E TO W N the r e ^ a ín i“" ? aSOm“„e a ? ? X cS¿ T C ,rM ’ 1’' » « * England Ail th a t man ever “ to deserví neb ai° nument to bis m em ory- simple lines, “ Home. Sweet H o m e ” ° F " 3S t0 Wnte a few h o m " T T h e Wí „ T , tthoe„ ¿ ,i r ; hi: ; ‘ “ d “ e *■>«■■> * - » e r e the you trade with „“ a n d « trade When the finest home place on earth n ? \ ’ a * ° f 113 are building things we can hnv a ! h‘ B u tw h e u we send a wav for th’ th e ir tow n, ’ l” m<- ” are ■“ " " » * Peopi. to I, m id .» P W « " „ ; í “ h S abW „ H d fSr„ ralro i5 e ,h ' " OT We need- ” ■» why ask s u c h T n M s Ito n - T ? ,ih £ „ t L""’” ” ’ our streets? But to r streets, roads or S o l s " ’ ° “'d ,0U'” * ln d «> ”« d g m onede e t ‘y ' o V ¡t b“ ‘ JERRY O’NEAL, Healing and Plumbing Phono 138 Operating Cost Dodge Brothers h x ' r aad Dodge Brothers M o to r C a r s Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. JV k n i v a i i n i i i i c IIC m F a lls Off Train— The Tidings has arra a rru n „ g o^v.- ed with „««.u th e following students for news ts for news of of high school activities and also of th e students and instructors: Fred- erick Johnson, u.u Lillian tau Reimer, Heimer, Mar- Ion Cosley and Eileen N utter. ReV‘ Mattis Ja rk k a n e n , who fell From New York to the Cape of Good fr° m a SouW > Pacific train yes- terday m orning in the Siskiyou Hope it is 10,985 miles. m ountains- was recovered sufficient- Honolulu is 2,007 miles from San ^este ;day afternoon to proceed Francisco. on his way north, following treat- ment by a local physician. Only Nome, Alaska, is 2,705 miles from < jl » u s oi meagre u details of tne the accident accident or or San Francisco. — i^hntlty of the man could be ob- i_v . is said . _ to tained Rev. rn~_ Tarkkanen From Copenhagen to New fork, di­ have fallen from an open door at rect, the mileage is 3,852. the end of a car while p a ssin g : ,, through a dark tunnel m istäk in r The distance from Singapore to San the steps ,„ r th e ea“ “ t r . " « E i 5'ran' 1SC° 18 FARMERS’ WEEK HOW FAR IS IT? Orees reniodeiTT arm ents. 6 9 tf\ p P u t Science into Farm P ractice F riiit and Vegetable Course P o rtraits th a t please. D arling Dec. 3-17, ’21 Studio. 71-lm o T ractor Mechanics Course Jan. 2-Mar. 18, ’22 New E stab lish m en t — Dairy M anufacture Course Mr and Mrs. G. L. Bullen have Jan. 2-Mar 18, ’22 bought the fixtures and lease of the A griculture Course Jan. 2-Mar. 18, '22 L ithia drinking parlor In th e Far- D airy H erdsm en's Course lowe buildHng on th e Plaza. In con­ Jan. 2-June 18, ’22 d r a i n Grading Course Jan. 9-21, '22 nection w ith the serv ice. of Lithia Beekeeping Course Jan. 30-Feb. 25 w ater, light lunches will be served. H om em akers’ Conference This establishm ent will in the fu­ Mar. 20-25, ’22 tu re sell and distribute lithia w ater ORE. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE bottle 6 01 or case for the ----- Pom- F ull information on any Course by I by the 6 bott L A D IE S’ SUITS « K W valu es from $ 3 7 .5 0 to $ 4 8 .0 0 , now B TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE— Good cow. C. W itten ­ bach, 1401 Boulevard. 76-tf WANTED— To com m unicate someone having pedigreed collie. Mrs. S. R. Derby, ford, Ore. * My D ear G irls:— I’ve ju st been wonder- in g how m uch Christm as sew in g you have really done. H ere's ( ’hristm^s only a few w eeks off, and if you are like m ost of my frien d s In oth er tow ns, I am afraid you have not done much. You know it is not al­ w ays the value o f the g ift that counts. Som e d ain ty little gift of your ow n handiw ork prob­ ably w ould please your in tim a te friend o r your relative m ore than a m ore expen sive shop gift. Santo tells m e he has found on hts rounds, that McGee’s alw ays seem to have w hat th e wom en w ant a n d a sk ed nw, to toll you. Yours truly, AUNTY CLAUS. This is the Store to find Gifts for Women CIRCLE BARGAINS « C orvallis, Ore., Dec. 20-31, 1021 W in ter Short C ourses ANOTHER ONE FROM AUNTY CLAUS e H ig h School Ro|>orters J Special this week at Enders Con- fectionery Fresh caram els, - — ~ cream caram els,, reCUlar Price 60 GO nonla* reg u lar price cents; this ___«A week 40 ents. We make them 74-g P H O N E 304 with male Med­ 76-2* 'REFIN ED LADY wishes position as housekeeper foT single man or widower, city o r country. Mrs. Mary Jackson, 209 Oak, 76-4* S29.75 Things CIRCLE BARGAINS £ B S L A D IE S’ SUITS valu es from $62 .5 0 to $ 8 2 .5 0 , now W > B