W ednesday, N ovem ber 3 0 , 1021 TH E ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS FAG B FOUB 1 " " L .2"---------------------- ! -------------- -- pursuits. D on M iguel F arrel The hero of Peter B. Kvne’» o r« W estern novel, “ T he Pride of PaJomar, ” is a Californian with wit as Celtic as his last name and gallantry as Spanish as his first. CONGRESS PASSES ACT FOR REHABILITATION OF HAWAII Colony a t Oahu In 1895 Samuel E Wooley, presi- READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS | Every Winter Suit, Coat, Dress and | Skirt must be sold. I WINTER SUITS ALL WOOL DRESSES 20 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICE 20 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICE $25.00 $40.00 $60.00 $75.00 $65.00 $50.00 $40.00 $25.00 W IN T E R W IN T E R W IN T E R W IN T E R S U IT S S U IT S S U IT S S U IT S n o w . . . . $20.00 n o w ... .$32.50 now $48.00 now $60.00 WOOL WOOL WOOL WOOL DRESSES now. . .$52.00 DRESSES now. . .$40.00 DRESSES now . . $32.00 DRESSES now . . .$20.00 ALL SILK DRESSES 10 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICES ALL CHILDREN’S COATS 20 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICES Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Sensational Prices on Winter Coats WOMEN’S AV I N T E R COATS made of heavy all wool materials lined thru- out, $30.00 value, on Sale Thursday $ 1 9 .9 8 25 ALL WOOL COATS in Misses’ and Women’s sizes, new styles, some with big fur cojlars, $40.00 values, sale $ 2 2 .5 0 SOME EXCLUSIVE New Styles in Women’s AVin- ter Coats made of the newest materials with big fur collars $60.00 values now $ 3 2 .5 0 All Millinery Going at 25% Off Every Tailored Skirt Selling at 20% Off Remember--!! always Pays to Trade at Mann's The strength of will Tk the test of a young man's possibilities. Truth Is a mighty instrument, what­ soever hand may wield it. r MANN'S—The Best Goods For The Price—No M atter W hat the Price—MANN'S ,-----------2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail orders Prom ptly Filled Agents for Pictori-**1 " E. R. i IS A A C & Successors to C. H- Vaupel. THE Q UALITY Co STORE Opportunity Day - - THURSDAY Only 21 Shopping Days Till Christmas. and early in the morning. Shop Early F o r H is C h r i s t i n a s Gilt I ! Àll ilië Êést iiibh hflVë been Ti-st be­ cause they possessed “ideals.” Some doubts are as generous and passionate as the very noblest condi­ tions. Every noble life leaves the fiber of it interwoven with the work of the world. , . ' ( To strive with difficulties and th Con­ quer them is the highest human tri­ umph. . .... ■ . h . , BARNEY GOOGLE SAYS: M EN’S HOLEPROOF SILK HOSE, P air ..............85c All pure silk in Black and Brown, sizes 9 1-2 to 11. Holeproof quality. Men are as old as they feel, women as old as they look. M EN’S SOLID COMFORT SLIPPERS, P a ir . . . . $2.50 fe lt “ Solid Comfort” Slippers for Men in Brown and Green, sizes 6 to'10 1-2. F or H er C h r is tm a s Gift PHILIPINO HAND EMBROIDERED GOWNS. $3.48 Women’s Philipino Hand Embroidered Gowns made of Best Quality Fine Nainsook, Trimmed with Satin Ribbon, sizes 16 and 17. WOMEN’S SILK .UMBRELLAS, E ach ................. $7.48 Best Quality good all Silk Covering with Fancy Handles, a Practical Christinas Gift Suggestion. LEATHER HAND BAGS, Each ............................. $3.98 Women’s Fine Quality All Leather Hand Bags. Several good styles to choose from. This is indeed an oppor­ tunity. PETER PAN TAILORED W AISTS . . . ................... $3.98 Made of fine imported Pongee Silk in Peter Pan and othrt- styles suitable to wear with jumper dresses. See these opportunity day. WOMEN’S INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS 35c Each, three for $1.00 W arranted all Pure Linen Hand Embroidered Initials— Buy now while we have the Initial you want. THE STORE W HERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED’. Have Your Hemstitching and Picoting Done Here Prepaid Review Patterns THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON The thought that conquers the world Is not Contemplative but active. Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs ■... .35c each three for $1.00 Men’s De Luxe Superior Quality Initial Handkerchiefs— Buy now while the stock is complete. M EN’S SILK KNIT TIES, Each ............................. 69c Men’s Silk Knit Ties in a good assortment of colors — For His Christmas. P o s ta g O Big Winter Fair and 'Lckson County Christmas Edition Women, don’t limp your best years away in ill-fitting shoesxbecause you bought them at a bargain. The man that always looks at his best is as a rule success ful in his business. of the Daily Tidings will be issued Saturday, December 3. It will contain between thirty and forty pages, and carry a Compared with other wear­ ing apparel shoes are selling at much lower prices. cover printed in three colors. It will be the largest Christmas edition ever printed in Ashland, both in point of number of pages, circulation ar A Don’t put yourself on the bargain counter early in life Save a little in your youth and you’ll look at par at old age. general appearance. It will be well printed and will be tributed over the entire county. dis - We hope to have one or two sections W inter Fair, and will devote much of the sr A woman that is a good cook also has a husband that is punctual at meal time. catering th e 1 >ace to boosting that enterprise. To buy “ GOOD SHOES” is economy and a good place to buy them is at SCHMIDT’S 21 NORTH CENTRAL AVE REDFORD, OREGON. x lllHllillllllifMiiiiHiiiiiiiiHra J Ä Ä a