> Wednesday, November 30, 1021 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS JUST SO Pluck loses no time on ac­ count of hard luck. With his first watch a small boy has the time of his life. Faith would have an easy time <>f it if doubt didn't camp on i.ts trail. RUSS NOW LOOK TO U. S DIVER BATTLES HUGEJIEV1LFISH Men Formeriy of This Country See Hope in American Aid. Desperate Fight for Life That Was Waged at Bottom of Cape Town Harbor. English, or Rather American, Pre­ dominating Foreign Language in Bolshevik Foreign Office and in Other Departments. DR. W. S. SMALL ope eleven cigarettes ■ Moscow, Russia.—English, or rather American, has become the predominat­ ing foreign language iu the bolshevist foreign office and in all government A strenuous season makes a departments and in Moscow’ generally. I Comrades Use Hatchets to Free Help­ society bud look like the last 1 ourteeu thousand Russians or nat­ less Man— Creature Measures Eleven rose of summer. uralized Americans of Russian origin, and Half Feet From Tip to came to Russia when tlie revolution With the exception of trouble Tip of Tentacles. opened tlie doors for them. They and children, the more the aver­ streamed across Siberia for months age man has the more h e wants. One for mildness .V IR G IN IA Cape Town, S. A.—The Union Castle and found their Way to their old liner Dunveyan Castle collided some homes in the land of resolution. One for mellowness. B U R L E Y time ago with the harbor here, The number of English-speaking per­ dislodging many of the enormous sons has been swelled by deportations One fo r arorna. T U R K IS H blocks of concrete forming the pier, from America .and by emigrants from THE EIGHT AGES OF WOMAN The finest tobaccos perfectly which fell into the bottom of the sea, Gfest Britain and its colonies who at this point between thirty and forty were interested in the experiments A clever woman has arranged a aged and blended feet deep. which the soviet government was series of tables to show the life of the The officials of the harbor board set working out. average woman. Boiled down she to work to repair th e damaged pier Through tlieir training abroad, most thinks it’s something like this: In memory of Joseph Priestly, dis­ and recover the dislodged blocks, by of these English-speaking persons coverer of oxygen and pioneer in air no means an easy task. were better equipped for government Babyhood to 15—Childhood. chemistry, the American Chemical work than native Russians and have One of the most experienced, men > * 15 to 18—Carefree time; fun society, presented to the National engaged on the diving operations was ; made their way into important places frivolity and beaux; eleven in every Museum in Washington, D. C., this H. Palmer, who had had fifteen years’ i with the government in both Asiatic 'A iT tiA Z *- likeness of him, which was copied experience of underwater work in 1 and European Russia. Dr. W. S. Small, school hygiene ex­ 100 marry between these ages. from the original painting by Gilbert various parts of the world. Three years ago most of the Rus­ pert of the United States bureau of Stuart. One day Palmer went down in the sians returned from America were ex­ 18 to 24—Beginning to work, either ordinary course of his work and was tremely bitter in their denunciation of for self-support, pin money or a career; thirty of every KKJ are wage GOES TO PRISON FOR “ BUDDY” engaged in putting a chain around a the United States. But they have seven ton block of concrete when he modified. Their experience in helping earners and fifty-».ne in every 100 marry between these ages. Haley’s Sacrifice for Pal Futile When noticed a curious-looking object pro­ to run a government has taught them truding from a cavity below the block. it is not as easy as it looks. Trick is Discovered at The water was comparatively clear. 24 to 35—Life in eareost, with nine­ They have changed, as the entire Leavenworth. Bending down, Palmer examined the Red government has changed, and it is teen in every 100 at work and seventy- nine mairied. Leavenworth, Kan.—Penniless, H ar­ object which had attracted his atten­ not unusual to hear them speak with ry W. Haley, an overseas war veteran, tion. He was beginning to wonder affection of America. They look for­ is at liberty here under a War depart­ what it could be when, without the ward to America for help. Most of ment order releasing him from the fed­ slightest warning, it began to move them insist that America is the only eral disciplinary barracks, where he toward him. A huge tentacle shot country which is 'broad enough in served five months of a six months’ out from below the stone, moved gauge to develop a country the size of The future of the young men and sentence for desertion imposed upon swiftly sideways, and in an instant Russia. women now entering the business Almost without exception, the Rus­ Thomas G. Jones, his “buddy,” and the had seized his leg in a vicelike grip! Feelers Grab Him. world depends very largely upon sians who have been in America be- man who saved his life while the two Horrified, the diver staggered back­ liev£ the American child-feeding is their attitu d e tow ard thrift. men were with tlie American expedi­ tionary forces in France. Haley came ward, hut as he did so another great I an initial step toward recognition. to the barracks under the name of feeler appeared from under the They have ceased denouncing America If they consider saving a bore— “Jones,” his r< ason for serving the masonry and alighted upon his arm, as an “exploited” land. Tlie floods of holding It helpless. abuse are now poured out on France, spend all they make— don’t keep a sentence being that he wanted to re­ But the young people Wildly tlie man struggled to free Poland and Rumania. After the pay part of the debt he felt he owed good credit standing— very probably who, with their first Jones in saving his life. Jones, who himself from those awful arms, hut United States, Great Britain seems to they will be mediocre all their lives. jobs, open accounts at is said to he married and living in in vain. Where the innumerable tiny be most in favor, with Germany a the F irst National, Canada, is being sought by federal au­ suckers touched the naked flesh of close third. gather a few hundreds Language schools In Moscow have thorities. Because he was not the his hand they stung and seared like and then invest them real offender, Haley was released from an electric wire and he felt himself great demand for English lessons, and under our advice, will rise head and shoul­ the barracks without the usual rall- being drawn slowly but surely toward second-hand book stalls in the markets find a ready sale for English volumes. ders above the crowd. r»’ad fare and small compensation the durk hole under the stone. For a moment the unutterable hor­ given prisoners. ror of his position held him spell­ Sweden has a paper mill both bound ; even his brain seemed numbed. Then, slowly with a gliding motion operated and heated entirely by elec- An electric motpr (l ives a circular that was horrible to behold, the crea- tricity saw mounted on a new m itre box. |U.rS beucatjj J h? s0 p e began to emefge. As It came out Palmed beheld with a shudder the cold, staring eyes the parrot-like beak of an enormous octopus or devilfish! Desperately the tortured man strove to wrench himself free, but the more he struggled the tighter grew the grip ()i the sinuous coils. Instinctively Palmer had kept one arm free from the encircling tentacles. He noticed mechanically that the oc­ topus bad let go its hold of the masonry and had wrapped itself en­ tirely around him. — — - • Some men manage to dbdge enough work* to keep a dozen people busy. MONSTER HACKED TO PIEGES Three Inseparables 2OforI5( * III Your Future Tyre ¡QUc:* Free Tube F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK w ith every Mason-Cord at Leedom’s Tire H ospital w Subscription Bargain Oiler November - - December Burning Up Money Drawh te the Surface, It costs money to be com« fortable, but not so much as some people seem to think neces­ sary. / Stock up your coal bins correctly and stoke up your firing apparatus prop­ erly—and you can save enough in a season co surprise you. Sold by Superior Domestic Lump is not “ju st coal.” It has all the qualities its name implies—high heat value—and leaves but little ash, soot and clinkers behind. It doesn’t cost more in the first place —and yet SAVES MORE in the long run. »ARSON.FOWLED l im b e r CO. Consider your season’s fuel cost ; and you’ll say S U P E R I O R to 1 your dealer. At S. Boyd, N . W» A gent staking ft »b&V.brate effort to throw off the WVipor of nausea and fear which benumbed his faculties, the illVer reached up his free arm and pulled his signal cord with all his strength, whereupon the men above started to haul him up. The octopus, still clinging relentlessly to its prey, was drawn to the surface. The horror of the men above when they beheld the diver emerge from the water in the loathsome embrace of the great devilfish can be better imagined than described. While some dragged the now all but unconscious Palmer up the ladder, others ran for hatchets and knives and a fierce at­ tack was made upon the creature. In spite o f every onslaught, however, the quivering tentacles still clung ob­ stinately to the diver, and it was not until the creature had been almost hacked to pieces that tlie men were ah'.e to free their comrade and ad­ minister restoratives. When the »lead octopus was laid out on the pier it was seen to be of great size. It measured eleven and a half feet across from tentacle tip to tentacle tip. • " T h e W e s t s G reat N a t io n a l N Ia g a z in e The West's Greet H c t.o n a i ? , 3 ft $ - » 3 '¿Ai BABY SMOTHERED IN LOUNGE H e n r y B ld g ., P o r t la n d , Or Child, Trapped in Couch When Paint­ ers Closed It, Died in Five , Minutes. Exchange Department If you h ave fu rn itu re that doesn ’t su it— w an t som eth in g m ore up to Spokane, Wash.—The three-month- old baby of Mrs. Signe Swanson, was smothered to death in a lounge which painters had closed. The men said they thought the couch contained nothing but clothing. The child was dead when the mother opened the lounge five minutes after it had been closed. d ite and b etter— phone us and see it ami arrange to tak e it as part paym ent on th e kind you w ant— th e quality kind. W e’ll m ake you a liberal allow ance for your goods and we'll sell you new 1 l i m i t ure at low prices. The new fu rn itu re w ill l»e prom ptly deliv- Swenson, McRae Company / A special arrangem ent with th e publishers of SUNSET has made this offer possible, and we urge those of our read­ ers who are interested to take advantage of the reduced ra te we have secured. Even if your subscription has not expired— use the cou­ pon anyway; your order will sta rt with the expiration of your present subscription. Send in the coupon NOW— the publi­ shers of SUNSET have reserved the right to w ithdraw this offer at any time. USE THIS COUPON TH E ASHLAND TIDINGS w e’ll send a com petent m an to Í H S U N S E T , as its slogan im ­ plies, is the re p re se n ta tiv e m o n th ­ ly m agazine of th e W e st— n a­ tional in its circulation, W estern in its p o in t of view. C lever s h o rt sto rie s; serials th a t h o ld y o u r in te re st fro m one m o n th to th e n ex t, fo rm a p a rt of every issue. Special d e p a rtm e n ts — “T he P ulse of th e W e st,” an editorial section th a t o ffers S U N S E T read ers in tellig en t opinions on u p -to -th e -m in u te events and p re s­ en t-d ay p ro b le m s:— the 'S e r v ­ ice B ureau.” a c learin g h o u se fo r re a d e rs’ inquiries;— “T h e H om e in the W e st,” “ W e ste rn F inance,” and a h o st of o th e r features com bine to m ake S U N S E T a m ag azin e f c r th e hom e — fo r every m em b er of th e fam ily. ■$> f Released Prisoner Who i Was Too Expensive ♦ ; ? I ♦ i ? i ; f I • , — Lang Milton, colored, of St. Louis, has a new “panacea for prisoners.” Eat heartily, he says. Milton was paroled by Sheriff John Willmann of St. Louis county after spending sev- eral weeks in jail. His “ration return” was so heavy that the sheriff released him uncondi- tionally. ASHLAND, OREGON I accept your Special Magazine Offer. Please enter my subscription to the DAILY TIDINGS for three m pnths and forward my nome to SUNSET, The "West’s G reat National Magazine, to be entered as a subscriber for one year. I enclose $3.20, which I understand saves me $1.25. Renewal ..................... New ..................... N a m e .......................................................A d d r e s s ................................ City ......................................................................... S ta te ..................... Ilegin SUNSET w it h ......................................num ber . jNOTK— This paper and SUNSET w ill be sent to tw o sepa­ rate addro-ses, if desired. In d icate th e tw o addresses on a sh eet of paper and attach th is coupon. Dusing the months of Nov ember and December only, we offer the ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS and the SUNSET. 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