Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 30, 1921, Image 1

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    f —
-- - - - -
- ,
I M alaria germs cannot I
| survive threa months
1 in tha rich ozone at
I Ashland.
The pure;
domestic w ater helps, j
L.------------------------------- j
A sh L a \
(Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43)
d D aily
• (International News Wire Service)
T idt : NGS|
1 Ashland climate, with-!
out the aid of medi-
[ cine, cures nina cases
' out of ten of asthm a.
This is a proven fa c t
Snow Shakes Highway Bridges;
18 Redding Students Die In Wreck! by w mis
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30.— The
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 30 —
sideshow th a t developed in the
The naval experts of the United
Roscoe (F a tty ) Arbuckle tria l here^
States, G reat B ritain and Japan met
today alm ost eclipsed the “ big top’. .
in secret session today for nearly
perform ance.
Mrs. Minnie Neighbours, the de­
I I two hours, failing to break the dead-
lock caused by Jap an ’s refusal to
fense witness, charged by District! ”,
; accept the ratio of ten-ten-six, laid.
A ttorney Brady with perjury as the
down in the original Hughes plan
result of her testim ony on behalf of
i for reduction of naval arm am ent,
th e jovial comedian, being tried for
i When the meeting broke up it
m anslaughter resu ltan t from the
death of Miss Virginia Rappe, came
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 30.— The
was learned th a t the experts would
At the m e e tift held last evening; sion and the governor to take the
before Police Judge Jacks for a Columbia highway viaducts, which|
RED BLUFF, Calif., Nov. 30.— report to th eir respective delegations
at Talent of the Scenic Preservation necessary steps to prevent this des­
hearing this morning. Bfady won cost $50,000, groaning under the
„„ head
had b0ea m ad,,
ecration of our state road. The way E ight stu d e n t, of the Red Bluff high
his fight for a two days continu­ weight of thousands of tons of ice association of Jackson county, a mo- th a t public sentim ent, expressed school were killed, and seven injured
ance of the case, although the de- and snow near M ultnomah Falls, a re ;tio n was made and adopted th a t the through the" press, had forced the when a large auto bus in which leavlns tha.
fense made a plea for an immedi­ in danger of falling over on the O re-; gecretary send to the state highw ay' disarm am ent conference to curtail they were riding to school, was Thresh out the m atter.
gon-W ashington railroad tracks, it commission a statem ent setting forth the building of battleships, was struck by a Southern Pacific, train
ate hearing of the perjury case.
It is understood th at Admiral Ka-
The state announced, after calling was learned today
the destruction of tim ber along the pointed out by Mr. Barnhill as an near here.
to, chief of the Japanese naval ad­
This report was made to the coun- Pacific highway over the Siskiyou example of the great power fori
several rebuttal witnesses, th a t it
The crash occurred at a grade visors, has formally demanded th at
would rest its case as soon as the ty commissioners by Samuel Lancas- m ountains, and urging upon the good which this agency could be crossing and in a dense fog. The
three doctors engaged in the micro- ter, who designed the Columbia commission the necessity of taking made to exert. This suggestion was engineer declared th at he did not the ratio for Japan be changed from
scopic exam ination of the bladder o f ; highway bridges. He recom m ended, immediate action to prevent fu rth er heartily approved of by Senator see the bus until the engine s tru c k , 3ixt* to seventy per cent His pro-
Miss Rappe reported to the court.
; th at steps be taken to remove the damage of like nature.
Thomas and other members of the j it. The dead and dying were strew n posal was rejected by the American
The state's witnesses testified t h a t ! ice and danger some days ago, hej
o. Frobach, secretary of the society.
along the track and piled on the experts
Virginia h ad always appeared in stated. At th at time the commission-, Medford cham ber of commerce, was
engine pilot
One of the in ju re d ’
F. H. W alker, city engineer of i
norm al health.
ers objected to the expense.
¡elected to represent the society in '
students died en route to the hos-
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 30.—
Ashland, stated th at the first step I
The diplomatic decks are being
; ' the form ation of a state scenic pre- in building the highway was to cut pital.
serration society. It was reported
' cleared for action, and a final show-
down all trees along th e ’ right of
th a t the society had a* num ber of ,
way; also th a t years ago he had
! down, following in the wake of re-
■ steroptican slidss of Oregon scenery
been asked by the highway com­
; c en td e v e lo p m e n ts a t the in tern a­
which had been purchased from
mission to make a list of the 3pots
.M iss Mabel Russell, A shland’s well-1
tional disarm am ent conference. The
along the road over the Siskiyous
j known artist. The December meet-1
; settlem ent of the issue of w hether or
lin g will be dispensed with, th e next; which it was especially im portant
not Japan will agree to a sixty per
to preserve, for beauty and camp­
meeting being held in January, I
cent ratid as the basis for the re­
probably in Phoenix. Mr. Frobach) ing purposes. This list was made,
duction of her naval arm am ent can­
L asting into the “ wee sm a’ hours”
but no fu rth er action taken.
acted as chairm an of the meeting,;
not be delayed much longer. For
of the morning, joy was unconfined
the first time since the disarm a-
a t the m asquerade ball of the Odd
; m ent conference was inaugurated,
Fellows and Re-bekah lodges last
The many Ashlanff friends of Mr. also as secretary. The session wasj
something closely akin to a dead­
night at the Odd Fellow s’ hall, I and Mrs. Howard Ewer will be in- held in the town hall, and the busi-| station, near Talent, urged the
lock exists between the delegates.
w here a galaxy of A shland’s Adbn- j terested in the news of the recent ness meeting preceded by a supper planting of trees along the highway
The autum n event in Shrinedom
between Talent and Tolo and the
ises and Aphrodites danced garbed arrival at the Ewer home of trip-
I From an American official source
Mr. Ew er used to lead the ! ciety. Previous meetings have been boycotting of m erchants who de­ will occur in Ashland Friday, De­ came the positive assurance th a t
in th eir best and th eir worst cus- lets,
tum es, depicting characters th a t Methodist Episcopal choir in Ash-; h e lJ at Ashland, Medford, and other faced the highway with advertising cember 2, at the Armory. The pro- ’ there will be no “ backing down” as
3igns. An effort was made a few
ranged from Chinamen to- cowboys, land, and Mrs Ewer, form erly Miss Jackson county towns.
gram, subject to change, includes a far as the American ^ le g a tio n is
session at 2 o’clock in th e concerned, The delegates and na-
The program was given in accord- Laura McCormick, was a teacher in
Senator C. M. Thomas, of Med-
(Continued on Page Five)
ance with the usual custom of e n - ! the Ashland high school. They now ford- made the principal speech. He
afternoon; parade a t 3 o’clock; vai experts are unanimous in their
tertain in g on every fifth Tuesday of live a t 489 Jefferson street, Port- related how Governor Olcott had se-
first section at 4 o’clock; second! contention th at the American limi-
the month Mrs. J. Z. Wing favored
cured the passage of a law einpow-
section at 8 o’clock. The ladies willj tation program was conceived in
the gathering of dancers with a
The trio — all fine, healthy daugh- ering the- state highway commis
be entertained at the Masonic hall, fairness and liberality and dedicated
■whistling solo, and Mrs. Sadie Wal- ters— were born at Thayer’s m a te r-;3*011 to U3e a portion of the funds at
The men will eat at 6 o’clock a* to the cause of world peace. They
k er starred as a~ Scotchwoman who nity hospital, 786 East Yamhill th eir disposal for the purchase of a;
the Armory, cafeteria plan. After will “stand p at” on the issue and
cfd the H ighland fling. Music was street, Portland, W ednesday morn- 3t r *P
land 300 feet or less in
the ceremonial proper, th e floors are ready to approve the United
supplied by Mr. and Mrs. D. A. S n y -' ing.
width along either side of the high
will be cleared for a social reunion States’ part in lim iting the navies
It is estim ated th a t approxi-
The first, Florence Emma, weigh- wa$y, w herever the commission
and dance, following the happy plan of the world, or they are prep areJ
m ately 100 Odd Fellows and Rebek- ing five and one-half pounds, was deemed such purchase necessary for
adopted last year.
resum e competitive building
ahs attended the masquerade.
born at 1 o’clock a. m.
; the preservation of trees or other
Candidates should report to the th at will eventually lead to Ameri-
Miss Elizabeth Adell, who boasts objects contributing to the beauty
recorder before the business session, can naval supremacy.
four poundh, made her appearance and utility of the highway. The pas-
Fees are now $7 5 instead of $50 as
From one of the chief experts of
at 2 a. m.
i saSe of this law, said Senator Thom-
heretofore. The 1922 cards are now Japan came equally positive assur-
Third to arrive was Laura Ethel a9’ was th P occasion of much pleas-
ready for delivery. The ceremonial ances th at Japan cannot and will
at 2:57 a. m. Her weight is f o u r , a n trX among the state legislators,
-event will also incorporate a busi- not accept the American program
and a half pounds.
. since they were all in favor of the
ness session when officers will be National pride and national neces-
All are dark haired
measure and there being no occa-
sity, it was asserted, would never
Ewer is a civil engineer employed sion’ therefore, for the great activ-
consent to Japan being relegated to
I by the Southern Pacific. D uring the
of the governor to secure the j
German experim enters are trying a poor third standing among the
ST. LOTTS, Mo., Nov. 30.— Notice war he was second lieutenant of ord- Passage of the bill.
to increase plant growth by the use navies of the world. There the sit­
was served to£ay on 22,000 em ployes' nance overseas.
“ We have the law ,” asserted
of waste carbon dioxide from motors uation apparently rests as the ex­
of the M is s t^ i, K ansas and Texas
The children are their first.
Senator Thomas, “and we have the
and furnaces, fed to the sail as a perts are preparing fa r the final
railroad company th at the m anage­
Hovering over the brood in the money necessary to prevent the de-
Well, of course, everybody has fertilizer through perforated pipes. session.
m ent intends to m ake a redaction im m ediate foreground
a right to his opinion, and always
in wages ranging from 12 to 40 per proud, prouder, proudest grand- cific highway and the passing into there are many sincere view­
private hands of choice camp sites points to every subject. But I
cent, effective December 16.
I mother, Mrs.. Emma McCormick.
along this great thoroughfare. W hat lack a lot of agreeing with the
we do not have is a state highway position taken by Mrs. Susan
commission strong enough to w ith­ Smith on the hotel and san itar­
stand the pressure brought to bear ium project. God, in his wisdom,
to induce them to use all the high­ took Ashland m ineral w aters
way money for commercial p u r­ through His hidden laboratories
poses. This influence comes from and mixed them into marvelous
the paving tru st, the co n tracto rs’ medicinal value for “the healing
combine and the banking interests, of the nations.” If man has any
which, taken together exerts a most reason at all to be here, it seems
sinister and demoralizing power ov­ to me, he is here to make prac­
SALEM, Or., Nov. 30.— State-help from the state. Those are our. er our state officials. Not only does
tical application of these life-
m ents relating to the damage th a t laterals and m arket roads, which the highway commission fail to do
giving n atu ral resources and th at
is being worked by the operation of I are
v*Tal arteries of trade. They its plain duty in regard to scenic is exactly w hat the tourist hotel
overloaded trucks or trucks travel- 3 rG th e most lm portant links in our preservation along our state roads, and, sanitarium bonus is being
whole highway system. One over­ but the governor lacks the courage
raised for. Those behind the ho*-
Ing a t a high rate of speed, and re­ loaded truck may destroy the work
to remove them from office an d re ­ tel bonus proposition, I think,
lating to legislation th a t is needed and taxing power of a road district. place them with men who will serve
I are w orking unselfishly and self-
to conserve the highways of the
“ I am anxious to have your views the highest and best interests of the
sacrificingly in the hope, not only
state, are being sought by Governor on this subject. It is im portant t h a t ' state.”
Olcott through letters sent to all the legislature be apprised to the;
O. H. Barnhill, of Ashland, sug- of putting Ashland “on the m ap”
county judges in Oregon.
fullest extent as to the havoc being gested th a t a publicity campaign bu t In the interest of hum anity.
“ Preservation of our hard-surface worked by overloaded trucks, of would give expression to the almost I would feel ju st a little selfish
system is, of course, of vast im port-j trucks operating at excessive speed. unanim ous public sentim ent in fav­ if I lent my influence to keep
Ashland back ju st to have a quiet
ance, ” said the governor’s letter to May *1 ask you to subm it to me a t
or of preventing the wanton destruc­ place to rear my brood. There
the county judges. “But I particu­ your earliest convenience a state­ tion of tree and the private monop-1
are lots of other folks here, and
larly feel that unnecessary destruc­ m ent as to how im portant you deem olization of beauty spots along the
they all have a rig h t to live and
tion is being caused to hundreds of this legislation for your county, and Pacific highway in Oregon. The
miles of lighter type of macadam any data and suggestions you may power of public sentim ent, thus ex-; prosper. Besides, it is A shland’s
Young William B. Leeds with his bride, the Princess Xenia, Immediately«
big chance.
and gravel surfaces, constructed by have which may stress th e urgent pressed, would, in the opinion of the
lier arrondi*,-ment
after the civil marriage in Paris at the matrle of the premier
email road districts with but little aaoeaslty for such legislation V
speaker, force the highway commis-1
. TO
Queer Costumes
M Masquerade
Of Odd Fellows
H a z IÇiK
22,000 Southern
R. R. Workers To
Have Wages Cut
Another Leeds Weds Royalty
Governor Olcott Seeks Data
On State Highways; County
Judges Asked for Reports