» ' K lam ath Falls and is quartered at WANTED— Elderly lady to care for Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, th e Columbia hotel. Mr. Morgan Is three children, while m other is in an unusually talented vocal music­ 20 cents. Endbrs Confect;onery.62tf hospital, $1.00 per day, no laundry, call at 129 G ranite. 75-2 ian, and while here last summre, de- T j lighted a p a r t, o l trien d , with h l, , Y y,acabees and N U R SER Y STOCK singing one evening a t the home nt 0J 8t ,bc daM e ‘»">»rrow night TRUSTWORTHY TREES, shrubs, roses, and berries, from the W ash­ Mr. am i Mrs. J. M K irkpatrick. < W 8dn8sda>'> *« ' <>• « • V- b «U. ington Nursery Co., Toppenish, _____ Tickets 50 cents couple, 10 cents ex- W ash. Finest nursery stock on 75-1 Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as- ' tra ladies. the coast. Local representative, sociation. Yeo. of course. 44-tf phone 310-R. 75-eod Moved to Grants P a ss— M ove; to Grant.? P ass— APPLES W illiam Jackson. 89 Seventh DELICIOUS, Arkansas Black. Gol­ street, moved today to a farm near den Russet and other varieties. 1 G rants Pass. R et runs from San . J o s e - 75c and $1.00 per box delivered. 527 Terrace St., phone 408-J. Raymond Drue returned Sunday 4. Mi-O-Na, th a t’s the name of 75-4* from San Jose, Calif., where he h a s' the best prescription ever w ritten been attending the San Jose Poly FOR RENT— U nfurnished rooms. technic school, and is now working f° r indi^estion or stom ach distress, 349 East Main. Phone 142 or in his fath er’s tailor shop on East Guaranteei? by McNa* Bros. 48. 75tf Orres cleans clothes clean. Main Str0et- 69tf J Pays to Read A d » - . ZANE GREY’S HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS W ith modern apparatus m ake your portrait at night as in day time • Evening pointm ent. D arling Studio. Phone Loca/ Firm Is Retiring From R eturns from Expert Piano Instruction. C. S. Mitchell. ! purpose for a short time when the Marion Kizer, of Oregon Agricul- According to reports the Pacific J other adjoining room was nece$- tu ral college, visited friends in this highway through Canyon creek can- i sary. Their ever-increasing business city last week. ! yon is still in fine condition, despite ' made it necessary for them to again ---------- the heavy rains of the last week. j seek more commodious quarters, Special this week at Enders Con- man an(^ team are kept c o n sta n t-, and about four years ago they re­ fectionery— Fresh cream caramels, at work leveling up bad spots a s . moved to their present quarters. regular price 60 cents, this week th e>’ occur- The snow on the m oun' ; Mr. Ferguson says he has no in- 40 cents. We make them. 74-6 tains followed by a heavy warm rain ______ tention of leaving Ashland He ______ has caused the Umpqua river and! I says he would just as soon live here i Canyon creek to nearly overflow R eturns from C alifornia— Today was the last day of regu- as anywhere on earth, and will have th eir banks in some places. No ser- Mrs. A- J. Harvey, of B street, lar business for Ferguson’s Bargain sufficient interests to keep him en- , , ious damage has been done thus far Store. W ednesday and Thursday the gaged. * 75* hds returned from California w here, she has been visiting her son, John store will be closed and final prepa- ______________________ Interest in O regon Caves— Harvey, and family. rations m ath for the great closing- Traffic Regulations__ T hat more than a passing in te r­ out sale th a t promises to interest! A w arni„ „ ,, , . A w arning th at all drivers of Cliff Payne makes shaving stands. est in the Oregon Caves highway is every man, woman and child within ---------- I being shown by the state highwav a radius of fifty miles. The fix- h° 1Se draw n T h iele s at night must V isits at M orrison H o m o - I commission is evidenced in a letter tures are for sale, and the store room display a lfght on such vehicle, in Mrs. Will Densmore was visiting ju st received by Judge Eclus Pol. is already leased for a term of accordance with the state law, both Mrs. C Morrison on Ashland s tr e e t,} lock of the Oregon state hig h w ay . years, to be occupied as soon as th is ' for their own protection and that a few days last week, before going commis8ion: -‘We have changed our stock is sold out. of the driving public, was issued on to California for the winter. records to show th at we are to a id 1 The retiring of this popular firm Monday by Deputy State Motor Traf- in any co-operation th a t may be from the local field brings to a close fic Officer J. J McMahon. The lat- Orres remodels garm ents. 69tf needed in m aintenance of the road eleven years of successful merchan- te r has received many complaints between G rants Pass and W aldo,” dising in Ashland for Mr. Ferguson, from autoists concerning horse ve- Leaves for M yrtle Creek— Mr. and Mrs. E. W. R edifer and writes Mr. Booth, “and we are dis-i who, all will remember, started in h id es ¿Liven at night w ithout dis- fam ily left Saturday for M yrtle I ' " SS" ' S b° s8lbIlity » ' extending a very small way in one room of playing lights, and will from now Creek. Mrs. Redifer spent T h a n k s-1 WOrk ,,Om 11,8 Cav8s roa,i t0 the building now occupied by the on make arrests of all such violr- giving day a t the home of he>r the Holland turn-off on a 50-50 ba­ Daily Tidings. T h ii only served the tors. father, G. W. Benedict, M ountain sis with the forestry people, leav­ ing the $10,000, which you are to avenue. contribute, to some other section of I the road, th a t may be decided upon L eaves for C a lif o r n ia - la te r.”— G rants Pass Courier. Mrs. Ray Hosley left recently for San Diego, Calif., where he will spend a short time visiting. Clever suits for cold snaps, at Mrs. Sarah Mosier returned home P au lseru d ’s. 74-tf th is m orning from a three weeks _____ . visit with relatives in Salem. Twenty-two days until Christmas. Make your appointm ent now. Dari- The best Christm as present is a ing Studio 71-lm o su it or overcoat tailored to measure. See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 , B asketball Game— P ro fit Christm as Sale. 69tf Friday evening at the high school gymnasium there will be a basket- F r o m E a g le P o in t— ball game between the Ashland and Bert Peachey has moved his fam- Medford Epw orth League teams. ily from Eagle Point to th eir home ---------- east of town in the vicinity of the Let Friend W ire sleep in the norm al grounds. m orning and go to the Hotel Ashland ---------- grill and get one of those fine Hotel Ashland Grill caters to special 60 cent breakfasts. 6 ltf home-folks as well as to commercial ---------- men and tourists. 61tf Missionary Society to Meet— ---------- The W omen’s Missionary society Old T im e/ V isits— of the C hristian church, will meet Mrs. Betz, of Rogue River, visited at the church parlors next Friday A shland last week for the first time afternoon. Everybody welcome. P o rtraits in years and was entertained at the --------- - Studio. A. H. Peachey home on L oncoln, H em stitching, 8 cents per yard, street. , Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod R etu rn s from Salem — Tuesday, November 21, 1021 WANTED— Pruning and grafting by A-l p runer B. F. Stone, Ash- A Tidings reader says she cannot Special sale H oefler’s Famous land. Oregon. x 75-6 Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a understand why anyone should com­ WANTED— W ork of any kind, by pound W atch our window. Rose plain a t the ads which are printed two good husky young men. Ad­ Bros. 7otf in A shland’s progressive daily, since dress A lbert Stone, Ashland, Ore­ by reading the same she was enabled gon 75-6 to save ten cents a pound on her -B u y s H o u s e - FOR RENT— Housekeeping ap art­ Louis W ertz has bought a house Thanksgiving tu rk ey and the same m ent, also heated furrtished am ount on dates, th ere being th at rooms, adults only. 614 Boule­ on Garfield street, near Quincy. difference in the prices charged by vard. Phone 348-L. 75-6* i local dealers for the articles men- Special this week at Enders Con-, FOR EXCHANGE — Eighty acre fectionery— Fresh cream caram els, I tl0ned’ farm in K lam ath county, well lo­ cated, good neighborhood, close to reg u lar price 60 cents; this week 40 Bubble Books for children a t Ròse school, part irrigated, balance can 'ce n ts. Wo make them 74-6 be easily w atered, all good land, Bros. 70tf practically level, fenced, fine for l o w VisMmr— alfalfa, potatoes and sim ilar crops The Ashland W inter F air Decem­ — about one th ird in cultivation. Mrs. Charles Evans, of Leon, la., ber 7-8-9-10. 60-eod Small buildings. Will trad e for Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Homer modern residence in A shland in R ’P’ngg, at the la tte r’s home, 74*3 V isitors from C r e s w e l l - good location. Phone owner, 184. N o-tb Main street. Mrs. Evans ar- 75tf Mr. Swearing and daughter, Miss r ’’ this morning, having made the Lucy, of Creswell, are visiting at ESTATE OF J. P . HOLCOMB Io” «8 journey via Long Beach, Calif. present a t the Marion H ager home, Notice is hereby given th a t J. P. Holcomb died on Nov. 8, 1921. 476 Scenic Drive. Any hills against the estate should We make ouy own candies, Ice be McCoy, t Trua- oinivo. ...» De presented to j J. . W. w . Mccoy, i “'”•-1 and tamalee. Baders Con- .a ,, n n , n 1 7 c° rr®ctly cut an<1 .tee, at the First National Bank. **»ct'onerir. 6 itf skillfully tailored. Paulserud’s. 7 4 tf| 75.2 tues-frl WEM Y o u HEA.H5 A MAN t a l k in ' bo u t G ood F a i l e d . de B ook D o n e H it s a sho s ig n D tB IL none A IN ’ w id de F A IL E D h im Y it / POPULAR NOVEL ‘The Man of the Forest’ No ono but Zane Grey could have w ritten such a story. It’s a ta le o f th e red-blooded W est— a ta le o f fig h tin g m en for th e I love o f a girl. It w ill grip and hold you as has no oth er picture. U Cast Includes z Robt. McKim, Claire Adams, 100 Per Cent Entertainment GO TONIGHT TUESDAY W EDNESDAY THURSDAY Copyright, 1 9 2 1 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate TUESDAY W EDNESDAY THURSDAY 1