PAGE SIX ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS But Country Is Full of Mosquitoes in Summer. ßÄR P|LOJS NOW HAVE SOSE FEET Ladies Forced to Wear Layer of Pa- per Under Stockings as Armor Plate Against Vicious Attacks of Insects. Physicians Are Treating Victims Who “ Step on Gas” Too Long Without Rest. .NO FUESJN^ALASKA —— Washington.—Alaska has millions of mosquitoes, but not one house fly. . f This is the information that Is brought back from that territory by Dr. J. M. Aldrich of the United States national Disease Usually Follows Long Trip Through Which Driver Has Re­ museum, who made an insect survey there this summer. mained Continually at Wheel. — Origin Easily Traced. Hordes of mosquitoes during the Alaskan summer In places as far It Is not all smooth sailing for the north as Seward and Fairbanks, pro­ vide continual entertainment fo«r the driver of a “gasoline wagon,” accord­ Inhabitants, who, »however, do not ing to physicians, who report that have to contend with the ravages of many motorists are returning from the domestic fly. long trips with a decidedly notleeable — the ....... ladies Aiawa of W Alaska JSU io wish LimP- to n ,s the new foot disease. But \\ hen wear thin and filmy silk stockings be 3,arnie^ f ft Is not at all seri- they have ave to place a protective lay lay- ,,as- er of paper underneath as an armor The disease is always acquired in plate against the mosquitoes,” is one the accelerator foot, the appendage ■tory that he has to tell. Laborers I t!iA‘ ca,r °ver the road at JJT£.ar mosquito nets and heavy gloves. a fast clip. Continued pressure of Smudges áre á national institution the * 5 j.r * on w» the accelerator button .there. They are everywhere. In the causes a displacement of the tpetatar- -- the — -----.a i sal hones, declare physicians who have Interior Alaskan sux- summer Is suf ficiently warm for swimming. But • dl®Snosed cases that have been th ÍÍ is sport ar.o rt must brousrht t t L° their attention. Its effects Ú o m p « a ied by sport must be he W accompanied by » à a I i ?g?u?h. _ ... - kv, F "* J2 e&nelrucT" a» V’ a r ▼ not serious corintio Tizvo* are not Rp«t io ,s th« the onlv cure ceremony. T^e bdv§ nut > arp ©f branches Oh the hftqk of the stream, One Day Turns Trick. p ro te c t it from fijosquito^l by a More than one motorist returns «nudge, and enter and exit from the home limping in one day, doctors aver. water with a mosquito-defying dash. Long trips cause strains on the car strain ___ on __ the Alaskan mosquitoes do not act as and the driver. . The - ____ _ carriers of malaria and yellow fever ' accelerator foot sets up a nervous ir- ^ s do thqse the United States and ritation. that results in pain, and as tropics, but they are very vicious. • the driver abandons his car They literally fill the air. In one j \vith a Pimp every time he walks. The •weep of an Insect-collecting net about disease Is commonly known as the his head, Doctor ' Aldrich .......... was able “ to “motor foot?” but is technically called ^ » p ty r e 110 mosquitoes by actual the "meTatarsa'I displacement.” «dint. - The limp usually develops In the right foot, for few’ drivers áre “left- The absence of house flies in Alaska The follows has raised the question as to whether footed ---- disease --------- usually ------- „ ___ _ there V a northern Jlmi^ to the house a l°nS overland trip, through which fly. Heretofore, it has been assumed i the driver has remained steadily at bis that the domestic fly accompanies post, and never has thought to give rest. , . . . wherever life is possible, but Doc- the perid extremity Swell Doctors* ¿offers. Aldrich’s observation has thrown pew light on the subject. The al>- The coffers of the chiropodists and ---^•ence or horses and their manure orthopedic surgeons have taken on a In large quantities may be a minor silver lining since the arrival of the reason for the absence of the house new hoof affliction. Many motor vaca­ fly, but climate seems to be the prin­ tionists return to receive treatments. cipal one. Even in the southern end Massages and rest are said to cure of Alaska's panhandle at Ketchikan the pains as rapidly as other treat- there are salmon factories, houses ments. and stores, uR unscreened, and with Motorists accustomed to long drives absolutely no traces of the common scoff at the idea of the disease. If fly. A few of the rarer flies that are ' there Is any such ailment, they declare, found In the United States also live it easily can be thwarted by shifting In Alaska, but in insignificant num- feet. hers. 1 Some doctors call the ailment “acute Insects from the interior of Alaska foot strain.” The origin of the disease were collected by Doctor^Aldrich for is easily accounted for, they say. Re- the |jrst time. The valley of the Tan- leasing the tension of the accelerator ana river, a tributary of the Yukon, spring, followed by more moderate is very much like the northern part driving, will diminish the prevalency of of Minnesota, and the region around i the ailment, physicians say. Lake Superior so far as insects are ' _____ a__________ concerned, he has found. Doctor Al- i£? A„ A, m/s drich’s trip extended from Seward WATER IN COOLING SYSTEM to Fairbanks, along the route of the —--------. ARTHUR H. YÜUNG FRENCH ARREST “ DEAD HERO” NO ONE ORDAINED TO DIE d CLAIM EFFECTS NOT SERIOUS partially-completed government rail- way. ----------------------------- REFUGEE NOW STUDENT At the tenth annual congress of t h i National Safety congress In Boston, Arthur H. Young of Chicago, who is manager of the .industrial relations of the International Harvester company, was elected president of the council, though serving without pay, he will direct the affairs of a co-operative cqfflniercial association of approxi- frlqt®]/ ®;°99 industrial plants, rail-, Fdadi, mihes and other agencies and others interested in the prevention of accidents in the plant, on the street and In the home. Mr. Young is one of the pioneers In the safety move­ m ent -|j | • FORMAL PHRASEOLOGY AVOID TROUBLE IN STEERING Knuckle Pivot Pins Should Be Greased at All Times to Prevent Be-, coming Rusty. Steubenville, O.—A touring car with Miss Bessie Philllpson of Steubenville driving, plun/ed over a 250-foot em­ bankment, looped the loop 17 times, and landed In the middle of a street, a pile of wreckage. The girl escaped without a scratch. The noise of the descending car frightened the horses of an ice wagon i far below, and they ran away. Some children ran after them. The car landed where the children had been standing. One of the horses tripped and fell against the gates at a rail­ road crossing, saving both animals from death under the wheels of an on- rushing train. Tyre JQik:* Free Tube w ith every Mason-Cord at Leedom’s Tire H ospital W hy Guess About I t— Whep You Can Know About It? m Suppose a guide said— "This way there’s a safe and pleasant road to your destination, with no risks or troubles on the way,” and— _ “That way there’s a road that a good many have stalled on and turned back from, but you may get through.” Which would you take? v»- Postum is a thoroughly agreeable and satisfy­ ing meal-time drink, and you’re sure that it's per­ fectly safe for health. Coffee contains drug qualities which disturb and harm the health of many. “Will the gentleman yield?” "I was about to say—” “Let me ask another question.” “If the Chair will allow me—" Postum or coffee? Which road? “I will say to the gentleman—” W hy guess when you can know? “I move to strike out the last w’ord.” “Slay I interrupt the gentleman?” “How much time have 1 remaining?'’ “I reserve all points in order on the bill.” / kt ’-SC' P ostum com es in tw o form s: In stan t P ostum (in tins) m ade in stan tly in th e cup by th e addition of boiling water. P ostum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those w ho prefer to m ake the drink w hile the meal is being prepared) m ade by boiling for 20 m inutes. Sold by all grocers. Postum for Health—“There’s a Reason” “I think as a m atter of public pel- icy—” “I am frank to say to the gentle­ man—” “The time of the gentleman has ex­ pired.” “I am glad to have heard the gentle­ man’s speech.” , — , i-ii.«- ” “Let me put a concrete hypothetical question.” November - - December “The district which I have the honor to represent.” “I was not present in the chamber when the gentleman began his re­ marks.”—Washington Searchlight. 4- *********** ********************* A APTLY PUT Anyway, wc never knew’ a man to marry a woman to re- form her. A p atent has been granted a De­ tro it inventor for a method for a t - , tf ching an airplane beneath a dirig- i ible balloon with a quick acting : clutch th a t enables an aviator to j free the plane for inclapendent flight. Th the majority of cases the sad lock on a man’s face is due to overeating. The life one sary Giant Biacksnake Robs Henroost Bette? go cheerfully through life, not bor rowing trouble, Ja uT keeping a snug 'R ttlo balance at th e F irst National, just in case T h e W sst s G reat N a t io n a l ^M a g a zin e ” When Satan employs idle hands^the work is always well done. Lack of lubrication is the chief cause of hard steering. The steering knuckle pivot pins should be greased at all times. They have large surfaces, which cause a heavy draft, if dry and rusty. der III. Bargain Offer Some people are so funny that they make others sad. SUNSET, as its slogan im­ plies, is the representative m onth­ ly magazine of the West—na­ tional in its circulation, W estern in its point of view. Clever short stories; serials that hold your interest from one month to the next, form a part of every issue. Special departments — “The Pulse of the W est,” an editorial section that offers SU N SET readers intelligent opinions on up-to-the-minute events and pres­ ent-day problems;—the ‘'Serv­ ice Bureau,” a clearing house for readers’ inquiries;—“The Home in the W est,” “W estern Finance.” and a host of other features •combine to make SU N SET a magazine- fcr the home — for every member of the family. Few men ever live long enough to discover why their neighbors dislike them. It takes a wise woman to transform a “good fellow” into a model husband. 4* ******* *-* **********^*s********^^# Vera Ivanovna, a Russian girl, w»o fled to the country from her home on the Black sea, entered Simmons col­ lege, Boston, recently. Note the jew­ eled ring on her hand—it was pre- i sented to her father by Czar Alexan­ 4 Faris.—“Dead on the field of honor” Is the mention against the name of Claudius Vrillat nt the French min­ istry of war, and his name has adorned the monument at Nogen-sur-Seine, erected to “the memory of our sons who fell.” Charged with burglary, Claude Pas- quet was arrested by the Paris police. The authorities my that Pasquet and Vrillat are ope aud the same. Vrillat, it Is now alleged, deserted on the eve of an attack In the Champagne dis­ trict and was posted as “disappeared with no presumption o f desertion, prob­ ably killed.” His name has been strick­ en from the monument. • Important That It Be Changed Every­ Week or Two to Prevent Rust - “I have listened with a good deal of Accumulation. interest—” Few’ drivers realize how important it Is to change the water in the cooling system every week or two. The rust accumulates and should be drawn off while it Is In a finely divided form. If it Is allowed to accumulate too long it collects in masses and gradu­ ally fills up the water ja c k e ts In time the cooling water cannot rench the bottoms of the jackets and the engine overheats very readily. Chester, Pa.—Thomas Collins of Ogden discovered that the chicken thief robbing his hen­ nery of healthy young chicks was a biacksnake nearly ten feet long, Collins killed the rep­ tile after half an hour’s fight. Each morning Collins found his chicks disappearing. When he heard a cackling chorus he found the snake with another bird. * Girl Unhurt W hin Car Falls 250 Feet, Children Moved Just in Time, Horses Barely Escaped. I _ “That reminds me—■*’ Strike Name of Alleged Burglar-De­ serter from Memorial to Slain in Battle. I-should-w’orry attitu d e tow ard is very common nowadays. In sense it is all rig h t— unneces­ w’orry is very foolish. But when it means absence of any provision for the contingencies of age, sickness, loss of position, etc., it may result in troublesom e com­ plications. A special arrangem ent with the publishers of SUNSET has made this offer possible, and we urge those of our read­ ers who are interested to take advantage of the reduced rate we have secured. Even if your subscription has not expired— use the cou­ pon anyway; your order will start with the expiration of your present subscription. Send in the coupon NOW— the publi­ shers of SUNSET have reserved the right to w ithdraw this offer a t any time. ember and December only, we offer the ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS and the SUNSET. MAGAZINE at the following combination offer: Daily Tidings, 3.mos. S1.95 Sunset Magazine 1 yr. $2.50 Total regular price $4.4-5 BOTH DURING NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER ONLY U S E T H IS C O U PO N THE ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND, OREGON I accept your Special Magazine Offer. 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