Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 29, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, Novem ber 21, 1021
By Charles Sughroe
The Way the Poor Boss Felt
• W num Newssaptr Union
Oldest Leatherneck Sees Mr. Denby
in o
tate departm ent:
“ Inform ation has been obtained
in this office th a t you are attem p t­
ing to negotiate the sale of real es­
tate. We do not find you are a li­
censed real estate broker, and would
thank you for an explanation of
your activities.”
A fter he had cooled off somewhat
Mayor Gates d ictated the following
reply, in p art:
- u
‘ In reply I will state th a t as may­
MEDFORD, Or , Nov. 29.— The
• -
or of Medford I have offered to the
fact th a t the city council and Mayor ex-service, men any lot in the city,
; Gates have sold seventy-five lots on which is owned by the city, a t the
paved streets, which the city had Cost of improvements, and on very
' taken over for delinquent assess­ easy term s
ments, to ex-service meta a t 25
“ The city has a right to sell its
down and $5 a month, has drawn own property w ithout asking any­
the following from A. C. Barber, I one’s permission, or taking out a
head of the state of Oregon real es- license to do so.
Seventy-five of
these lots were sold within the first lan, “ fifty dollars a week is enough
forty-eight hours a fte r they had — but his fath er should be well-
been offered for sale.”
The lowest estim ate of what two
could live on and be happy was
made by Miss Evelyn Carlson,
A WEEK MEN DEMANDED freshm an, who thought $35 a week
“ would do.” A referendum of fif­
(Continued from Page 1)
teen other co-eds disclosed esti­
Miss Jean Donohue, freshm an, who mates varying from $50 a week to
said it all depends upon the man and $350 a week, and with one girl—
the girl. They may have an income and exceedingly pretty, too— assert­
of $1,000 a week and still not be ing she wouldn’t m arry any man
happy, or they may have to get al­ no m atter what his salary.
ong on $50 a week and still make,
(heir m arriage a “go” .
Aviators in Europe have found
Miss Virginia Kendal, Waverly th a t their planes sometimes cause
club; said $50 a week was enough; clouds to form when they are flying
two could Jive m odestly on 4 th a t at high altitudes in atm osphere sat­
urated to the point th a t all th a t is
“Yes,” added Miss Adelaide Scan needed is some disturbing influence.
Sergeant H. B. Hallowell, United States marine corps, eighty-two years of
age, the oldest leatherneck in thg world, calling on Secretary of the Navy Den-
hy, who served in the marine corps during the late war. Sergeant Hallowell
served as an orderly at the
under President Buchanan and Is a
veteran of many wars on both land and se*
t - * ---. 1
.irr ~
First “ Santa”
Letter Arrives
At Postoffice
utes time to have incoming mail ad­
dressed so th a t it will not fail to
reach your house on first delivery.
Disks of glass th a t can be revolved
by a motor have been designed in
England to be inserted in autom o­
bile wind shields, the idea being
th a t they will shed rain and snow
The children of Ashland are be- j and provide clear vision for drivers.
coming interested in Santa Claus,
By a Japanese process ornam en­
and the first letter to that import-^
tal windows, lamp shades and other
a n t personage was m ailed yesterday
articles are being made by attaching
evening, and addressed to “ Santa
Clause, N. Pole.” The sender wrote filam ents of colored glass to plain
glass with transparent cement.
a s follows: “ Dear Santa Clause
P lease bring John one street car J
th a t goes and a steam engine and
Because It’s For One Thing Only,
a blackboard with a desk and a
and Ashland People Ap­
bucking horse. John Denton.” The
preciate This.
le tte r was completely and correctly
N othing can be good for every­
addressed and was started tow’ard thing.
Doing one thing
well brings
its destination by the first mail
All letters addressed to Santa
Doan’s Kidney Pills are for one
Claus by the children of Ashland thing only.
will go directly to th at place, as
F o r weak or disordered kid­
P ostm aster General Will H. Hays neys.
Here is Ashland evidence to
bas made special arrangem ents for
prove th eir worth.
th e proper disposal of all these let­
Mrs. L. W ertz,
129 5th St.,
ters and results are guaranteed.
says: “ Doan’s Kidney Pills help­
John indicates th a t he believes in ed me when my kidneys were out
th e “ mail early” campaign of the of order and I am glad to recom­
mend them to others. I had dull
post office departm ent, and had aching pains across the small of
some idea about time and distance. my back th a t made it hard for
me to do my work. My kidneys
T he local post office tru sts the
grown-up children of Ashland will acted irregularly, too. Doan’s
Kidney Pills soon freed me from
be moved by the same instinct of, the backaches and put my kid­
p u ttin g across early the desires of neys in good o rd er.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
th eir hearts.
simply ask for a kidney remedy—
get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same
th a t Mrs. W ertz had. Foster-M il­
burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
(Continued from Page 1)
your correct address,” and “ if you
wish your mail delivered by carrier,
have it addressed to street and
house number,» or rural route and
box num ber.” In cases where there
w as a delay by reason of incomplete
or erroneous address there is stam p­
ed on th a t piece of mail the words,
"delivery delayed on account of in­
complete address.”
These campaigns are carried on
periodically by the Ashland post of­
fice and invariably brings some re­
sponse and improvement.
The campaign just before C hrist­
m as, however, gets far the best re­
su lts according to the local post of­
fice clerks and carriers, as every
fam ily understands th a t it means
much to them as well as the kindly
disposition .to co-operate with the
postal system at the great pesk-load
hour. In addition to notifying cor­
respondents and publishers to pro­
vide complete an A proper addrses the
patron in taking the inventory of
h is mail should also advise them in
case of erroneous spelling of name
an d initials
The errors in this re­
s p e c t are num erous. It will only
re q u ire a postal card and a few min-
Reduced Price
Big Winter Fair
Jackson County
Christmas Edition
of .the Daily Tidings will be issued Saturday, December 3.
It will contain between thirty and forty pages, and carry a
cover printed in three colors.
It will be the largest Chr’stmas edition ever printed in
Ashland, both in point of number of pages, circulation and
general appearance. It will be well printed and will be dis­
tributed over the entire county.
P in t s ...........$1.50 to $3.75
Quarts ......... $2.50 to $6.00
$3.50 to $5.00
Anticipate your Christmas
needs while our stock is
McNair Bros.
We hope to have one or two sections featuring the
Winter Fair, and will devote much of the space to boosting
that enterprise.