Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 29, 1921, Image 1

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M alaria germs cannot
survive three months J
in the rich ozone at I
The pure I
domestic w ater helps. J
Ashland climate, w ith­
out the aid of medi­
cine, cures nine cases
out of ten of asthm a.
This is a proven fa c t
(International News Wire Service)
(Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43)
N o.
ArbucRle Defense Claims Perjury;
Harding Declares Education WeeR BE IN TANGLE
The Bible School union of Ash­
Bank Robbers Nine Die When
Loot Vault of New York Show
$15,000 Cash House Caves In
LONDON, Nov. 29.— The accord
land was organized yesterday even­
existing between G reat B ritain and
ing at the Presbyterian church. The
France is on the poinf of dissolu­
following officers were elected:
tion, according to a statem ent pub­
President, H. E. Badger; vice presi­
lished in the Daily Express.
The Express made a great dis­
dent, O. F. Carson; secretary, H. C.
of the report, putting the re­
Galey. These, together with the su­
sponsibility on Marquis Curzon, the
perintendents of Ashland Sunday
NEW YROK, Nov. 29.— Nine per­
KENDALLVILLE, Ind , Nov. 29.
British secretary of foreign affairs,
schools, constitute the executive
1 q - sons are known to be dead and thir-1
dem anding his resignation.
committee. It w as voted to make
teen missing as the resu lt of the
The relations between France and
an exhibit at the coming w in ter I SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20.— Dis­
collapse of th e American (theatre,
WASHINGTON, D. C„ Nov. 29.— ' G reat B ritain have been strained for
fair, and Mrs. Fred Engle, Miss Car- trict A ttorney Brady sprang a sen­ burned away part of th e vault and which was in the course of construc­
Calling attention to th e fact th at some time, particularly since the
son, Miss Mary Spencer, were ap­
tion a t Brooklyn.
sation in the Roscoe (F a tty ) Ar­ escaped with $15,000 in bills.
ere are 5,000,000 American boys French entered into a treaty with
pointed to put on the display, which buckle case today by having a w ar­
girls in the United States, all the T urkish nationalists.
will be somewhat sim ilar to a public
ran t drawn up for the a rre st of Mrs.
of whom are not availing themselves
school exhibit, showing the work of
Minnie Neighbours on a charge of
of free school advantages, President
th e cradle roll, prim ary and home
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 29.—
perjury. Mrs. Neighbours testified
H arding issued a proclam ation today A committee of naval experts of the
departm ents /(and o th er phases of
for the defense.
Previously, the
designating the week of December 4 five great world powers were sched­
system atic Bible study’ The atten d ­
state, in its rebuttal argum ent, had
to 10 inclusive, as “ American E d u -! uled) to meet today for the final
ance was large and the interest in
attacked her testim ony for A r­
W eek.”
the new organization quite keen.
Bhow-down on the acceptance of the
president urged th a t all siti- American naval program. When the
Among those present were a dozen
Mrs Neighbours had testified in
zens, during the week, “ give special hour of m eeting arrived, however,
superintendents and pastors an d a
August th a t she ah gdeviTl
and thorough attention to the needs it was announced th a t “one of the
num ber of teachers and assistant A ugust th a t she had given aid to J
and aim s of the public schools ” He foreign powers” had requested a
superintendents. A cordial invita­
Miss Rappe Jvhile the la tte r had
pointed) out that education “ is the postponement of the session tw enty-
tion was extended to the officers
suffered an attack of bladder tro u ­
of good citizenship and is of four hours.
and teachers of all the evangelical
ble at W heeler’s Hot Springs.
Sunday schools in Ashland to join
t purchased articles at these stores. prim ary im portance to the welfare
Mrs. K ate Hardbeac.k z4bna TT
dt the nation.”
th e union and participate in its ac­
WASHINGTON, D. C , Nov. 29.—
( I ..N. S. Staff Correspondent)
Chief Enforcem ent D irector Yellow-
Mrs. K ate Hardeback, “ a u n t” of
The w ithdraw al of foreign troops la
Virginia Rappe, undar oath today j NEW YORK, Nov. 29.— The’ in­ ley launched a campaign against
Ashland schools will observe “ Ed­
The purpose of the Sunday school
, testified th a t Virginia had been at crease in the num ber of new drug these pseudo-druggists, with the re­ ucation W eek” program s and special China was agreed upon in principle
organization is to effect a b e tte r
home every night for th a t month. stores, started since the Eighteenth sult th a t many were arrested being work which has not yet been defin­ by the committee on the F a r E ast­
conception of C hristian work among
Mrs. Mary Poulin, hostess a t the am endm ent became effective, has charged with violation of the prohi- itely arranged, it was announced by ern policies of the disarm am ent
the young people A committee was
conference today. No date was set
W heeler Springs hotel, produced the focused the attention of local en­
Prof. G. A. Briscoe, superintendent
appointed to arrange for future
(Continued on Page Five)
for such action, however.
hotel register, showing th a t Miss forcem ent officials upon the in­
of city schools, this morning. All
program s.
Rappe had not registered a t the creased am ount of distilled liquors
the program s and exercises will be
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 29.—
hotel. She was shown a photograph dispensed by these establishm ents, i
open to the public. Rev. Charles A. The association of nations which
of Miss Rappe but declared she had More than 600 new drug stores have
Edw ards will address the high President H arding proposed should
never seen her before.
sprung up in the m etroplitan area
school students W ednesday morning follow in the wake of the disarm a­
w ithin the last year, according to
on “A Few Moments a t Lincoln’s ment conference, is not designated
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29.— local d.-y officials.
G rave,” em phasizing the ideals of as a “ rival” or “ underm ining
Shudders passed through the court
Rev. Edwards re­ agency” tow ard the European league
Prohibition D irector Yellowly de­
room as the most gruesome exhibit
cently visited the grave of Lincoln. of nations, it was stated officially
clared th a t in num erous cases it was
of the entire trial of Rosoce (F atty )
found th a t these new drug stores
at the W hite House today.
Do you wish to blot out for a
Arbuckle, charged with m anslaugh­
are owned by men who form erly
while th e everyday facts of life, and
te r incident to the death of Miss
conducted saloons, but found their
a golden path of adventure—
Virginia Rappe, was placed as evi­
incomes curtailed by rigid enforce- utterly forgetting the world and its
dence this morning.
metn of the Volstead act The ease cares in the thrills, the romance,
Deputy Coroner Brown identified!
LONDON, Nov 29.— The most
which a druggist can obtain a the pathos, the hum or and the
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 29.— the organs a§ those removed from
sensational break in the Irish peace ■
Seventy-two hours of alm ost contin­ the body of Virginia Rappe. The perm it to sell spirituous liquors led breath of wide spaces and strange
negotiations since th eir beginning'1
lands from a Zane Grey wonder-
uous rain here was followed in some organs were preserved in a glass
today when Sir Jam es Craig,
localities by a heavy fall of snow, ja r for the purpose of securing the old established drug stores, only to! book, in a m agnificient photoplay?
unionist prem ier of Ulster, the bit-j
which rapidly melted bringing a microscopic examination which the tu rn thefh into bootlegging joints in- Then drop in at the Vining theatre
te r foe of the Sinn Feiners, sent an
and see “The Man of the F o rest,”
score of rivers and large stream s in court ordered.
ultim atum to the British cabinet,
th at these form er saloon k e ep e rs1 which opens there tonight.
W estern Pennsylvania and W est Vir­
The state will probably have com­
anding a creation of the substi­
frequently purchased drug stores,!
ginia to dangerous flood stages
“ The Man of ,the Foreist” Is
pleted its rebuttal argum ent by to-,
paying a fancy price in order to get clean, wholesome dram a of modern tute peace plan w ithin a week.
R eports from any towns which night.
the liquor perm it of the owner, thus outchor life. It is thrills and sus­
w ere eith er already partly sub­
Postm aster E. J. K aiser an­
sim plifying his operations a s ' pense from beginning to end, with At Local Hospital—
m erged or in danger of being flood­ LOCAL FOOTBALL TEAM
Mrs. John Freem an has gone to nounces th a t the Ashland post of­
a bootlegger. The New York sta te ' some startlin g situations that- are
ed, showed th a t the angry waters
a local hospital for medical tre a t­ fice force is specializing this week
pharm acy law does not require th at fresh to the screen.
were rising at all points.
Pathos and
In response to a telegraphed chal­
on a campaign to interest patrons in
a drug store owner be a registered humor, red-btooded thrills, and ten­ m ent after sending to Portland for
lenge made by the local high school
having their incoming mail com­
pharm acist; merely reciting the ne­ der love scenes succeed one another her daughter.
Community Dinner—
team Saturday, W ashington high
pletely and properly addressed to
George N. K ram er, J. V. Miller, school, of Portland, today wired the cessity of having such a registered and blend into the whole, m aking
The instruction consists in
Passenger Agent Here—
D. Thompkin and W. H. Mowatt en­ Ashland school au thorities th at it practitioner on duty in the d ru g ' this big special photoplay one of
on each piece of mail er­
W. H. Jenkins, general passenger I
joyed a community dinner together would be unable to play. Reasons store during certain hours. Licensed the finest adventure documents the
agent of the Southern Pacific ra il­ roneously addressed, the words “ad­
a t the home of J V. Miller, Beach for declining the 'game are not prescription compounders are avail­ screen has ever offered.
* it
road company, was in Ashland yes­ vice correspondents or publishers of
able in this territo ry at $40 per
avenue and H argadine street.
(Continued on Page 4)
Cut-Rat;» System
Many of these “ m ushroom ” drug
stores, a fte r th eir purchase by ex­
saloon keepers, sell drugs, candies,
cigars, perfum es, patent medicines
and oth er sundries at reduced prices
in order to a ttra c t a large tra d e .'
W hen a custom er is known to the
owner of the store he is approached
—------ -
with an offer of booze. In a short
j tim e an extremely profitable busi-
Chicago, Nov. 29.— Love and m ar­ co-ed editor a t N orthw estern univer- ness in liquor is built up, and the
W. P. Hawley, Oregon City’s weal-: lowing his a rrest by Inspector J. J.
riage cannot be determ ined by dol­ sity, said if she insisted on her fu­
drug trad e assum es secondary im -'
thy paper mill m agnate, who was McMahon, of the departm ent traffic
la rs and cents per week, according tu re husband earning $50 a week,
portance, being used merely as a
recently arrested1 by J. J. McMahon force, and I dtesire to thank you
to co-eds at the University of Chi­ $75 a week, $100 a week, or any set cloak for the real business of b o o t-1
for speeding within the city limits for your interest.
cago and at N orthw estern Univer­ am ount she “m ight never get m ar- legging carried on by the store
Ashland and fined by W. H. Gow-
The traffic officers of the de-
ried at all.”
ilj, justice of the peace, $20 there- partm ent are under no restrictions
W hile they agree th a t love hasn’t
“ When the rig h t man comes along
W hen the saloons began to dis­
for, threatened to have the gover-, whatsoever They are to discharge
much of a chance and m atrim ony we won t worry, about the money
appear here more than a year ago, '
nor and secretary of state remove their duties, regardless of whom it
is likely to be a failure on less than part of the bargain,” she said,” “ we
they were replaced by soda foun­
McMahon from office because of may affect, and I am ra th e r sur-
from $50 to $75 per week these will get along somehow.”
tains, confectionery, cigar and fruit
the la tte r’s action in arrestin g Haw-^ jirised th at statem ents of the char-
days, they are alm ost unanim ous in
$250 a Month Needed.
stores. Recently these in th eir tu rn
ley. Justice of the Peace G o w iy . acter as outlined in your lfetter
th e view th a t when the right Prince
Miss Marie N iergarth, a senior, have given place to modern drug
received from Secretary of S ta te 'sh o u ld be made by any m otor ve-
to find folks who do not wish
Charm ing comes along he is usual­ who has had a w ealth of experience!
stores, carrying all the side-lines to
N. Kozer the following letter h id e owners.
So fa r as I know,
th eir community to grew— but
ly accepted “ for better, for worse,” in back o’ the yards” charity work,
be found in th e legitim ate dispens­ Ashland has some of them .
in regard to his and McMahon’s ac­ Inspector McMahon’s services have
w ithout any undue emphasis put up­ said a young man really should earn
ing establishm ents and catering to
been entirely satisfactory. He is on
California has none such— down tions in the case:
on the size of his pay check.
$250 a m onth to venture into m at­ a new trad e through th eir ability j
the job and is entitled to consider­
there they are all boosters. May­
“ Money won’t count a t all when the rimony.
to cut prices below competitors.
able credit for the m anner in which
be th a t’s why California is C ali­
ideal man comes along,” said Miss
“ But there are exceptions, m ark
C itizens C om plained
of th e 25th, referring to the arre st trafficSWs now being regulated in
Elizabeth Sholle, university o f Chi­ you!” she added.
A ttention of the dry agents was About the only difference I can of W. P. Hawley for speeding inside the southern p art of the state. He
cago co-ed “ But isn ’t it funny—
Salary doesn’t count nearly so called to activltieo of these drug
see is in th e spirit and ideals of the city lim its of Ashland, and have is co-operating with the local offi­
th ere aren ’t as many ideal young much as team work, according to
stores when com plaints were re-
carefully noted
th e
statem ents cers, and I have had no complaint*
th e ir ctlzenshlp.
men as there used to be?"
| ceived from citizens th a t they were
which your letter contains relative
Miss Helen Ahlström, senior and
(Continned on Page Five)
urged to buy booze whenever they
to th e actions of said Hawley fol-
( Continued on Page Fire)
, DEC. 4-10
600 New Drug Stores
Opened In New York
Under Volstead Law
Big Zane Grey
Story At Vining
Theatre Tonight
College Maids Discourse On
Marriage Cost; $100 A Week
Men Demanded By Fair Co-Eds
H az Kjfc
Justice Of The Peace Gowdy Is
Commended By Secretary of State
For Speed Fine Of Lumberman