ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS S’ AGIS EIGHT M onday, Novebiuer 2 8 , 1921 Special th is week at Enders Con­ fectionery— Fresh cream caramels, regular price 60 cents; this week 40 cents'. We make them 74-6 Ashland News in Paragraphs 4» Local and Personal Side Lights the careful observance of the follow­ ing simple conditions by mailers is of the utm ost im portance in accom­ plishing the end desired ; Prepay • postage fully on all par­ cels; also prepay fully- the * internal- revenue stamp tax on' parcels subject to 25 cent3 or more postage. Address parcels fully and plainly. Place name a n i address of sender ' F ire practically destroyed the on all m atter garage building on B street, be­ Pack articles carefully and wrap tween F ourth and Fifth, owned by them securely, but do not seal thtyu. Mrs. M A. Barron, and an Essex as sealed parcels are subject to post­ touring car belonging to Edward age at the letter rate. Mail parcels early: they m ay-be W akefield, The la tte r was insured for $900, but there was no insurance m arked, “ Do not open until C hrist­ on the building. Firem en state that m as.” Insure valuable parcels. the fire was caused by the explosion W ritten inscriptions such as “ Mer­ of a gas torch used by Mr. W ake­ field while repairing his car. setting ry C hristm as,” “ Happy New Year," fire to the oil-soaked floor and the \\ ith Best W ishes,” and numbers, names or letters for purposes of de­ tar-papered walls of the building. scription. are permissible additions Mr. W akefield gave ,the alarm and, before he could tu rn around— to fourth class (parcel post) mail. as he put it— the fire wagon, accom­ Books may bear simple dedicatory panied by a Tidings representative, inscriptions not of a personal na- was on the sppt and a powerful , ture. O ther w ritten additions sub- stream of w ater was playing on the j jects p a rc e l to letter postage. Com­ flames, which were quickly extin­ munications prepaid at first-class guished. W. F. Loomis was un­ rate may be sent with parcels pre- screwing the hydrant at the corner J paid at fourth-class rates, provided of F ourth and B streets when the jthey are placed in envelopes securely firemen arrived, and »a large crowd i attached to outside of parcels. See of people soon filled the street In i article 54. page 15 of the July, 1921 • front of the burning building. The 1 Postal Guide. la tte r - was originally built for a blacksm ith shop, and later was used for a garage, but recently had been utilized only for storing two autos, the second car having been removed only a few days ago. B. Street Fire C hristian W orkers to M eet— Destroys Auto And Building The C hristian Workers* Band will for cold snaps, hold a business m eeting Tuesday ev­ < I-tf ening at 6:45 o’clock at the Metho- ' j Oist Episcopal church. All members \ isit i Sister— are asked to be present. P o u ltr y M eetings— Ashland. Or., November 27, 1921. Miss Mildred Culy . spent Thanks- , T he poultry meeting of this week Ashland Tidings: Gentlemen: to be conducted by H. E. Crosby, giving with her sister at G rantsi For pleating see Orreg 69t? Postm aster General Will H. Hays poultry specialist of the. Oregon Ag- Pass, directs me to extend to the press his ric u ltu ra l college, will be as fol­ F am ily R eunion— sincere appreciation for the large low s: Theo. Glass. Beagle, Tuesday,) Let Friend V. ife sleep in the M_r. • Ctllt* and i’llO, Mrs. J-x D. . L VJtCUU Glenn CllLCi" enter- _ 10 o’clock a. m.; Tom Galliger, m orning and go to the Hotel Ashland tained a num ber of tb ; ir relativea at am ount of 3pace and prominence given the N ational house num ber R ouge River, Tuesday, 2 o’clock; grin and get one of those fine a family reunion yesterday Those and receptacle census day publicity. J. W. Birkholz, C entral Point, Wed- gpecial 60 cent breakfasts. 61tf present were Miss Anna Hargrove, Personally I wish to also extend nesday, 10 o'clock; Mr. Goetsche's ______ Messrs, and Mesdames T. H. Simp- to the Ashland Tidings my ap p re­ home, Ashlandj W ednesday, at 2. T eacher Accepts New Job— SOn, R p Neil and H j C harter ciation for the num erous times in Prof. E. S. Stultz left this w e ek , and the ia tte r-g children. The Glenns which the paper has given publicity The best Christm as present is a for Gold Beach, county seat of Cur- expect t0 g0 t0 California soon s u it or overcoat tailored to m easure, ry county, where he has accepted ______ . * to postal inform ation of practical value to the patrons of this office on See the big values at G rres’ $1.00 the position of superintendent o f j Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales the occasions when the inform ation P ro fit Christm as Sale. 69tf schools at a salary of $225 ' 20 cents. Endters Confectionery.62tf was timely. Also for the cordial —— * month, safs the Jacksonville P o s t.: * . m anner in which this service was The position was offered him some „ . P ish in g Lim its— C arrier I l l - perform ed, the reporters actually Signs on the fishway at the Sav- tim e ago, but he could not accept Eric Wren is supplying today at “ hounding” the office for the oppor­ age Rapids dam have been changed Ft until his case in circuit court here the post office for Will Moore, who tu n ity -to gather this inform ation. to read 400 feet instead of 200 feet was disposed of. Prof. Stultz is is laid up with a bad cold. Respectfully yours, by Dr. George G Bancroft, d e p u ty ! recommended by the state superin­ E. J. KAISER. game warden of Josephine county, tendent as one of the most compet- Orres remodels garm ents. 69tf Postm aster. actin g under orders from the state enf instructors in the state. His Posts were many friends here wish him success gam e commissioner. A ttends C onvention— placed at the deadline Saturday in his new field of labor.’’ Mrs. O. H. Barnhill, form erly of m orning. The 200 foot lim it will this city, attended the state music All wool suits for $20 at P aulser­ continues in effect at the old Ament ud's. 63tf supervisors’ conveniton a t Portland dam indefinitely Friday. Mrs. Barnhill is teaching forty-two sixth-grade _ pupils in the Shine Edw ards Up A gain— _ H o te l A shland G rill c a te rs to i A iic fter i < a 1 week's A ween, s recess rece»» o over v e r the cue Central o school, v u u u v Corvallis, u i , am o, a and u u music hom e-folks .... . | < n ___ , as well as to commercial , Thanksgiving holiday3, the ' sessions In th h e , « fitth, sixth, seventh and men and tourists. 61tf , .. . .. x . i i of the circuit court was resum ed in j eighth grades. ' Jacksonville this morning, and the --------- • W eather for tJuv W eek— 69tf first case on the docket, as sched- i Orres cleans clothes clean W eather predictions for the week , , . Some interesting sidelights on WASHINGTON. D C., Nov. 28 — I uled, is th a t of Jam es (Shine) Ed- a o n w rv i n t v r n d n ir . 1 beginning today are: • conditions at the state prison and Reports from Riga stating th a t the wards, charged with bootlegging A R etui,ls from Michigan— N orthern Rocky Mountain and United States has agreed to enter a . XT , x jury at the first trial disagreed. The Edw ard W olcott returned this insane asylum at Salem are given by trade agreem ent with soviet Russia a eau regions . orm.t. tem pera present geg3ion of the court is the inorning from Michigan, where he Mrs.. O. H. Barnhill, form er Ashland tu ures. re s, considerable an d d longegt in many yearg and ¡8 ex_ has been the past year or two. He resident now teaching in the C entral i consi era e cloudiness c on ¡ness an was officially denied by the state tfe- seasonal snows 01 rains. | (e4 (0 be conciuded about Christ- stopped a week in Portland, where school, Corvallis, who describes her! -I partaient this morning. Pacific States—G enerally fair i n . m aj >re „ ra , bed ever). day d u r|„ g „ „ recent visit to these institutions, iu southern California and consider- ] company with a Corvallis woman. New piano pedals that resmble sonville cases to be tried able cloudiness and occassional rains “ Insicfe the prison w alls,” says those of the usual type can be Cliff Payne m akes shaving stands. elsew here; norm al tem peratures. Mrs. • Barnhill, “ there are beautiful turned up to accommodate children. Bubble Books for children at Rose LONDON, Nov. 2 8 — Throe th o u s-! V isit in M edford— spacious lawns, rose-bordered walks, ! I Bros. 70tf W ith m odern apparatus we c a n ] Mrs. H attie Lynch and Miss Myr­ flower beds filled with colorful and bolsheviks were killed in street Moccasins said to wear well for m ake your p ortrait at night as well fighting with the “ white Ukrainians two years are made of the bark of blooms, and everywhere perfect or- tle Moore were business visitors in Buy a new suit for the Holidays. a s in day tim e Evening by ap­ der. Inside the building there are at Chitomir, after General P e tlu ra ’s young linden twigs by Russian peas­ P aulserud’s 74tf Medford Friday of last w'Sek. pointm ent: Darling Studio. 71-lm o vines, flowers and ferns, with im- ! anti-red forces occupied the town ants. Fisberaian Has Luck— m aculate cleanliness and perfect or- ( today, according to a Hesingfors F ootball Season F in ish ed — Sun day School Party— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY John M. Hughes, of Beech street, der. E ntering a cell, we found a dispatch quoting an unconfirmed re­ The high school finished a highly Mrs. O. W inter’s ‘ Ever-Ready” port su rren t there. successful football -season last reported g° od luck this m orning af­ dainty white bed, with white sheets, FOR SALE— O verland four tourii Sunday School class enjoyed a party te r a fishing trip on Bear creek yes pillow cases and spread, and a lit- : car in first class condition, rt Thursday, with a 12 to 0 defeat by F rid ay evening at the home of Thel­ tie table. On the wall hung a pic- ! COPENHAGEN, Nov. 28.— The only 4000 miles, lots of extra terday afternoon. A sample, offered Ashland, champions of southern Ore- m a Heer on High street. Inquire Robisou Garage. 74-5 U krainian forces ______ son and a very heavy team. The as proof, brought to the Tidings of­ tu re of the Virgin, with this verse, anti-Bol^heviki fice this morning, wa#> acclaimed ‘Thou, Lord, seest me,” together have surrounded Kieff, where des­ • Twenty-six days until Christmas. I sch° o1 wiR begin basketball practice WANTED— Good riding ponv. Phone with pictures painted by the inm ate, ! perate fighting is now raging, ac­ and “ properly disposed of.” 120. 744^ M ake your appointm ent now. Dari- at ° nce- and a fast team with the a fine-looking asham ed man of cording to a news dispatch received lng Studio. 71-lmo dingier brothers as a nucleus will be Special this week at Enders Con­ about thirty-five. He is a short here. FOR RENT— Comfortable sleeping formed. Several good teams are in rooms in private home. Hot axd fectionery— Fresh cream caramels, story w riter, convicted of forgery. course of form ation in the valley. iln -istia n E ndcavorers Meet— cold water. 155 Fifth street near reg u lar price 60 cents, this week “The dining hall is spacious and B-________________ 74-3eod* A deputation of C hristian E n ­ Mutt W illiamson is acting as coach 40 cents. We make them. 74-6 clean, with flowers all about, but deavor officers of C rater Lake un of th e Phoenix school team, and ex- FOR SALE— English terrier puppy. the dishes are common and heavy ion, visited their sister societies at j pect3 to be an active contender with ; from Portland__ Inquire Eastern Supply Co. 74-2 and no taste is shown in the a r­ th e G rants Pass C hristian church ! tbe other team s.— Medford Mail Miss Lena Nelson, Miss Ramona rangem ent of things. In thé kitchen FOR SALE— Very reasonable, pl,5’n S aturday afternoon, and a t the Tril,une- H arrell and Mrs. G. W. Gregg re ­ are immense kettles four feet deep, black pan velvet hat with four- R ogue River Presbyterian church In inch brim, faced with Alice blue, turned Saturday evening from P o rt­ used for cooking soup and vege­ P o rtra its th a t please. Darling th e evening, finding wide-awake o r­ . blue ostrich feather. Phone land where they had been on a tables. One man was m aking pies, 71-lm o 407-J. ' 74-2* ganizations at both places. The vis­ Studio. week’s visit. Mrs. George J. Kinz, of which he had about fifty setting itin g team was made up of Jam es who accompanied the party to P o rt­ on the clean floor, ready for filling. REAL ESTATE M ary and E sther Spencer. W alter ‘Verotion— land for Thanksgiving. Misses Edyth Jones and Dolly George Brookmiller, who has ail hung a soft, bright s ly , and all Trask gave a double birthday party been in the D unsm uir Southern P a ­ n atu re seemed to smile. B et inside E xpert Piano Instruction. Phone at the form er’s home on Factory cific company hospital for ten days, the hospital walls everything is dif­ C. S. Mitchell. street Sunday, the occasion being has been taken to the company’s ferent: no songs or smiles, but an E dyth's eleventh and Dolly’s tw elfth hospital a t ’ San Francisco to under­ oppressive silence and gloom. M oved to M ountain A venue— birthdays. The guests were, Mar­ “ Again we found im m aculate go an operation. His little daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Gregg have jorie Crouch, Mabie Stennett, Max­ cleanliness. The m attresses and b e d ­ moved from 908 Ashland street to ine Emery, W ilma Hall, Hazel D ear­ ter, Edith, is quite ill with the “ g rip” a t her home on Liberty ding was being aired in the sunlight. POPULAR NOVEL 543 Mountain avenue Their new dorff, Marie W akefield, and Eliza­ The patients were in the hallways, street. telephone num ber is 382-R. beth Abbot. but did not seem to notice us, standing or sitting in vacant a t t i - 1 Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as­ We m ake our .own candies, ice Garfvklge Shakers— In W. H. Hodkinson’s jewelry tudes, apparently busy with th eir sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf cream and tamales. Enders Con­ fectionery. 62tf window there is djsplafved a salt thoughts or hobbies. Their expres­ A M ASSIVE TALE OF LOVE AND ADVENTURE, W ITH AN! -G oing to T alent— and pepper shaker made to repre­ sionless faces and the stillness ev­ ALL48TAR CAST INCLUDING Ashland Epworthians are going to F ire W arden Gets Data— sent loaded cartridges, with “Ash­ eryw here is pathetic and oppressive. X V U i T» V i a t ID i-J i l i U H i l l PUBLICITY OF DEPF. H ot tam ales, Mexican chili beans^i Clever suits id hot chocolate at Rose Bro3. 70tf P aulserud’s. Trade Relations With Russia is Denied By li.S. 10 STATE a TOFFICE OF Starts Tuesday ZANE GREY’S ‘The Man oi Ihe Forest’ Talent this evening to help in the William M. Jones, state fire war­ “Win-my-chum” campaign being den of Oregon, headquarters at Med­ conducted by the young Methodists ford, iu charge of Jackson county, o f that place. was in Yreka last week looking up data relative to the co-operation of »— r u ir s o c ia l California and Oregon for protection A masquerade for Odd Fellows of areas of the two states from fire and their CMalliee, Rebekahs and outside the forest territories.—Yre­ their fanUUfis, tad their invited ka News. guests, at Mte Odd FMI owb ’ hall, the fifth Tuesday. November 29, 1921, Special sale Hoefler’s Famous 8:30 o'clock. ' Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a Tickets, IH 90; ectra tadi<£ 50 poumf Watch our window. Rose -cents. -Committee. 72-fri-m on Bros. land, Or.,” engraved thereon. In­ stead of holes, there are tapering slits, which the contents do not easily clog. Neither are they read­ ily upset. One customer last year bought eight sets of these shakers, which serve as souvenirs of the war and of our home town. Cut glass ware at prewar prices, reconstructed pearls and agate jewelry—one piece of which resembles Crater Lake— are other interesting reminders of the holiday season seen in this win­ 7Qtt dow. “In the chapel the stage was be­ ing prepared >sTor Sunday services. The different denominations take turns in conducting the exercises. One of the 200 nurses was asked if she wasn’t glad that Brumfield had­ n’t been brought there, instead of to the penitentiary. .She said It would have made no particular dif­ ference, as the murderers and would-be suicides they had were, aa a rule, better behaved than other patients, although they required constant watching." RobLMcKim, Claire Adams,Car! GantvoorC NO ADVANCE IN PRICE LEAVING TONIGHT LILA LEE in After the Show’