Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 28, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    M onday, Novem ber 28, 1921
Women Have Adopted Outfit for
Their Uniform— Can Never
Die, Maker Says.
that they can. keep the straight, long
lines for any figure. They are totally
without fullness, to be sure, but they
have a miraculous way of keeping
staight In spite of everything. Every­
thing about them Is seemingly tightly
fitted. The sleeves are, indeed, skin­
tight and the armholes are rounded
and fitted to a nicety.
there is a belt set at a low waistline
and tied into place, the exact placing
of the waistline being in accordance
with the individual proportions of the
Then, some of these three-
a .B I e s
Three-Quarter Lengths Permit Only
Fraction of Skirt to Show—Keep
the Straight and Long
It Is hard to pry the American woman
loose from her friend, tTTf^nilored suit.
It is one of her most becoming assets.
She likes it, she feels well dressed
when she wears it, and hers is the
figure that displays it to the very best
advantage. And, observes a fashion
authority, when the calendar says that
autumn is here, the sd* bcomes the
first noticeable change in dress expres­
A prominent maker of suits—a man
who has devoted the whole of his life
to the study of this one by-path in
women’s wear—said that he 'had had
just as many, if not more, calls for
suits this season as he had had any
seasou in the past. This statement
was made in the face of the fact that
the general impression seems to be,
in fashion circles, that the suit is
losing some of its popularity. Now
this tailor believes that the suit can
never die. He says he knows that wom­
en have adopted it for their uniform,
Just as the men need the suit for
theirs. He realizes the fact that wom­
en diverge from the suit in many and
varied manners, but he says that this
costume as the foundation of a ward-
robe is just as staple a thing as is the
coffee they drink for their break­
You ask him: “Does the style of
the suit change?” and he witheringly
answers that it does most decidedly.
Then, if you look at it with an un­
tutored eye. it is hard to see just
where the changes come in. They
are subtle, and they are slow, but,
he assures you, they are changes, and
the last minute of fashion standard
demands that they shall be made.
The encouraging side of all this
slowness and subtlety is that it is‘not
greatly noticeable—that the old suit,
if it is designed along conservative
enough lines, will last on indefinitely.
And, combined with fhp « p art hat and
the proper accompaniment of fHr. it
P ^ud in the ìu tjejìIng
« A
A «
A wolf for help was heard to groan
For in his throat was stuck a bone.
j A crane removed it with bis bill
i Then asked for payment for his skill.
• 4
•< «
r . «
The wolf said, “Where’d you get that stuff!
1 I ell you its reward enough
! When in my jaws your head has been
That you should get it out again!”
The moral is—well Tm not able
To see a moral to this fable.
£»op, Jr.
_ T I I E D IA M O N I» E D A N D .
e ,
Tlie three greatest
cigarette tobaccos,
blending MILDNESS-
mellowness - arom a
o n e -e le v e n
2 O fo r .
A '
1 .Ils in I n d and G o ld m rtajlic\^A >
W1'.h Blue R j b U n . \ ^ /
. . a k o V ° •<*»«•• B u r o f y o u r v
¡'r u < e l» t- A k ( r d U C l l j S -T E H B
.V I A II O N D B R A N D P I E L S . f r“ ’
years known as BcsLSafest, Always Reliabl
Suit of Brown Em broidered Duvetyn.
Jean de Reszke, once the leading operatic tenor of the world and now its
most famous singing teacher, doesn’t like cameramen. He hasn't faced
quarter tailored coats are slit at the
one before for eight years. But May Peterson, favorite concert star,
sides from tlje bottom, so that the ends
known as ‘‘the golden girl of the Metropolitan,” seems to have diverted
have a trifle of “give” to them, not be­
his attention sufficiently for a photographer to slip in and capture Mr.
ing keyed to the line of the figure so
De Reszke in an informal pose with the American prima donna. Miss
unrelentingly. A tailored suit of this
Peterson spent the entire summer with Mr. De Reszke receding sug­
variety was made with bindings of its
gestions and preparing her concert programs for the coming season. This
own material, which material was
picture "tvas made at Mr. De Reszke’s summer home at Royat in thi
broadcloth, by the way, and these
mountains of France.
were cut almost an inch in width.
These were laid on as flatly as could
be around every conceivable edge
and stitched closely on either side.
The color of the suit was a dusty
taupe at,d the stitched edgings made
a good-looking finish.
Have Low-Cut Rever«.
Most of these strictly tailored suit« ’
have low-cut revers, so that the clos­
Of the coat come just above the
waistlines. liieii,
.opening leaves
Length of Skirts.
room for the whitest and daintiv?! of
The lengths of the skirts in the French blouses, the latter being the
-MBS. - ; •’v
suits, it is nice to he able to say, have touch without width the suit remains ¡
not changed so materially that the as nothing worthy of notice.
change is quick to catch the eye. They
As for materials in the tailored suits,
seem to be about the same, although well, there are twills and serges that I
they are really longer than those ex­ forever will be eminently satisfactory
treme knee-length ones of the su»q- in this connection, and there are some
mer. It behooves us to stop ;<1(, think koft. fine duvetyns and wool velours, j
however, that c - .rn,n ffiembprs pf
Suits with more or less of triinming I
t£°niLiunity attempted these ultra- come to us from the French designers, '
short affairs, “o** that most Of the and, with a certain type of woman,
iiVé generally appreciated and worn in
this country. Most of these, this sea­
son, are made with the lodger waists
and with slightly bloused effects at
the waistlines. Then the embroidery
is used for a wide or a narrow band
around the bottom of the peplum, for ¡
the cuffs, for the collar, and some­
times for a band to run along the line
where the closing of the coat is effect-
al. One of these from Paris was
made in that darkest of brown shades,
which the French are pushing this
season. It was then trimmed with
masses of silk embroidery in a slight­
ly lighter shade of the same color, and
the triinming was concentrated over
the hips in large triangular sections
* ¿4$
grouped of smaller triangular figures.
1’hls was all the trimming there was
about the suit, for the cuffs of the
rather loose sleeves were left plain,
as was also the collar, which but-
oned tightly around the throat.
The Russian influence pushes its way
into the suit category more success­
R o th H id e . C a p ta in a n d Coa h of th e Vassar Ho-.key T e a m , w ho i-
fully than It manages to do in oth­
E a r n ir g " e r 5100 pledged to th e V assar E n d o w m e n t F u n d
er types ->f costumes. The long-waist-
i t 3 KILL centipedes,” a Vassar point of honor to earn the hundred
ed blouse, the thick girdle, tlw? straight
I <nt.h-n.ore was heard to re- dollars each .hat they have pledged to
bands of fur and the brilliant colors
, , the Fund. Many of them started dur-
lend themselves to the designing of
m:;rk grave y to one of t ie ¡n„ ,1^ summer and ran tea shops or
the suit with admirable facility.
For the Endowment soj j lemonade at the turn of the road.
Peacock Green Duvetyn.
Fui-d." she explained.
Three Poughkeepsie girls set all the
women of the neighborhood to
A Russian blouse suit was made of :
candy, which they sold
peacock green duvetyn with a very
h t in. the vines, and that the students ery profitably. Two students taught
thick and heavy surface. The bloused
b te to crush them, but will shuddei -wimming and others ran autom o­
section of the coat was long enough to ’ ail evening for fear of having the big biles.
completely cover the hips, and under­
"Off campus” meals are not the
one on the wall drop down. The
........ „
......... j capitalized
_______ her vogue now, but the girls relieve the
neath that was a straight sort of pep­
lum of the width of only about five ■ courage, and will answer emergency monotony of college menus with food
or six Inches. There was a twisted i calls from any part o f ‘the dormitory, sold for the Fund. I he 'eat and grow
charging a fee for her services.
thin” tray run by three seniors in the
Tailored Suit Along the Newer Lines. girdle of heavy silk threads with the .
One other girl has offered her cour- candy kitchen is particularly enticing
longest imaginable tassels ending it.
age for sale. She extracts mice from Every evening at nine-thirty girls gc
suit skirts, in particular, remained a And there were collars and wide cuffs ■ traps at ten cents apiece. “You see, through the corridors, with trays
distance of from ten to twelve inches of krimmer in a very dark gray shade. ; there are over four hundred people slung by ribbons round their necks
from the floor. And that is what Another suit of this same character '
here in Main," she explained, "and it’s and sell the favorite fall refreshment!
they are today—preferably ten, but and general line of cut In a deep rust
a very old building, The first of the —cider and doughnuts.
year the freshmen don’t understand
Then there are the vendors of han
rising to twelve where the figure is shade had for trimming an arrange­
that they have to keep crackers and nets, soap and powder, “canned heat,
tall and slim enough to demand that ment of heavy, loose knots of dark
candy in tins, so the mice wax fat cocoa and condensed milk—all essen-
eoncesssion to its own. proportions.
gray wool that were massed together
and multiply. My trade will die down tials for the college girl.
There is the -sport suit, for which quite evenly until they took on a sur­
as the freshmen learn better.”
The profits on these popular articles
America and Americans have become prising look of krimmer or some other
1 Vassar students have made it a are promptly turned into the Fund.
so famous; there is the medium suit lamb’s wool fur.
for every octaslon, and there is the
Fur. indeed, is used for trimming
The rings of Saturn consist of a i The British harvest mouse is the
dressy suit which, this season, has many of the winter suits, but the fact
dissolved Itself into the costume dress. of the matter is that in most cases swarm of meteors, which travel a ts m a lle s t known rodent, weighing on-
But each is as popular and as neces­ it is very sparingly used.
There different speeds around the planet ly half an ounce when full grown.
sary as the other in its own way, and are straight, choker collars and the according to their distance from the
each one of them is destined to hold smallest of cuffs, and only seldom Is latter. The innerm ost particles per­
The num ber of m atches used in
a place in the season’s fashions.
there a band of fur seen around the
form th eir revolution in about five the world each day figures out
Among the tailored suits there are bottom of the peplum. And the furs
many with coats that are very long. are mostly of the short-haired vari­ hours, while the outerm ost require about th ree for every man, woman
and child.
That is, they may safely be called ety, for the rule seems to be that, 137 hours.
three-quarter length, for there Is only
Certain m inute Crustacea some­
Experim enters in South Africa are
a fraction of a skirt left showing be­ the animal itself must be brought into
neath the ending of the coat. Then, the limelight and fetiched as the piece times gives sea w ater a blood-red trying to produce rain by dropping
these suits are cut in such a manner de resistance of the street costume color.
dust on clouds from airplanes.
Courage! This Girl Kills
Mice to Karn V assar Money
you can obtain at this store—
everything the model cook or
housekeeper could desico in
pots, pans and pieserving k et­
tles. A little journey through
our establishm ent will give you
many .suggestions as to things
you should have.
A Business Service Station
Wc lik e to think o f thi*. Institution
a b u sin e ss
service stntion— w h ere a n y o n e can oome for advice a n d
assistan ce in order that h is business m ay run ju st ug
sm oothly as possible.
« '
The Citizens Bank
Yeast Vitamon Tablets
Greatest Complexion
B a n ish es S h in E ru p tion s, P u ts On Firm F lesh .
If you want to quickly clear your skin and
complexion, put some firm, healthy flesh on
your bones, increase your nerve force and
power, and look and foel 100 per cent, better,’
simply try taking two of Mastin's tiny yeast
VITAMON Tablets with each meal and watch
results. M astin’s VITAMON T ab-
S K IN •
BLACKHEADS lets contain highly concentrated
yeast-vitamines as well as the two
other still more important vitam in«
(Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble
C). They positively will not upset
the stomach or cause gas but, on the
contrary, are a great aid to digestion, to over­
come constipation and as a general condition«
of the whole system. Pimples, boils and skin
O f W h a t Uaa A re B e a u tifu l
eruptions seem to vanish like magic under their
F eatu re s i f Y o u H ave an Ugly
purifying influence, tlie complexion becom «
S k in , F la b b y Flesh, H o llo w
Cheek« o r a S craw n y Neck?
fresh and beautiful, the cheeks rosy instead of
M a s tin ’ a V IT A M O N T ab lets
pale, the lips red instead of colorless, the eyes
are P o sitiv ely G u a ra n te e d to
bright instead of dull.
So rapid and
and amaaing
___ ____rapid
G ive Y o u New H e a lth , B eau ty
are the results th at success is absolutely guaran­
a n d a M o re R o u nd ed Face
teed or the trial costs you nothing. Be sure to re­
a n d F ig u re.
member the name—M astin’« VI-TA-MON—the
original and genuine yeast-vitamiae tablet.
1 here is nothing else like it, so do not accept imitations or substitutes. You can
get Mastin’s VITAMON Tablets a t all good druggists.
Are Positively Guaranteed
to Put On Firm Flesh,
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken W ills
Every Meal or Money Back
i^îMASTIIlSi^vrr i