FAGK two ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, Norebmer 28, 1921 Ashland Daily Tidings Ashland D Tidings Established 1876 P ub lish ed Every Evening Sunday Except T H E ASHLAND PR IN TIN G OO. O FFIC IA L CITY AND COUNTY PA PE R 'TELEPHONE 39 FEATURES J Traffic Regulation Needed S u b scrip tion Price D elivered in City: O ne month .................................. $ .65 T h re e m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 S ix m onths ...................................... 3.75 O ne year . . . . ......................... .. r.5o Mail and Hural R outes O ne month .................................. $ T h ree m o n th s-.............................. Six months . . . » ......................... One year .................................... .65 1.95 3.5 0 6.5f L ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising S ingle insertion, each in c h ........... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising One tim e a w eek........................ 27 T w o times a w e e k . . . : ............... 25 E very other d a y .......................... 2*0 c c Local R eaders E a c h line, each tim e .................... 10c T o ru n every other dtoy for one m onth, each line, each tim e. . 7c T o run every issue for one month o r more, each line, each tim e. . 5c C lassified C olum n One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month ®r more, tyc the word each time. e L egal Rato F ir s t time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c E ach subsequent time, per 8- point line .................................... 5c C a rd of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 O bituaries, the line ......................2 ^ c F ratern al Orders and Societies Advertising for fratern al orders •or societies charging a regular in iti­ a tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad ▼ertlsing when an admission or other c h arg e is made. W hat C onstitutes A dvertising In order to allay a m isunderstand­ in g among some as to w hat consti­ tu te s news and what advertising, w e print this very simple rule, which i s used by newspapers to differen ti­ a te between them : “ALL future events, where an admission charge 3s made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING." This applies to organizations a rd societies of every k in d as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after th e y have occurred is news. All coming social or organization m eetings of societies where no m oney contribution is solicited, initi­ a tio n charged, or collecton taken IS NEWS. □ □ DAINTY NECKWEAR CONVEYS NOTE OF FEMININE CHARM Notable Visitors From England (C op yrigh t.) H We make all quotations on JOB WORK from THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST Same prices—j-easonable price— t> u THE KITCHEN CABINET J Ï S I . C opyright, 1921. We»t«ru N ew spaper Union. ’■tv/:*"' -"ne» Jasa» <£ W ith all due respect to the gal axy of em inent personages reporting or commenting on the arm s confer­ en ce in W ashington, the seasoned correspondents who are giving the straig h taw ay news accounts, from day to day through the press asso­ ciations, are giving the most lucid a n d most comprehensive reports th at em anate from W ashington. There is no discounting the work of the vet­ e ra n new sgatherer. He knows gold from dross; he knows real news from endless trivialities and verbal rubbish. Charles E. Hughes has had no special training in diplomacy. But th e diplom ats of the Old W orld find n o flaws in his efficiency as a red- blooded dispenser of get-there dip­ lomacy. Scientists say there are 25,000, 000,000 bac tli in one teaspoonful of ice cream. But there is a girl in th is block v ho is rem arkably cour­ ageous along th is line. Possibly Uncle Sam made peace a s slowly a he did so th a t no other country cou d up and shout a t him, .“ W h at's your h u rry ? ” In a popu arity contest among the kiddies of the country, m other and S an ta Claus would bear off the hon­ or«. The dura ilitjr of well-laid thatch roofs ia pre en by some in Holland known to he more than 200 years old. A n Inver; »r ha« patented a fan to b e fa s te n e d to the fly wheel of a e e w ’n g m ac! no to keep its»operator ■coot INTERESTING BITS $ <$> <$> oNoeawQoo à ONDFHWÖOO d í Admiral Lord Beatty, now a visitor in America, is here seen with his wife, who was Ethel Field of Chicago, and their son, Peter. Earl Beatty came for the three-fold purpose of attending the convention of the American Legion in Kansas City, taking part In the Armistice day ceremony In honor of the “un­ known soldier" at Arlington and acting as naval advisor to the British delega­ tion lr. the armament conference. E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon. Pustoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ ter. ■«ik- ^> <§><§> <§> <$><»<£> < W hat is the world to them, ♦ Its pomp, its pleasure and its -€> nonsense all, ♦ Who in each other clasp w hatever fair < High fancy forms, and lavish G hearts can wish? O — Thompson. , <> <» ■ 4» <»>