M alaria germa cannot | survive three m onths' In tha rich ozone at! Ashland. The pure!, domestic w ater helps. : A sh land D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 3 «Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43)' * ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1921 Ashland climate, with­ out the aid of medi cine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. No. 74 JAPAN CURTAILS SHIP BUILDING . ■ I ESPEE COMPANY Arbuckle Makes Blanket Denial TO Scores As Witness For Defense Stamp M ill Is New Chute For SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 26. — The Southern Pacific company a n - > nounced th a t it has issued notice to its employes “ of its desire to nego- j tia te a revision of rates of pay that a re ju st and reasonable, based on H th e cost of living, rates paid for O verhauling of the stam p mill and sim ilar work in outside industries, Operations are progressing favor- other equipm ent and the installa- ! ably at the Gold Ridge mine A new 'an d other relevant circum stances . tion of apparatus for flotation pro- th a t are directly or indirectly relat­ * ¡ore chute is being opened up a t the! cess has been begun on the G reat ed to the question.” I south end of the stopes and a raise ' GOLD HILL. Or., Nov. 28.— -Gus uua waaf-rn-n m i • The m anagem ents proposals In 'L a rse n 's e re » at the rock o n a rrv ' T , f T ’, l>n>pert!' is being made from the 500 to t h e ’ SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 2 8 __ practice It Is believed will am ount' , - / Quarry „ „ Forest creek several m.ies south- 400 foot level. Roscoe (P a tty ) Arbuckle took the to substantially e s t a b l i s h i n g the G° ‘d H,l‘ ” ere the ’ 'ct,,U9 ot a WM‘ ° ' and formerly ach mill run for the last three witness stan d and told his story of wages th a t were in effect a t the end lwid~u[’ Frlday nlEht about 10:45 b “own as the LoDe Pine ",lne A weeks has been between $1500 a n d “ , _ . ... is . now running . of federal control, March 1, 1 920,1 Tbe men were In the bunk house cro3s cut has beeR started which is ! $ 1 i 00. The-m ill day ! w hat happened in a room of the St according to the announcem ent of and five or six of the fourteen or to tap a licb cbute visible I and night and is expected to con- Francis hotel where, the state J H Dver general m a n aw r I on the surface at a According level 200 to feet • u n d e r a ' decisio^ “ ,h ' United ‘J 8“ e" s a ^ d ‘ beio» the snrface. en- tinue because of this fact and be- charges, he inflicted injuries on Miss GOLD HILL POKER IE" Used By Great Western Mine Ore Opened At Gold Ridge Mine TOKIO, Nov. 28.— The Japanese governm ent shipyards have been is­ sued orders to cease all warship re­ pairs and to slow down on all new work, it was officially announced to­ day. No orders have been issued to private dockyards where two dread- naughts are under construction. ICE STORY s WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 28.— / T Wl" m a k e a ? h t' b “ ‘ in the end she will yield This expression from a naval au­ thority of high rank accurately re­ flects the opinion of the American officials and the foreign diplom ats cause there is plenty of high grade j Virginia Rappe, the “ best dressed i th at this, the third week of the dis­ States railroad labor board, railroad ! S ™ ° f P° k6r Wlth ab° Ut *b° ° 0QiS iPeer’8 survey this cross cut will ore in sight to keep it running. , woman in the movies,” which caused arm am ent conference, will see Jap­ wages increased approxim ately 2 2 ; the table’ wben tw ° masked men, have to be driven a distance of only a n ’s acceptance of the American When the mine was taken over b y!i1£,_ ~ , her death following an alleged wild naval program. It is stated author- percent effective May 1, 1920; then arm ed with autom atics, stepped into teet troni some of the old work- ,, the present m anagem ent there was on July 1, 1921, were reduced about tbe room and demanded the m oney.; inga in orAir t0 cap tbe chute. itively th at the British experts are | about 400 feet of tunnel work on : party. in- full accord wi?h the American 12 per cent The present proposal The men a t the poker table arose, Several hundred tons of ore have the propertye A small crew of men The story - told by tue fat comed- - — — ------ — of the company would likely result ( and aa they did so, stuffed some of been taken from this property in the has now been operating at the mine ian wbose tria l for m anslaughter program. in the rem aining portion of the 221 the money into th eir pockets, or past from which an average of $15 for about a year and a half and ba3 a ttra c t e4 national attention, was WASHINGTON, D. C.. Nov. 28.__ per cent increase being wiped o u t.! raked it onto the floor. About $100; per ton has been recovered, accord- there is now over 1200- feet of tun- a blanket denial of any wrong-doing was learned officially th a t while This does not touch any of the in- *'a3 taken from the table by the ing to reports from form er owners, I nel work on this property. I p r‘or to the death of Miss Rappe, Rappe. Jap an ’s naval experts are prepared ■creases granted during the period robbers. ¡Over 2000 feet of tunnel work has I He claimed to have found the girl to insist strongly upon being auvnev allowed A Chicago man has designed a ! OR the floor of the bathroom belong- — ---- " -•''“ »■j -j.«** of governm ent operation of the rail-! A careless search was made, but been done on this property. It is roads, am ounting to over 50 per cent Q0 more money was taken, although! Predicted th at the mine will again motor truck for carrying plate glass ing to room 1219 and declared th at seventy per cent of its present navy, . she was vomiting. Arbuckle said lnstead of the sixty per cent laid on the average. trunks in the bunkhouse and the be in Production in the near future. safely. th a t he carried her* to a bed and down by the Hughes program , they Dates for conferences betw een the men’s pockets contained a total of * — m inistered to her. While he went a re ’ nevertheless, prepared to accept m anagem ent and the employes af- ca8h reaching $3200 -The hold-up for a drink of w ater, Miss Rappe tbe American figures upon the con- fected, f o r , discussion of the pro- raen overlooked much! It is the fell between two beds. He testified dition th at all fortifications In the posed reductions, were set for De- opinion of the victims and of the she was still vomiting, and he again ' Pacific be dismantled. cernber 20 and December 21, 1921. police th at the thieves were local j placed h er on the bed and called 1 It is believed in official circles Mr. Dyer announced th at “the m an­ men. as one of them said to. one of! answ er to the for the other women of the p a rty 1 i th a t the Amerit agem ent will be glad to arrange for th s victims: » condition will b e ^ n emphatic “ n o / “ You had $40 yesterday. W hat to prevent her tearing her clothes earlier conferences of any craft or off.” have you done with your m oney?” ■ crafts upon application.” WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 28.— — -------------------------- J It is also a supposition th a t the Arbuckle denied th a t Miss Rappe Z All foreign powers m aintaining post YEGGS LOOT FIVE raen were not old hands at th e ' accused him any way th a t he heard, AND TEN CENT STORE j ^am e. Had they been they would ! and m aintained th a t all he did was offices in China, with the exception of Japan, agreed in secret session have secured more of the money so to help the unfortunate girl. “ Mrs- Delmont put ice on M isa’ dy 0,1 rem ova* of ail Post of- PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 28 The ten years’ tim e granted by complete payments, which were to! near at hand. Larsen says th a t they^ Yeggs carted away a safe from the appeared nervous, being unable to the city of Ashland for the payment be m ade" in annual installm ents Nappe’s head, hwo asked her w hat; 3 y aRuar> , 3. M etropolitan five and ten cent store hold the autom atics with which they ¡of paving i£ d sidew alk assessm ents When any of these payments became ‘ tbe ice was doing th ere,” testified EUROPE BANKING " during last night an d blew it open, were arm ed, steady . r. delinquent, the city had power t o ' Arbuckle - ’ She said th a t she knew HEADS TO SOLVE ’ lends Decebmer 31, according to in- escaping with $800 in cash. A nother report In circulation as „ foreclose, but granted additional how to tak e care of Virginia. MONEY EXOHANGB to the holdup is th a t the man who I form atlon obtained at the city re- tim e in which to complete payment. told Mrs Delmont to shut up or I . .M usical A u to— was acting as banker of the poker cor(*b r ’8 office- Approximately $37,- Deferred payments draw 6 per cent would throw her out the window.” WASHINGTON, D. C„ Nov. 28.— A toy auto, cleverly built of ta lk ­ game succeeded in getting out of 000 rem ains unpaid of the to ta l interest, ------- He denied th a t he ever --- talked to and when ent M be- ------* any paym luouv C_ ----------------- vu | The reparations commission will call ing machines Is attractin g much at- the -— room ------ ------- mt? ---------------------- ---- and Wltu escaping with th e sum - > - $280,000, assessed for the pur- comes delinquent, a 6 per cent pen- A Semnacher about putting ice o n i* conference of the heads of private TÎ U n a 4 t as 1 he — — was _ - running ■ nnaAfi «-m ® O A O AAA having been _ __ alty is added. M -cu8»lng th e driver is a tiny white d jg who him w ithout result, only $65 being - The city has taken possession of for property being sold to satisfy * ’ . ' ------ ° --- ---- th ! b8A Kr I ? 16 8tdte* * h o ' to stabilize the foreign money ex- is listening to “ his m aster’s voice.". obtained by the holdup men, which sixteen properties to satisfy delin- taxes and street work assessm ents,, testIt^ d tb a t Arbuckle, at the Cul-j change, according to official advice« sum -w as found on two of the play- QueRt payments of the assessm ents the city figures the to ta l a am m o ount u n t of o f ver City studio, offered him 1 • * fiftv fif ty , received ,___ here, total N urse Goes V isitin g— era, and th a t th e b an k er of the mentioned. Six of these have been these item s and bids th a t figure. dollars for a key to the room Miss | - --y- Mrs. Lulu Wilson, nurse at the game had from $2000 to $3000 i n , sold for $500 to $1800 each, averag­ Anyone bidding a larger sum would Rappe occupied, several years ago ¡them like the crack of a whip. He sanitarium , has gone to Los Angeles J his possession. i n g perhaps $1000 each. The term s get the property, h u t would, of Arbuckle s attitu d e on thè s ta n d , cleverly evaded qdestioas which to visit relatives and enjoy a m uch-' ________ _ given are generally one sm all pay- course, be compelled to pay the ta x ; waa Pleasing, and he appeared to were designed to trap him. He needed vacation. Gone to K lam ath F a lls— n d s street rro o t iio na I m ake a good witness for himself, ' J ’ ■ • ment down, balance in monthly in a and liens. m ight have been m aking the movies, ------------------------------- E. T Staples and J. W. Dresslei stallm ents. The present income to An effort Jias been made to pass ao perfect was his ppse. At all tfm^a Swiss arm y motorcycles are equip- went to K lam ath Falls today, by the city from this source is, th e re ­ ^Arbuckle was entirely a t ease dur­ he was the coolest man in the court­ (Continued on Page Five) ped with skis for use on snow cov- rail, to look at reclaim ed m int land. fore, small, but in time will am ount ing* the cross exam ination and gave room. His counsel was obviously ered roads.___________________ j They expect to retu rn Thursday m m w ithout bealtailon— some of p X o d Z X o” to considerable. Preparations are being made by y the city to foreclose on a num ber ! of other delinquent properties at ! the next tax sale, which will occur .in A pril.. W here assessm ents for j street work have been allowed to go j unpaid for years, the county and state taxes are also allowed to be­ come delinquent,, as a rule. In or- dar to save th e expense of two tax sales, the city has adopted the plan Indianapolis. Ind.. Nov 28— Bo-, e ricanisnl. Each year this-w eek i . The November m eeting of the ’ state in m aking an organized effort of getting from the county a delin­ cause the achoolroom the c ra d le . be ,,b„ rved' As progress is made. Scenic Preservation association of toward conservation of her scenic quent tax certificate and using it for of the nation, because the touuda.iou' sltuatl0D8 clari(led>- Jackson county, is scheduled to take resources and the constitution and the purpose of foreclosure. » 11> » lid ity into per. youth, the N ational Americanism place tom orrow evening at Talent. by-laws of the local organization Since the state and county taxes fected program s for thia accomplish­ was used as a model for th e pro­ constitute a first lien against real commission .of the American Legion ment. The Ladies’ Aid of th a t city will posed statew ide association. , and th e National Education associa- estate, assessm ents are first paid by serve a seven o'clock supper at the The main purposes of the week The form er meetings of the asso-1 the city, in order to clear the way I tion have joined hands to promote tow n hall and a very large atten d ­ ciation have always been held a t a for the paym ent of street assess- and foster education a/id thereby (Continued on Page Five) ance of residents of Ashland and vi­ noonday luncheon, and the one at j ments. During the tim e in which strengthen and perpetuate a better cinity is anticipated. Talent will be the first to be held ¡Americanism, build a more intelli­ This is the first m eeting of the in the evening. This is to perm it the residence or business property gent and b etter citizenry and withal rem ains In the city’s possession, no BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ♦ association to be held a t Talent and business men who are interested to The Christm as season is a good ------ «- equip the youth of the nation more county or state taxes are levied. a num ber of very enthusiastic mem­ attend, from Ashland and Medford. one for introspection. It might adequately to cope with life and Turn to these columns, the > H. L W hite and S. P atterso n each bers are located there. Im m ediately Mrs. O. W inter and F ran k Jordan brought suit against th e city to be a surprise to some self-right­ forge ah ead the interests and achiev­ <$> WANT AD pages of tonight’s ♦ following the 50 cent dinner, the are the Ashland members of the ex­ eous folks to tak e a good look in m eeting will be called to order. C. ecutive committee. This society was avoid paym ent of special assess­ the introspective m irror to find ements of thè* entire United States. Tidings. You'll be surprised a t ♦ - The initial effort is to be made the num erous ways in which a ♦ M. Thomas will m ake the address. organized last April, since which m ents for stre et im provem ent, the th at they don’t look a bit (on the contention being th a t such assess­ with the inauguration of “Ameri­ few hundred dollars invested ♦ As Jackson county representatives tim e a state society has been formed, inside) like they have been trying m ents' wen; u n ju s t These suits can Education W eek,” December 4 < $ > now in A shland real estate or ♦ w ill be chosen, a t th e request of a t present particularly interested in to m ake people believe they look were decided in favor of th e city to 10, which is to be fittingly observ­ close-in farm properties w ill > Governor Olcott, to m eet a t Salem th e preservation of trees and shrub­ on the outside. Outside appear­ by th e state suprem e court F eb ru ­ ed In every state in the union, every ® place you on the road to ♦ ©r P ortland before-very long for th e bery along th e Pacific highway. The ance is like fro th on the beer— ary 10, 1920. city and every community. 4> success! 49 purpose of form ing a statew ide as- cutting of tim ber along the high­ it h a sn 't any real klk In it. Nor The cost of street paving and ce­ This is but the initial step in the ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS # eoclation for the preservation of Ore­ way in th e m ountains south of Ash­ does appearances count for much ment sidewalks became due upon elaborate plan of the two organize-1*> WANT AD COLUMNS ♦ gon’s scenery. land will be considered a t the Talent completion of the'w ork, but those when it is sim ply to camouflage tions working together for th e nc- ♦ are here to serve' you— and ♦ Jackson county Is ju st a year m eeting. A large attendance from rotten innards. who desired nn extension of time com plishm ent of th eir jolpl objectrtq $ serve you well! ♦ ahead of all other oountles ja th e Ashland in desired HAZ KIK. were allowed ten years in which to — better education and better A«a- ••>€>£><«><$>♦<$♦ m «■ Scenic Preservation Society W ill Consider Timber Cutting On Highway At Talent Meeting H a z IÇik American Legion Joins With Teachers for Observation of Education Week, Dec, 4 to 10