PAGH HIGHT ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland News in Paragraphs We renovate old suita, ud’s. Local and Personal Paulser- 63tf TAX LEVY FOR LAKE O'WOODS REVIVAL AT THE FREE Tlianksgiving D inner— Mrs. L. A. Bentley entertained on METHODIST CHURCH P- T --------------------- Side Lights-------------------— Thanksgiving day with a dinner par­ ty. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. will continue over Sunday Mr. Roselle, the tailor at Orres, BIG MASQL ERADE at Helm’s Marion Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. I s an a rtist as a tailor. He recently, Kingsbury Springs, S a t-p a lm e r, Mr. and Mrs. S. M Hayes' Services tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 o’clock, and tom or­ SH E’S IT cam e here from Minneapolis. 69tf urday night, Nov. 26. 72-2 of Trail, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Poole, row at 11 a. m. He: Great scenery around here. Fred M erritt, and Sydney, Frarfk She: I don’t know. I have no mir. If you are looking for clap­ S o ld ie r s ’ H om e R elief— Thankskiving P arty — ror with me. and Olivia Bentley. trap methods, or fanaticism , or The Burnside Relief corps is mak- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bruner, and i religious sensationalism , you ‘need ---------- I The proposed two-mill tax levy B E N EA TH H IS not come Ing cushions, headrests and rugs for. Miss Hazel Bruner, W imer street Cliff Payne makes shaving stands, for the improvement of the road to DIGNITY. But if you are in favor of sane, th e soldiers’ home a t Roseburg. All and Scenic d^ive, entertained, on ~ ! Lake o’ Woods was defeated by a I hear th a t Leaves fo r sound, constructive G o sp el m em bers are requested to meet a t Thanksgiving. Mr and Mrs. I. Fin- you’re a c e le b ra ­ vote of 66 to 40 yesterday at an preaching; and intense, earnest Mrs. I. R. Bateman, of Vista th e hall Monday morning, prepared iey, C. D. W eisenberger, Miss Ten- ted tighter. I p r e ­ election held a t Belleview school effort to get men saved, and to street, left sum e th a t you t o sew rags. Mrs. Beveire has don-j ny Frakes and Miss Kennedy. A fter build up the religious interests house. The probable reason for the are In th e arm y. where she a te d tw enty pounds of rags. of the community for the years a bounteous repast, the party went defeat of the proposed m easure is W h a t! M ix months. to come we crave your sympathy read y to sew. to the Vining and viewed moving w ith ragged, u n ­ explained by Lake o’ Woqdis summer and co-operation. clean revolution­ pictures. Hot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, residents who took an acfiv'e in- F o r pleating, see Orres. 69tf ists! I would not so degrade m y- ■■■■""—?■ ___ __ ___ and hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf terest in the election, as due to the Let me tak e your m easure. 1 fact th at the d istrict includes the self. I fight the Boosts Home Building— W ill Move to Medford— ™ people w h o , live along the Pacific ----------- _ Miss Mildred Munson, of Denver, Gladys Applegate, now with the guarantee to fit and satisfy von at the lowest price. John Maly, the I highway south of Ashland, and ad- registered at Hotel Ashland yester­ A m erican Railway Express company Mr. and Mrs J. R, Edw ards en­ Tailor. jacent to the Greqn Springs m oun­ PROBABLY. day and is trying to interest Ash- In San Francisco, will be on the of­ ft te rta in e d at dinner Thanksgiving tain road to K lam ath Falls, these lanchrs in house building. fice staff of the California-Oregon H e: T he w om ­ J day, Mr. and Mrs. George King, Mr. W inburn to New York — residents not being directly interest- an I m arry shall Pow er company, when their general I and Mrs. D augherty and little son h a v e everything On November 23, Jesse W inburn, ' ed in the proposed improvement. offices are moved to Medford. A uthority to open the recently m oney can buy. L. A. W hitehead and Miss Anna Louis Dodge w-as present at the constructed bridge over Deer creek She: I suppose Ashland W inter F air Decern- ,, , . . „ L , Kopp left San Francisco for New her Tho 7-8-9-10. 6 0-eod informed the voters th a t's why you’re I at Selma for traffic was received by E xpert Piano Instruction. Phone ^o rk , the trip being an ocean one ______ looking for a wife th a t Ashland citizens were willing Judge Eclus Pollock Wednesday C. S. Mitchell. w ith m oney.. of over two weeks duration bv the „ ,7 ; to make a substantial contribution ■ morning. The detour bridge was „ i J a ile d fo r R o b b e r y - to the fund improving the Dead In ­ way of the Panam a canal, sailing W illiam W . C. T. U. M e«— threatened by high w ater, and as Simonds, Seattle, and on the steam er Buckeye State. dian road. In one h o u r’s time Mr T he W. C. T U. held a prof­ the new bridge was considered ready Carl McCarthy, Topeka, Kans., were A C LEA R Dodge had secured subscriptions to ita b le and enjoyable m eeting with • by local engineers, a message was , i arrested Thursday night bv C W SAVING. " this fund am ounting to $200, and- M rs. Ella W hite on Mountain a v e -’ . , R egular Saturday night dance a t ’ Priest, Southern Pacific policeman, sent to State Engineer H erbert Nunn Yes, I ’m en­ ■„ ... „ n u e Tuesday afternoon. Several MemoriaI Hal1 tonight, •3-1 and lodged In the city jail. tr o n ,! L‘ , h 7 th a t th.e sum might gaged ? i of the state highway commission, ------ _ I have H as the lady . who granted the request to open the where o they they were taken - i to - G rants « ~ been increased to $1 **000. J. J. m a tte rs of business were attended to Sell i Turkeys— any dowry. n . , . M urphy and Irving Vining offered an d an offering given for the flow Pass yesterday afternoon by a dep- . s No, b u t she has I bridge at this tim e — G rants Pass e r mission fund, after which d ain ty to o T a ^ o a T o f ^ u r k e v s J*!®“ 4, i uty sh eri« of Josephine county. The p substantial assistance. Henry Moore, Courier, had h er appendix refresh m en ts were served by M rs.! 3 Ioad °* tu rk e -V3 an’> took ing been w ired here from the sher- stating th a t the county would dup­ w eighed your coat on. a saving in interest, which would n e r with the George C arter ^ “ «7- X built ahonV i iff’8 office G rants Pass. licate w hatever the people of the A n’ Oi did not. haVe been paid on saidl bonds, will - nam, built about two miles from d istrict gave for the improvement of Oi held it in me be effected. The levy was cut down a rm s all th e E a^ e Point on Butte creek by Mr ! 1 L et Friend Wire sleep In the ! ■ Fagle . the road in question, to 19.3 mills. It was 20 9 last year. m orning and go to the Hotel Ashland B errian- on Tuesday of this week. Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, j Owing to the decisive defeat of tim e. g rill and get one of those fin e ! They were a fine lot of eggs and Cents' Ea H W alker aQd I growa from the seed3 is estim ated at cred strain, pullets. Mrs, Head- w ith he? parents. There are two ced to ribbons. The tim er, carbu- family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Me-J $140.000.000. ley, 494 Holly, phone 285-R. 73-2* ways of buying retor and other like equipm ent were Kissick at dinner Thanksgiving stocks. P o rtra its th at please. ______ Darling throw n away, while the vandals a t - 1 PIANOS FOR RENT— Player pianos Urges F ru it Labe4— One is to buy Studio. for sale. For ten days. Extra 71-lm o ■ tacked the engine with a hammer. Special sale H oefler’s Famous outright. H. H Hosier thinks that Ashland bargains 658 Boulevard, Ash­ Yes; the other Threats had been made to wreak Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a fru it growers are missing an excel­ land, Ore. C. F. Shepherd. 73-2* Is Jto buy In F o rm er R esidents Visit— vengeance upon anyone who gave in­ pound W atch our window. Rose lent opportunity to advertise this wrong. E. W. Redifer and wife and small form ation concerning the liquor op­ Bros. j FOR SALE— Dodge touring, late 17 7 0 « locality and also to m ake fu tu re model, in first class condition me­ «on Paul, and Everett Redifer, of erations in th a t district and the of* sales of th eir products by not af­ chanically and in appearance. Six M yrtle Creek, arrived? in Ashland ficers believe th a t friends df the D ouble Birthday P arty __ fixing an attractive label to all box­ good tires and spot light. Price W ednesday night and will enjoy a ' convicted moonshiners Misses Rose Hake and Thelma es of fruit shipped out of town. An­ $475., W. E. Snyder, 1101 Boul­ suspected fe w days -wisithig their many rela­ Kern had inform ed the district a t­ Perrozzi gave a double birthday p ar­ evard Phone 273-R. 73-3* other G ranite City booster suggests tiv es and friends in this vicinity. torney. , ty, as is th eir annual custom, a t the th at ail local growers m ight use the AGENTS W ANTED 1 T h e E. W. Red fer family forrperly form er’s home on Orange street, the same style of label, affixing their WE PAY $36.00 weekly, 75 cents lived in Ashland, moving to Myrtle hour spare tim e selling hosiery R egular Saturday night dance at occasion being the completion of own name thereon with a rubber C reek last February. guaranteed wear four months. Memorial Hall tonight. 73.1 their fifteenth year and tfc? time, stamp. In the m atter of advertising Fall line ready. Prew ar prices. Thanksgiving day. The guests were our products, it is thought th a t we Free samples to working agents. BLI3S 'Cliff Payno makes skirt boxes. Hotel Ashland Grill caters to Ruby and Gladys Drake and Nellie m ight learn much from California. Experience unnecessary. Hosiery “What’s your Idea of bliss, BillT” Hake. Mills, Darby, Pa. 73-1* home-folka as well as to commercial “Plenty of worms, and no allng P roni Portland—• T ou rists B lockaded— men and tourists. 61tf •hot«!" FOR RENT— Two room furnished Mrs Myrtle Estes came up from M M ford Custom ers-! Mrs. W. F. Beach, of Newark, N apartm ent. Allen Building. 72-tf r i rtJT Id .° n T l , ?:Sday_On her way t0 A shlanders Stranded— L. J. Orres spent yesterday with J., stopped at Hotel Ashland yester­ Los Angeles. Mrs. Estes was met Mrs. G. J. Kinz this morning r e - ! hi3 Medford custom ers. day, en route to California, having a t the train by her aunt. Mrs. M alin-1 ceived _ wipo been marooned in one of the trains d a Jam ee p( 635 Iowa atreet. for a ' “ 7 . th a . h 7 ’.. el8° ” Tho Ashland W inter F air Decern Today which were snow-bound in the Col- ab o rt visit. saJ*ng that she and Miss Ramona ber 7-8-9-10. Only 60-eod umbia river gorge during the recent H arrell were stranded a t Salem, storm. Mrs. Beach said it was an BIG MASQUERADE at Helm’s with no prospect of being, able to Salem V isitor— interesting experience, and th at the proceed fa rth e r on th eir way home of “ The Penalty” fame •clu b h o u se, Kingsbury Springs, Sat Fred Beck arrived last evening train passengers were given, a won­ 12-2 until tke of next week, when from Salem, where he has been vis­ srrday night, Nov. 26. • —in— ______ ‘ " R is reported th a t the highway will derful view of snow and ice, but suf- LEAH “ TJIE NIGHT ROSE ” G oing to P e t a lu m a - ! open for through traffic The iting his brothers, to visit his daugh- fered" n0 inconvenience, te r and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. H AN SON J. R. Tozier leaves today for Peta- me88.aS® congratulates Mrs. K.inz, It is a strong, pulsing story of a E. Powell, for a month. Barn B urned— lu m a to visit his son, Bert Tozier. who accompanied Misses Nelson and ! big city of today-—of people you An old barn which stood on the at the H arrell and Mrs. G. W. Gregg, to We make our own candies, ice .east side of the highway about two know—a triumph of right, a vic­ Tho Ashland W inter F air Decern Portland a week ago Monday in Miss cream and BIO tam ales. Enders Con- miles south of Talent burned last b e r 7-8-9-10. tory for good over evil. 60-eod Nelson s F ranklin car, upon getting fectionery. 62tf night. Cause of the fire is not ---------- home safely and as soon as she did. $15,000.00 known. The barn was built by D. —Also— T h a n k sg iv in g D inner— adding th a t the W illam ette rivdr V alley V iew W om an Dies — ■ • Perozzi in 1907 and was later owned Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gall, Belle- and R® trib u taries had overflowed BIG TWO REEL COMEDY ORGAN Mrs. Ella I. Poor, m other of Mrs. by Dr. Page, of Medford, but the view, entertained Mr. and Mrs. M. tke lowlands and washed out a num- S M. McCracken, Valley View neigh­ present ownership has not been as­ E . Randles, Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen, ber of bridges. “ It is still raining.” borhood, died W ednesday night. The certained The bgfrn contained a a n d M rs. E. J. Roberts, at dinner th e communication disconsolately body was shipped yesterday by the tractor, th ree tons jjf hay and a T hursday. ends. Mrs. Kinz came home on the Dodge undertaking parlors, to Uki, threshing machine, owned by G rant railroad Monday tth, Calif. Davis and son. The la tte r was in­ T u seradfs Suits will bear com- sured in a company reprseented by n^'-isoT's in price, quality and fit.63tf The best Christm as present is a Starring H em stitching, 8 cents per yard. the Billings agency. suit or overcoat tailored to m easure. Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod p p -irP. A nnet See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 K lam ath S tage Q uits— -T. L Jarrell has rented room No. Profit Christm as Sale. 69tf R eaders’ S u ggestion s— The K lam ath Falls stage line sus­ 2 the new Beaver b u ild n g annex. Mrs. S. R. Jeter, F ourth and A pended operations three days ago, iB being rapidly pushed to E n tertained T h an k sgivin g__ streets, believes the city street on account of bad roads. . with strong supporting cast ’^ ’on, an d expects to co n d u ct1 E - K- Hall, Mrs Lulu Wilson, Mr. lights should be turned on earlier in ” ‘a u ra n t in the new quarters as and Mrs- Greenwood, Liberty street, the evening and turned off la te r in When the Curtain Falls!— W ent to K lam ath— •’. b they are ready for occu- w e'® en tertain ed at Thanksgiving the morning. The present hours for A. E. E b erh art and M. Mutchen- And the crowds depart. And dinner by Mrs. B ertha E. Adams, perform ing this operation are 6 bacher, Hotel Ashland guests, went of Rock Point, where the party mot- o’clock in the m orning and 5 to 5:30 the actors’ world again is real to K lam ath Falls today In the for­ ' i cleans clothes clean. 69tf ored to spend the holiday. o’clock in the evening. m er’s auto a ll r 2 a-a * Lon Chaney VINING After the Show Sunday Monday Lila Lee