, Waian ni«i in nrrm t When Walsh left. James A. Wads­ worth of New York, her nephew, suc­ ceeded him, but he retired In 1914 when elected United States Senator ! from New York. J. H. Holden is now I managing the ranch; It is expected 1 that the W alw o rth family will con­ tinue lv to l»vvil own aim and vptiaiv operate the 1**'-'8*'** property. . _ a ■ • áá n P" M mill“ v«7 • Mrs. Adair, Range Empress, Mrs. Adair. despite her busy life. took deep interest In art, literature One of Southwest’s Strik­ and music, devoting much time to study when alone on her ranch In the ing Personalities. seventies. She made liberal contribu­ tions to charity, helped build the Y. M. C. A. at Clarendon, built a hospital at Clarendon for her ranch hands and the public and Invested largely In Liberty bonds during the Her Nephew, Senator James A. Wade- war. worth of New York, Once Man­ aged Her Vaet Cattle Inter, MACHINE GUN BACK IN 1775? eats—Pioneer in Southwest WOMAN MANAGED LARGEST RANCH HAS 500,000 ACRES OF LAND Fort Worth.—With the death of Mrs, Cornelia Adair in London re ­ cently America lost one of its most striking feminine personalities. She not only owned one of the largest ranches in the world but through ac­ tive management and business fore­ sight made her ranch the best paying In the United States. A pioneer of the Southwest, used to the hardships and rough frontier life, yet Mrs. Adair spent much of her time in close association with the nobility of England, and frequently entertained nobility at the- “J. A.** ranch In Donley county, comprising 500.000 acres and more than 100,000 head of cattle. Only a few months ago Mrs. Adair was host to a party of English nobility at the “J. A.” ranch, and returned with them to England, intending to return to Texas early in 1922. PAGE SEVEN ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, November 26, 1291 Rejected by Young Louis XVI of France as Too Murderous, Ac­ cording to Story. J u stice Court Fees of Justices, Constables, Ju ro rs and W itnesses, etc............... 1,200.00 County A dvertising Advertising county resources and County Court may hereinafter For bids of all kinds, printing of list, sales of property, county State F a ir Exhibit as the deem advisable . .................. notices and delinquent tax court proceedings ................ 1,500.00 1,500.00 Care o f th e Poor Salary for Superintendent of Poor Farm , $1,500.00.;- County Physician, H ealth Officer, including expenses and medi­ cines, $1,000.00; m aintenance of Poor Farm and hospital, $.5,000.00; tubercular poor, $150; indigects not at Poor Farm , $7,000.00 . . . . ................................................................. B ou n ties on W ild A nim als Paym ent of ...................................................................... S h eriff’s O ffice Sheriff’s salary, $2,500.00; traveling expense, $1,200.00; tele­ phone and telegraph, $300.00; finger print work and photo supplies, $430.00; upkeep on motorcycle, $300.00; hand cuffs and billet, $20.00; premium on bonds. $210.00; speed cop, $1,200.00; one deputy 12 months, $1,518 00; one deputy 12 months, $1,320.00; one deputy 12 months, $1,200.00; one deputy 12 months, $1,116.00; one stenogra­ pher 12 months, $1,020.00; extra help on tax receipts, $400.00; extra expense on delinquent tax m atters, $3,000.00; extra office help, $600.00; 35,000 combina­ tion tax receipts, $320 00; 14 loose leaf binders. $31.50; one tax turnover ledger* $62.50; 3 loose leaf binders, $45.00; 500 turnover sheets, $85.00: stam ped envelopes, $260.00; stam ps. $103.00; 2,000 certificates of delin­ quency (tw-o years supply), $63.351 stationery and en­ velopes, $50.00; miscellaneous forms, $50.00; m iscellan­ eous supplies, $400.00; fillers for tax receipt files, $25.00; files for service records, $50.00: num bering machine, $18.50 ............................................................................................. Jail Expense Jailor, $675.00; m atron, $200.00; laundry, $200 00; board of prisoners, $2,400.00; repairs, supplies, etc. $200.00 ......... B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S I O N A L One cent the word each time. DR. LIN COLN K A L L E N X-RAY D IA G N OSIS DR. JA R V IS SA N IT A R IU M 14,650.00 1,000.00 1 to 4 p. m.—Phone 126 M ED FO R D : SACRED H E A R T H O SP IT A L . 8 to 12 a. m.—Phone 714 PHYSICIANS. W ANTED. WANTED— Good work team , disc DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and harrow and work harness. J. A. throat. Office hoar*, 10 to 12 and Robertson. 341 Rlmond street. 2 to 5. Swedenborg Bldg., Ash­ Phone 341-J. 72-2* land. Ore. 7 3 -tf WANTED— Large drum for 3-foot box stove. W rite or phone The OR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon. P ractice limited to Post, Jacksonville, Or. 71-3 eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses supplied. Oculist and au rlst for WANTED— The best bicycle $20.00 S. P. R. R. Offices, M. Ê. and H. will buy. Call at Studio Ashland. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 71-3 Paris.—A controversy as to who first invented machine-guns is one of thè war’s aftermaths in France. Lyon puts forth the claim of a M. 17,897.85 ATTENTION — Would you trade DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at- du Perron, who, in 1775, is said to tention to m others and children. your property for som ething here have submitted to the young King Internal secretions and endocrine or elsewhere? We would be Louis XVI a military “orgue.” which 3,675.00 glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ pleased to try and m atch you We worked on a crank system and could Court H ouse neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ also sell if prices are right. fire 24 bullets “almost simultaneously.' Salary for jan ito r, $675.00; other expenses, including lights, fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 8 Yockey & Co., R ealtors. Phone and consequently could annihilate a w ater, fuel, fu rn itu re, repairs, fire insurance, etc., p. m. 146. 68-6 7.675.00 whole regiment in a- few minutes," ac­ I ■ I ■ — . 1. ,1, ——■— $7,000.00 ........................................................................................ Assessor’s O ffice cording to a contemporary record. DR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon FO R R ENT. — Eye, ear, nose and th ro at spec­ The new weapon appeared to be so Salary of Assessor, $2,000.00; traveling expenses, $300.00; vfirst deputy, $1,320.00; second deputy, $960 00; third ialist; glasses fitted. Office, 402 FOR RENT— Furnished front room murderous that tlie king and his min­ deputy, $900.00; filed deputies, $3,150.00; w riting and Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a. 344 E ast Main. 71-3 isters rejected it. and its inventor was extending tax rolls. $600.00; supplies, printing, postage, m. to 5 p. m. Residence, Pio­ held up as an enemy of humanity. * express, telephone, telegram s, etc., $1,433.75 ..................... 10,663.75 FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com­ neer Ave., Ashland, morning aad The powers hostile to France tried pletely furnished; close ra; price C lerk's O ffice evenings. Phone 28. to secure the invention, but M. du C lerk’s salary. $2,000.00; first deputy’s salary, $1,500.00; reasonable. Inquire 163 Harga- Perron refused their offers from patri­ CHIROPRACTORS. dine. Phone 122. 38-tf second deputy, $1,320.00; th ird deputy, $1,080.00; fourth otic motives and died in poverty. Bossed Big Property. deputy, $936.00; fifth deputy, $900.00; sixth deputy, FOR SALE— R E A L ESTATE. ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. She was eiglity-flve years old, and $900.00; seventh deputy, $840.00; extra help, $700.00; E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ office expense, telephone, $100.00; express, $25.00; p rin t­ since 1885, when her husband died, Firemen Start Fire* to Teat Apparatus. FOR SALE—-io acres two miles out, trical Treatm ents, Mineral and ing and record books, $1,250.00; postage, $500.00; office she personally superintended the im­ Columbia. Pa.—Seven firemen who $750 down, balance easy term s at Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National furniture, $200.00 ...................................................................... 12,251 00 mense property. She was in truth an recently pleaded guilty of charges of 6 per cent. House, barn, chicken B ank Building. Phone 48. Coroner’s Office house, woodshed, well, good empress of the ranges, had been ex­ setting fire to buildings to try out ■g— ■-» Fees of Coroner and physicians, jurors, witnesses and other fences, all in cultivation, about 5 pert with the lasso, rode with her their new motor engine, have been ATTORNEYS. 500.00 expenses ......................................................... •....................... .. • • acres alfalfa. Price $2000. Mason cowboys, put through big deals in live sentenced to a term in the reforma­ F ruit Inspectors and Manning, Talent, Or. 55-tf L. A . ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. stock and Improved the “J. A.” herd tory. The fires cover a period of Salaries and expenses of inspectors ................................i . . . . 3,000.00 Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank until It has become known as the best several years. Pathologist FO R SALK. Bldg. in Texas. At all big stock shows Paym ent to State for extension work. County Agent, $3,300.00; her cattle have won first prizes. 4,500.00 FOR SALE— Good cow. C. W itten­ D em onstration ^.gent, $1,200.00 ......................................... T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. bach, 1401 Boulevard. 72-3* Mrs. Adair was a native of New t School Superintendent’s Office and D epartm ent of Education FOR prompt and careful service, York, the daughter of MaJ. Gen. James t» Find Natural Gas Salary of Superintendent. $2,000.00; clerical assistance, FOP. SALE—- Thoroughbred Ply- auto trucks ‘or horse drays, call S. Wadsworth of Geneseo. She mar-, t $900.00; traveling expense, $200.00; teachers’ institutes, in Abandoned W ei mouth Rock rooster nine months W hittle Transfer Co. Phone l i t » school officers’ conventions, $500.00; supplies, printing, rled John Adair, an Irishman, in the tt old, or will trade for pullets. 90 Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel postage, express, telephone, etc., $600.00; county educa­ early ’70s and went with him to Colo­ » Seventh street. 72-2* Ottawa, Ont.—An accidental Ashland. 56t< t tional board expense, $50.00; supervisor’s salary, $1,- rado. Mrs. Adair, her husband, Mrs. » discovery of natural gas at Oro­ 440.00;; supervisor’s traveling expense, $500.00: super­ APPLES— You will like ’em. A 50 Mary Goodnight, wife of her hus­ t no, Out., a few days ago. has T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRAN9- visor’s expenses, supplies, stamps, telephone, etc., $90.00; lb. box, $1.00 delivered. Phone band’s partner, and a score of cow­ • caused quite a sensation in that FE R — Good team and m otor­ 6,430.00 school exhibit at State and County F air, $150.00 .............. 9-F11 boys made the journey from Pueblo, t district. William Neal, having trucks. Good service at a reason- Sealer of W eights and M easures able price. Phone 83. Colo., to the Texas ranch overland, tt bought a farm upon which a dry 400.0^ FOR SALE— Good cull apples. 40 Salary and traveling expenses .................................................... • • driving a herd of cattle through a t well had been abandoned, de­ cents a box. 231 Mechanic St. Stock Inspector PLUMBING country menaced both by Indians and t» cided to try to get water and, 500.00 Come and get ’em. 71-3* Salary and expenses and tubercular cattle ................................ t wild animals and where water holes W ater M aster < your next job of plumbing t with that end in view, engaged FOR SALE— 1917 m odil Dodge PHONE were few. When within a short dis­ » Salary of W ater Master, $1,500 00; assistant, $300.00; mile­ to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. the services of a well digger. touring car. Good condition. 2,360.00 tance of their destination it was a 9 t After going down several feet age. $420.00; miscellaneous expense. $140.00 . . . * ........... Phone 138. Call 326 North Main. 70-4* gamble whether the entire party and Surveyor’s O ffice it was found that there was gas t CAR WASHING Surveyor’s salary, $400.00; stenographer, $600.00; miscel­ animals would die from thirst. A PPLE CIDER— Made fresh every The old well was 9 coming up. 1.200.00 laneous expenses, $200.00 ......................................................... The horses the men and women 9 stopped at 70 feet and the new day Order now for th a t Thanks­ EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ T reasurer’s O ffice • rode shambled along Exhausted and tt portion was *uot much deeper giving dinner. 40 cents gallon, ing. Lithla Garage, phone 114. T reasu rer’s salary, $1.800.00;’ traveling expenses, $70.00: dep­ two 7 5 cents. Yes, we deliver. the cattle were dropping out almost I when the gas was found. » uty, $1,080.00; extra help. $220.00; miscellaneous ex­ Phone 9 -F -ll. every minute. A small stream was 9 INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. penses, including record books, postage, telephone, ex­ found In the nick of time, members of E ffectiv e March 29, 1920. press, etc., $1.090.00 .................................................................. 4,260.00 i for SALE— Good dry body wood, the party reaching it one by one and D aily (E xcept Sunday) M iscellaneous Expenses $3 p FEATHER m. 30 9:30 p. m. P. from your old feather bed. Fea­ 10 30 High School Fund (on all property not in high school m. Sat. only 12:16 Midgt P. thers cleaned and renovated. districts, estim ate of valuation, $14,600,000.00) 1.6 23.360.00 SUNDAY ONLY Douglas, 263 F ourth St. Phone LV. MEDFORD County School Fund ($65,250.00), County School' LV. ASRLANÇ. 63-R. 52tf 9:00 a. m. Library Fund ($750.00) ........................................... 2.4 66,240.00 9:00 a. m. P ursuant to the provisions of Chapter 118, General Laws of Oregon, .9 24,840 00 FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD or ex- 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1921, notice is hereby given th a t the County Court of Jackson County, Pacific Highway Interest Fund .................................... .6 16,560'00 J 1 :00 a. m. Oregon, will meet in the Circuit Court room of the court house in the city C rater Lake Highway Interest Fund ......................... .. . changed for upholstery work. 11:00 a m. Bond Redemption F u n d ......................................................... 1.4 38,640.00 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon of Jacksonville, Oregon, on Thursday, th e 8tlyday of December, 1921, at Douglas, 253 F ourth St. Phone 41,400.00 1.5 1:00 p. m. the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, a n d at the said tim e and place M arket Road Fund, to match State m o n e y .................... 63-R. 52tf 1:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 2-00 p. m. opportunity will be given for a full and complete discussion of the esti­ General Fund, which includes the following: One mill M arket Road Tax for State,*$27,600.00 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ m ate of She am ount of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the 4:00 p. m. (1 m ill); other State tax, $276,000.00 (10 m ills); 4:00 p. m. sonable prices. L ithla Garage. ensuing vear as published herew ith, by any taxpayer subject to such tax : 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. expenditure for running County, including redem p­ levy when made, in favor of or against any of the proposed tax levies 6:30 p. m. 6 :30 p. m. 463,680.00 tion of w arrants, $160,080.00 (5.8 m ills) ........... herein as the County Court may deem for the best interests of Jackson G. B. L A M K I N 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. county. Ashland Waiting— East Side Phar­ $735,440 00 TOTAL The County Budget Committee for Jackson County, Oregon, has pre­ macy. BARGAINS IN Levy outside of high school d istric ts,..2 7 .4 mills pared and subm its the following; An estim ate of the am ount required JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD Levy inside of high school d is tric ts . . 25.8 mills Real Estate for each departm ent of county government, county office or county DAILY EX C E PT SUNDAY ESTIMATED RECEIPTS officer, each county improvement, th e m aintenance of each county build­ E ffective Nov. 9, 1921 ing, stru ctu re or institution, the salary of each county officer or employe, Two per cent daily balance ............................................................. $ 7,500.00 City and Ranch Propertle» LV. M EDFORD Fees County C lerk’s o f f i c e .................................................................. 12,500.00 LV. J ’S ’NV’LB including those whose salaries are fixed by statute, for the im provem ent H ouses to R ent. 7:40 a. m. 00 a. m. Fees Sheriff’s office ............................................................................. 1,000.00 an d m aintenance of public highways, roads, bridges, the construction, 8:45 a. m. 20 a. m. 5,000.00 operation, and m aintenance of each public utility and redem ption of out­ Sale of lands, Sheriff’s office ........................................................... 9:50 a. m. 15 a. m Refund on bounty claim .................................................................... 800.00 standing w arrants; and estim ate of the public receipts of the county from CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING 11:15 a. m. 20 a. m. State appropriation for County F a ir ............................................. 1,500.00 sources other than direct taxation upon the real and personal property in 11:15 a. m. 45 a. m. 4,000.00 the county during the period for which such tax is to be levied, and the From rent of Forest ............................................................................. 12:30 p. m 00 noon 150.00 am ount of balances on hand in the funds of the county at the time the From ’ 5 per cent sale of tim ber ...................................................... 1:50 P- m. 20 p. m. Penalties and interest on delinquent taxes .................... . ........... 10,000.00 levy will be made. 3:20 P. m. 45 p. m. Auto licenses .................................................................... ...................... 18,000.00 x EXPENSES ’ 4:30 P- m. 45 p. m. F or the payment of the following separate items of expense: 5:30 P. m. 00 p. m. TOTAL $ 60,450.00 C rater Lake Highway Bond I n t e r e s t ................................................$ 16,500.00 5:55 P. m. Pacific Highway Road Interest Fund ............................................ 24,840 00 STATE OF OREGON, 9:30 P- ra. 00 p. ra. County of Jackson— ss. General Road F und ........................................................................... 60,720.00 7:30 P. m. Sat. *only 00 p. m. We, the undersigned, County’B udget Committee for Jackson County, County School Fund .................................................................... 66,240.00 Sat. only 10:30 P- m. 50 p. m. School Library Fund ................................» ........................................ 750.00 Oregon, do hereby certify th a t the above is a true, fair and complete esti­ Renshaw Barn burned a t Talent SUNDAY ONLY m ate of the probable expenses of said county for (he ensuing year, and High School Fund (to be levied on school districts not m ain­ LV. MEDFORD . J ’S’NV’LE taining high school) .................................................................... 23,360.00 probable receipts from sources other than direct taxation upon real and Reported November 15th, 1921, 8 : 50 a. m. 00 a. m. personal property in its jurisdiction during the ensuing year. R edem ption o f P acific H ighw ay R oad Bonds 9:50 a. m. 20 a m . We fu rth er certify th at the estim ate of expenses of the various insti­ Ten Year Series ....................................................................................$ 16,666.66 11:15 a. m. 45 a. m. Fifteen Year Series ........................................................................... 9,090.90 tutions of the county, of tlie am ount required to r public enterprises, toads, as total loss. PAID IN FULL 12:45 p. m. 15 p. m. Twenty Year S e r ie s ...................................................... X ........................ 6,250.00 bridges, etc., and of all other expenses of the county as therein set out. is 1:50 p. m. 20 p. ra. Twenty-five Year Series .................................................................... 4,761.90 ju st and is based upon a careful study of the expenses of the county during 3:20 p. m. 50 p. m. TWENTY-SIX HOURS LATER! T hirty Year Series ...................... 3,846.15 the past three years, and a thorough exam ination of its probable needs 45 p. m. 4:30 p. m. during the year for which such estim ate is made. That aech and every General County Fund 00 p. m. 5:30 p. ra. F o r payment of State Tax (estim ate only 11 m ills) ................ $303,600.00 item therein is believed to be necessary for the proper transaction of the 9:30 p. m. 00 p. m. M arket Road Money (1.5 m ills) .................................................... 41,400.00 business of the county, the protection of its property and interests, and to by th e Billings Agency. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG be for the public welfare. T hat every expense estim ated is in accordance C ircuit Court Daily and Sunday with law, and is a legitim ate charge against the county. C ircuit Court, General Expenses, including bailiffs, jurors, Let us tell you how little good LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, October 31st, 1921. reporters, special counsel, witnesses, fees, mileage . . . . $ - 7,500.00 11:00 a. m. ‘ 1 0 0 p. m« G. A. GARDNER, County Court and C om m issioners MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Chairman. insurance o f ANY kind w ill cost. County Judge’s salary, $2,000.00; traveling expenses, $200.00; Daily and Sunday VICTOR BURSELL, fees an d traveling expenses (Com m issioners), $2,000.00; LV. M EDFORD LV. G’T ’S PA SS Secretary. other expenses, including supplies, printing, postage. 10:00 a. Ì 8:00 a. m. JAMES OWENS, County C ourt Bailiff, express, telephoning, telegraph. 1:00 p. ill*:00 a. m. Committeeman. jurors, witnesses, and mileage, $1,000.00 ......................... $ 5,200.00 ! 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. HORACE PELTON, Ju ven ile Court 6:15 p. 4:30 p. m. ' ' ' Committeeman. Ju ro rs, witnesses, mileage, etc., $250.00; widows’ pensions, REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE G rants Pass W aiting Room— The THOS. H SIMPSON, $7,000.00; other expenses for commitments, probation E stablished 1883 Bonhonniere. Phone 16O. 7“ Committeeman. P h en e 2 1 1 and tru a n t officers, etc , $400.00; Boys’ and G irls' Aid 41 B. Main St. Office and W aiting Room: No. 8 ! J ' J. A. WESTERLUND, Society allowance, $120.00; delinquent gnd neglected chil­ S. F ront St.. Nash Hotel B uilding, 46-2-thurs. ’■ ’ j' « • Committeeman dren, blind, deaf mutes, feeble-minded and insane, $250.00 8,020.00 ■ ■ I » Jackson County Budget Notice FIRE! FIRE! Billings Agency