» Saturday, Novem ber 26, 1921 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE F IY K President Harding at William and Mary College NOISY GEARS MEANJANCER Have You Tried Our Modera Family W ash Tell Story Owner Ought to Inter­ tag Service? pret in Terms of Dollars _____ and Cents. __ ________ Can't you hear him yet— the m a n Tomorrow evening at 7:30 o’clock ■ a » ., the man who used to 8ay, “ U h-h, at the Presbyterian church, the la­ dies’ m issionary society will present baker’s bread? Give me the hom e- -a musical pageant, the ^principal _________ made kind.” feature of which will be a series of S tudy o f Rear A x le C o n stru ctio n and tableaux, or living pictures, repre­ Today he smacks his lips over th e of T ransm ission W ould Save O w ner purchased loaf and calls for m ore senting the childhood, girlhood and Because bakers have kept pace w ith M uch T ro u b le and Some motherhood of Christian .and non- progress we have come to hold a Money. C hristian lands. Victrola and choir new view about bread baked o u t­ side the home. music and descriptive readings by It is a fact that a great number of Miss Leota Rogers will expiate" the our cars are being driven over the And th at oIC4 bogey about th e pictures and give them an attractive roads with noisy gears. This is being family washing— isn’t it prettv m uch o r a r í^ d e g r ^ o í^ w W r 'S r r a w í ** WUlla“ “nd Mary college’ Williamsburg, Va., Just after having received the hon- done eitjier through ignorance or in in the same category? setting. The public is invited Have von direct defiance of that well established ever tried our modern family laun­ The following program will be rule “a stitch in time, etc,” The noise dry service? given: i of the gear besides being unpleasant, Hymn. Scripture and prayer. The women of Persia, who, until You will find us prepared a n d tells a story which the owner ought to “ Clinic of a Missionary Specialist” 70 years ago, were nonentities outside Interpret in terms of dollars and cents. qualified to take your entire fam ily — W estm inster Guilt». Piano solo— their homes, are now enjoying the Without knowing anything at all about bundle. For example, if you like to Miss W allace. Offering. Tableaux same privileges as the men and rapid­ a rear axle or a transmission, the be completely freed from the w ork ly rising out of their old-time slavery. average man should be able to know of washday, we will wash everything showing by-contrasts the childhood, the difference between a rear axle that and iron everything. Or if you wish girlhood, m otherhood idea of the to do some of the finishing at home, is normal and one that is not. He may we can give you a semi-service— 'w o rld races. Overture, ‘ D aybreak” WORTH WHILE PARAGRAPHS not know the exact cause of the washing everything, starching such Grieg. Tableau I. Childhood. “ Sev­ trouble or the manner in which it may Pieces as require it, and ironing th e A clean conscience is better than un­ en tim es one are seven. “ T raum eri” be remedied, but he certainly ought to heavier flatw ork, but leaving for you Schumann; “Luterm ezzo,” Mascagni clean cash. be able to determine if it needs the the finishing of personal ap p arel "O love th a t will not let me go,” H E R E ' is always a strong ten­ attention of a mechanic. The reason and lighter pieces. The line of least resistance doesn’t M atheson— Choir Tableau II. G irl­ always lead farthest. dency among.writers or speakers for this immediate interpretation is You will learn on inquiry th a t we hood. ‘ZI wait for my story . . O to make a verb agree in number to save the owner money, for, like a have other services, too— w hatever with the noun that is nearest to the case of pneumonia developed from a bring it such as I wish it to be.” They should flay the hide, as well as your washday requirem ents you will mere cold, if attention were given verb in position in the sentence. ’ For “ Consolation,” M endelssohn: Miser­ hides, off the Eordney tariff bill. f ii ^ us with a m odern service to example, many persons use such sen­ early enough, the serious ailment would meet them. ere,” Verdi; “ Largo,” Handel. Ta­ tences as the following: “Every one not have developed. So with gears. Honestly, are you as badly off as bleau III. Motherhood. "M other of these letters were signed by me,” Once their bearings begin to wear and Everything will be re tu rn e d sw eet shall thread them a daisy chain ” you make yourself believe you are? without recognizing the grammatical so throw the gears out of their relative with through and through c lea n ­ running truth, the gears themselves ness to insure this, we use as “Ave M aria,” Bach-Gouno^; “ P il­ error Involved. If you lazily remain of *r> account are affected so that if the condition is many as 600 gallons of pure, rain - grim Chorus— Hail to the brightness you'll never have much of a bank ac­ The subject (nominative) of the sen­ allowed to get worse, pretty soon the soft w ater for each family w ashing. tence is not “letters,” but “one,” modi­ of Zion’s glad» m orning”— Choir. Ta­ count. gears cut and chip and then fail alto­ fied by “every.” One is in the singular Everything will be returned th o r­ bleau IV. “ Inasmuch as ye did it gether. number and requires, therefore, a oughly sanitary— as your fam ily If you can't stand adversity you’re unto the least of these ye did it Two-Out of Five NAisy. singular verb. “Letters” is In the ob­ physician will verify, our m ethods not fitted to stand prosperity. Think unto me.” Chorus, “ P raise”— Choir. this over. jective case, governed by the pteposi- : Observations were made at one spot sterilize as well as cleanse Noted Artist thinks Benediction. tion “of.” You cahnot say, “Every along a frequented highway, where for Girls Here Have Everything will be returned cor­ Miss Leota Rogers, reader; Mrs. one were signed,” and the use of the hours an average of 1,000 cars per rectly Be sure to distinguish between N ational T a le n t and daintily folded— your phrase “of tlie letters” does not | hour, passed. A fairly accurate check linen ready to spread; your personal ’Dr. Parson, organist; Mrs. J. R. Rob- having self-respect and having conceit. For Making Their change the grammatical rule involved. ; was kept on gear noises on a level apparel ready to wear. ertsQn will operate the Victrola The first is indispensable. The second Own Clothes. Therefore, instead of saying “Every­ stretch and without exaggerating, is contemptible. kindly loaned by Rose Brothers. Here is an economical way out o f one of these letters were signed by every two cars in five had noisy rear the wearing work of washday Tele­ me.” say “Every one of these letters^ axles. It is doubtful if the owners of “Riches have wings.” Yes; but they Z superlative a b h tv to de phone today and have us take y o u r was signed by me.” the cars realize the meaning of such Ih em selv ^ arli’ ;* clothes for .. nine meet death fly to you as well as from you— next washing. themselves. So says ,\e y sa Mc.Meui fore Of course, the same rule applies to ’ ' noises, and If they , know that in 90 provided you deserve them and would most among women artists ON KAKE ONTARIO “each.” Do not say, “Each of these per cent of the cases the condition best WOmf,‘ are the be any better off If you got them. M in M rlV ? WOmen, 1D the * w W .’’ said THANKSGIVING DAY letters are mine;” say, "Each of these can be corrected for a few dollars, per­ Miss McMem, recently a guest at the dedi- letters is mine.” haps requiring only bearing adjust­ dollar building Don’t imagine that because yon wear • E u r n ^ T “ * Instifhic and modish “ the great cities of England and the quart or so of oil. persons— six men, one woman and work- harder, than any man in patent- Continent. But any ex-doughboy can tell PH O NE 1«5 The rear axle is not the only offender. two children— who peifshed in a leather shoes and silk shirt. Brain - s : ” - • The transmission gears need the •driving sleet storm which swept work can be more killing than brawn same protection, but usually they are work.—Forbes Magazine. Lake Ontario Thanksgiving day, ‘!c cjothes for herself. Generally speaking not at fault. she has a nice appreciation for lines and sending the barge City of New York DO WE BLUSH? o f e 3 blna,,On'' Consequently the girl In order to understand just how a»4o the bottom. This was revealed SAYS THE OWL lar fTom d the K irI Kho noisy gears come into being, one lar from our fashion Centers are usuallv ^k w h e n a freighter came into port to­ NY shock or emotion which makes should study the rear axle construc­ ,,gj We dressed as the girls with money and metropolitan advantages.“ No man is ever scared about a pain day with five bodies picked up from the heart pump an extra supply tion. The driving pinion at the end of in his legs or arms. the w aters near the place where the of blood into the arteries and the propeller shaft is mounted usually veins which supply the face will give on two bearings. This pinion meshes barge went down. Fishing Is good to teach a man pa­ rise to the reaction which we call with the large or ring gear of tlie dif­ tience. Nothing else will. “blushing.” The emotion, of course, ferential unit, the unit itself being i MANY SE E BAILING must be one of the variety which mounted on two bearings which rest i : A street car will always hold one causes the heart to beat faster than in the differential housing. In order j OPERATIONS, GOOD more passenger; and an overcoat will usual. Excitement, embarrassment that the ring gear and the pinion do I TRIGONIA SHOWING last Just one more winter. or anger will cause this, while fear, ; their work without noise the teeth of • — which retards the action o f the heart, ’ these gears must mesh properly. If (Continued from Page 1) Considering how absolutely devoid will cause the opposite effect, pro­ the correctness of the mesh is de­ of calculation love is, it is a miracle ducing a pale white look. f i l i stroyed then noise results. Should the a definite opinion. However, th at it doesn’t get its victims into more Because the shock or emotion must pinion siiaft (hence the pinion Itself) a noticeable quantity of oil is being trouble. be one to which we are not accus ■ move relative to the ring gear the brought up in each bailer is a cer­ tonsed, some persons blush far more l tooth contact is at once changed and tainty. A new bailer was put on If he ever paused to think, the man readily than others. A person, for you get noise. The noise is not nec­ the cable W ednesday morning and with hie nose to the grindstone will example, who is not in the habit of essarily a steady one, but it may be was let down into the well, where­ usually find that he is turning his listening to certain language will ' interrupted, due to the fact that the own grindstone, upon a digger squirrel which had blush from embarrassment when he ! new’ areas of contact of the teeth are hears it the first few times but, if the not all alike. There may be a high made his w inter’s nest in the bailer Ali the naked natives of tropical experience is continued, he will be­ spot on one or two or more teeth and came up the line with considerable countries are now kept busy turning come "hardened” and lose the ability when these high spots are struck the velocity narrow ly escaping a watery their coconuts into copra for civilized to blush—which is the reason that noise changes. __ and oily grave. The digger was man. Civilization’s yoke reached them If there w ere, w e w ould . Lack of .Lubrication. blushing is considered to be one of coated with the black slimy oil and at last. The pinion bearings may be of the the attributes of innocence. h an d le it. D ependab il­ I isitor Have you a good lawyer, w ater and presented a bedraggled ball or roller type and there is, In (Copyright) ity, service and value Moralists want you to sit down Just my poor friend? appearance but was full of fight de most cars, a means of adjustment of are all im portant to u s before bedtime and “review” ail the Prisoner—The very best. Honest, the bearings after they have been spite his subterrestial voyage - and th erefore w e well events of the day. Yes, and get your- he oughta been a burglar! worn slightly. The cause of the wear POST O FFICE IS PR EPA R IN G self “all waked up,” so that you won’t may be natural, but in nine out of ten sleep. FO RR17SH OF XMAS PARCELS Day by Day. VERY GOOD cases it Is due to lack of lubrication. Every day is a little life, and out Tlie differential bearings are not un­ (Continued from Page 1) whole life Is but a day repeated. SPANISH PHRASES like tlie pinion bearings In the effect Those, therefore, that dare lose a day cidentally falls upon all of our c iti-* they have no gear noises. These bear­ are dangerously prodigal; those that ings if worn even slightly will allow the Quien Sabe—Who knows? zens. dare misspend it, desperate.—Bishoa The post office departm ent is wag­ whole differential unit to shift side­ Hslt W e b eliev e w e are offer­ Guerra cnchlllo-W ar to the knife. ing a war against the use of sm all­ ways and so disturb proper gear mesh. ing opr trade a tire th at Once they start to wjear and permit sized enveoipes and has put out the this action, the wear is rapidly accel­ is un approachable fo r following statem ent in p art: hard service and d e­ erated so that In a very short time During the holiday season large there Is no definite tooth contact. p en d ab ility — and th e quantities of very small envelopes j The time to stop the gear noises Is« price — as tow as any It is and cards are put into the mails, j immediately they appear. standard m a le . cheaper for you and better for the car. with the result th at all postal work j A ll th is rs bached up b y th e M ason U nlim ited is very much retarded and mail dis- ' G uarantee and onr ow n figured and m utilated. This is not ' service, both o f th em th e generally known to the public. The best ever. minimum size of cards and envel­ L et’s get together» opes should not be bleow 2 3-4 by 4 I/E EDOM 'S > Sarcastic Debtor—Did you ever suc­ inches for the following reasons: 1. Addresses ‘ will be obliterated ceed in getting blood out of a turnip? tir e hospital Lawyer—No, but I can get sugar by cancellation m ark. V u lcan izin g uim I out of a dead beet. 2. Too small to be run through ReCrttwliuft facing table, necessitating three ex­ 65 N. M ala, Ashland. AND HE DID tra handlings, w ith consequent de­ lay not only to this but other mail. 3. Delay in cancellation because of aw kwardness in putting through cancelling machines 4. Delayed through difficulty in B ags, P u rse s, P a r |y B oxes a n d m a n y L e a th e r N o v el­ sorting. ties, a b o u t 100 ite m s going a t 50 p er c e n t less th a n 5. Liability to loss or damage as small sizes do not fit letter packages you w ill pay o th e r places. C om e e a rly — b a rg a in s :~'= a and can not be tied securely. , w h ile th e y la st. " These odd and dim inutive sized pieces of stationery have come into use in ¿the past few years and only Sergeant Tinker—I hear your son is 'CX i r W appear now in any quantities at an undertaker, and I thought you told Christm as tim e » h e n th e whole pop- , Shtr-John, darling, you den t lore me he was a physician. Major Blinker—Oh, no. I only said tai institution is keyed up to top me as dearly as you used to. that he followed the medical profes- speed and trying to keep on /(o p of • He (absently)—Sorry, m’deax, can’t the load. afford to these days. LACK OF OIL CAUSES TROUBLE AMERICAN WOMEN ARE WORLD’S BEST DRESSERS SAYS NEYSA McMEIN Ashland Laundry W H Y ?- A No Better Tire Known MASON CORDS G if ts T h a t L a s t Special Sale Monday and Tuesday on Leather Goods O . JEL J o h n s o n - -, V < *