5 Saturday, Novem ìx'/ 20, 1921 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL PAGK By Charles Sughroe Officer Murphy is on the Job € W estern Newspaper U ra o o G o u n , A\vrr tuat tuere S cottish R ate t e h p l e a hlmao » ug € r ( COXAE MOW, 'THEN SAN ÏTS TU' UATlOUAL HOWÆ OF (TU SUPREME eOUM«L OF HH'GOUXUERU u o R & cn c-a o u o f tu ' S c o t t is h rate tM AMEEM5A AM' COST S \.S O O ,O 0 0 ~ THEN OUGHT TO GE PRÛOO OF tT ME LAO'. MOVE OM'. AW, GEE WHVL' 1 GOES’S 'THIS HERE IS AEREE COUMTRN'. UOUE O' NER S A S S ', NÊZ ARE m A \ E Z \W\UV HAVE 't o K E E P WAVVÜtt' AROOUO Í-c & VJAMT K I > * «il *• VW«. * ** come in the sum m er an d fall months even the bleak m ountainsides be- come green with verdure, and t h i s ' condition continues for some time in sections which a t other periods of the year are dry and u nattractive ! Persons coming to Mexico after the rains could be deceived easily as to conditions, especially if they are not experienced farm ers. These tracts which grow green after the rains are endless. P er­ sons touring Mexico in autom obiles Some of these arid tracts may be I pass through such land for days, put under w ater in years to come, seeing only occasional haciendas or but the development of a supply of i farm houses where there are springs w ater for irrigation would call for j or wells or dams holding in storage the expenditure of great sums of the A ater flowing from the hills a f­ Persons who mak^ pur- te r rains. 1 money. These immense tracts are suitable chases in such tracts may wait a ^ong time before they could sell the for cattle raising, bu t a person buy­ land fon»even enough to get back ing land th a t has not been improved th e ir original investm ents, - -■ o - r be would find it necessary to go to forced to sPen^ additional money to considerable expense In providing sa' e th eir investm ents from total w ater for cattle. This can be done loss. v by building dams to hold rain wa- ter, but the buyer m ust be certain Land along the rivers of Mexico, which are few in num ber when the th a t his land contains a suitable lo­ size of the country is considered, is cation for a dam. Buyers of small not easily parted with by the own­ tracts who do not take the trouble ers. They want cash and do not to examine the property before p ur­ readily consider the prom oters’ us- chasing, m ight not find it possible ua, term 8, , or know , b(.ir even to store w ater in this way ,and „ tocaled wbere irr|g at|o n „ M ust Store W ater p<,s6,b,e- „ dams and ditches have Farm ing operations would call for not b8en bui„ alread the storage of w ater on a large American Investors Warned To Examine Mexican Land Tracts By LOUIS P. KIRBY CI. N. S. Staff C orrespondent) MEXICO CITY, Mex , Nov. 26.— Americans who wish to invest in land in Mexico are now the game stalked by innum erable swindlers, __ „„ „ av “ »ke '" Ig a tfo n easy, is too wild-cat 0,1 comapnies, gold and sil- Iar , rom to m ake ,rrlgatlon T “ *"”8 ' a ” '1 Bimilar ’ distant pros- stock selling enterprises, have now pect_ ln age8 to co whe„ ' . T , The’’ ler ana vlc V . C o n s u lt UsM* NAP? about the things you want to try in the lin^- ot investments. If we don’t know about them already, we 11 investigate their reliability and protect your purse. The Citizens Bank Ashland, ✓ j. ¿ Oregon / '/ / / W s Copyright. 19? » by McClure Newspaper Syndic«!«. ÒTP1C -A — > scale. This would necessitate the employing of engineers to study the land and dbvise ways of storing the w ater in such a way th a t it could be used in irrigation. The average man could not jum p in and build a dam which would hold enough water to supply the needs of a farm. ~ t / fid %eKITOTD\ CABIME C opyright, 1921, W eitern N ew sp ap er Union. »2 ''Show me the Ynan who h a s bene­ fited the world by his wisdom, or his co untry by his p a trio tism , or his neighborhood by his p h ilan th ro p y , an d you show me a m an who h as m ade th e best of every m in u te .” IK CULINARY HINTS. A well made and flavored pumpkin pie is satisfying enough for most pal­ ates, but pump- 5Î >. single-heater sizes. Westinghouse Hot Plates possess advantages of convenience and economy which many people will readily appreciate. . Jordan Electric Co. Ashland, Oregon Fobes Supply Co. Wholesale Distributors Portland, Oregon '"H c CC m . A' < - -, 4< I ; - I) ,» - r- A.-, I