Saturday, November 2d, 1021 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS TWO i Ashland Daily Tidings EDITORIALS Ashland n Tidings Established 1676 «’“»Wished Every Evening Sunday ] Puzzled 1 ! HILLSIDE PHILOSOPHY 1 r • Except T H E ASHLAND PR IN TIN G OO. FEATURES By M. C. REED I__ i O F F IC IA L CITY AND COUNTY PA PER When they run out of something to do in Georgia, they lynch a nig- i ger—Sah. I Considering the number of won- i derful things the Almighty has done i it is remarkable He is not more widely criticized Bryan is said to be all smile3, and the sunbeam of the peace con­ ference. Why shouldn’t he smile, not being a candidate he is not ex­ pecting to be defeated. If you know you are right, keep on going; if in doubt, take it easy. The doctors who recommended pleasant thoughts while eating nev­ er traveled much. They say the early bird catches the worm. Some birds couldn’t catch anything if they stayed up all night. Humility is the highest point pos- 1 sible for any human being to at- I tain. Life is a disappointment to the man who overestimates his value. There is a better chance for a man to become a good citizen who I will do something wrong, than there is for the fellow who never did any , wrong and never will do anything i at all. TELEPHONE 39 ecrfption Price Delivered in City: > month ............................... $ -65 e e m o n th s ........................... 1.95 months ............................... 3.75 i year ................................. 7.50 Mail and Rural Routes s month .................................. $' 65 lonths ........................... 1-95 8 k months .................................. On« < ** 3.50 year ................................. d.5l ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Shagie insertion, each inch.......... 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising time a week............................27 44c T w o times a week.......... . . . . . 2 5 c E very other day.............................. 20 c One Local Readers B aeh line, each tim e...................10c T o run every other dtey for one month, each line, each time. . 7c T o run every issue for one month o r more, each line, each tim e .. 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. T o run every issue for one month w r more, 44 c the word each time. Legal Rate F ir s t time, per 8-point line. . . . .10c S a r h subsequent time, per 8- point line .................................... 5c Curd of th a n k s ..................... • .$100 Obituaries, the line .................-244c F ra tern a l Orders and S ocieties □ Advertising for fraternal orders str societies charging a regular initi­ a tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re- Kapous and benevolent orders will be «barged the regular rate for all ad •wertising when an admission or other «barge Is made. □ copyright» TAFFETA FROCKS ARE BEST FOR GIRL IN HER TEENS What Constitutes Advertising In order to allay a misunderstand- ic ? among some as to what consti­ p ates news and what advertising, print this very simple rule, which fe ased by newspapers to differently ve a le between them : “ALL future «vents, where an admission charge Ss made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” 'This applies to organizations arid societies of every b in d as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after th e y have occurred is news. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no ■ a m ? contribution is solicited, initi­ a tio n charged, or collecton taken Is W W S. We make all quotations on JOB WORK from BY DEPREDATIONS OF T H E FRANKLIN PRICE LIST S»me prices—reasonable price— to alt Entered at the Ashland, Oregon natoffice as Second-class Mail Mat- fnculcate golden ideals and hon- d principles into the young, an ia m o o w u. lM U s in R e d »n J ( ¿ o ld m etallicS b o r a , sealed w ith B lu e R ibbon. T a ke bo o th e r H u e o f e o a r V M»raa»ln*. A .k f o . C I I I ^ ' i n i » - T E K 8 D I A M O N D IIIC A N II P I L L S , « ft years know a as B est,S afest. A lways R eliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE N e w A r r iv a ls Axminister and Brussell Rugs Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs IN ALL SIZES AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS W e a r e c o n s ta n tly re c e iv in g N E W G O O D S, a ll b o u g h t a t th e lo w e st m a r k e t p ric e a n d m a rk e d to sell a t th e v e ry lo w est p ric e p o ssib le. COFYKIOHT IY VKTBIN NEVSPAM» UNIOH how the Lord made the garden of Eden; how he run two or three riv­ ers through it in order to make it a sure go, and everything went lovely until Eve took charge and she pret­ ty soon spilled the beans Now if it took two or three rivers to make the garden of Eden a success, how can you expect to make Ashland a garden of Eden without building a reservoir and using the waters of Ashland creek. If it only took one Eve to spoil the original garden, how can we hope to succeed with two. In our case we only had the W e b e liev e in g e ttin g b a c k to n o rm a lc y a t th e v e ry e a r lie s t d a te . W h e n th e r e is a d e c lin e in th e p ric e o f a n y th in g we im m e d ia te ly m a r k d o w n th e p ric e on g o o d s in sto c k , a lw a y s k e e p in g in lin e w ith th e m a rk e t. A ll g o o d s m a rk e d in p la in fig u re s. “ WE SELL FOR LESS” F u n e r a l D ir e tto r e , f ir s t c la ss se rv ic e a n d m o d e ra te p ric e s. L a d y a s s is ta n t J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Bonsefurnishers / I