M alaria germa cannot survive three months in ths rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) Ashland clim ate, w ith­ out the aid of medi cine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fa c t RADICALS THREATEN U. S. CONSUL Mrs. Southard Sued For Divorce; ,500,000 Fire Sweeps Augusta Grounded Ship Bandits Escape Near Astoria With $30,000 Saved In Gale Shop Payroll There will be a meeting a t . the Presbyterian church Monday even­ WASHINGTON, D. C7, Nov. 26.— ing, at 7:30 o’clock, for the purpose j John Dye, the American consul at of organizing an Ashland Sunday Juarez, Mexico, has been threatened School union. The call for this m eet­ with death if the United States gov­ ing is signed by the following super­ ernm ent perm its the execution of intendents: H; G. Galey, Congrega­ Sacco and Yanzetti, according to a tional; G. W. Gregg, M ethodist Epis­ cablegram received by the state de­ copal; O. F Carson, B aptist; H. E. partm ent this morning. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 26.— The ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 26.— Two Badger, Presbyterian; Frank P a tte r­ The w arning letter was forward- United States shipping board steam arm ed bandits held up the employes so n ,‘ C hristian; Thornton Wiley, Na­ ---------- ed by Consul Dye to the state de- ____ __ BOISE, er Springfield, which went aground of the St. Louis Refining company, zarene. The superintendent of the Ida., Nov. 26.— Mrs. Lydia ATir-TTc-r* . . . I It was sigued the B rethren Sunday school has also sig-j Southard, the woman who smiled j on Peacock spit, off the W a sh in g to n , assayers a,nd cutters of precious AUGLSTA, Ga., Nov. 26.— A fter partm ... ent . . “com- . ., . , . niittee for the syndicate of truck- nified his intention of co-operating when arrested for the m urder of her coas}U af 9:30 o clock this morning, gems, today and escaped with dia- th ree hours work, firem en succeed- , men, the port of Vera Cruz.” and it is expected th a t still others fourth husband, faced a jury of bas righted herself and is proceed- monds and jewelry valued at $62,- ed at 6 o clock this m orning in con- ... . . . . j .. .. . Attem pts to aestroye an American will join in the movement. twelve men with composure, and on tbe cours® to Seattle. It was 000. trolling the most disastrous fire in „„„ , . . „ . , .... . consulate in Spain a short time ago believed for some tim e th a t the ship the history of Augusta, * .» .> .• » . . “ The purpose of the new organi- went to P’*son w ithout a m urm er .pi.. . T u v --. j bombing failed, a fte r previous BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 26 — Four The H arrison and Johnson build- „ . . . . ‘ J * zation,” explains Mr. Badger, “ is to collapsed today when informed th at would go to pieces due to the fierce .... w arning notes had been sent de- gale raging. Two life saving crews arm ed bancJ.ts Held up and robbed mgs were gutted by flames, and the „ „ ., . . _ . hold monthly meetings, where the her fifth husband, Paul Vincent . . l nianding the release of Sacco and and a tug stood by to attepm t the a m otor truck carrying $30,000 in Augusta Chronicle building is be- ok >- / best m ethod. of Sunday school work southard, who had stood by the con . . . . . ... lan ze tti. Slight damage was dona I • _ J . throughout « • . her trial, . - - rescue of the crew, if necessary currency from local banks to meet heved to be a total loss. The Albion : * will be discussed. Mrs. Van Fosson, victed woman w . to the interior of the consulate the pay roll of the W alter Shoe com­ hotel is badly damaged an d other K , . , , for example, has had unusual suc-i^s s®ekfog a divorce, » J - . , ™ U ................... ... but no injuries resulted. ___________________ ___ The strain of m onths spent In little more than one-third of pany here today. The robbers es- business houses were destroyed in cess in prim ary w ork; Mrs. Fred En The attem pts to destroy the Amer­ gle has- accomplished wonders with iails and undergoing the rigors of the electric power in the United j caped in an autom obile under a hail her fire. The loss is estim ated as ican consulates in foreign countries babies in the cradle roll; Mr P atter- the court room, ended with a snap,' States is produced by w ater power, of bullets fired by the bank guards, ligh as $2,500,000. is a n 'a p p a re n t effort by radical son has built his Sunday school up and* ^be woman who has been ac- factions at intim idation to effect FRANK WARD NAMES from an attendance of thirty to two d ^ m e d as the marvel of Idaho, ( federal intervention in the cases of hundred. broke down and wept. She was RAILROADS ACCUSED Sacco and Yanzetti, who are now in O ther Sunday school w orkers blaced under the care of the p riso n ’ OF RULES VIOLATIONS a M assachusetts state prison aw ait­ would like to hear these and others doctor at once. When she recovered ing the day of execution when they who have had exceptional success in bowever, and regained her compos WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 26.— pay with their lives for the death Sunday school work, tell by what ur, she refused to make a statem ent. The Pennsylvania, New York Cen- of guards who were killed in an Mrs. Southard was found guilty at methods they attained such excellent tral, and Baltimore and Ohio rail- j industrial pay roll robbery, results. All teachers and officers of Twin Pall3> I d a.- November 3 of oad systems are named by F rank j During the trial of the two men Sunday schools and the public gen-L m urdering ber fourth husband, Ed­ Yard, statistician for the railroad they were accused by the prosecu- erally are invited to attend the first ward M®y«r - aiui was given a prison irotherhoods, as among 'th e rail- tion of being confounded with radl­ and each succeeding meetings of the sentence of from ten years to life. oads he accused before the inter- J cal movements in this country and The state accused her of m urdering union. tate commerce commission of de- had attem pted to make away with SPRINGFIELD, 111., Nov. 26.— j Small. At the time of the alleged all four of her husbands, claim ing, iberately operating a m aintenance a large payroll to pay the expenses th at they were poisoned with the in-, Five forraer county treasu rers of the exposure of money handling said to ccount to camouflage th eir actual incidental to conducting the defense tent to collect insurance on th eir 9tate of IlliQois are named as defend- have been illegitim ate, the state, ex­ acome and thereby justify the of fellow workers who had been im- ants in the suits of the attorney ■ ecutive at first resisted by all the deaths. reight rate increases and wage re- prisoned. The men were convicted The news of Southard suing for a>.genera' who is prepared for the a s k -; means of laws his arrest, claiming luctions. largely on circum stantial evidence. divorce came as a severe shock to *ng aQ accounting for approxi- th a t as governor he was not amen- - _________________ th e imprisoned woman, as he had mately *2-500,000 in interest money , able to arrest. After a battle o i BELIEVE TUG AND CRFW alleged to bave been w ithdraw n ^ ( wits, clashes of legal opinions, and r n s T m ra rem ained loyal throughout her trou- • al,eged bles Mrs. - Southard's ar from t he treasury during th eir term s a search for Small, who -----------. , ... the . ' OREGON COAST *■ *— following * ................... - eluded ; authorities and made his way to rest in Honolulu, and was constant- oi office. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 26.— The tug Those named in the suits are Gov-. Chicago for a conference with pol- Sea Eagle, of San Francisco, is be­ Many visitors at the Trigonia oil a * ber side during the trial. ernor Len Small, Lieutenant G over-, ifical leaders, the governor was ar- lieved today to have foundered off well were present all ’day W'ednes-, ------------- ---- ------------ nor Sterling, A uditor Russell, Wil- rested and later released on $50,000 the Oregon coast during the terrific day and about tw enty people in te r-’ 'NAVY BEATS ARMY liam Ryan, Edw ard Mitchell, and bail. If the charges preferred gale which raged along the north TO TO O ON NEW -ested in the development of the pro­ YORK GRID FIEL D : tbeir bon^ men against the state officials and Gov- Pacific coast yesterday and last ject were present in the afternoon Prof F. C. Reimer, of the South­ The wholesale charges against the 1 & ernor Small (is Substantiated, the night. about 4:30 while the process of bail­ Oars m arked “ Sea Eagle” ern Oregon experiment station, re ­ NEW YORK, Nov. 26.— In a stat® officials are the result of a case will go down in legal history as and a portion of the pilot house and ing ’was in ________ progress. __________ Every time turned Thursday from the great Cal­ th e bailer was brought up the gas drizzling rain and on a mud- 3> sensational embezzlement charge re- one of th e g reatest swindles the some fu rn itu re was found along the ifornia Pear Growers’ convention an d thick black oil were discernible covered gridiron, the United $ cently preferred a gainst Governor country has ever known. beach, apparently leaving no doubt held at Berkeley. Prof. Reimer ad­ on the w ater column which gushed ® States Navy football team beat I ’ regarding the fate of the vessel dressed« the convention on the work front the orifice of the casing and the United States Army team by I I QVH P rA D P C PM W hether the twelve members of the which the experiment station is do- w hen the bailer tfas emptied into a »core of 70 to 0. 1 I f j l | | Iw H I n k P I ||U crew succedeed in getting off before ing on blight resistant pears. Thia th e drain, large globular particles ♦ More than 50,000 spectators I U l» U llU L. U ll the tug went down is unknown. ; was pronounced the largest fru it of thick, crude oil which had been witnessed th e contest despite ♦! — growers' convention ever held in , chilled by the w ater were seen flo a t-! tbe worst kind of w eather , i'ure for Hoarseness— California, and was a rem arkable ing on It, coating the surface of the. The best cure for hoarseness and success from every standpoint, w ater with an oil scum. Many peo­ sore throat, according to G. F. Bil-1 Professor Reimer also visited the ple who have been spectators at the K id d ii Party— lings, real estate dealer, Is lem on: leading pear districts of California* Sylvia Provost, the seven year old well for several days express the juice sucked through a stick of pep- including the Sacram ento and Santa opinion th a t the showing is increas­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Pro­ perm int candy. Cut the lemon in Clara valleys. ing, but officials of the company and vost, 98 Meade street, gave a b irth ­ halves, make a cross cut in the pulp, j Over 90 per cent of the pear members of the drilling xcrew will day party to a num ber of her little insert the stick and pull. Marfy growers of th at state now belong to LONDON, Nov. 26 — Foreseeing a not commit themselves by offering friends yesterday afternoon. Many speakers who have come to Ashland the California Pear Growers assocl- games and a beautiflu birthday cake criai3 at W ashington in the near fu- are said to have been cured by this ation, and this organization is iJjing (Continued on Page Five) were enjoyed by tbe kiddies ■ ture, Prem ier Lloyd George has or­ simple remedy.___________ a wonderful work for the industry. dered his secretary to inquire re­ garding steam ar Jaassage toi the United States next week. “ The most critical stage has not been reached in the disarm am ent conference discussion,” was Down­ ing S treet’s explanation of the pres­ I like 'th at lesson tau g h t by the ent situation a t W ashington. instrum ent called the boomerang. The poison d arts we aim at oth­ HONOLULU, T. H., Nov. 26.— terested in the peaceful solution of WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 26.— ers often come back to torm ent The post office departm ent, both pondents, in fact, upon insisting th a t statem ent of Prem ier W. F. Massey, our Pacific problems thau is any France will n o t'in terp o se any objec- us, and th e secret thoughts of the of New Zealand, made on the oc­ other section of the United States. ' tions if the United States w ants to h eart are often blazoned on the nationally as well as in Ashland, is | their correspondents address them casion of his stop in Honolulu en­ P rem ier Massey in his suggestion of invite Germany to be represented at housetops. Backbites often re­ being placed in shape for the C hrist­ completely as to street, house num ­ ro u te to his home after attending a trip artite agreem ent to include Ja ­ the disarm am ent conference here, it tu rn *to cut us in the face with mas rush and various functions of ber, post office box number, ru ra l the service are being gone over and route num ber, and box num ber, or th e all-B ritish prem iers’ conference pan, adm ittedly th e source of Ameri­ was stated officially a t th e French the keenness of a two-edged placed in readiness. The “ Perfect general delivery, as the case may be, recenlty held in London, to the ef­ ca’s worries concerning th e Pacific, headquarters. It was made clear, sword. T hat secret jab we aimed P arcel” month of November, in is of the utm ost practical importance fect th a t “ a trip artite agreem ent as has voiced the sentim ent of many of i however, by the spokesmen for the to destroy our adversary missed which the public are instructed and to every family in Ashland. The him and retu rn ed to disembowel betw een Britain, America and Japan H awaii’s leading citizens who, French delegation, ‘th a t i t is not urgeil to prepare their parcels pro­ I complete and correct address means us. Open fighting is sometimes would be the best arrangem ent pos­ through long association with the apparent w hat good purpose could perly before handing the same to that there will be no delay. The ab­ sible, and if this result could be ob­ Japanese people here resident, have be secured by G erm any’s representa­ justifiable, especially in self de­ fense, but secret backbiting never. post office clerks has been stressed sence of the complete addrerss tained a t the W ashington arm am ent come to believe th a t they are cap­ tion by the local postal employes. The m eans th a t there will be a m ulti- HAZ KIK. reduction conference the Pacific able of m eeting other nations on an next im portant m atter to the service plicity of delays; especially during problem would be solved for some equal footing and w orking with them Bara W as Insured— NOTE: Haz Kik wants to meet is the proper addressing of all mail. the greatest part of the month of tim e and a great step taken tow ard to solve the problem which Japan Mrs. Susan Smith for the purpose The barn between Ashland and The local postm aster declares that December The direct im portance of lastin g peace,” has caused much in herself has created. These men point Talent, which burned Thursday of identification Your communi­ the patrons of the Ashland office I this to the patron is the largest item. terested comment throughout H a­ to the am icable relations existing night, belonged to C. A. K night and cation is all right for publication, cannot know how fully the postal , In addition to this, there is the In­ waii. between American citizens in H a­ was insured for $1500. The tracto r but we cb not.know you. Please employes will appreciate the com­ c re a s e of cost to the post office de­ Due to its situation in the middle waii and the educated members of was insured for a like am ount and call at the Tidings office. plete address on all mail sent to partm ent, which is an unnecessary c f the Pacific, alm ost halfway be­ the Japanese population of the is- the threshing machine for $1400.; them by th eir correspondents. The (burden to the taxpayers, which in- tw een m ainland America and the A binder and three tons of hay were Denmark is m aking a wide variety co-operation of our own citizens at O rient, H awaii is perhaps more in­ also burned. ( Continued on Page jl) of textiles from n ettle fibre. this time, in requesting th eir corres­ (Continued on Paga Five) FIVE FORMER ILLINOIS TREASURERS SWINDLE OF 52,500,000 SFATE FONDS M any See Bailing i Operations, Good Trigonia Showing Prof. Reimer Addresses Calif. Pear Convention I] H az ÎÇifr j FOES FOR PARI IN E Hawaiians Have Keen Interest In Questions Confronting the Disarm Conference Delegates Postoffice Is Preparing For Rush of Christmas Packages; Pointers Given By Postmaster