‘TPÄGE bight AAHLAND DAILY TXDBKM C hristm as C antata— Friday, November 35. 1021 Ten Acre Farm Sold— week, left yesterday evening for W. F. Buckner has sold his ten- Camp Lewis, Wash., where Mrs. acre place near where the highway Jones’ husband is a sergeant in the ♦ rood crowds and a good Local and Personal crosses the railroad east of town, to United States army. Mrs. Jones and meeting at F ran k Gilloon, of K lam ath Falls. Mrs. Larges had intended to stay ■ — Side Lights------ The sale was made by H. O. Ander­ here for the next month, but were son. Possession is to be given Jan ­ called north by the sudden transfer M A SO N IC CALENDAR TH IS W EEK R igg R am s W indow— uary 15, when Mr. and Mrs. Buck- of Sergeant Jones to another army John Rigg's car skidded over th e ' Hotel Ashland Grill caters to yesterday and last night ne rexpect to visit th eir son, who post. Both women are delighted' sidewalk and into a building near home-folks as well as to commercial is teaching in Pendleton, going from Services until Sunday night tli© wagon works on Soiitk Riverside men and tourists 61tf there to A tom s county, Ida , where with /Ashland, Mrs. Jtones stating Siskiyou Chapter No. 21, Friday avenue, Medford, th at she intends to make her home x u u k M u iu , io in u iu in g ,! _ this morning, every evening at 7:30 they are interested in 200 acres of here if her husband retires from :Ten' ug>X ovem ber 25- K Ml and breaking a pane of glass and damag- R eturned from W e e d - wheat land. 14. E. M. degrees ■ - - armv life. ALL ARE WELCOME ing the car slightly. A telephone' Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Morgan re­ pole which got in the road came turned, Monday from Weed, Calif., Tickets, $1.00; extra ladid^ 50 BIG MASQUERADE at Helm’s' R e a d e r 's Suggestion s— near being annihilated by the fierce where they had been visiting the club house, K ingsbury Springs, Sat-i cents. Committee. 72-fri-mon D r. Ernest A. Woocfe thinks Ash Ford. Mr Rigg says th a t down i n ! form er’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. fftday night, Nov. 26. 72-2 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY la n d should pass and enforce a law : A rkansas the backwoods literary so-'M organ, Bubble Books for children at Rose ag ain st pedestrians crossing, or at- c(eHes used to discuss the question, Bros. 70tf Cliff Payne makes skirt boxes. FOR SALE— Good cow. C. Witteif- tem pting to cross, a street in the “ Resolved, th a t soft soap is slicker Sale prices on all com forters and bach, 1401 Boulevard. 72-3* m iddle of the block, in the business than grease,” but th a t a Medford blankets, to make room for our-hol-l P o rtraits th a t please. Darling N otice to O regon-M ontana Oil fk>. district. Many serious accid en ts; pavement is slicker than either. Studio. iday 3tock. Ferguson’s. 71-lm o FOR SALE—• Thoroughbred Ply­ Unit H olders have been narrow ly avoided, states _____ ______* mouth Rock rooster nine months Taxes on these lots, 90 cents each, old, or will trade for pullets. 90« D/ - , 7 ° ° ? ’ WÎ ° lM nk8 Mr> Roselle’ the taiIor at Orres Twenty-six days until Christm as L ikes A shland as H om e City__ become delinquent November 30, Seventh street. 72-2* should not wait until somebody is ,3 an artist a8 a tailor. He recently Make your appointm ent now. Darl- Mrs. R. E. Jones and m other, Mrs. 1921. R em it to H. G. Phillips, h n r t or killed before taking this came here from Minneapolis. 69tf ing Studio. 7 1 -lm o ■N- F. Larges, who have been visit­ WANTED— Good work team, disc precaution, which num erous other : ______ - m o ing T. F. Doran and Mrs. Jam es H. county treasurer, Lewiston. Mont. harrow and work harness. J. A. Give num ber of lot and block. R. P cities have found necessary. G irls; For pleating, see Orres. 69ti Robertson, 341 Rlmond street. Doran. 650 Boulevard, for the past Neil. 72-i T h anksgiving D inner Party— Phone 341-J. 72-2* a re the worst offenders in this re- ---------- The home of Mrs. Em ma Coffee, spect. according to our inform ant, Expert Piano Instruction. Phone on Oak street, was the scene of a 1 and the block between Enders and j C. S. Mitchell. : very enjoyable Thanksgiving party th e Elks building the most danger- I yestertfev. The colof- scheme was ous location. Upon several occa- R eturn from California— yellow with a big fat turkey and “a lf «ions Doctor Woods says he has had Mr and Mrs. E M. Wilson and the trim m in in’s” difficulty in not running over some- Mrs. A. L. Harvey returned T uesday1 s decorating the center who suddenly suddenly appealed annealed from from from Santa Ana, Calif., where th e y ’ °" 6 la r »e table. Those enjoying o one n e who h av e b p ,n vl«»«n«r Tnhn the feast were: Mr- and Mrs. Clar- behind a parked auto, althouh his have been visiting John Harvey and ence Lane. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Ev­ au to may not have been going but ! family. ans, and Mrs. Evans’ m other, Mrs. Jive or ten miles per hour. Agency of Oregon Fire Relief as- Susan Halley, Misses Eleanor Greer sociation. Yeo, of course. ' 44-tf and Georgie Coffee, and Messrs. H ot tam ales, Mexican chili beans, Luke Jennings, J F. Place, and and hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf Let Friend W ife sleep in the Bert R. Greer. go Hotel Ashland lir . n • r, ' m orning and g u to I U the LUO n ULBi A à U ia U U T he Ashland W inter Fair Decern-i Boys’ mackinaws and Jerseys in . o a J i grill and get one of those fine ò e r 7-8-9-10. 60-eod special 60 cent breakfasts. 61tf all wool, big values, at our sale prices. F erguson’^ I REED from the tasks of preparing for Thanksgiving, a great many people will G enuine Mexican chicken tam ales, Pre-holiday sale of all ladies and commence now to make selections for gifts and other needs, anticipating the "10 cents. Enders Confectionery.62tf gentlem en’s handkerchiefs, now on Dr. Jarvis R ecovers— Holidays. A fter being indisposed for a week. at sale prices Ferguson’s. O ffe rin g Wits Generous— Dr. George O. Jarvis resum ed his As the days between now and Christmas grow less, crowds in our store will The union Thanksgiving service E n tertained a t Dinner W'ork today. A few days ago he glow greater. Every day the crowds will be larger and larger. the Baptist church yesterday was Mr. a and Mrs. J. M. Fitzpatrick, 99 . Went to San F ran cisco to visit hos- There is only one course for the person who prefers leisurely, satisfactory •well attended. Rev. W. Judson Old­ Leonard onarri atm at „» street, entertained at pi.als and procure additional appa­ field pkeached a splendid sermon Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, Mr ratu s for his x-ray departm ent. One selections from complete assortments, and that is—to wpon the subject: ‘‘How God over­ and Mrs. Jam es Rudd and Edward of the hospitals visited is considered ru le d the blunders of men in the Rudd. by Dr. Jarvis as “ punk” in every re­ ■historic development of our nation.” spect and very inferior to A shland’s T h e offering was unusually gener­ All wool suits for $20 at Paulser- hospitals. o u s , am ounting to $51.35. H alf of ud’s. . 63tf Save $5 to $20 at Orres $1.00 P ro­ th is am ount will be sent to the Near fit Christm as Sale. 69tf I3ast relief fund, and the balance The Ashland W inter F air Decem­ w ill be used by the local m inister­ ber 7-8-9-10. 60-eod M arking P acific H ighw ay— " j ia l association for welfare work In — M arkers are today being erected th is locality. j T h anksgiving D inner Party— along Ashland --------- - | mr. Mr. ana and Mrs. Jack True, East ° the highway south of «.»mauu W ith modern apparatus we can street, entertained /yesterday ■ under the E rectio n of the state high- m ak e your portrait at night as well at a Thanksgiving dinner party given; W&y commiss,on- A right and left as in day tim e Evening by ap­ at th eir home. Those present were tu rn sign was this m orninS Put in of the foun-; pointm ent. Darling Studio. 71-lm o Mrs J. L. Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. J L. ’ 011 the p laza> i ust Women will appreciate the holiday gift which assumes Grubb Jr., Mr. and Mrs. B eecher' tain' the form of a hand-embroidered handkerchief. Danford an J family. E verett BellJ BIG MASQUERADE at Ifelm ’s O rres remodels garm ents. 69tf and Eunice, Mildred and Frank! Women’s Handkerchiefs..............10c each, three for 25c Grubb. i cIub house, Kingsbury Springs, Sat- ' JUWTMIN ______ 1 urday night, Nov. 26. 72-2 O rre s cleans clothes clean. 69tf Made of good quality fine lawn with colored embroidery .„ n o « « - in corners. Ladies’ and m en’s house slippers From O. A C.— All children's two piece under­ on sale now. A complete range of Ross Small, Irving P o rter and Ira ear in w inter weights, heavy cot- sizes and colors, all at sale prices. Fancy Bath Towels..........48c to 98c ea Tub Silks ................ .............. 1.75 yard Nevel, who are students at the O re-1 Jo n fleece and wool ribbed shirts and Ferguson’s. Come in fancy Jacquard patterns, with gon A gricultural college, arrived in Make him a silk shirt this Christmas j» n ts , to close out a t one half price. colored bolder; others with colored PaulserucFs Suits wni bear com- Ashland the early part of this week Tub silk in fancy satin stripes with JFerguson’s. parisons in price, quality and fit.63tf i to 8Pend Thanksgiving day at tkeir stripes and plaids. Pink, Blue, Gold. beautiful color combinations. homes. Miss Ivern Keller, also a V is its R»'lat.ivw,— Sunday V isitor— student a t the A gricultural college, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dozier, of Or- .Mrs. F. N. Snyder was entertained retu rn ed to Ashland with her m oth­ ■Ange. Calif., are visiting N. C. and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. er, Mrs. C. Keller, and is spending C allie Dozier, brother and sister of Sam Evans, in the Belleview dis­ the week in the city. -M r. Dozier, at 713 Oak street. trict. Mr. Snyder, who left here a R E B E K A H SOCSAL Special sal© H oefler’s Famous short tim e ago for California, is now in Pasadena. A m asquerade for Odd Fellows C hocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a and their families, R ebekahs and pound W atch our window Rose A dainty bit of lace is the finishing touch to effect the Let me take your m easure. I their families, and their invited B ro ‘ 7 0 tt guarantee to fit and satisfy you at guests, at the Odd Fellow s’ hall, the good taste of Milady’s costume. the lowest price John Maly, the fifth Tuesday, November 29, 1921, T he Ashland W inter Fair Decem­ Tailor. 8:30 o’clock. li b e r 7-8-9-10. 60_eO(i 5,000 Yards New Laces in New Patterns . . 5c yard ON LACES Ashland News in Paragraphs Seventeen singers gathered at the ■ Methodist church last evening for I the initial practice of a beautiful cantata, which the choir is prepar­ ing under the leadership of G. H. Yeo, to render at Christm as Free Methodist v ia Just 25 Shopping Days ’Til Christinas Shop Early It Is Easier Now Than Later Shop Early and Early in the Day Mountain Home Hand Loom Embroidery Handkerchiefs 35c each, 3 for $1 • w Dainty New Laces for the Christmas Shopper C o in g to M edford— New Filet Crochet Laces for Underwear. ( , A party of Epworth Leaguers a r e ! going to Medford to assist in the M e th o J s t young people’s meeting being held there this week. 'W e make our own candies ice cream and tamales. Enders Con­ fectionery. 62tf 3. McNair Bros, pay the cost of a tria l by refunding your money if H yomei fails to relieve th a t cough ’ •or cold you have. Tonight ~ ASHLAND ARMORY Taylor Players Offer LE N A R IV E R S A Play as Sw eet a s th e H oneysuckle Vaudeville Between Acts A dm ission: A dults, 45c, war tax 5c; children, 13c, war tax 2c B ic y c le s Held— Two bicycles belonging to H arold Nevelle and Harold Wagner, are being held a t the police station as t h e result of repeated offenses, po­ lice state, of catching passing autosI f o r “ joy rides.” Chief of Police! H a tch e r claims th a t the boys have been warned repeatedly against t h e ’ - practice of hanging on to cars, sta t­ ing th a t a great tfaffic rick is in­ c u rre d . Thc Guaranteed B All children’s W inter H ats and Tam s, in ’velvets and plush, new 1 -.styles, new goods, all on sale a t one' t'h ir d off F erguson’s. The best C hristm as present is a «»it o r overcoat tailored to measure ■See the big values a t O rres’ $1.00 ’P ro fit Christm as Sale. 69tf W e rw evate old suit«, w d’i. Paulser- 63t< Our V ulcanizing P rocess is the gu aran teed w ay. No m atter if it is a spot on a tire or a fu ll retread, orfr w ork is all barked by a m oney buck gu ar­ an tee, Our charges are th e low est at w hich it is possib le to turn ou t first class work. «RUGGII BROTHERS GUARANTEED VULCANIZ I NG T IR E S A C C E S S O R IE S IEL.I25 ASHLAMD.ORECON 91 OAK ST. 20c yard Bath Robe Blankets ........................$5.98 Rain Proof Umbrellas ................. $2.98 = All new patterns in dark colors, suitable for Men’s Robes. Come with cords to match. An excellent assortment of ladies’ um- brellas in the popular handle types, made of cotton Taffeta, steel frames. if a Dolls! Dolls! P r ic e d ........$1.48 to $7.48 Vanity Boxes ................................... $5.98 H Character and novelty dolls; imported undressed dolls; character dolls with “ can’t break ’em” heads; imported dressed dolls, jointed limbs, closing eyes and cloth shoes and stockings. New vanity boxes in new styles and shapes, covered with genuine leather in different colors, fitted with mirror, coin purse and other fittings. H H g g Buy now while our stock is complete SI Ribbons for Every Need Ribbons ............35c yard Ribbons ............48c yard Ribbons ............59c yard "Wide widths in light flor­ al patterns, fine quality for Hair Bows and Fancy Work. Wide widths in dark pat­ terns, plaids, checks and stripes, a fine quality foi Children’s Hair Bows. Wide widths in fancy satin patterns and Moire Taffeta ribbon in plain colors. THE STORE WHERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED ____________________________ H ave Y our H em ptitcbing and Picoting Done H ere E . R. I SAAC &" Co. Successors to C. H- Vaupel. THE Q U A L IT Y STORE