ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Friday, Novem ber 25, 1921 PORTLAND SPECIALIST seem at the time, let me plead with you to at once begin efforts to dis­ cover the cause and consult -your physician and not rest until the con­ (Continued from Page Three) dition is remedied.- If the case is one of tuberculosis, grain, the kernel without the rough- remember that the first step, if the age; produced growth, but the heif­ fever, which is usually below nor­ ers were unable to reproduce their mal in the morning, but which rises species, while those fed on corn si- in mid-day and becomes lower in i lage, the grain and stalks and leaves the evening again, can only be con- j as well, bore healthy calves. This . trolled by rest in the open air. Do emphasizes the fact that children not he persuaded that exercise in must have vitamines in order to in­ the open air is best. Promptly re- duce proper growth And reproduc- i port all such cases- to the health au­ tij^. This applies with equal force thorities and in return receive their to the future and expectant mother. help and advice in caring for the We must concede th at malnutri­ cause and in limiting the spread of tion which is brought about by back tbe infection. ly selected foods and faulty habits lays the foundation for future dis­ ease, decreasing their normal resist­ ance. It is imperative that properly balanced foods be given our chil­ dren. .i U " > Faulty digestion begets an excess C op yright,’ 4 8 Î1 . W e ii e r i N « « a p * p e r 'U nion of acid in the system which in- turn each kuidneee that you de dissolves the minerals In the sys­ Forget As soon as you lia v e d on e'it;1 L /J tem. This condition invites tuber­ Forget the' praise that fails to you The moment you have won it; culosis. . . . Forget the slander that you hear Whenever your children shovv any 'Before you can repeat it; departure from normal, whether due Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer to tonsils, adenoids, cough or mal­ 'W henever you may m eet it. nutrition, however trivial it niay COMPLIMENTS COUNTY HEALTH ASSN. WORK Free Tube w ith e v e ry M ason-Cord a t L eedom ’s T ire H o sp ital $ 1 .0 0 P r o f it Christmas Sale at Orres Tailor Shop now on. Don’t Miss It. JELLY NOT EXACTLY I ECONOMICAL Has your wife any idea of the use of money I i should say not; she has an idea that I have a five-foot shelf of bank books. C îtth , CENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE The key to success is work— There is no substitute for it! In order to do your best work, you m ust be healthy. You m ust sleep soundly a t night, your nerves m ust be strong steady and under perfect control. If you are accustomed to drinking tea or coffee with your meals or between meals, you m ay be loading yourself with a very great handicap. Your nervous system may be stimulated beyond w hat is natural for you. Oysters in Cu- cumber Cups. — fe II Cut large cucuiu- bers into quar- For tea and coffee contain thein and caffeine. These are drugs,as any doctor can tell you. They are known to irritate the nervous system by their action and to cause restlessness and insomnia, which prevent the proper recuperation of the vital forces. AND INCREASE YOUR ENERGY QUICKLY. EASILY AND SURELY AT SMALL COST I*® I I I I \.__ If you w ant to be at your best, capable of doing the very best work that lies in you, w hy not stop drinking tea and coffee? Drink Postum , the rich, satisfying beverage made from scientifically roasted cereals. Thin or run-down folks will fin d this simple test well worth trying: First weigh yourself and measure y ° ur8clf- Next take Mastin’« VITA- MON—two tablets with every meal. Then weigh and measure yourself again each week and continue ta k in g Postum contains absolutely no drugs of any kind,’ but in flavor tastes m uch like rich coffee. It helps nerve and brain structure by letting you get sound restful sleep. ISTicMij Maetin’s VITAMON regularly until I / f . la M M a i i >ou are satisfied with your g«m in weight and energy. Mastin’s VITA- MON contains highly concentrated yeast-vitamines as well aa the tw o other still more important vitamines (Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C ), V. 11 > all of which Science says you must y j j lv j have to be strong, well and fully ,1 /1 developed. It is now being used b y I l ( fiaMcia« thousands who appreciate i t s c o n - \ 1 I / 1 venience, econfimy and quick results. \ i ankh IMPORTANT! While the a m u - siwoas. ing health-building value of Mastia'e «SU L VITAMON has been clearly and positively demonstrated in cases of tack of energy, nervous troubles, snemfr, JbXA indigestion, constipation, «kin erup- . . . . , _ to n s, poor complexio» and a generally , ^p^.t'iyaical an<5 mental condition, it should not be used by anyone who JECTS to having their weight increased to normal. Do not accept imitations ubetitutes. You can get Mastin’« VITAMON tablets at all good druggists. V IT A M O N BRt ORIGINAI AND (GENUINI iUïMASTINS Afc Positively Guaranteed to Pot On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back topped with our whipped marshmallow cream is simply irresistible! It makes one of the tastiest desserts you ever saw. Get ift c'fin of our marsh­ mallow whip today and learn of the fine desserts you can make from it. PLUM M ER'S iheastmai - o t . crocephones , Johnnie: Say, Pop, can anybody go to heaven in an aeroplane? Pop: Not by go­ ing up, Johnnie. Now that oysters are again in sea- n the following will be a suggestion w h ic h may be used or modified: L 2*. PU D D IN G GOING DOWN SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. Take Yeast Vitamon Tablets To Put On “Stay-There” Flesh OR teaspoonrui oi salt, a dash of pepper, and stir until the eggs are creamy. Pour over slices of toast well buttered and garnish with slices of fresh tomato sprinkled with chopped green pepper. Terrapin Chicken.—Chop two hard eggs and two cooked chicken livers, mix. these with two cupfuls of cold cooked chicken cut In bits. Season to taste with salt, pepper and a grat­ ing of nutmeg. Melt three table- spoonfuls of butter in a frying pan; add f two tablespoonfuls of flour and one cupful of equal parts of chicken stock and cream. Cook as for white sauce, add the chopped mlxtere, cover, and simmer over gentle heat for ten minutes. Before serving, add the volk of an egg beaten with two tablespeon- fuls of cream and one teaspoonful of lemon juice; stir this Into the hot mix­ ture and pour Into timbale cups or crustades. x Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Po6tum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Ask your grocer for Postum . Postum for Health Sold everywhere. There’s a Reason November - - December A Ringing A ppeal to Oregonians By R. A. Booth Dushig the months of Nov­ Chairman S ta te H igh w ay C om m ission ember and December only, Tha Vest'; Grvat Ñaticnai H^ajuns, ' a h ’? , as :ts siegan m V.tli^reniircseix&tisfe.rBioCth we offer the ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS and the SUNSET,1 MAGAZINE at the following combination n P H E USE of Oregon Products is funda- i * m antal o r even elem ental if O regon is to prosper. T he population of Oregon cannot be sustained if O regon payrolls decrease. Special .¿departments — The Ptilèe of. île W est.” an editor::;! section tifat offers SU N SET readers' intelligent opinions on events and pres- ent-dgy problems:—the “Serv­ ice Sureau/' a clearing house for readers’ inquiries;—“The Home in the W est,” “W estern Finance,” and a host of other features combine tp make SU N SET a magazine fcr the home — for every member of the family. It is a m atter of vital interest, then, to every inhabitant of the state to keep Oregon dollars in the state! T o buy our own products and use them is like eating the cake and having it, too. It is keeping the products and the m oney also. Let’s do it with renew ed energy! L et’s p a t­ ronize those m erchants who feature O regon-m ade m er­ chandise. Let an Oregon product give u s pleasure and strength at every dining hour. Let’s go to the greatest»extent reasonable to build and furnish our hom es with O regon Products and let us daily as we enter the’ stofe room s and shops keep before us an obligation th at we cannot shift— BUY OREGO N PRODUCTS! A special arrangem ent with the publishers of SUNSET has m a d e'th is offer possible, àhd we u^co those of oqr reati­ er-i who- arc interested tb take advantage-of the reduced rgte .vi have secured. ' - ■ B i 'Even if gottr subscription lias n o t'ex p ired — use the -t - ■ > . • ' Daily Tidings, 3 mos. Sunset Magazine 1 yr Total regular price BOTH DURING « NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER ONLY ASHLAND TIDINGS .ASHLAND, OREGON accept your Special Magazine Offer. Please enter iptibn’ to the DAILY TIDINGS fo rath ree months d my nome to SUNSET, The W est’-- Great Natio !ne, to be entered as a subscriber id? one year, enclose $3.20, which I. understand stoves rHer^l.'Ap.- Begin St NSET w ith.'/. . R E G O N B U IL D IN G PORTLAND offer: . . <•( . . .number .^ N o T F — This paper- and SU NSET will Ire sent to two sepa­ rate addresses, if (Joshed- Indicate the two tuldi esses on a sheet o f paper and attach this coupon. ou save on this offer $1.25