Friday, November 35, l»21 THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE FOUR sec. 1, twp. 36 S., R. 3 W., $16. \ ' Y. W. Sanford et ux to Frank Hamlin, w. d. to land in sec. 36, twp. 38 S., R. 1 W , $10. H em stitching, 8 cents per yard. Ada P o rter et al to Medford, q. c. Almost a« far back as our knowl- dently was used in the construction of Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod edge of ancient civilisation extends the Tower of Babel, for the Book of d to half interest in lots 2, 3, 4, authentic evidence exists that asphalt, Genesis states that “slime had they block 2, Central subdivision to Med­ which is now used in sixty per cent for m ortar” and the word ' ‘slime” is of the street paving in American translated as "bitumen” or “asphalt'' P o m o n a G ran ge S a tu rd ay— ford, $1. cities, was known by the human race in the Vulgate. This same "slime”, is Josephine County Pomona grange C. D. Colbaugh to Lloyd G. Ly­ for its useful and valuable properties, also recorded as having been used to The earliest recorded use of asphalt daub the basket which served to con- meets afe the Fruitdale Grange hall man et ux, w. d. to lot 16, block 1, was by the Sumarians, a people in- ceal Moses -in the bulrushes when November 26. A report will be re­ Bryant addition to Medford, $10. habiting the Euphrates Valley prior to the Children of Israel were suffering the ascendancy of the Babylonians, under the bondage of Egypt about 1600 ceived from the delegate to the state Thomas J. Moore et ux to Peter Some of the oldest relics which have B. C. It was Nabopolassar, King of and national grange which have just Schonartb, w. d. to E*4 of SE(4, been unearthed by archaeologists, \Babylon, who, about 600 B C first demonstrate that as early as 3000 B. C. used asphalt as a filler or m ortar for closed sessions in Portland. Dele­ |SW *4 of S E ’4 , sec. 26, twp. 34 S., R. asphalt was used by the Sumarians as brick pavements. H is son, Nebuohad g ate Blanchard carried resolutions 1 W., $1. a cementing medium or binder for a t- nessar, continued the practice, as le tachlng small objects or ornaments to demonstrated by an inscription on a from Pomona asking the national Elizabeth B Yockey et vir to Sa- sculptures, carvings and pottery. An brick taken from one of the streets grange, through its representative at ! rah S. Shell et vir, w. c* to lot 7, asphalt mastic cast excavated at L a - Asphalt was used also in the construc- gash, near the mouth of the Euphra- tion of foundations subject to water W ashington, D. C., and through the ; N. 29 feet lot 6, Glen Terrace addi­ tes, dates back to 2850 B. C., and as action in the ancient city of Media agricultural bloc in congress, th at tion to Ashland, $10. early as 2.600 B. C. the Egyptians u til- Ip the Western Hemisphere this m a­ laws be enacted to compel com m is-1 iled liquid or melted asphalt as a pre- terial appears to have been used in Sadie E. C athcart et vir to Grace servative coating for the cloth wrap- ancient times by the Incas of Peru cion men to deal squarely with the i S. Colvin, w. d. to land in d. 1. c. 79, ping of mummies. Its waterproofing who established a magnificent system value was known also at this date and of highways. Thus asphalt, instead producers. There will be discussions twp. 37 S., R 2 W„ $10. there is good reason to believe that the of being a produot of exclusively mod- on this subject and possibly there I Grace S. Colvin to Frank M. Col- ark built by Noah was treated w ith era use, as may be commonly sup- asfihalt within and without for this posed, really is a world-old materia!, will be in open session in order th at j vin, deed to land in d. 1 c. 79, tw’p t purpose. • the use of which has been handed all interested in a square deal at ' 37 S., R. 2 W„ $10. - A b a mortar for brick, asphalt evi- down from the oidest civilisation. th e hands of commission men may | L. M. Rhodes et ux to Tom Bush­ ted to probate. Rawles Moore (referee) to Ora ong, w. d. to lots 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, participate.— G rant Pass Courier. E state Joseph H. LydiarO. Admit- Edith Rags * le, deed to of SW Lewis addition to Medford, $10. 3. Strengthen your stomach and W ’/è of SE % , sec 3, twp 37 S , ted to probate. banish indigestion; Mi-O-Na is g u ar­ E state A. Alford. Inventory and R* 2 anteed by McNair Bros, to do it or THE ELHART WAY’ Chas. J. Haas to Helen Haas, w. d. appraisem ent. money back. E state Bertie B. Pankey et al to part of block 6, Galloway addi­ The little EXTRAS in serv tion to Medford, $100. C e n tra l P o in t V isito rs— (m inors). Confirm ation of sale. ice can be given the Early Edgar B. Barron et ux to Emma Several local ¿hots attending the E state Jane CarrolL Petition and Xmas shoppers turkey shoot held a t C entral P o in t^order Wing, w. d. to part d. 1. c. 38, twp. yesterday, shot at blue rocks with 40 S., R. 2 E., $10. E state Mary B. Leslie. Proof of a shotgun and a t bulls eyes with a Sheriff to L. D Dollarhide, s d. publication. rifle. Among those who attended to land in sec. 16,-21 and 22, twp. E state W L. McClude. Notice; g r 2 E . $1011. from Ashland were O. O. Helman, final account. Thad Powell, George Hake, George Chas. F. Danford et ux to O. W. Parm on, Allie Powell, Fred Patton, Josephine Houston estate. Final Dunford ux, w. d. to land fn secs, F re d Neil, A. C. Nininger, and Ben account. Order. 18 ant* 19, twp. 38 S., R 2 W., $10. Bowers. The Ashland boys got John F. R itsw orth to Maud Dits- W. L. McClure estate. Order. th e ir share, as Ben Bowers, A. C. ! w orth, w. d to land in sec 20, twp. TOILET ARTICLES N ininger and Fred Neil left about i Edw ard T. M errill et ux to Lu- 33 S., R. 2 E., $10. noon, bringing home five fine gob- cille Gilmore, w. d. to lot on IowaI Delbert Fehl et ux to city of Med- Genuine Pyralin Jvory — a blers in N ininger’s car. The Ash- street, Ashland, $1400. ford, s. w. d. to part of Summit very complete line. As well land boys are going to give a big John F rank K istler to Annfe D .1 avenue and Holly’ street, extended, as all the pieces in the new shoot Sunday, December 18, when K istler, w. d. to governm ent lot 5, $250. SHELL PYRALIN i W. T. W right et ux *to Geo. L. an attractive program of events will sec. 20, twp. 36 S., R. 4 W., $1. be carried out. They will shoot for See our window and make H attie W arner Gore et vir to city Ford, w. d. to lots 13, 14, 15, 16, turkeys, beef, pork, cash and mer- of Medford, q c. d. tp lots 2 an d 3, block 1, C entral Point, $10. your selections early « at «handise prizes, and expect a large block 2, Riverside subdivision to | Fred Orlando Gamble to G ertrude crowd from all over th e'v alley . Medford. Gamble, w. d. to SE % , sec. 29, twp ---- —------------------------- - ; Jason H artm an et ux to Henry F. 35 S., R. 4 W., $1. M N GIVES W IFE M rcT ' Howe w‘ d ‘ t0 lots 1 and *• block M. Shaver et ux to Isaac C. Moore GLYCERINE M IA T tR E 60, Jacksonville, $10. ' et ux., w. d. to lot on California Local and Personal Parisian Ivory She had stomach trouble to r years. „ Erneet Cle“ c” “ et UI 40 E dl4i B Istrc cl ” Ashland, »1200. A lter giving her simple buckhorn ;M oore’ d- 40 104 12’ block E2' Carrlc T- hii11b •» A lbert J. Mil- Medford, $10. to n et ux., w. d. to land in sec. 15, bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Millie M. McBride to Ruzzella J. twp. 36 S., R 4 W , $10 A dler-i-ka, her husband says: “ My McDougall, w. d. to lot in d. c. 1. 42, B. H. Moore et ux to Janie Cook, w ife feels fine now and has gained twp. 37 S., R. 1 W., $1. w. d. to E ^ o f.N W U , of N E% , •weight. It is w onderful stomach m edicine.” Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing foul m atter which poisoned stom ­ ach and which you never thought i •was in your system. EXCELLENT' for gas on the stomach or chronic , Laet Time Tonight constipation. Guards against appen- ] dicitis. The ipm urities it brings out •will surprise you. T. K. Bolton, D ruggist. CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF Fencing from E astern m ills just in. Con­ siderable drop in prices on sam e. ■ i ■ GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on implements and re­ pairs. . New and used sewing machines for 6ale or to re n t......... T rustw orthy tteea, shrubs, lo se s, and b e n ie s , from th e W ashing­ ton N u isery C