TWO ASHLAND DAILY TTDUKM EDITORIALS ATURES 2S - Established 1876 ®*al>lished Every Evening • Except T H E ASHLAND PRINTING OO Or John B. Thunder, Esq 1■MM LYRICS OF LIFE 1 By DOUGLAS MALLOCH EAL UITV AND CÔÎ STY TELEPHONS 39 í THE MASTER AVIATOR, 3*»b&< > i prion Pri - t h e m onth . . "Three m o n th » '. 3&x m onths . . . ■One year . . . . Mail and R ural Routes O n e m onth t. ,. "Three motaitMs . •-’SSSx m o n ie s,,.,.. O n e ye^F . . . 8AW dn avlatoif great. Without a fear w care The ether ocean navigate. The master of the air. With sudden speed he mounted In clouds; afar to fade— The easy .sailor of the*sky, Afloat and unafraid/, 1 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising S in g le Insertioh, eachAnph. .j. And then he came returning, down Within my vision’s ken, Above the field, above: the town, Above the sea again. W ith many a long and graceful sweep He circled near and far, i A happy ship upon ttie deep Blue hfeavenfc like a "Star., N early contracts Display Advertising 'O n e «time a week» j . . . . . . u . T w o timpe ja week?.. J . ... [ where S • Everyl pther day. I . ¿ ¿ J .U . L; ¿Bach line, each titn e .’. . . .‘10c ’iTo r a n every other Aiy for one m onth, each line; each tim e. . 7c ru n every issue for one month • or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c Classified Column One cent the word each time. To ru n every issde for one month « 9 r m ore, the word each time. Legal Rato 'F ir s t time, per 8-point line.'. . . .10c -Xaeh subsequent time», per 8- poin t line . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 5c 'C a rd of thanks $1.00 ■Obituaries, the line ................... 2% c Fraternal Orders and Societies A dvertising for fraternal orders (Copyright) n r societies charging a regalar -initi- wtion fee and dues» n o .disopun,t. Be- Mgious and benevolent orders will be «barged the regular rate for all ad> acute indigestion and the long train wertiaing when an admission /»r other of ills which are concomitants of Teharge is made. . 5 If. - , ■ k 1. gluttony. It is in order for every­ one to look carefully to the quan­ tity and quality of food eaten, and to eat m oderately, which conserves health and fosters energy. & PUBLIC FORUM ® <8> $ g»P? i Yet there were men who did not see The wonder In the Hue, Or look upon him languidly, As mortals often do— So husy with their man-made things They neither saw nor heard The music of his bqating wings, The beauty of the bird. v i I * ■ k * I » ** V V (Copyright.) IN T H E BACKGROUND "W ould you h id e behind a wom­ a n ’s p e ttic o a ts» ” “N ot exactly, b u t I find it la Just a s well to le t your wife do th e talk ing w hen you a re held up by a tra fflc c o p ." Take the Scenic Shasta Route Sunny Southern Beer, Not Milk, Caused Chicago Fire “My husband and I—we w’ere newly­ weds—were visiting with some friends, Mr. and Mrs. John- Kokes, at 140 West Taylor street, that Sunday. The Kokes’ home was almost opposite Mrs. O’Leary’s place, 137 North De Koven street. We sat under the trees In the back yard. “Across the alley we saw six men who were sitting In the shade behind the Q’Leary house. They were drink­ ing beert smoklnj and laughing. A pretty jolly bunch, I ¿uesf, i“ ‘O d p a r’ whispered Mrs. Kokes t< nje, W it that pfirt^ noFiy. If some­ thing doesn’t happen before night 1 don’t know w hat!’ “And something did; That evening just qs my husband and I were setting ! Out for home near by, we saw tin flames. -They were gushing from tin i hayloft of ,the O’Leary shed. We ran back. A south wind swept the fire I across the alley to a barn storing paint ou the Kokes property. Later the wind shifted to the west and th e ! flames went rioting across the city. “We remembered that some of th e , men In that drinking party had gone into the barn, clambered Into the hay- fctft ’ and dropped asleep. They had been smoking pipes, and probably one of these, slipping into the hay, was the real cause of the start of the dis-1 aster,” We maJce all quotations on JOB WORK - from - - * - T H E FRANKLIN PRICE LIST Sam e jirices—reasonable. Pfice— tQ all . E n tered at th e Ashland. Oregon 'JPttatoffice as Second-class Mail Majt *’ -Amewdcahè ’O riééM t to be rom eved," and he perform s T h e average American eats '2664 , the operation. True diagnosis, the B oonds’ pf f66d per year. This is ’ thing im m ediately begins to eat and m ore’ than seveh flotinds MâflyT' The ' swalfoW, b u t'u n lik e thé removal of A m erican wagè-eàme?? h’oWever, i s ’the appehdtx of -man. it has im pair- ®»ore tem perate rin httr eatftig. H e | ed its Usefulness; for it was not made « e ts along, maybe the estim ate on the filtering w a ste of -money expended for food j >jant ^ ig h t turn put like the esti- t h a t is not needed, but it mFans 1 m ate for paving Mill street, in which v e ry serious im pairm ents of h e alth .jca se it would cost about $130,000, F ood taken in overlarge quantities i with a $6000 upkeeP( the $6000 be. becom es poison rath er than nourish- ing ju8t the am ount needed to pay m en t to the system People who the interest on the $100.000 reser­ v e most vigorous physically are t voir. -So the gentlem an salesman, m oderate eaters. Over-indulgence in ; realizing th a t this filtering the wa- mod in this country is most general ’te r was simply a subterfuge to make am ong the very elem ents of thè peo- the m eters work, th a t a t least 90 p ie th a t live leisurely, if not slug- Per cent of the people were abso- «is'nly, and do not havq the d ig es-ilu tely satisfied with the puritV of tio n a l stim ulus of robust physical J the water. He Immediately sug- la b o r These types cannot digest o r , gested th at there was a whirligig a ssim ilate food in such large quan- in the m arket, guaranteed to work titie s as they consume it. F u rth er- {autom atically, until it got choked m ore, they eat rich foods, and mix J up, which could be placed in front th e m w ithout intelligent regard for I of each m eter, or somewhere along saT ety an J healthfulness— sweets : the line, th a t would absolutely pro- 'witta acids, starches, aud foods th at tect the n^eter in its work, to the •Jo n o t blend well with starches, absolute satisfaction of the mayor ■^lany a stomach lias far more rea and Mr Banta, an.1 all t h e city 'win to rebel than Mexicans have to would have to do was to have a * 1 ’nst their government, force of men ready, when the clog ’ ny ? -? n of (he tenderest im- overpowered the w hirligig, to shut m tse- abuses ,his stomach with ut- off the w ater and clean it out. He ct Ity. Smftir w onde| th at there did not say what the city should do s ’ -uornm ic m utinies and insur- in case of fire while the w ater was r t v . th fôsÿltânt dyspepsia, shut off. I am inform ed th a t the from the California Through Sleeping Car Service y. SACRAMENTO—SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES offers all the comforts of modern travel Convenient schedules, observation cars, and excellent m e a ls'a re other features of the Shasta Route Round Trip W inter Excursion Tickets 4 i ■ ' are on sale at Reduced Fares to Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego For; tickets and inform ation ask agents, or write Southern Pacific ? Lines General .:. SCOTT, senger Agent I CHARLES A. JOHNS Flavor is to coffee w h a t happiness is to life. T h e m ore happiness th e b e t t e r life, th e m o re flavor th e b etter coffee i