f « lgb eight ASHLAND DAILY TDHNOS A s h l a n d N e w s in P a r a g r a p h s Local and Personal ----------------------- Side L ights--------- 1 FATTY FAVORED BY TESTIMONY OF DR. KAARBEE Labor Trouble Increase R. R' Accidents; Mex. W ednesday, Koveni»«* 38, l i Russian Food Situation Acute Cattle Disappear Revival Meetings Free Methodist Church Services every evening seven-thirty. Sane, safe, sound Gospe Preaching. Special service and specia subject Thanksgiving at ll in the morning. MASONIC CALENDAR THIS M EEK ' The best Christm as present is a. ■ suit or overcoat tailored to m easure. WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 22 — MEXICO CITY, Mex., Nov. 23.— See the big values a t O rres’ $1.00: A partial reason for the acute food Railroad accidents are increasing in Profit Christm as Sale. 69tf M alta Commandery No. 4, W ed­ I num ber in Mexico. Many causes arej Sltuatlon existing in Russia is given ¡assigned for this condition, which i s i ^ the Ekonom icheskaya Zhizn nesday evening, November 23. Order M eetings at Derby — ¡causing heavy losses to the lines. I (Economic L ife>- a Bolshevist news- o f the Temple. Supper served ear­ Rev. H C. H ulet is this week paper published in Moscow, in a re­ SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23 — D r. delay t0 shippers and peril to pas- ly , a t 6:15, before work. holding special evening services at Kaarbee, testifying for the defense sengers. port received by the United States Siskiyou Chapter No. 21, Friday Derby. . Rev. H ulet is a Sunday trial of Roscoe (F a tty ) Ar- departm ent of commerce. evening, November 25 P. M. and school m issionary who makes his . at the . , As there are two rival classes of DAIRYMEN, NOTICE The report discloses the startling M. J5. M. degrees. home in Ashland and puts in all his uc e, c arge with m anslaughter ra iiroa(j employes, each of these time organizing and assisting Sun- in connection with’ the death of Vir- blames the otber I fact th at the total num ber of cattle There will be a meeting for L am k in Ikxwt.M H otel — One body of workers wa3 engaged in Russia has decreased one-third Cow Testing association memb day schools in out of the way places i ginia . Rappe, film actress, stated Mayor C B. Lamkin, of Ashland, • in Jackson, the Weight weight of each ani- land for T , , „ He also , ctor to to be 8 , « 1916, 7 county. organ-1 th a t he was the first doctor v«.«» w be uc at t he time of the general railroad since called a fte r the “ most beautifully s tr lte last F ebruary. These are ac. | ” a I. w as in Medford today, and says they sT ™ tely has grea“ y “ . all interested in dairyi izes and visits home study classes, j , November 26, at 1:30 p. m., Avió«** nni-1 . - . i a i min-shoeî and. tho average age of a r e going to put over the proposi­ circulates books from a traveling l i - j , 1* 88^ ,"?,man 5n tbe ni0' , ies co1* cused of incompetency by the older lue axeiage age tlft Medford Public Library. tio n of raising the $30,000 bonus brary, and holds evangelical se rv -■ a party g b e n b y , employes, who w ere °’-° taken back af- „« le 1 r s dS c “ nsed iei> much Arbuckle at the St. Francis hotel ter tbo strike failed fo r the new hotel, having already In order to conserve the meat sup- ices. here. ra is e d about $20,000. — Medford rp. , . . , PJy and prevent fu rth er decline in The new w orkers retort by charg- „ , £>r. K aarbee testified th a t on en­ M ail Tribune. x, , , , , cattle num bers the paper nronoses ing the older workers with careless- , .. , . l . i t ses Mr. Roselle, the tailo r at Orres, PUBLIC AUCTION th a t flsb- lean pork, rabbits and Is an a rtist as a tailor. He recently tering the room he saw Mrs. Del­ ne83 H ot tam ales, Mexican chili b e a n s ,! 7 .« a , x , buds be distributed to the population Talent, Friday, Nov. 25, , came here from Minneapolis. 69tf mont on 'to p of the bed with her a n d hot chocolate at Rose Bros. 70tf* clothes on, but with her dress up j due to bad condition of tbe track> in lieu of meat, asserting th a t the residence of Wm. StiÄnp] entire attention of the government o er 'nees. Virginia was under I caused by heavy rains and floods, M inisters to M e e t - f l o w of Rogue River— the covers. He said Miss Rappe’s ! and to the need of newgr and bet_ should be confined to the breeding 6 head heavy you n g work hoi Several Ashland m inisters are of cattle and fishing. Monday the ¿river reached just: planniQg i(J attend tfae t near« heart was norm al and she shook sh o o k , ter rolling stock> 5 horse collars th e stage of w ater th a t it reached . ,Qf the RogU(J Riyer m inster,a , ass0. h er head when asked if she was in - ! The fishing industry In Russia 1 tractor disc plow o n th e 17th day of November last elation, which will be held at G rants j ” ' e ’ has also deteriorated amazingly, r ’ K aarbee testified th a t 1 corn cu ltivator y e a r when it went over the top of Pass Monday, the first m eeting co n -’ ’?® W\ S QUiet and exhibited no evi-! | states the same paper, the fish catch 3 sin g le h orse cultivators [ for 1920 having been only 177,400 3 sets w ork harness th e cofferdam at the Savage Rap­ vening at 10:30 o’clock in the morn- of .pa,n- not responding when id s dam and put a stop to opera­ ing. at the Baptist church. j tons, as compared to 1,113,000 tons Rev. 1 h® exa“ med her abdomen. ’ He stat- j 1 sin g le w ork harness tio n s upon th a t stru ctu re for the ’ W. J. Fenton will discuss the m in -! jin 1910. The paper lays the blame 3 sin g le horse cu ltivators ? ° bruised spots were a P’ w rise has not ister and his work, and a G rants i paren * en be examined her “ from for this condition entirely on the h in ter. The , maximum ... 1 new feed chopper been as great this year, however, the , Pasg buginegg man wil. " t h e waist upw ard.” He declared government, charging th at the gov­ 1 new com bination fet'd grind« reco rd in 1920 having been about ernm ent has discouraged fishing by 3 pair platform scales • question, “ Is the church m aking th at he did not do anything for the 25,000 second feet, and this y e ar' ,, ! the peasants by imposing hardships 1 3 4 0 lb. counter scales There will an open dis- patient because he thoughte medical only 15,000. .T he dam is now com -: g°° . ...... 7 be ' ’ Z“ CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov. 22. and taxes upon the fishing folk, treatm en t was unnecessary. Alcohol 1 5 0 foot log chain f cussion of these and other subjects. p íe te , and the rising w aters are no W alter F razier Brown is secretary k*e^ e^ ° t!Ceable op* ber b reatb > be as* — More than 100,000 gallons of i m aking it practically p ro h ib itiv e for 1 cen trifu gal pump w ith mot« moonshine whiskey were seized in them to ply theiP m enace.— G rants Pass Courier 1 foi'ce pump of the association. I t -. \ West Virginia during the first nine ! hope oi profit. - 1 Fred Fischback testified th a t he E xceptionally fin e *lot carpent I ¡carried __ Virginia by an arm and one months of this ye a r- according to, ----- Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, tools For pleating, see Orres. 6 9 tf , , 2 0 cents. E n te rs Confectionery.62tf Meg after her collapse, and put her figures obtained from the office o f , ASHLAND-M EDFORD CLASH 1 13-gauge W inchester pump IN FOOTBALL TOMORROW into a cold bath. This m ethod' of Prohibition Commissioner W alter S 1 .3 3 Special W inchester rifle) W ith modern apparatus we can New G rants P a ss P astor — handling, the defense contends, ac- H allanan, when he turned the office Tomorrow afternoon at Medford 1 13x14 w all ten t ♦ m ak e your portrait at night as w e ll’ ReV' H a rt’ of Garfield> W ash., has j COUnts for the bruises found on the over to W. G. Brown, the new com­ the Ashland high school football 1 camp stove a -- s — in day Evening uy by ap- a p . ; accepted a 0311 from the P resb y te r-[ body of Migg Rappe missione;. ---✓ • tim e urvuilla — , ; ¡ w team o. in w will in l meet u c c i L the iic J Medford ir m u iu c eleven ic v c il 1 oil burner stove pointm ent. Darling Studio. 71-lm o ian cburch a t G rants Pass, at a sal- These tigures do not include the . „„ , _. 1 porch sw in g .< u v. ,, ..... P n tbe last game of the season. The I ary o* $2400. “old hen,” the; “ pick handle,” home t . DEMENTED YOUTH v- . . I local team is the chamnion not onlv 2 heaters M-ew, wme and a variety of other , e . v, Lunch room will be open first R ELIVES H IM SELF x. . , i of Southrn Oregon, but of the Wil- 2 exq u isite oak round diqing Hotel Ashland Grill caters to of cruder m anufacture!-, ** ,, . . „ , a , T v. o f th e week, form erly Palace lunch PR O PH ET; IS TAKEN concoctions tablet . . x. x „ Uam ette valley, having defeated Leb- seized, estim ated at several hundred L anon on the .. , local , field. E arlier in «ar- 68-4 home-folks as well as to commercial 2 gfete oak din in g chairs men and tourists. 61tf thousand,, gallpns. (Continued from Page 1) the season Ashland defeated M ed-! 1 oak ch iffon ier According to the official figures S o u th ern W riter H ere— ford, and the local fla y e rs have i 1 m orris chair time brought home to his parents. 106^500 gallons pf moonshine were „ 77 “ Miss Frances' Anderson, of Rich­ Leave for California,— ,, x „ t r been doing some hard training the 2 oak rockers Y Mrs. Laura F arm er left last ev­ Since then he has had a num ber of confiscated between Jan u ary 1 and i , , « x- - m ond, Va., spent last night in Ash­ 1 9x12 W ilton rug ~ . x x x . Past week ln preparation for to- spells of dem entia, sometimes imag- October 1. A total of 950,510 gal- . . , J , la n d , being entertained at Hotel ening for her home in*Sacram ento, ir.,--,» xv. , . , , L __ , . . . . - T m morrow o r r o w s game. gam e, A a large la r g e delegation 1 9x12 B ru ssels rug A shland. Miss Anderson impressed Calif., after a four weeks visit with ining th a t the people o f. Ashland Ions of mash was destroyed during! f otu d pnts and ntb PrC! interested 1 lad y’s w ritin g desk were trying to kill him. His present the same period. Stills seized t o - 7 sluaenrs ana otner8 Shose who talked with her as one her sister, Mrs»! Ellis Evans. 1 china closet religious hallucination is a recent I tailed 531. while 1050 arrests were ! o f th e most widely traveled a^id CICje rs to Medford tomorrow in a spe- Lot o f w all pictures. We renovate old suits. Paulser- 'phase of his unbalanced m ental con- m ade. . , ... L est informed ladies who has ever x . . ' cial car. which has a capacity of Sale Starts at 1 2 :3 0 SI uà’s. 63tf j dition. His health is poor and since visited our city. That moonshine „ not confined to , nearly hal( a bunl, . ed people Term s Cash i last spring he has been taking treat- the mountain fastnesses Is indicated The Ashland ,s as ALLEN O. HESS All wool suits for 120 at Paulser- O rres remodels garm ents. 69tf of a local a , . . I . m t v ents west, x physician. .Ibout - X ‘ i K aaaw a'la county. left end, Allen Brown; left tackle, A u ction eei ud’s. SStf 'S .a weeks ago he sang a solo a t the ; In which is located the seat of the Taylor; ,e„ guard. Harry Hill: cen- H e r e from K l.unath F alls__ ____ Y. M. C. A boys conference In this « a te government, topped the list o t , te r. Dale Y . rl rt H ar. A u ctioneer’s Note « OAnritmo i «1 4-V« ~ __ r r?«« city. Rex La P rarie and Robert R. Gor- Musical Pageant— counties ir. the num ber of stills con-j lan McWilliams; right tackle, Allen Any person having livestock, fa) d o n came over from K lam ath x-cxxxi, Falls j Tbe ------------ missionary society the a x w total of 216. a Ar- , x...w xx.v^ v of *x vx xxs | Edti Rasor, an o th er son of Mr. fiscated, -ww», with —xvxx < k u ul t - a tv-v* * *i "Pit r implements or furniture, shot Charleston and K anaw aha. „ U t 1 • 7* r y e ste rd a y and registered at Hotel Presbyterian church will give a m u s-' aad Mrs. Rasor, has for two years resds bring them to this asle as we A shland. deal pageant Sunday evening. The ' been studying vocal music in N ew ! county numbered 316, while 305,275 ^t ^ 7 , , '*•* ? ,, assured a large crowd pf g< ...x l'v York, n r v in <** preparation ______ _ , for ___ a career on -g o a o llo l i n t e s of ...... v ____ c estroyed . . and . ^ fullback, childhood, girlhood and m otherhood mash wered uI^ba^k ’ E arl Snyder, S° yd®r ’ left half, bal/ ’ A1 V buyers. «tatzo i 11S1 s a lin n e k ia im v i jUtliroy, Fight half, Charlie O rres cleans clothes clean. 69tf of of Christian Christian aari anti nnn-Phriiitian non-Christian lonHc lands thft tb ® conpprt concert stage 1151 gallons of m whiskey seized. Rush. will be represented in a series of ! ----------------------—— — ■ In one raid on George’s creek, M ailrond Meeting— ___ o for these ' Twenty-six _____ ■, tableaux. A _________ musical setting days until Christmas. about sjx miles from C harleston,,, F riday evening at the Moose hall !ivinS pictures will be furnished bv Make your appointm ent now Darl- state prohibition officers seized six -c ----------, , __ . . F. rw____ C^row ---------------------------------------------------- will acHresa a mass several selections sung by the choir ing Studio. 71-lm o c°PPer stills, some of which were ini m eeting of railroad men and the and otb ars played by Mrs J. R. operation. The following day, in publics about the railroad situation Robertson on a Victrola, Rose Bros, All persons intending to en ter any the same vicinity, three more were it affects these two classes. The in- ( stock ---—- for the w inter fair uiv are icqucat- request- captured. a. uv bavin£ - loaned ong < of — th — eir finest »I* leeting will be in charge of the io- 8trum ents and several appropriate ed to forw ard their entries to Elton April, with 150, leads the months will present the Four Act Comedy ___ _______«_ _ ...................................... a ___ X , _ _ , __ _ TV m , _ __ federation, who cordially invite records for the occasion. Miss Loeta Beeson. Talent, or J. H. Fuller, Ash­ in the num ber of arrests made, “ THE W ISE FOOL” interested, ladies especially, to ’ R°Sers will read a description of la n d E ntries m ust be in the hands while F ebruary takes first place in attend Vaudeville Between Acts the characters represented. Preced­ of the secretary by December 1, as the num ber of stills d estroyed—104. ing the tableaux the Guild will pre- ample time will be necessary for the The largest am ount of whiskey was Admission: Special sale H oefler’s Faraous sent, “The Clinic of a Missionary construction of sheds and pens to seized in March, when 3,839 gallons Adults, 45c, war tax 5c. Children, 13c, wa rtax 2 Chocolates. $1.00 value for 60c a Specialist. All those who are to house the show. Livestock Commit- were confiscated, the largest quan­ pound Watch our window. R o s e 'ta k e part in the tableaux are noti- !*ee. by Elton Beeson, Supt. tity of any of the nine months. 1 B ros. 70tf fied to meet a t the church for re­ hearsal Friday evening promptly at Bubble Books for children a t Rose Speaks ati Medford— 7 o'clock. Bros. 70tf R ev. C. F. Koehler, -pastor of the P resbyterian church, spoke at a well Save $5 to $20 at Orres $1.00 P ro­ Let me take your m easure. I a tte n d ed forum luncheon of the fit Christm as Sale. 69tf ' i suarantee to fit and satisfy you at M edtord cham ber of commerce, at the lowest price. John Maly, the th e Hotel Holland in th a t city today. Tailor Ashland Shoe Shine P arlo r now __ «— open. On F irst street, back of the T he Independent Stage Line ru n ­ Beaver building. • 68.4 n in g between Ashland and Medford Le?tu!‘er Yisiti Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Paget, of P o rt­ w ill discontinue operations until Cliff Payne makes skirt boxes. la n in Ash- S a ta rd a y , November 26, a t which . , d , are visiting . - relatives ----------- ------ — tim e they will have better cars and ‘and tbis week> and W>11 spend the P o rtraits th a t please. Darling ¡ Independent TbanksSiving holiday here. g iv e better service. Studio. 71-lm o S tage Line. 70-2 Paget is a noted traveler and lec-1 STARRING ______ tu re r and is one of the m anagers of M oving to Dunsmuir-— B irth d ay Party E n tertain m en t __ ' tbe Allison-W hite Chautauqua sys- ^M rs. Mamie Patterson and family Members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary ^em’ ^ e has ju st returned from Eu- u re moving to Dunsmuir, Calif., this Cast includes o t Trainm en were entertained y e s-' rope wbere be met many of the dis- week. te rd a y evening at the home of Mrs. ’ t ’n®u^sbed statesmen, of European MADGE BELLAMY R alp h Hall, 940 B street, w ith a nationa- The inform ation he gath- TOO LATE TO CLASSIF Y b irth d ay party in honor of Mrs. B. ered wbil© away will later appear LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN— A NOAH BEERY K ellogg. The rooms were pleasantly in seria^ form in the P ortland News black and white Shepard puppy. decorated in red and white. Those Mr' P aSe t’3 subjects on which he R eturn to 55 Strawbenry Lane and receive reward. 71-1* p resen t were: Mrs. Hocksey, o f 1 lectures are: “ The disadvantages of From the novel Also D unsm uir, Calif., and president of }ying’” “ Tbe c-vcle of tb e ages,” and APPLES— You will like ’em. A 50 CONJUROR’S HOUSE t b e lodge, Mrs. H attie Smith, Mrs. ' The movement of the sta rs.” lb. box, $1.00 delivered. Phone • by 9-F11 ] R alph Dockery, Mrs. Tony Franko, ---------- Mr3 Fred Hitchcock, Mrs. B. Sher-! T° THE PUBLIC STEWART EDWARD W HITE FOR RENT— Furnished front room. man, Mrs. Charlie R enard, and Mrs. i W hat would you have to pay,~be- Greatest Comedian 344 East Main. 71-3 Pieturized in the actual life of fta lp h Hall. , tween Ashland and Medford, if there the Land of the Midnight Sun --------- - were no opposition? It seems as FOR SALE— 100 quarts ol fru it; some quart and half gallon jars. m ake our own candies, ice though the cut in Jprices ¿on th e Call at 549 East Main St. 71-2* c re a m and tam ales Enders C o n -; Lewis stage line was to help the -ectionery 62tf Public it would have been done be- WANTED— Large drum for 3-foot box stove. W rite or phone The ---------- fore opposition was started. The In- Post, Jacksonville, Or. 71-3 * * * dependent Jitney line between Med- NOTIOE— ELK S DANCE <8> ford and Ashland has but one price FOR S j I L E — Good cull apples. 40 cents a box. 231 Mechanic St. for today, tom orrow a n d always. Come and get ’em. 71-3* ♦ November 24. Thursday. $>'W e give first class service and are THURSDAY NO ADVANCE IN PRICE Elks and ladies only. 70-2 ' here to help the public. Independent WANTED— Tho best bicycle $20.00 will buy. Call at S tu d o Ashland. FRIDAY Adults 35c; Children 10c, including war tax TMC THEATER K A U T T O •* • Auto Stage Line. By Grace Hall. 1 71-3 Large Seizures Bootleg Liquor Made In W. Va. Tonight - ASHLAND ARMOR Taylor Players SPECIAL THANKGIVING Attraction! Big Double Bill JACK HOLT BUSIES KEATON “ The Playhouse” W Leaving Tonight “The Scuttlers” Starring I L L I A M 3E* A . JEL N T U