PA G B FOUR THE ASHLAND DATLY TIDINGS MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL V A U T a r \ o e , kid * via soiwg T o G E T O U T TWE”OU> B o a t " -> BETCWER U F E ' A U T O E\OES V=» KAN By Charles Sughroc * JJt’esíéfñ L' tuoh BUT TUVS 1BWT TUM WHO OF A ” BOAT ” OW,UiELL KiOUi'. \F NOO McAki A R E S V M f B O M B O A T -— W ednesday, Novem ber 23, 1921 H on’ W o u ld H e Get Down if Something Happened? ' ViWN, KiUTVMU' o o \u '\ t e A u r SUMA A 1 S troke '. NOO OOKîT GÇX ME- t XAHAU A t t AEROPLANE MOSIRA UOSkBA , NOO LEAVE ME BE »WOUP. | \ C A U T^V N A FLAP o I F A V O R IT E /> ^ x x ’ D IS H 1. Ì i wide and sometimes narrow . But I try as they would they could not 1 -get the trailin g sk irts in style to stay again. Women once freed of 1 an encum brance like th a t will never j revert to it again of her own free ; Will. Skirts G e| Shorter “ It was only in recent years th a t 1 the movement got out of hand en- , tirely, and w’ith leaps and bounds the sk irts began to go up, up, up, and th e re ’s no knowing w here they will stop. I th in k the word "m od­ By LEO T. HEATLEY esty” should be elim inated from the (I. N. S. Staff C orrespondent) dictionary as useless and meaning NEW YORK, Nov 23.— The sec­ nothing to the girl or woman of to­ re t is out: Short skirts are a re­ day. I am positive th a t short skirts form movement! are here to stay. I only hope, in But the original reform ers now th e interests of decency, th a t we declare their idea was carried too ^•can come to a compromise on the far. 'length which will at least partially The tw enty-fith anniversary of cover the exposures now in vogue.” the Rainy Day club was celebrated And in the m eantim e the latest here today, and it was disclosed th a t "fashion edict from Paris is th a t the club was organized in the nine­ short* sk irts will be worn no longer. ties to do away with the long, tra il­ That is to say, th at, while rem ain­ ing dresses worn by women on the ing relatively short, the short skirt theory th a t they were unsanitary. will be no longer be worn, or at Five or six business women wanted : least— well, anyway------ ! to abolish the fashion of sweeping th e streets and dumping the dust on the parlor rugs at home. And so the short-skirt movement was born. Mrs. A. M. Palm er, president of the club for the last tw enty-four PaulserucFs Suits will hear com­ years, said the little group of serious th in k ers decided to w > ear skirts four parisons in price, quality and fit.63tf ■ inches above the ground. "W here- Expert Piano Instruction. Phone ever we appeared we were jeered S. Mitchell. at and hooted,” she said. “Men would make sly rem arks upon our 2. Medicated a ir is the only tre a t­ appearance; women in carriages m ent for catarrh . B reathe Hyomei looked scornfully down on us and and obtain im m ediate relief. At Mc­ drew their own draped, trailing Nair Èros. Money back if it fails. sk irts more closely about them. We were looked upon as freaks. When Four poultry m eetings for Jack- we entered the tenem ent districts on son county to be conducted by H. charitable missions we were stoned E. Crosby, of the Oregon A gricultur­ by small boys. It was a dangerous al college, poultry extension special­ and hum iliating experience. Soon ist, at the dem onstration farms, we had new members and a new club have been announced a t the county room. ag en t’s office. These meetings are the new enterprise. ‘ It is the expectation of the back- <» fs of the new project th a t the' pop­ ularity of the Bible will become more universal through the depiction in films of some of the many great stories th a t it contains,” said Mr. Vroom. “ At first two Biblical sub­ jects wiil be lim ited to two reels, but iate.r longer films will be made. There are 175,000 churches of all denom inations in the United States, and if only a comparatively small fraction of them exhibit films to th eir congregations it can be seen w hat a stupendous m oral appeal can be made to the American public. “ It is the intention of the new increase« as a resu lt 01 th e p roduc-. company to make th eir subjects tlon of Biblical photoplays by a strictly undenom inational, so th at company soon to be formed here, i they can be shown in any church Frederic Vroom, form er Shakes- > w ithout objections from any mem- pearian player, and for the last eight ber. No expense will be spared in years a photoplay actor, with more m aking the films as attractive as than 300 appearances in presenta-^ possible. At the same tim e great tions of the largest concerns to h is r care will be exercised in m aking the credit, is to be director-general of productions conform to th e text of “ It will be a strict rule of "th“ company th a t everyone connected, 1 with it |n any way m ust be a Chris­ tian of ‘good character. This wiil I apply also to the actors and every member of the producing staff. "W hat the film subjects will be ■ Agency of Oregon Fire Relief as expected to appeal prim arily to the aociation. Yeo, of course. 4 4-tl churches, they will also be available for presentatidn in such of the high­ Let Friend Wife sleep in the er class th eatres as desire to portray morning and go to the Hotel Ashland them. An investigation has shown grill and get one of those fine th a t many theatres will exhibit special CO cent breakfasts. Gltf them. “ It is my impression that the Bi­ ble films will do much to elevate the U nusual Fam ily P.ecora. motion picture industry as a whole. A man astonished a friend a few When producers find th a t these his­ days ago saying casually th a t one of torical narratives make a winning his sisters was buried a hundred years appeal to a larg? percentage of the a g o ! As his own age was sixty-five, public, they wiil change the tone of r!ie case needed an explanation, which the offerings they are now m aking.” he gave. The sister buried in 1S19 was Mr. Vroom wyon distinction with the first of a fam ily of 22 children, his appearances with Edwin Booth ami she d ie d 'in early infs.tjcy. The m an was the youngest m em ber of the and Lawrence B arrett from 188G to fam ily and was born In 1854. 85 years 1891. He ¡became affiliated with '•T er bis sister.—Loudon Chronicle. 5353232348484853534831232389482353 530000010001010001000002100600000511021011080201000207030605100002020001000202000108100609050001020223484853534848532323485353234853234823285348535323 Local and Personal 234853535348232323534848535323535348232348234853535323532353304853234823534848534890 M odistes Take Up Idea “ I can't say ju st when the mod­ istes started taking up the idea we had launched, but it was about two years after we had begun wearing sh o rter skirts. Finally society women, who had looked askance from their carriages, came down to th e ground anti saw first-hand what our movement was doing; a few of them copied our style, and then the modistes got busy. . “ We had m arshalled' statistics proving th a t the sweeping sk irts worn by the women carried germs in to the home. “ We were contented w ith the s k irt which ju st cleared the ground four inches. That m eant com­ fo rt and freedom for us. But when th e modistes got busy it was differ­ ent. F irst came the six-inches-from the-ground sk irt Then they grew longer again. Some years they were November 29 at 10 o’clock a. m , Theodore Glass’ homo at Beagle; 2 o clock p. m., Thomas G allagher’s borne at Rogue River. November 30, at 10 o’clock a. m., J. W. B irkholz’s home at Willow Springs; 2 o’clock p. m., Carl Goet- che’s homo at Ashland. CARLOAD SH IPM ENT OF Fencing from E astern m ills ju st in. Con' siderable drop in prices on sam e GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on im plements and re p a irs .. New and used sewing machines for sale or to ren t........ of the Daily Tidings will be issued Saturday, December 3. It will contain between thirty and forty pages, and carry a Peil's Corner cover printed in three colors. 519077 It will be the largest Christmas edition ever printed in Ashland, both in point of number of pages, circulation and general appearance. It will be well printed and will be dis- tributed over the entire countv. We hope to* have one or two sections featuring the Winter Fair, and will devote much of the space to boosting that enterprise. Busy Corner Motor Co. Main at Riverside MEDFORD, OREGON Out of Town Mail Orders Promptly Shipped