W ed n esd ay, N ovem ber 33, 1 9 9 f ASHLAND DAILY TTDCNOS MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL UOORAtf'. WERE eOMEG 'TU' BOSS K1VYH OUR OLE HOME TOUiM PAPBO .l PAGE SKVtfT By Charles Sughroe ee» ¿MidPleasures and Palaces-" ® W o r n N m p v e r U n in v e r s B6B KIUATS HAffPEMCOSlUeE I LEFT J " UtKA OOUK WAS SUÊRVOAU BOUGwr A tt£\M F U W € Ä - GALÊW AW R OPEWS VUEOWESOAMw CMARXÊM ÛHAPUU AT TU' PARKS THEATER THORSDAM XUGWTw TH' GibCKTOU OWAOXÄOQUA OPEMS TÒMIGHT- MEXT V4EEK VS YU' VJARREU FA\Rw OLD SET tl ERS PVCUVC AT LANARK ’TU' TViÈUTVETH^. TU ' ÛA<2K BROOKS STOCK <50, TENT SHOW A L L kJÊKr WEEK® HARVEST HOME Pv€MV$ AT*AVOM, ÛARUVVAU AT FREEPORT, MONROE FAVR.GEE, PAA AMSSWÍ _ r — ’S* R.M'fcNYWKUG'. SAME EFFEC T. WILLIAM R. STANSBURY Has ' your wife got back from SOLVES IDLE PROBLEM the W est yst? Italian Govern¿nent Puts Unem­ ployed Men to Work. No, I've had th e grip, that’s Why I look this way. A L L P R O M IS E D . He: Can’t you spare me a kiss? She: You’ll have to ask Fred. I ’ve promised them all to him. W . A. SH ELL B A R B E R C hildren's W ork A Specialty Safety blades resharpened william R. Stansbury has been ap- like new. Single bit. 30c pointed clerk of the Supreme court of doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. the United States, succeeding James D. Maher. Many of us do not %et out of our hard work what we should, simply because our income is frittered away on trifles. * But if you have an ac­ count at the F irst Na­ tional, and are accum­ ulating capital, you’ll be able to take advan­ tage of opportunities th at offer. If you have not learned to deny yourself in the present for some­ thing worth while in the future, you will stay in a ru t forever. F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK c/Zr real economy to use Pearl Oil in your oil heater i • There is no wasted heat when your heater is filled with clean-burning Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match this high-quality kerosene makes the heater deliver comfortable warmth at little cost. And it’s most conve­ nient to use — no ashes to bother with — no coaxing to make it bum. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by the special process developed by the experience and resources of the Standard Oil Com­ pany. PEARL OIL KEROSENE HEAT AND LIGHT FLORIDA TIDINGS READERS KEEP ASHLAND INTEREST B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. (Continued from Page Two) sufficient to stir the emotions of DR. LINCOLN KALLEN every American. It was a solemn X-RAY DIAGNOSIS Development of N atural Resources of occasion and m ust have exerted a the Country Under Comprehensive powerful influence for good on all DR. JARVIS SANITARIUM Plan Gives W ork to Many who witnessed the ceremonies. I Hundreds of Idle. sincerely hope the representatives of 1 to 4 p. m.—Phone 126 foreign governm ents who are here Rome.—The Italian government is to attend the disarm am ent confer­ MEDFQRD: SACRED HEART HOSPITAL meeting its problem of unemployment by setting the idle men to work to de­ ence will feel th a t good influence 8 to 12 a. ni.—Phone 714 velop to the utmost the natural re­ and be willing to meet this govern­ m ent more than half way in its ef­ sources of the country. The sum of 700,000,000 lire, equiva­ fort to bring about better conditions WANJÊD. PHYSICIANS? lent to about $28.000,000, has been ' in the world. History of an intense- devoted to public works and about i ly interesting character is being WANTED— To rent a four room DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice another 100,000.000 lire ($4,000.000), 1 made at W ashington and it is my I furnished house, not on hill. H. lim ited to eye, ear, nose and W. Vogt, general delivery, Ash­ has been assigned to land reclamation. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and land. 70-3* 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ Funds for these enterprises are ob­ belief th a t g ieat good will come from this meeting. land, Ore. 73-tf tained from banks. W e try to Reap in touch with ATTENTION — Would you trade Another 150,000,000 lire, about $6.- your property for som ething here DR. J. EMMENS— Physician and 000,000, will be spent on improving the events at Ashland through the med­ or elsewhere? We would be i Surgeon. Practice limited to telegraph and telephone systems, and ium of the Tidings, and frequently pleased to try and m atch you We eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses in addition, the government has see items about people th a t we also sell if prices are r ig h t.1 supplied. Oculist and au rist for authorized the laying of a submarine • know, and I will frankly adm it that Yockey & Co., Realtors. Phone S. P. R. R. Offices, M. Ê. and H. 146. ________________ 68-6 cable so as to obtain direct communica­ Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. j it gives us a longing to return. tion with Spain, Greece, Brazil, FOR R EAL? Uruguay and Argentina, thus render­ There are no b etter folks anywhere DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special a t­ tention to m others and children. ing Italy independent of foreign cable an d the clim ate there is the best, FOR RENT— Comfortable sleeping Internal secretions and endocrine all around, th a t we have come in companies. rooms in private home. Hot and glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ The development of Italy’s water­ contact with. Our experience in cold water. 155 Fifth street near neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ power Is proceeding rapidly. Before F V irginia was not exactly a happy- B. 70-3» fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 the war she obtained about 935.000 one, as both of us were worn out, p. m. FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com­ horsepower from that source. Since and a change from th ere became pletely furnished; close m; price then the total horse-power has been reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- DR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon Increased to 1,750,000. To make this imperative. U nfortunately C harlotte — Eye, ear, nose and throat spec­ dine. Phone 122. 38-tf possible, fifty-nine reservoirs and arti­ had a severe attack of double pneu­ ialist; glasses fitted. Office. 402 ficial lakes have been constructed. monia last w inter while we were in Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. Another important Industrial proj­ Ohio, and I feared for her to rem ain m. to 5 p. m. Resilience, Pio­ ect is the reclamation of the Pontine there during the approaching win­ FOR SALE— lo acres two miles out. neer Ave., Ashland, morning and $750 down, balance easy term s at evenings. Phone 28. marshes, which cover about 150,000 ter, as every one expects it to be a 6 per cent. House, barn, chickeni acres between Rome and Naples. This house, woodshed, well, good CHIROPRACTORS. land heretofore has been submerged severe one. Therefore we came to fences, all in cultivation, about 5 , Florida and plan to rem ain here this for five months eacii year by torrents acres alfalfa. Price $2000. Mason ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. which poured down from the neighbor­ ; w inter at least. If the clim ate agrees and Manning, Talent, Or. 55-tfl E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ ing mountains and, stagnating on the ' with us we shall probably remain trical Treatm ents, Mineral and FOR SALE. land, converted that area into a dan­ perm anently. I believe you folks Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst N ational gerous fever trap. spent some time in this state, did FOR SALE— 1917 modal Dodge Bank Building, Phone 48. The company organized with a you not? touring car. Good condition. capital of 50,000.000 lire to reclaim ATTORNEYS. Cali 326 North Main. 70-4* We regret to note the possibility this section has been* in operation about one year and has reclaimed of the C hautauqua being abandoned FOR SALE— Nice fat ducks. 922 i L. A. ROBERTS— At torney-at-Law. Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank Boulevard, phone 457-R. 70-2 about 7,750 acres and made them into next year. I tru st th a t may not oc­ Bldg. fertile wheat lands or farms for grow­ cur as it was always worth while ---------- ------- --------- .---- — -I. - —j FOR SALE— Three burner gasoline! ing tomatoes. TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. and m ust have a ttra c te d a good stove. 267 8th St. 69-3 many people to Ashland I earnestly SALE— Turkeys, nice big ones. FOR prompt and careful service, luope it will be continued an d grow FOR auto trucks or horse drays, call SPEECH RESTORED AT TRIAL Phon« 13F4. 69-Í W hittle Transfer Co. Phone 111. more interesting each year. Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Dumb fo r Five Months A fte r In ju ry The state fair opened here yester­ »APPLE CIDER— Made fresh every Ashland. 56tf day Order now for th a t Thanks­ in Tugboat Crash, Skipper An­ day. V e plan to go tomorrow a fte r­ giving dinner. 40 cents gallon, swers Court’s Question. noon. It looks odd to us “ Yankees” two 75 cents. Yes, we deliver. T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ FER — Good team and motor­ to see people m aking garden now at Phone 9 -F -ll. Rutherford, N. J.—“Riglit here,” trucks. Good service at a reason­ said Waiter Boas, skipper of the barge the beginning of winter. Many va­ FOR SALE— Overland “F o u r” ; first able price. Phone 83 Danaga, when asked by Judge Fake rieties of new vegetables are in the class condition, run only 4000 miiee. Extras. H. W. Hoyt, gen­ R E PA IR WORK. to point out on a model of his boat m arke; now. eral delivery, Ashland. 68-5* just where be was standing when a Please rem em ber me to Mrs. Glenn FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and Lehigh Valley tug hit it. and the Simpson family. FOR SALE— Good dry body wood, repairing; m attresses made over. Mrs. Boas fell in a faint. Court pro­ $3 por tier. W A. Conner, Glen Sincerely yours, Douglas, 253 F ourth St. Phone ceedings came to a stop. Every one View Drive. 62-lm o 63-R. 52tf G. W. KENNARD. stared in amazement at the barge skip­ FOR SALE— Wood, m anzanita, oak FURNITURE and household goods per. Since May 9. when his barge was and fir. Phone 479J. 48tf in the collision, he has been speech­ N otice of D istrict Road M eeting. carefully packed and crated, ten less because of an injury to his spine years experience in Rogue River PLUMBING Road D istrict No. 1, J a k s o n which for weeks deprived him also of valley. Douglas, 253 F ourth St. County, Oregon, Phone 63-R. 52tf the use of his limbs. The words he ut­ PHONE your next job of plumbing tered in reply to the court’s question to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building. FEATHER MATTRESSES made were the first he had spoken in more Phone 138 from your old feather bed. Fea­ Notice is hereby given th a t fin than five months. thers cleaned and renovated. CAR WASHING All the preceding questions put to pursuance of a petition duly and leg­ Douglas, 253 F ourth St. Phone ally signed by more than three free him in the course of his suit against EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- 52tf 63-R. holders and legal voters residing in the Lehigh Valley railroad had been ing. Lithla Garage, phone 114 answered in writing. Dr. Howard Road District No. 1, Jackson Coun­ FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD or ex­ Cooper, his physician, is of the opin­ ty, Oregon, and duly and legally changed for upholstery work. presented to the County Court of ion that Boas’s vocal power had been Jackson County, Oregon, a district Douglas, 253 F ourth S t Phone 63-R. 52tf returning gradually and in the excite­ road m eeting of the legal voters of ment of seeing the mode! boats at the said district No. l will be held at EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- point of collision the restoration be­ Belleview school house, in Jackson I sonable prices. Lithia Garage. came complete. County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1921, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m., on said day for the purpose of levying a special road tax not to exceed ten mills on the dollar on all taxable property within sait? road district for the special im­ H i t T> o n ’ take L O N Ó provement of the roads in said roat? . H IP " district, and for any other purpose FUH A ♦ " f C O N Y O' which may seem proper to come be­ S H O U LD E R t * TURN fore said meeting. R enshaw Barn burned a t T alent Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, r a " k n o t * O N Y O ’ this 9th day of November, 1921 Reported N ovem ber 15th, 1921, H A lh î G. A. GARDNER, County Judge. w ith ev ery M ason-Cord as total loss. PA ID IN FU LL JAMES OWENS, a t L eedom ’s T ire County Commissioner. VICTOR BURSELL, ’ H o sp ital TW ENTY-SIX HOURS LATER! County Commissioner. 5 9-3-wed HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS FIRE! FIRE! Tyre JQik:* Free Tube by the B illin g s A gency. You can get it in bulk from dealers everywhere. Order by name —Pearl Oil. C. B. L A M K I N STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) BARGAINS US Real Estate City and Ranch Properties H ouses to Rent. CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING $ 1 .0 0 P r o f i t Christmas Safe at Orres T ailo r Shop now on. Don’t Miss It. Lot us tell you how little good insurance o f ANY kind w ill cost. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main S t