-4 = -= = = -- M alaria germs cannot " survive three months in th i rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic w ater helps. Ashland clim ate, w ith­ out the aid of medi­ cine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 3 «Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, VoL 43)^ ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1921 No. 71 STORM FLOODS WANE IN NORTH FIGURE DAMAGE CONFERENCE DODGES ISSUE RAISED BY DRIVE OF LAND ARMIES LIMITATION Killed Anti-Beer TAYLOR PLAYERS Eleven 100 Wounded B ill Signed PLEASE ASHLAND Belfast Riots By Harding THEATRE GOERS W ith the conclusion of the Red ¡Cross roll call today, after an elev­ en day campaign, $966.92 in sub­ scriptions from the Ashland district was reported this noon by Mrs. Emil Peil, director of the drive. Although ■ complete reports from committee captains of outlying d istricts are still lacking, Ashland is still short of reaching its quota which was low­ ered from $1500 to $1200 a few days ago. Mrs. Peil believes th at The Taylor Players, now appear­ subscriptions not yet totalled will ing a t the Armory have made a de­ increase the am ount to more than cided hit, not only with local th eater $1000. H illah Temple subscribed $25 . j goers, but with many who seldom The following report of the com -' attend shoW8 of aQy klnd- the ex* PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 23.— Re­ ports received here today indicated th a t the floods which have been raging in sections of the Pacific Northwest for the past three days, are on the wane. Much of the low- lying country is under w ater, how­ BELFAST, Ireland, Nov. 23.— WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 23.— ever, and the damage, it is esti­ Eleven persons were killed in the President H arding today signed the mated, will am ount to millions of rioting th a t occurred here yesterday, anti-beer bill, preventing the sale the police announced today. H un­ of beer for medicinal purposes. It WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 23.— dollars. dreds were wounded, many probably will Immediately check operations of The disarm am ent conference will The full extent of the dam age fatally. Several hundred were h u rt! breweries which have been making completely sidestep any actual a t­ done by the snow and sleet storm s by flying stones anti mob violence, fbeer to be used as medicine under tem pt to lim it or reduce the size of in Oregon and W ashington will The rioting was resum ed today after > the regulation of the treasury de- arm ies, it was stated today. probably never be known. The high­ a brief period of quiet. Apartment recently issued. This became virtually assured way pavements in both states are m ittee captains was subm itted by planation being found in the clean, when it was announced th a t Prem ier undermined. Bridges and dike« Mrs. Peil: j high-grade acting, and the excellent Briand will sail for F’rance Friday. have been washed out by the swol­ Mrs. V. V. Mills, captain: E dna, singing between curtains. R. E. He will be accompanied by General len rivers and stream s which have I Taylor, the sta r perform er, has one C. Forsythe. Buat, chief of the general staff, and overflowed their banks and destroy­ Mrs. J. M. W agner, captain: R ev .' of the deepest, richest bass voices, j j most of the high m ilitary advisers ed farm crops. Telegraphic service according to local critics th a t has K oehler, Mrs F. D. W agner. i of the French delegation here. This 'in many sections is still demoralized Mrs. J. H. Provost, captain: Mrs. ever been heard in Ashland. The I statem ent was taken to mean th at and it will be some time before the C hattin, J. G. Wiley, M. B. True. t dram as are full of life, action and /P rem ier Briand had been assured at real story can be told. Community House: Miss G race?hum or, being mostly of the heart - i the conference th a t any plans to Although tem porarily demoralized C ham berlain, Miss Palm er, Mrs. W. gripping, funnybone-hickling type, J compel drastic reduction of the by the silver thaw yesterday, the G. Curry. * of which Way Down E ast is perhaps world’s arm ed land forces will be P o rtlan d w ater system is again in Mrs. T. J. Coffman, captain: Rev. th e best known example. 1 laid on the shelf. commission. P. K. Hammond, Mrs. P. K Ham- T onight’s play deals with small I WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov 23.— Delayed dispatches from Hood mond, Mrs. G. Carey, O. F. C arson,1,tow n stuff, such as is pictured in Union Thanksgiving services will terian, Baptist, Congregational, and Mrs. C. V. Carey, Mrs. G. H. Hed- -Main Street, the popular book of be held tomorrow morning a t the C hristian churches have for many | That the United States has repect- River and The Dalles stated th a t berg, G. H. Hedberg. today. Friday night th a t popular B aptist church at 10:30 o’clock. years held union services on T h an k s-' ed proposals from foreign delegates many buildings in those regions had B ertha L. Denton, captain: Mrs. classic, Lena Rivers, will be im per­ Rev. W. Judson Oldfield will de- J giving day, being joined by some o f • t0 the disarm am ent conference, Collapsed under the weight of the Caroline Olsen, Mrs. J. M Ross, sonated by the Taylors, whose suc- er the sermon. j the sm aller churches at various made th®t a separate conference be Jsnow. Fifty inches arei reported Mrs. Clara Borah, H arry Borah, Mrs. ’cess refutes the claim th at public Thp service will be in charge of hrnes- The Nazarene m inister held here to discuss world disarma- at The Dalles, and five feet at Hood Anna McCarthy, W. M. Denton, Mrs. i patronizes only immoral, indecent Rev. C. F* Koehler, assisted by 8 Rev. preached th e sermon last year and ment m atters, was officially s ta te d 1 River. Drifts near Hood River are '.said to be fifty feet high. W. M. Denton, John H arlig Denton shows. The Taylors played two W alter Evans, Mrs. Josephine Cham- the B rethren pastor ig expected to today. e Relief trains reached the two Jr., W illiam Nixon Denton Jr., Mrs.\ weeks in G rants Pass to ever-in- deliver the addrerss next year, the the participating powers made pie, and Rev. Smith. Music will Mary Macomber, Mrs. J. McCollis- ‘ creasing audiences, the house being b r ’fu raish ed ’ b y T h e Presbyterian congregations of both these church- [ the suggestion, th a t this should be an stalled S. P. & S. passenger trains te r, Homer B illin g , Mrs. Homer I packed to capacity the final night. choir, led by Mrs. J. H. Fuller. M rt. es and perhaPs others uniting in t U ec_onf mic conference, but the I nit- n e ar Cooks, Wash. The passengers Billings. Mrs. G. F. Billings, H ild a ' They have decided to extend th e ir- f J S. Parson, accompanist. The choir' services this year. The members of ec^ States holds th a t the prim ary ¡diad not seriously suffered. Tracks Hanson. J stay here from one week to ten • will 8ing an anthem , “ A Song of the m inisterial association, which is Pu rP°se oi the present conference is "near Stevenson, however, are under Mrs. F H. Johnson, captain: Mrs. ? days. I t Thanksgiving,” and there will be ¡composed of the pastors of t h e i the lim itation oi arm am ents, and i w ater, due to the m elting snow, so | (it will be several days before trains F ran k Black, W. W. Robison. above named churches, take tu rn s i d®s' r®® to settle this m atter first a vocal solo by Carl Loveland. Mrs. E. H. Bush, captain: A. G. THANKSGIVING TO BE in preaching the Thanksgiving ser- WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 23.— • can be operated. A collection will be received, p a r t; Knapp, Mrs. E. H. Bush, E. H. Bush. HOME AFFAIR; NO ISSUE mon. * 1 Action by the W ashington confer- OP TIDINGS TOMORROW ° f which Wl11 g0 to the near east Mrs. R. C. Bailey, Mrs. Ivan Apple- -------- - f ence in m atters of land arm am ent MEDFORD OFFICE ' relief fund, and the rem ainder to be gate, Drs. D. Perozzi, A L. Lamb. OPENED BY GAS The F irst Church of Christ, Sci- * be confined to m aking regula- Mrs. Emma Oeder, Mrs. Percy Chee- <$> Thanksgiving day in Ashland <$> used by the m inisterial association entist, will hold Thanksgiving serv- i tions to govern gas, airplanes, bombs CO. IN MEDFORD ver. <§> will be celebrated in the homes /fo r local relief work. ices at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. ’ and sim ilar weapons of modern war- It was the original intention to Mrs. H. R. Reynolds, captain: tomorrow and by appropriate <$> -------------- i fare, and will not be directed to- MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 23.— Thom­ hold the services in the Presbyter- A. H. Davenhill, Mrs. A. H. Daven- <3> services in the local churches. <$> Rev. P. K. Hammond will conduct t ward the lim iting or reduction in as D. Petch, vice president and gen­ hill, Jam es Lennox, Mrs. Jam es Len- Special dinners will be served <$>*^an church, but a change was made services a t the Episcopal church to - r size present armies. This was eral m anager of the Oregon GaA nox, Wm. Van Dyke, Mrs. John Far- <$> at all cafes and the Hotel Ash- <$>’. because of the kalsom ining w ork morrow m orning at 10:30 o’clock, j decided at today’s secret session of and Electric company, has taken ov­ mer, D. E. Patterson, Mrs. D. E P a t­ land. Banks will be closed and <3> now in Progress on the Presbyterian preaching a sermon on "Thanksgiv- the delegates of world powers, er the old location of th a t firm, com­ terson, J. R. McCrekcnBRtOnuuMD the post office will observe a <§> I cdurch building. ln g .” The offering will be used for p letely rehabilitated the office and I FIRST EASTERN MAIL The M ethodist, Episcopal, Presby- charitable purposes. terson, J. R. McCracken, Mrs. L. H. '•<$ complete holiday except - th a t ARRIVES HERE TODAY opened it for business. The new G allatin, Geo. W. I^ichols, H. R. mail will be distributed to the <$ firm , which will probably be known R eachert, Mr. Garl, Mrs. C. W. Glas­ lock boxes. Conforming with <$> as the Southern Oregon Gas com­ Train 13 arriving at 12:20 gow, Robert W agner, F rank Craig. past custom, the Tidings will <$> •$> o’clock this afternoon, brought pany, contem plates an extensive pro­ Mrs Fred Neil, captain: Mrs. W. < j > not publish tomorrow. <$ < $> the first eastern mail to Ash- gram in this section. A fine quality R. Clapp, Mrs. E. S. Shaw, Mrs. Cor­ of gas has been produced in thia land since Saturday night. The nelia K irkpatrick, Mrs. F. G. Swed- $> quantity was equivalent to the 3> city, and Mr. Petch plans to couple enburg, Fred R. Neil, Clara M. Neil, It is w asteful folly to build good A this with high class service in es- <«> am ount usually carried in two E thel Chappie. roads and then to leave them to the < * > trains. It will be delivered by tablishing here. the carriers this afternoon. All Dill, E. H. McFarlen. m aintenance. Oregon counties should ¡Tidings: This communication is service is one of the features of the <& mail from the east has been Rose B rothers: W *R. Yockey, not be shortsighted in this. It pays ’given to call the attention of the new headquarters of the Southern .< $ > delayed by the railroad tieup Miss E. Yockey, Mr. Jacobs. to keep a good road in good repair, public th a t Ashland is less than ten <$> resulting from the storm s of <$>! Oregon Gas compauy, and a com- I miles on an air line, from the L ittle M p 'W the past thir0e days in the~ | Plete line of latent model gas stoves 38 Applegate river, which we are cred- northern part of the state. now displayed in the show ' itably informed has a volume of wa- rooms. —. -.'.(Y# " :*: -A.l ! te r five times as large as A shland ¿IT? creek, having an abundance of fall. >«• ; On said river an electric plant could be built with a capacity to generate '.electric juice many, many tim es th a t which wo get out of the plant on Ashland creek. W hile we are look­ It is my opinion th a t the city W alter Rasor is at the local police w arning to the people, who ran ing up propositions for the future of Ashland is now engaged in the station, aw aiting Sheriff Charles 'away in fright, th a t the Lord was | development of Ashland, would it most beneficial enterprise she haa T errill, who was notified this morn- j coming, and pointing upward to ver- hot be a wise idea to look up or in­ tackled for many a day— a big ing by Chief of Police H atcher to jify his announcement, quire into the advisability of lo c at-! tourist hotel proposition There take jo u n g Rasor to Jacksonville,! Policeman W ertz was notified by ing a municipal plant on said river should be no m istake made in this ' SALEM, Or., Nov. 23.— Jam e s' held in November of next year. a charge of insanity having been f frightened bystanders and at once and .getting an abundance of elec- ! Stew art, ex-member of the órego> Under Mr. Stew art’s pt The enterprise Filed by the la tte r’s father, J s - started in pursuit, overtaking t h e ! tricity for Gght, heat and power, I undertaking^ legislature and an ardent advocate j money for fu tiré /Of, should be broadened out so it wrill Rasor, at 9 o'clock today. demented youth betwen Second a n d ' thereby saving the expense of buying 'o f good roads, was in Salem con-’would be raised® The unfortunate youth left his Third streets, where he was cap- $800 per month from the outside? cover the use of our m ineral wa­ I ferring with state officials with rela- increased taxej home two miles east of town, where tured and taken to the police sta- When we could heat our houses anc) ters, either in conjunction with ! tion to raising an additional $10,- tíllate and the hotel or as a separate unit he has been living with his parents, tion w ithout trouble. He soon be- cook our food as cheaply with elec- under the same m anagement. A 1 000,000 for the construction of new rectly ag&lj earlv this morning, and was fol- > came rational and was taken home tr *city as we now do with wood or ' of the sta; th irty thousand dollar bonus, ' highways. lowed to town by his father, who by his father, who this morning de-1 coat w® would be much more civil- 1 In case a " special session of the 1 by state along with the free use of the took him to the Baptist church, cided th a t it was no longer safe to ized than we now a re - legislature is called for this w inter led v m ineral w aters for sanitarium w here Rev. Evans talked for a lo n g ’ perm it bis son to be at large, a n d ! Yours for progress, 'Mr. Stew art will ask Governor OI- impr purposes, will be a great enough tim e to the young man in the fo r-; th a t the la tte r could best be cared J - B- SAUNDERS, inducem ent to interest big capital ! cott to incorporate in his message to m er’s church study. | for at the state in3ane aaylum at g& ! -------------------------- ------- t h e body a recommendation for ad- in the enterprise. Rasor has lately suffered several lem, to which institution the boy is Nowhere on dry land are there 1 When the bonus committee gets ditional roacl money. The machinery insane spells, during which he im ag-, expected to be taken w ithin a few suck vast ^ a t plains as occur a t the the m atter whipped into practical ' necessary to put the levy in opere ined he was one of the prophets told day3. 'bottom of the oceans. The success, 1 tion could be shaped at the spec! of in the Old Testam ent, sent to '. W alter Rasor becama ,n>>|nc of the subm arine telegraphic cables shape, to cover the entire under­ ‘sessiou of the lawm akers, Mr. St . taking, every citizen should has­ w arn people to forsake their 8ina| last , , atten d in g high ” llae ln part ,0 ,lie ot ten to do his bit tow ard this great ’ a rt said, followed by the submiss and flee from the w rath to come 1 school at Salem and was a t th a t ----------------- •of a constitutional am endm ent ocean bottom. Steep slopes are rare Ashland undertaking. Y esterday afternoon he ran up the 'and it is in such places th a t breaks /m itting the tax to the voters < “ HAZ KIK. middle of Main street, shouting a (Continued on Page Eight) in the scale usually occur: ,/ätate at the general election PLAN SEPERAIE OBSERVANCE OF DAY Suggests A City Power Plant On Little Applegate Demented Youth Believes He Is Prophet; Main Street Crowds Startled; Is Taken By Police I James Stewart Ex-Member Stale Legislature Ha< Plan For $1,000,000 Road Fund